MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 783 Luck value increased! Rank penalty reduced!

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"Of course, the most important thing is that the upgrade requirements for the Four Great All-Empty Pure World Fist after being promoted to the orange quality have not unexpectedly increased again, and it has become that six orange-quality weapons are required to continue to improve the quality of the Four Great All-Empty Clean World Fist.

But fortunately, I can now use the extra equipment to promote the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist. Although I don't have any extra orange-quality equipment on my body at the moment. "

Zhang Yanhang now has only two orange-quality equipment on his body, one is the crown of the flame **** and the other is the blessing of the flame god, and there is no possibility of superfluous.

Even his flame **** crowns have not yet collected the fourth orange quality, only three orange quality flame **** crowns +3, and the last one on his head is still the dark gold quality flame **** crown +2. And the blessing of the Fire God was only opened in the lord's treasure chest.

Therefore, it is indeed absolutely impossible to make up six redundant orange-quality equipment and transform them into orange-quality consumable weapons and use them to improve the quality of the Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing.

"This time, after the Four Great Empty Pure World Fist was upgraded from dark gold to orange quality, it was no surprise that it immediately became an orange quality equipment with a full score.

The full score of the dark gold quality is only 530 points, while the full score of the orange quality is 680 points. Therefore, the Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing is equivalent to increasing the score by as much as 150 points at one time during the promotion process, creating a new score improvement record. .

However, for the strength of the Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing itself, which has always been very buggy, this level of score growth is actually quite normal. "

In addition to the increase in the ratings of the four major Jiekong Jingshiquan, Zhang Yanhang also noticed that the attribute value requirements for the use of the four major Jiekong Jingshiquan have also increased by ten points again, from the original 60 points of strength, 55 points of agility and 55 points of physique Growth to 70 points of strength, 65 points of agility and 65 points of constitution.

Now Zhang Yanhang has gradually realized that the characteristics of the upgradeable equipment such as the Four All-Empty Pure World Fist is that because the attribute value requirements in the initial state are relatively low, the attribute value requirements for subsequent growth are also relatively low, which is a good thing for him. .

Of course, even if there is more growth, it is not a big problem. Anyway, Zhang Yanhang will soon be promoted to the fourth rank.

According to his experience, it is estimated that the rank limit will be opened to about 100 points, that is to say, it will increase by 25 points again. Such a high attribute value limit is more than enough to satisfy a mere Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing, let alone growth. When the orange quality is reached, even if it grows above the orange quality, it will definitely be satisfied.

After checking the attribute list of the orange-quality Four All-Empty Cleansing World Fist, Zhang Yanhang quickly re-equipped the Four Great All-Empty Cleansing World Fist on his arm.

"Now that the treasure chest has been opened, the income has been counted, the skills have been upgraded, and even the Four Great Empty Pure World Boxing has been promoted, so is there anything else that needs to be solved?"

Zhang Yanhang thought about it carefully, and felt that there was really nothing else to solve, so he directly opened his data panel and started to check it.

【Name: Zhang Yanhang (Tier 3)】

【Race: Human】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 20】

[Occupation: Master of Destiny]

[Level: lv.30 (Legendary Essence [0/1], Origin of Ashes [0/7])]

[Soul Point: 18003704 (+2304300)]

[Shield value: 30415/30415 (upper limit of health × 350%, recovery speed: 20% per second.)]

[HP: 8690/8690 (physique × 34, the current body has been officially digitized, and the recovery speed of HP is 30 points per hour.)]

[Energy value: 5760/5760 (intelligence × 34, the current body has been officially digitized, energy value recovery speed, 93 points per hour.)]

