MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 22 , the magic stone

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The blood flowed all night, and the morning sun in the shallow depression still rose from the sky the next day.

"Food is everything in the Wanye Mountains. Only those who have food can be stronger and survive!"

In the Asazawa cave, An Mubai walked out with blood stained, sturdy lizard tail swaying slowly, and his body shone in the warm morning sun representing "life".

The look in the golden vertical pupil's eyes is blank and absent. The Asazawa cave behind him has bright red blood, like a stream flowing out continuously. Under the warm sunlight of the rising sun, it is full of frogmen's corpses.

It was the frogman who entered the Asazawa cave last night while the old frogman croaked.

After they all entered, An Mubai asked Chezhi and the others to guard at the entrance of the cave, and after letting the old frogman leave, he entered the Asazawa cave by himself.

There are not a lot of these frogmen. After all, the bodies of so many dead frogmen and the food stored by the frogmen in the black mud swamp were brought in last night.

There are more than one hundred and seventy, among which there are even ten high-class frogmen and twenty middle-level frogmen.

The lizardmen in the shallow pit couldn't see how many frogmen, and there was no one to see so many frogmen.


Che Toe walked over to An Mubai, and his blood-stained body also looked very tired. Last night, they stopped and killed many frogmen who wanted to break out at the entrance of the Asazawa Cave.

"Go back and rest, let go of eating, now we have food."

An Mubai turned around, looked at Chatoe and Sanscale, who were tired and lackluster, and uttered a whisper, then set off and walked towards the thatched hut.

In the thatched cottage area, Mo Lin and the seventeen adult female lizardmen were laboriously handling the corpses of frogmen. They had collected the herbs for making jerky.

On the other hand, Lizardtooth and Grayscale brought eight inferior lizardmen to the side to help carry the frogmen's corpses, or they continued to bring clean water from the shallow frogland behind the jungle.

These eight inferior lizardmen are the inferior lizardmen who survived the attack and survived by the frogmen in the black mud swamp.

All the more than 200 inferior lizardmen sent by the shallow hole, in the end, only eight of them survived.

An Mubai didn't know how they survived, but after walking into the thatched hut area, he took a look and decided to go to the big thatched hut to rest for a while.

Stepping into a superhuman body, I didn't feel much tired from fighting with the frogmen in the black mud swamp last night.

But in the dark shallow cave, the experience of killing those frogmen made An Mubai want to rest and relax.

This is not the same in his mind. The killing of a frogman in the black mud swamp, although it is also a frogman, although it is also one claw, one punch and one tail.

"Hei, Bai Chi should be awake. I fed her a root of the dragon scale vine last night."

"She should be in better shape now. You feed her this piece of frogman liver and see if she eats it. It's very tender."

"Bai Chi can eat it even before it has teeth."

Mo Lin walked towards An Mubai quickly, holding a piece of fresh frog liver the size of a palm and handing it to him.

An Mubai was stunned for a moment, then nodded, took the frog liver and walked towards the thatched hut where Bai Chi was.


In the thatched hut, Bai Chi had indeed woken up. The weaker body struggled and tried to crawl, but the deformed head, which was bigger than the body, made it difficult for her to even move.

An Mubai walked over quickly and turned the body she struggled to over.


Bai Chi called out crisply, her big pink eyes looking at An Mubai who stretched out a finger to help her turn over, completely different from other lizardmen cubs.

There was not the slightest fear of An Mubai in his eyes, but a clear and clear look of curiosity and joy appeared.

"Bai Chi, are you hungry and want to eat!"

An Mubai looked at her pair of bright pink eyes full of curiosity and joy, and the discomfort that arose from killing the frogmen in the Asazawa cave disappeared instantly.

With a smile on his face with black thin scales growing, he handed the fresh frog liver in his hand to Bai Chi.


Bai Chi opened her pink and toothless mouth, and bit into the frog liver that An Mubai handed over.

However, although the frog liver was tender, she couldn't bite down and swallow it.

"Ha ha!"

An Mubai let out a laugh, and was amused when she saw Bai Chi biting on the frog liver with big pink eyes, but she couldn't eat it.


No matter how hard Bai Chi tried, he couldn't eat the frog's liver, so he let go of his mouth, looked at An Mubai with his pink eyes, and let out an anxious cry.

Although it was not the words of the lizardmen, it made An Mubai very clearly understand that Bai Chi was asking him to help make the frog liver smaller.

"Hey! He actually thought of asking me for help, and when he realized he couldn't eat, he asked me for help."

"Apart from not being able to speak lizardmen, Bai Chi's wisdom surpasses that of most inferior lizardmen in the shallow pit!"

"Haha, as expected, the spirit index was as high as nine at the moment of birth, mutant lizardmen cub!"

An Mu was stunned for a moment with white golden vertical pupils, looking at the big pink eyes that Bai Chi asked for help, she was surprised and happy and let out a laugh.

He stretched out his sharp claws, cut all the frog livers in his hand into small pieces, then picked up a copy and handed it to Bai Chi again.


Bai Chi was able to eat it this time, but only after eating two small pieces, which were much smaller than the head, and the tender body could no longer eat it, so she called to An Mu Baiyi to stop eating.

"Why can't you just eat a that's okay?"

An Mubai frowned slightly, looking at Bai Chi, a thin and deformed body that could no longer eat frog livers. He picked up a small piece again and handed it to Bai Chi's mouth.

Now is the time when Bai Chi urgently needs nutrition and development. If she only eats this little food every time, it will not be able to support her physical development.

What's more, Bai Chi has a head that is much bigger than his body.


Bai Chi screamed softly and didn't want to eat anymore, her pink eyes were tired and closed her eyes, obviously the previous struggle and crawling, and the little frog liver to eat just now.

She has exhausted the strength and spirit in her weak and young body.

"Bai Chi's body is inherently thin and weak, and her physique and agility are zero. If she doesn't eat much food to strengthen herself, she will lose her life at any time, and the danger of death will occur."

"Although the low-level potion, the dragon-scale vine, can strengthen the body and strengthen the power of the blood, but Bai Chi, a thin and weak body, can't eat too much, so that the body can become stronger as soon as possible."

An Mubai looked at Bai Chi, who was resting weakly with his eyes closed, frowning and thinking softly in his heart, ate the frog liver in his hand, got up and walked outside the thatched hut.

Not long after, he walked back with Lao Frogman's rattan cane in his hand, buckled the magic stone on it with one hand, and put it lightly in Bai Chi's arms.

The magic stone in the old frogman's hand, as An Mubai thought, was a low-level water-type magic stone that could nourish the body.

An Mubai carried the old frogmen, as well as the food stored in the black mud swamp and killed frogmen back to the shallow depression, and naturally they would not return them to the old frogmen.

And when reaching the shallow depression, the "Food Crisis" task on the system panel also shows that it is completed, and the magic stone has been distributed.