MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 23 , Slate Notes

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"I actually thought of asking me for help, and when I realized I couldn't eat it, I asked for help."

"As expected, it is a mutant lizardman cub with a spirit index of nine points at birth."

An Mu's white-golden vertical pupil eyes froze for a moment, looking at the big pink eyes that Bai Chi asked for help, a little surprise arose in her heart.

Then Sheng smiled and stretched out his sharp claws, cut all the frog livers in his hand into small pieces, picked up a copy and handed it to Bai Chi again.


Bai Chi was able to eat it this time, but only after eating two small pieces, which were much smaller than the head, and the tender body could no longer eat it, so she called to An Mu Baiyi to stop eating.

"What if you can only eat a little bit? That's okay?"

An Mubai frowned slightly, looking at Bai Chi, a thin and deformed body that could no longer eat frog livers. He picked up a small piece again and handed it to Bai Chi's mouth.

Now is the time when Bai Chi urgently needs nutrition and development. If she only eats this little food every time, it will not be able to support her physical development.

What's more, Bai Chi has a head that is much bigger than his body.


Bai Chi screamed softly and didn't want to eat anymore, her pink eyes were tired and closed her eyes, obviously the previous struggle and crawling, and the little frog liver to eat just now.

She has exhausted the strength and spirit in her weak and young body.

"Bai Chi's body is inherently thin and weak, and her physique and agility are zero. If she doesn't eat much food to strengthen herself, she will lose her life at any time, and the danger of death will occur."

"Although the low-level potion, the dragon-scale vine, can strengthen the body and strengthen the power of the blood, but Bai Chi, a thin and weak body, can't eat too much, so that the body can become stronger as soon as possible."

An Mubai looked at Bai Chi, who was resting with his eyes closed, frowning and thinking for a moment. He ate all the frog liver in his hand, and then picked up the rattan cane beside him.

Buttoned the magic stone on it, and placed it lightly in Bai Chi's arms.

In addition to being used to release spells and arrange magic circles, the water-type magic stone actually has the effect of nourishing the body. The old frogman's physique and agility have been enhanced because of this reason.


Bai Chi unconsciously let out a soft cry, and her small hands and feet hugged the low-level water attribute magic stone in her arms.

"Haha, you were born with a low-level magic stone in your arms. I hope you won't let me down in the future."

An Mu looked at it with his white-golden vertical pupils, and a smile appeared on his face again. This low-level magic stone with the water attribute actually had a lot of effects on him.

Although it doesn't help him much with his current physique and agility, if he absorbs the magic power in it, it is the power of blood that can awaken An Mubai, making it even stronger.

"Big Brother Heiyu!"

San-Lin walked in with two fresh frog legs in hand. This was the food that Mo-Lin made for An Mubai. It was even coated with a sweet and sour juice, which greatly enhanced the taste.

"Three scales, is there any memorabilia in the clan?"

An Mubai reached out and took these two frog legs, which were about the same thickness as his arm. He picked up one and handed it to his mouth, while whispering a question to Sanscale.

"Note, what is a note?"

"Brother Heiyu wants to memorize something, then tell San-Scale, and San-Scale will definitely remember it."

Sanlin's expression was stunned for a moment, and she felt that she couldn't understand An Mubai's words again, so she sat down in front of An Mubai.


An Mu's white-golden vertical pupils opened slightly, and the serrated mouth that was about to eat frog legs made a stunned sound. After a while, he put down the frog legs beside his mouth with a sigh and said.

"Forget it, I think too much."

"Three scales, you go to Huitong and the others to find some slates. The slates should not be too small or too thick. It's good to have the size of our chests."

"Yes, Big Brother Heiyu!"

San Linyan nodded suspiciously, then got up and walked out of the thatched hut.

"Although the Lizardmen are a human-like race, they have intelligence and survive for the group, but they are not human after all, and they don't even have their own words."

"Everything is remembered by memory or smell. It's not much different from beasts, so how can there be something to remember?"

An Mubai sighed and looked at the figure that Sanscale had left, and looked back at the frog's legs that were raw food in his hands with a loss of heart.

There was a sadness in his heart that he no longer had the desire to eat, and he sat in the thatched hut in a sad and dazed state.

"Brother Hei, see if this slate will work."

Sitting for a while, An Mubai didn't know how long he sat.

On the face of the three-scale variegated fine scales, he walked in with a splendid smile embracing a slate.

The slate is a brown-black stream slate, more than three fingers thick, more than forty centimeters long, and about thirty centimeters wide. It has been cleaned by three scales. Although there are some potholes formed by water erosion on the surface, the overall appearance is very smooth. .


An Mubai raised his head, and nodded lightly with empty eyes.

"Haha, it's fine. If Big Brother Heiyu wants it, I'll ask Huitong and the others to follow this slate to find it."

San Linsheng smiled and put the slate in front of An Mubai, and asked with joy and happiness in his eyes.

Like a happy and excited child who helped someone he loves and respects.

The expression in An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils was stunned for a moment, looking at Sanscale's smiling face full of happy smiles, she laughed out of sadness in her heart.

"The lizard people have no inheritance, so what if there is no civilization in UU Reading The wisdom of the three scales is not weaker than that of some human children, and the blood candles are not inferior to ordinary adult humans."

"Let's just release the right and kill people with a knife, these ordinary adults can't play."

"If there is no inheritance, I will create a lizardman inheritance by myself. If there is no civilization, I will create a lizardman civilization myself."

An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed, the expression in his golden vertical pupils became firm, and he looked at the three scales and said.

"Also, ask Huitong and the others to find more of this kind of slate."

"Well, okay, Big Brother Hei."

"I'll go and ask Hui Tong and the others to find more."

Sanlin Jinsheng smiled and nodded, then turned and ran outside the thatched cottage again.


An Mubai looked at the figure he ran out, took a big mouthful of the fresh frog leg in his hand, and then looked at the brown-black creek slate in front of him.

The sharp claws that can cut through steel popped out and were engraved on it.

"The lizardmen are human-like races with black iron bloodline. After awakening their own bloodline of the lizardmen, they can enter the extraordinary level."

"The wisdom of the superhuman lizardmen is no longer weaker than that of ordinary adult humans, but the wisdom of superior lizardmen cannot be compared with that of ordinary adult humans."

"But the wisdom of the three of them, the toe, the saw scale, and the iron tooth, is obviously beyond that of a normal teenage human child."

"You can clearly identify the situation you are in, and then make a choice, just like when I killed the blood lines and docked my tail."

"And Grayscale, Flathorn and the others are medium-sized lizardmen, and their intelligence is no less than that of ordinary human children of seven or eight years old. They can understand words very clearly."

"And he has his own thoughts and ideas."