MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 693 Leiyin Dianguang

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   From Lichen's ribs, two translucent arms stretched out.

  There are patterns that flow like magma on the arm.

  At this time, in the palm of Qianshou, there was a thunderbolt flickering.

  No matter how the lightning around it beats.

  But the thunder in his hand never disappeared.

   Li Chen was also surprised when he saw this.

  When Huleiqin made the sound before, it once aroused him to surge.

   But then he pondered for a long time.

  It suddenly occurred to me that since the Eight Treasures of Muni were formed by the heart of the Buddha, it may have something to do with the inheritance of the Buddha.

   And Li Chen happened to have two wonderful methods passed down from the Buddha.

  'Thousand Hands' supernatural power is one of them.

  Before ancient times, the Buddha once preached in three thousand worlds.

   After coming to the blood sea world, eight of the races were subdued.

   is the later eight dragons.

  After these eight races converted to Buddhism, they devoted themselves to Buddhism and were bestowed by the Buddha with eight supernatural powers.

   Among them, 'Thousand Hands' is the supernatural power inherited by the Asura tribe.

  At this time, Li Chen summoned Thunder and Thousand Hands at the same time.

  But what he didn't expect was that Lei Ting would be grabbed by Qianshou directly.

   Li Chen immediately had a thought in his mind, and a thunderous light floated in front of his eyes.

   Several streams of true energy drilled into it.

  The next moment, a golden thunder spear appeared in his hand.

   "Sure enough!"

   A gleam of joy flashed in Lichen's eyes.

  Golden thunder, with electric lights flickering on the surface.

  The whole body is carved like a golden spirit jade, and you can feel a will to destroy just by approaching it.

   Li Chen's eyes moved, and the next moment, Qianshou suddenly opened his hands.

  The Thunder Spear in his hand disappeared instantly, followed by a huge roar.

  A boulder at the foot of Bukong Mountain has been turned into dust.

   There is still Lei Mang floating in place.

   Li Chen's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it: the thunder in the Hulei Qin was already terrifying enough, but he didn't expect that after it turned into a thunder spear, its power would increase by a few points, it was simply shocking.

  He pondered for a while, then raised his hand and plucked the strings again.

  Compared to the gentleness last time, this time Li Chen used brute force.


   There was an explosion, like an earthquake and thunder.

  Lei Guang swarmed out from the Hulei Qin.

  In an instant, Li Chen was covered by Lei Guang.

   And under his ribs, with a click, four arms stretched out.

  The four arms seem not to be afraid of thunder, and they are inserted into the vast light all at once.


  Four hands exerted strength at the same time, and actually tore open several openings in the lightning mask in front of him.

  The next moment, the golden light shone.

  The sky was full of thunder, and it disappeared instantly.

  Only Li Chen stood on the spot, with the four arms behind him each holding a Lightning Weapon.

  The thunderbolt suddenly appeared, and the thunderbolt hung in the air.

  At this moment, Li Chen is like a general in the sky.

  Even the surrounding air seemed to be evaporated by the thunder light released from his body.

   Far away in the Buddhist temple of Shasheng Temple.

  When the monks heard the sound of thunder, they thought it was some master who was crossing the catastrophe.

  But when they saw the direction clearly, they couldn't help being shocked.

"That is…"

   "Not empty mountain?"

   "Buddha son!"

  The next moment, I saw thunder and lightning flashing on Bukong Mountain, like a golden snake dancing wildly, and a thunder dragon came into the world.

   "I'm afraid the Buddha is about to comprehend some amazing knowledge again."

   As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise.

  A mountain in the distance shattered.

  When the group of monks saw this, they were all in awe.


   "It's good, it's good."

  Looking at the hills that had been turned into ruins, Li Chen was also taken aback.

   The power of this trick far exceeded my expectations.

  It seems that the two are born to fit together.

   "Is it possible that the eight treasures of Muni are related to the supernatural powers of Tianlong Babu?"

  It's a pity that Li Chen only knows one of the supernatural powers.

  But although he has no other supernatural powers, he still has a kind of magical power passed down from the Buddha.

