MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 970 Legendary [Buddha Relic (Vajra)]!

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Speaking of yellow herbs, Zhang Yanhang inevitably started to struggle with a question, that is, whether to use these yellow herbs now.

After briefly thinking about it, Zhang Yanhang finally decided to forget it. After all, even if the mere sixteen yellow herbs are included in the bonus of devouring the earth and the bonus of the upper limit of health, they can only increase by a few hundred points at most. life value limit.

It should still be impossible to help him complete the small goal of ten times the upper limit of health, after all, there is still nearly 2,000 points of upper limit of health to be raised.

As for the upper limit of the shield value, it is even worse there, and it is also far from what these few yellow herbs can support.

"If that's the case, forget it."

After collecting the yellow herb into his pocket, Zhang Yanhang then began to count the income of other props. The next thing is naturally the income of the props related to the Goblin Plain, but there is only one kind of income for the props there, that is Medium mana restoration potion.

It may be because there are more sword goblins killed. Zhang Yanhang opened a total of 501 bottles of medium-sized magic power recovery potions this time, which is quite a lot unexpectedly. Counting his original 3,000 bottles, now the total There are almost 4,000 bottles in stock again.

However, for Zhang Yanhang, who can recover 137 points of energy per second, the medium-sized magic power recovery potion that only has blue quality and can only recover 100 points of energy is indeed a bit outdated. It is only used for emergencies when you are in a hurry.

For example, if you have exhausted all your energy due to making an option, but you are in a hurry to make the next option and don't want to wait slowly, you can pour some medium-sized magic power recovery potion at this time, that's right, 'some'.

After all, his upper limit of energy value is now nearly 20,000 points. If he wants to restore energy value, he will naturally need to consume about 200 bottles of medium-sized magic power recovery potion at one time.

From this point of view, the 500 bottles of medium-sized magic power recovery potions that were opened just now are not very impressive, and they will be used up in two and a half times at most.

But after all, it’s just an emergency, and it’s true that you can’t ask for too much. After all, the medium-sized magic power recovery potion is just a blue-quality item after all. If you don’t have no taboo skills, let alone an emergency opportunity, I’m afraid it’s now It has already been directly eliminated and scrapped on the spot.

It can be said that such second-level props can now be used by Zhang Yanhang to deal with emergencies, which in itself is considered an overperformance.

In addition to the medium-sized mana recovery potion in the Goblin Plains, the Enchanted Swamp does not have any props, after all, all the monsters there will only drop various equipment.

Next, it is the turn of the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site's prop income, because the reason why a full forty electromagnetic rail train guns were killed in the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine at the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site before, Therefore, Zhang Yanhang once again opened five bottles of [t/g synthetic virus modification potion] of dark gold quality this time.

Before that, Zhang Yanhang had obtained fifteen bottles of [t/g Synthetic Virus Modification Potion] by killing the originally rated one hundred monsters. Therefore, after counting the five bottles of [t/g Synthetic Virus Modification Potion], Zhang Yanhang currently has as many as twenty bottles of [t/g Synthetic Virus Modification Potion].

And each bottle of [t/g Synthetic Virus Modification Potion] can increase the upper limit of HP by 360 points just by using the basic effect.

It can be said that, after taking into account the effect bonus of devouring the earth and the bonus of the upper limit of health, these twenty bottles of [t/g synthetic virus modification potion] can at least help him increase his life by tens of thousands of points It is not impossible to directly double the upper limit of his health.

But the more this is the case, considering that the current Devourer has not been upgraded, the more Zhang Yanhang feels that it is a bit disadvantageous to use it directly now. He is still planning to upgrade the Devourer after he is promoted and then use these twenty bottles [ t/g synthetic virus modification agent].

In addition, Zhang Yanhang also accumulated some other props that were not used, such as the legendary [Mutated Ancestor Virus Liquid (Divine Convergence)], and the epic [Mythra's Core·Aaron] Art Empire (Psychic Energy Absorption)].

The legendary [Mutated Ancestor Virus Liquid (Divine Convergence)] was opened by Zhang Yanhang from the lord's treasure chest before, but the epic [Mythra's Core·Arcane Empire (Psychic Energy Absorption)] was just obtained from the treasure chest of the lord. Opened from the ashes treasure chest.

Or in other words, this epic [Mythra's Core·Arcane Empire (Psychic Energy Absorption)] is the last prop income that Zhang Yanhang needs to count this time.

And the reason why it is said to be the last one instead of the last one is naturally because Zhang Yanhang has opened up two Mythra Cores in total, except for this epic [Mythra Core·Arcane Empire (Psychic Energy Absorption) ] In addition, there is also a legendary [Mythra's Core · Goddess of Magic (Void Channel)] obtained forcibly by means of double selection.

But still because the Heaven Devouring Earth has not yet been upgraded, Zhang Yanhang still does not intend to use these two Mythra Cores, but pockets them together with other props.

And after counting the income of the last item, Zhang Yanhang's current income from the items has finally been counted. Although none of them are useless, Zhang Yanhang will definitely use them up immediately after counting, but after all, now Different from the past.

After counting the talent income, equipment income, and item income from the dropped treasure chests, Zhang Yanhang then opened his soul point balance and began to check, wanting to know the total value of the dropped treasure chests he just opened. How many soul points to provide him with.

[Soul Point: 112957427 (+3279260)]

"I used to have a total of 109.67 million soul points, but now it has increased to 112.95 million soul points, and a total of 3,279,260 soul points have been raised again. The balance has grown to more than 110 million."