[Strength: 75 (+3[-13])]

[Agility: 75 (+3[-3])]

[Physique: 75 (+3[-3])]

[Intelligence: 75 (+3[-3])]

[Charm: 75 (+31[-17])]

【Lucky:? ? ? [+1] (This property is a hidden property)]

[Talent: 1. Multiple choice (???). 2. Shoushan Fuhai (SS level). 3. The power of Long Bo (xx level). 4. The volume of the adult volume dragon [purification of blood] (ss level). 5. Ocean Rhythm (SS level). 】

[Skills: 1. Qiankun Promise [Tier 3] x (passive/active). 2. Alchemy Original Code (active skill). 3. Gun Master x (passive skill). 4. Fighting Master x (passive skill). 5. Pursue good and avoid evil·Original x (passive/active). 6. Invincible by all methods, the original x (passive skill). 7. Death Fluctuation·Original Codex (passive/active). 8. Supreme Will x (passive skill). 9. Indestructible Golden Body Original Code x (passive/active). 10. Fa Tianxiangdi x (active skill). 11. Three heads and six arms x (active skills). 】

"This time, I opened a total of 2,304,300 soul points from these 84 drop chests, which increased my soul point balance from the original 15,699,404 soul points to 18,003,704 soul points.

I thought it might not reach the level of 18 million, but I didn't expect that the red iron prince ant's drop treasure box would make extra effort in contributing soul points, and after all, my soul point balance was still being upgraded. Even in the case of law, heaven, earth, and earth, it still broke through to 18 million. "

Of course, Zhang Yanhang's small goal of 20 million soul points was definitely impossible to achieve, but this was mainly because he did not choose the 3.2 million soul points in the lord's treasure chest of the Red Iron Queen Ant. option, but chose the nine-point legendary essence.

Otherwise, let alone 20 million soul points, Zhang Yanhang's current soul point balance can at least increase to more than 21 million, but compared with soul points, the nine-point legendary essence is indeed more valuable, so , Zhang Yanhang did not regret it at all.

"No matter how high the level of professional level upgrade needs will increase after being promoted to Tier 4, it stands to reason that there should be no problem with at least two or three levels of my 18 million soul points, right?"

Of course, if the situation is better, Zhang Yanhang estimates that these 18 million soul points may not only allow him to upgrade his professional level, but he should also be able to upgrade the skill level of Qiankun Wuji Gong, or even improve it again. The skill level of the new professional skills obtained by Tier 4 is not impossible.

However, this is the best situation in the ideal. Based on the reason that the demand for soul points will definitely increase significantly after the promotion to the fourth rank, the probability of being able to achieve this ideal situation is actually not large.

"My current attribute values ​​have all grown to the rank limit. Even from this point of view, I need to advance to the rank to unlock a higher attribute value limit. Moreover, the most important lucky attribute value is finally obtained this time. It's only a little bit of improvement, but it's a good start."

Although the lucky attribute value is only followed by a '+1', Zhang Yanhang believes that he will turn this +1 into +5 or even +10 sooner or later, and the drop rate of his treasure chests from hunting monsters will definitely be compared to that. Now there is a great change.

If nothing else, at least the rank penalty should definitely not continue to be as severe as it is now. With such a high rank penalty, killing 30 first-rank monsters can only drop a treasure chest, which makes him and others faster. The Awakened has a drop rate of killing monsters of the same rank. In other words, it is almost disappearing. He really can't accept it or refuses to accept it.

"This time there is no change in talent. Longbo's power is still at rank xx, and other talents are kept at rank ss, but it will be different when he is promoted to rank. Multiple choices will be further enhanced."

Zhang Yanhang very strongly hopes that multiple choices can unlock the true "multiple choice" ability in the process of advancing to the rank, so that he does not have to struggle to make choices when faced with useful choices.

He felt that as an adult, he already had the preconditions to choose all, and he really shouldn't use single choice to torture him, a poor patient with mild choice difficulty.

"Although the probability of unlocking 'multiple choice' is actually not high, people always have hope. What if they really succeed?"

Most importantly, Zhang Yanhang felt that if he didn't want the ability of 'multiple choice', the multiple choice talent would definitely not be able to unlock the real 'multiple choice' for him. After all, the multiple choice talent would always To help him according to his needs, not to give him something he doesn't want out of thin air.

