MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 25 24. Before Dawn

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  Chapter 25 24. Before Dawn

  A rolling stone the size of a coconut landed at He Boqiang's feet and shattered.

  A lot of gravel fell into the fire, causing sparks to fly.

When He Boqiang grabbed Suldak's arm and rushed out into the woodland, those red-eyed hyenas wanted to pounce on He Boqiang and bite him, but as a large piece of rubble fell from the top of their heads, the group The mad hyenas didn't have the courage to stay where they were, and let out bursts of rapid hissing. Immediately, those hyenas also turned around and fled towards the dense forest.

  He Boqiang and Suldak were the first to rush out of the camp. He was about to run down the mountain, but was stopped by Captain Sam behind him.

  Captain Sam was followed by Jie Longnan and Red Socks and others. At this time, He Boqiang and Suldak pointed to the east side of the **** twice.

  He Boqiang and Suldak immediately understood, followed Captain Sam and ran to the woodland on the east side of the mountain. Relying on vigilance and excellent reflexes, they avoided several large rocks that fell along the way.

  A few hyenas were about to pounce on them, but were buried below by falling rocks from the sky, and the hyenas behind quickly fled with their tails between their legs.

  He Boqiang held up the square shield with one hand, trying to block the gravel splashing from above his head. Fortunately, everyone moved fast enough, and ran to the safe area on the left side of the mountain in embarrassment before a large amount of gravel fell.

   Baron Sidney and others were also protected by a group of personal guards, and ran out from under the mountain wall with a large group of soldiers.

Several larger falling rocks fell from the sky, and they were forcibly split from the middle by the brave Baron Sidney with his two-handed sword. The white cyclone on his body turned into a white flame again, steaming around his body, looking It will make people feel that he is full of strength.

  The group of hyenas let out a series of mournful howls, and disappeared into the dark jungle amidst the rain of gravel.


Baron Sidney led the surviving soldiers of the fourth battalion in the woods on the hillside. There was a bloodstain on his face. He was obviously injured when he escaped from the mountain wall. The double-edged sword was stabbed diagonally. at his feet.

  The tumbling rocks, a lot of gravel, and the soil with old branches and residual leaves are like an earth dragon, rushing down from the mountain wall.

  The entire mountain wall was buried by the falling rocks of this mountain wall in an instant, and the large dense forest under the mountain wall was also completely washed away.

   Many soldiers took off their armor when they were resting. At this time, they could only wear linen shorts and stand naked in the woods.

  Everyone watched the boulder as big as a house roll down from the top of the mountain, leaving a deep ravine on the mountain road.

Waiting for those galloping rocks to slowly stop, the mountain wind blows away a large amount of smoke and dust on the mountains, the sky has revealed a touch of fish belly, the sky full of stars gradually disappeared into the sky, and the dark sky gradually turned into azure blue, A cloud floats among the distant mountains.

  A group of soldiers stood awkwardly on the hillside. Except for the members of the second squadron where He Boqiang was wearing armor, only the soldiers of the second squadron who were in charge of night duty were still wearing armor.

  This time, Baron Sidney brought out the fourth battalion and the first squadron of longbowmen. Up to now, there are only less than two hundred soldiers left who can still stand on the **** of this mountain.

  Suldak patted his chest vigorously, and asked the red sock beside him in a daze: "Am I still alive?"

   "That's right, you're still alive, and we're all still alive!" Looking at the landslide that gradually calmed down, Red Sock said with a somewhat dull expression.

  Hei boy sat under a crooked big tree.

  Captain Sam walked up to He Boqiang, patted him on the shoulder, and said with gratitude in his eyes: "If you weren't vigilant, we almost wouldn't be able to escape."


This day and night experience was completely Baron Sidney's nightmare, which made him fall directly from the high clouds into the **** full of flames. His eyes were full of anger. At this time, even the guards around him also Don't dare approach him.

Baron Sidney did not comfort these desperate warriors under his command. With a gloomy face, he pulled out the double-edged sword from the rock at his feet, threw the sword on his back and left everyone here, and rushed to the top of the mountain alone like crazy .

  He has great strides and amazing jumping ability. He can accurately step on a raised rock every time, and walk retrograde along the edge of the rock flow.

  The guards at the back were worried about the safety of Baron Sidney, so they hurried to catch up. The squadron leaders could only bite the bullet and followed behind with the surviving soldiers.

The mountain ridge on the west side of the Great Col is a branch of the Gandar Er Mountains. The highest peak is this cliff. The west side of this cliff is a gentle slope, and the side of the Great Col is a cliff. The rocks on the top of the mountain are curled like waves. Now it's mostly gone.

Baron Sidney rushed up to the top of the mountain several hundred meters high in one breath, and saw that the top of the mountain was in a mess. There was a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters beside the rocks, and a huge gap was dug out on one side of the pit. The side of the gap is the side of the mountain wall.

  Baron Sidney did not believe that the native hunters could pry such a huge rock. He jumped directly into the boulder pit on the top of the mountain, walked to the edge of the gap in the boulder pit, and looked down at the mountain wall that no longer existed.

He Boqiang found that there were dozens of huge wooden piles that had been artificially cut off at the gap of the huge pit. He instantly understood that the huge rock on the top of the mountain was not pried down by the aborigines, but by these aboriginal hunters who hollowed out the bottom of the boulder. And use some giant trees to prop it up. As long as someone cuts off the giant trees supporting the boulders on the top of the mountain, the boulders will be affected by their own gravity and roll down the mountain with those giant trees.

  This time, the Fourth Brigade was almost buried in this big mountain depression by the group of indigenous hunters. Just thinking about it now makes me feel a little shuddering.

The fish-belly white on the horizon gradually became larger at this time, and the vision in the distance became clearer and clearer. He Boqiang looked far into the woodland on the other side of the big mountain depression, and he could vaguely see a group of aborigines leading them into the forest. inside.

  Looking at the route they took, they should be planning to go deep into the Ganda Er Mountains.

  Although he was almost buried by the rocks, He Boqiang felt a little admiration for the indigenous hunters in the distance for no reason.

  The group of natives who were driven out of their homes by the imperial soldiers did not give up their resistance under the powerful force of the empire...

  At this time, Baron Sidney standing on the top of the mountain was in an indescribable embarrassment.

However, although those indigenous hunters relied on the natural environment in the big mountain depression, the group of red-eyed hyenas and the turbulent rock flow wiped out half of the vitality of the Fourth Battalion, and the combat effectiveness of the remaining soldiers was greatly reduced. Even so, the group of indigenous hunters still No courage to fight head-on with these fighters under Baron Sidney.

   It seems that there is not even a slight difference in strength between the natives of Handanal County and the soldiers of the empire.

  Dawn arrives, the red-eyed hyena has already retreated into the dense forest, and the sun carrying hope slowly rises from the mountains...

  He Boqiang and Suldak sat back to back on the boulder on the top of the mountain, watching the rising sun in silence for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)