   "Hundred Eight Worry Prayers".

  【One hundred and eight troubles thanks

  Intermediate Psychic

   Moves: Greedy one move, greedy two moves...greedy twelve.

  Personality: Seeking defeat, Leiyin

  Status 1: When a move is blocked/dodged/dissolved, the next hit will be strengthened.

  Status 2: When the hands are clasped together, the power of all the previous moves will be combined into one and exploded.

  Status 3: After defeating the enemy, there is a chance to condense killing intent.

  Status 4: Bring out the accompanying thunder light, which is as fast as lightning.

  Description 1: The Buddha observed the suffering of all living beings, and turned all the troubles in the world into one hundred and eight unique skills.

  Description 2: One hundred and eight troubles, just ask for one obeisance, Heshi for salvation, the pure land of bliss.

  Description 3: I've been a little annoying recently. 】

   This exercise was obtained by Li Chen from Tan Chan's prayer beads.

  Each greedy toad rosary is a chaotic primordial spiritual world.

   And in the center of each spirit world there is a tablet of the way of heaven.

  The engraved on the stele is "Hundred and Eight Worry Prayers".

   It is said that this exercise has one hundred and eight forms, and each form has one hundred and eight changes.

  If you use the one hundred and eighth style once, put your hands together.

   There will inevitably be a burst of energy that will destroy the world.

  It's a pity that Li Chen only unlocked twelve of the thirty-six greedy toad rosary beads.

   In the same "Hundred Eight Worry Prayers", Li Chen only learned the twelve moves.

   But even so, the power is already extraordinary.

  As the only second Buddha inheritance mastered by Li Chen.

  In fact, there is a connection between "Hundred Eight Troubles" and "Thousand Hands".

  Release "Thousand Hands Supernatural Powers" requires anger in the heart, and "Hundred Eight Worry Worship" can just produce anger when practicing.

  The combination of the two is even more powerful.

  It is worth mentioning that there is a personality in "Hundred Eight Troubled Prayers" or Lei Yin.

   It seems vaguely related to Hu Leiqin.

  Thinking of this, Li Chen directly carried Hu Leiqin behind his back, and immediately began to practice the greedy twelve moves of "Hundred Eight Worry Prayers".

  Although there are only twelve styles, there are more than 1,200 variations.

   As Li Chen's sleeves burst into the air, the wind was loud and loud.

  The vigorous figure turned into a swimming dragon, swaying freely in front of the Bukong Waterfall.

   Lichen moved very quickly, leaving only layers of shadows before the waterfall.


  Every palm fell, and there was a thunderous sound.

   This is the "Lei Yin" in "Hundred Eight Worry Prayers".

  The sound of thunder can shake the soul.

  But just as Li Chen let his horse rein in, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in his hand.


  The sound of thunder in his hand seemed to trigger the qin of kulei behind him.

  The two voices merged into one, and thunder burst out.

   Wrapped around Li Chen's body.

   Li Chen was surprised, but he didn't stop moving.

   It's just that with more and more palm shadows, Li Chen's speed has slowed down.

   It seems that every palm is mired in mud.

  The further you go, the heavier it gets.

  The sound of Lei Yin is more shocking.

   It's not because of Li Chen's lack of strength, but because "Hundred Eight Worry Prayers" will accumulate anger.

  The further you go, the more anger you accumulate in your heart, and the more powerful your moves will be.

  The thunder sound in the hand will be louder.

  At this time, the strings of the Hulei Qin on Lichen's back automatically moved without wind.

   Following Lei Yin, he trembled suddenly.

   Bang Bang Bang~

  Thunder sound, electric light.

   Intertwined with each other, wherever they pass, evils and evils will be eliminated.

   But at this moment, the anger in Li Chen's heart gushed out.

  "Thousand-Handed Magic Ability" was used.

  Two pairs of big hands pressed the Huleiqin with their backhands amidst the thunder and lightning...

  Thank you Detao Jiuge for the huge reward, 2023 has something to look forward to ( ̄▽ ̄)