Compared with simply killing soul points before, the proportion of soul points gained from opening treasure chests this time is far more exaggerated than before.

Based on Zhang Yanhang's years of experience in opening treasure chests, he estimates that there are hundreds of scattered treasure chests from Raccoon City, Goblin Plains, and the Enchanted Swamp, but the ones that were finally opened The total income of soul points is estimated to be about 100,000. Yes, it is similar to the income of killing soul points.

But the soul point income from the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site accounted for the vast majority of the rest, or in other words, impressively accounted for 3.2 million of the almost 3.3 million soul point income this time. Many, accounting for more than 95%.

Among them, the three dropped treasure chests from the ancestor virus infected person provided him with about 1.6 million soul points.

After all, the Ancestral Virus-infected person’s income from killing is as high as 18,000 points. After a ten-fold increase, there are three options. Soul points, the three dropped treasure chests add up to 1.62 million soul points.

Then, among the remaining more than one million soul points, the treasure box dropped by Cullen's left magnetic energy heavy tank contributed about half a million, and the treasure box dropped by the electromagnetic rail train gun contributed about one million.

Therefore, it can be said that the soul points obtained this time are basically all from the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine in the previously cleared Umbrella Biochemical Test Site, while the contribution of other low-level monsters is basically equal to No.

"Then, here comes the question. Now that the talent income, equipment income, item income and soul point income have all been counted, what should we do next?"

Zhang Yanhang thought about it carefully. Maybe it's time to count the last item of income, which is material income. After all, he still didn't offer any weapons or pets this time. The last material is left.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang can actually draw a weapon, but he really doesn't like the orange quality weapon in the Huijin treasure chest. After all, his Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan has been upgraded to the red quality, and he doesn't need the orange quality at all. upgrade consumables.

And when it comes to the income from materials, it is actually relatively simple. After all, Zhang Yanhang has not been able to obtain any material income in Raccoon City, Goblin Plains, or Demonized Swamp before. As for the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site , then it is even more impossible to issue material income.

Therefore, the only material that Zhang Yanhang opened this time was actually the Buddha relics that were opened from the ashes treasure chest. Zhang Yanhang released a total of two Buddha relics this time, one is the legendary Vajra relic, and the other is the epic relic. Baolun relic.

And if you want to ask what is the use of Buddha relics, it is naturally used to upgrade Zhang Yanhang's Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan, because each upgrade only needs to consume one Buddha relic, and the reason why he has two Buddha relics in his hand now, Zhang Yanhang feels that he This time, maybe it can be upgraded to two levels in a row, directly upgrading the four major Jiekong Jingshiquan from the current red quality to the epic level.

For upgrading the Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Fist, Zhang Yanhang was naturally very active, so he immediately took off the Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Fist on his arm and put a legendary diamond relic on it.

Immediately Zhang Yanhang began to trigger the relevant upgrade options, "Choose! Upgrade the quality of the Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan!"

Accompanied by a sudden damping feeling, time fell into a pause state instantly, and a large text option box appeared in front of Zhang Yanhang, but, different from before, there were some text boxes that had been in a gray state and could not be selected. The option about the Buddha relic was finally successfully unlocked and became a normal option.

Correspondingly, the option about using weapons of the same quality to upgrade the Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan has become gray. After all, it can be said that there are basically no red quality weapons and related upgrade consumables on Zhang Yanhang, so naturally Choices cannot be made in a vacuum.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang believes that if his rank becomes higher, he may be able to make choices out of thin air. At that time, he should be able to directly fill in the missing materials in the options only by consuming energy, but it must be It can be said that the things that can only be done at a very high level have nothing to do with the current Zhang Yanhang, and basically can only be thought about.

According to Zhang Yanhang's estimation, he thinks that it is impossible to do such a high-end thing at least at the fifth level, and even the sixth level is not certain, but if it is above the seventh level, then maybe it can be done. It's here, after all, the seventh level is considered a very powerful part even among the gods, and it is very possible to be able to complete it out of thin air.

[Would you like to upgrade the quality of the 'Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Quan'? 】

[Option 1: Yes (Consume seven red quality weapons to upgrade the quality of the 'Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Quan' to the legendary level.)]

[Option 2: Yes (Consume a legendary 'Buddha relic (Vajra)' to upgrade the quality of the 'Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan' to the legendary level.)]

[Option 3: No (Although you already have two extra Buddha relics on your body, you suddenly have no interest in upgrading the quality of the Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Quan. The path to greater value.

Although you don't know for the time being what other uses these Buddha relics that have just been opened are for upgrading the Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Quan. UU Reading www.]

"It's been a lot of hard work...well, it didn't take much effort, after all, it was just a treasure chest of ashes, but anyway, after waiting for three full ranks, I finally successfully unlocked it There is an option to use the Buddha's relics to upgrade the Dashijiekong Jingshiquan."

Zhang Yanhang couldn't help laughing out loud when he thought that he could directly upgrade the quality of Dashijiekong Jingshiquan with only one Buddha relic in the future. Such a good time probably only appeared in dreams before, but it will completely become reality in the future up.

"By the way, the third option this time is still quite outrageous. Before, I was advised to use the upgrade consumables in other places. After I ran out of upgrade consumables this time, they persuaded me to use the upgrade consumables I just opened. The Buddha's relics are elsewhere..."

Taking Zhang Yanhang's current poor forging ability as an example, he can bluntly say that if he were to forge such a good material by himself, he would basically only be able to forge rubbish.

Of course, the basic legendary or epic quality should still be retained, but the specific bonus effect belongs to opening the blind box, and it is still a blind box with a garbage rate of 99%.