"Now all eleven skills in my skill list have been upgraded to x, in other words, all of them have become irrelevant. The last time I saw this situation was probably yesterday, well, maybe it's not too far away. already."

For his current promotion speed, Zhang Yanhang really did not expect it at first. At first, he even felt that it would be difficult to complete the promotion to the fourth rank even if he set a time for a week, but he did not expect that this In less than a day, he was about to be promoted to Tier 4.

Yesterday he was promoted to the third rank at 6:00 in the morning, and now it is just after 5:00 in the morning. It is true that it has not even been twenty-four hours, but he is in this short time of less than twenty-four hours. He has already raised himself to the peak of Tier 3, and he has also successfully collected the legendary essence and the source of ashes required for the upgrade. It can be said that the efficiency is abnormally high.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang feels that this level of promotion speed should be somewhat unrepeatable. He will definitely not be able to achieve such a fast speed next time he is promoted to the fifth rank. After all, if nothing else, it is only the opening time of the transmission channel. It was decided that he would definitely not be able to continue to reach this level in just one day like this time.

"Now that the data panel has been checked, what should I do next? Go to the achievement vending machine to exchange for the achievements of the large red iron ant nest Tarano? No, let's clean up the small red iron ant nest first. The third prize pool of Lucky Slots in Dalagorie."

Zhang Yanhang is going to clean up the lucky slot machine first and then go to get the achievement. Anyway, there is plenty of time at present. Besides, in addition to the lucky slot machine in the small red iron ant nest Daragu, Zhang Yanhang is also preparing to clean up the large red iron ant nest Tara The third prize pool of Nuo's lucky slot machine, but I just don't know if it has been refreshed again.

"If that's the case, let's go to Dalaku, a small red iron ant nest first."

Zhang Yanhang started the teleportation while talking. If his previous teleportation would be a little difficult to teleport so far away at once, but now it is absolutely no problem. After all, his teleportation technique is being promoted to the third rank. After that, the transmission distance has reached 500 kilometers.

Therefore, it is still easy to transfer from the innermost core area of ​​the large red iron ant nest Dalaku to the outermost C-shaped channel of the small red iron ant nest Tarano.


October 30, Friday, the fifth day after the Double Ninth Festival, is still the first day Zhang Yanhang entered the Ash World. At 5:29 in the morning, the Ash World, the hematite veins, and the small hematite ant nest reached Ragu, Outer Area, C-Shaped Channel, Lucky Slot Machine.

After teleporting to the side of the lucky slot machine, Zhang Yanhang quickly directly pulled the metal joystick on the side of the lucky slot machine and began to empty the third prize pool. UU reading www.

With the pulling of the metal joystick, the long-lost time pause came to the small red iron ant nest Dalaku. At the same time, Zhang Yanhang could clearly feel the familiar damping feeling in the surrounding air.

In addition, the already familiar text option box that can no longer be familiar also appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang, but he would never see this text option box again after the prize pool was emptied this time.

[Please select the specific content of this lucky slot machine]

[Option 1: ?????? (third prize, red iron worker ants, first-order one-star, ordinary monsters.)]

[Option 2: ??? (third prize, red iron breeding ants, first-order three-star, ordinary monsters.)]

[Option 3: ??? (third prize, red iron flying ants, first-order one-star, elite monsters.)]

[Option 49: ??? (third prize, red iron soldier ants, first-order two-star, ordinary monsters.)]

[Option ninety-three: ??? (third prize, red iron ant king, second-order two-star, elite monster.)]

[Option 145: ??? (Fourth prize, thank you for your patronage, no real prizes.)]

"I feel a little uncomfortable when I think that this is the last time I have cleaned up the third prize pool of this lucky slot machine, and it has been almost a month since this lucky slot machine has not refreshed the first prize and the second prize."

But fortunately, although the lucky slot machine in Tarano, a small red iron ant nest, has not been refreshed, there is still a glimmer of hope for the lucky slot machine in Raccoon City. Zhang Yanhang once again saw a first-class slot machine appearing in the slot machine. The hope of the prize and the second prize.


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