MTL - Lord of Souls-Chapter 111 Determined

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Outside, the ruins of the ancestor Dragon City.

Xia Lin's strengthening seems to be a long time, but in fact it is the effort of closing and opening his eyes.

When Xia Lin opened his eyes again.

His power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ahead, the light of gold and silver suddenly lit up, matched with the greedy eyes and distorted faces of fifteen teenagers, and the style of the painting was a little ghostly.

On the side, Tian Qingqing fell to the side - was cut numb by Xia Lin's knife...

Originally thinking about breaking this game, I had to be promoted to diamond.

When the light of diamonds flashes, can it not blind Tian Qingqing?

But I don't want to pretend that the permissions are turned on...

Tian Qingqing's plan was a waste.

"Yes, it's good to sleep for a while to rest your mind."

With such a murmur, the golden soul light burst open.

Hope, absoluteness, invincibility, and green light all appeared beside Xia Lin.

In the distance, the fifteen competing members of the ancient dragon city-state felt relieved when they saw this scene.

"Gold... The one who fainted is estimated to be around silver and gold. Brothers, this wave is called a windfall!"

"But our house is gone..."

"If it's gone, it's gone! As genius soul masters, where can we go?"

"However, in case that otherworld legend goes and returns..."

"Seeking wealth and danger!"

A group of legendary relics, this wealth is enough to burn out the minds of the Silver Golden Age Spirit Masters.


The golden-age young soul master at the head shouted loudly, and manipulated the soul pet to rush towards Xia Lin.

But Xia Lin's operation made them incomprehensible.

The ten-meter-high hope is full of deterrence, but with a whimper, he turned his head and rushed towards the mummified corpse of the legendary king behind him...


It's all about nutrition!

It's all about physical fitness!

Qingmang quickly possessed Xia Lin. The strong wind power surged out from Xia Lin's body, with a majestic momentum.

The wind, forming wings, took Xia Lin's body into the sky! But instead of rushing to the ancient dragon city-state to compete for the team, he soared freely in the air.

The wave of air that was lifted faintly drew the word "death"... Of course, those people on the opposite side didn't know Chinese characters either...

Just turn around and eat.

One performs flying skills in mid-air.

Unbeaten looked at Xia Lin, who was flying freely, with small stars flashing in his big eyes, as if he was envious of Xia Lin's ability to fly...

I'm back.

It usually always follows behind Qingmang and hangs out with Qingmang, doesn't it just want to taste the soaring power after being possessed.

It's that Miss Qingmang doesn't give much face...

The only normal is the absolute.

Shaking his head slightly, Jue drew his heavy sword, and stepped towards the ancient dragon city-state competition team.


"Murder, steal treasure!"

The distance between the two sides gradually shortened.

The heavy sword was swung lightly, and the sword energy emerged.

"Magic Sword Flow. Furious Snow."

Legendary corpses are somewhat hard.

But in the face of the mouth of hope, these are not problems.

No blood to moisten the throat is a problem.

Swallowing will be more difficult, and it is easy to get stuck in the throat.

As a last resort, I hope that a mouthful of mummified corpses and a mouthful of dirt can be considered to be delicious - the Devourer of Everything is really not picky eaters.

I take a mouthful of dirt, hoping to feel it while chewing...

Enhanced, less power than an ant...

But not important.

The key lies in the legendary mummy.

Tear off a bite of meat, hoping to gain the physical strength of an adult wasteland dog—to put it bluntly, the principle of the limit-breaking technique is actually to accumulate more.

Every bit of strength is hoped to be stuttered and saved little by little.

Chewing on food that doesn't taste very good, hoping that the thoughts are erratic.

His eyes swept to his claws... I hoped that as soon as his eyes rolled, he would bite it off and swallow it in his stomach.



"Woooooo (still this fragrance)~~"

Xia Lin, who was soaring, did not see any hopeful movements.

I don't know, I hope that before I know it, I have embarked on the road of "I eat myself"...

He is feeling the same.

Feel the changes brought about by the limit breaking technology.

As it flew, there was a constant wind blowing from the front.

But it wasn't uncomfortable, it was indescribably wonderful.

The wind blew on his cheeks and body, and there was a faint coolness of strange energy penetrating into the body from the pores.

This energy kept flowing, and finally merged into every cell in Xia Lin's body.

As a result, the bones become stronger.

Muscles become firmer.

Change, in fact, is not fast.

But there are changes, which are both the best results!

Xia Lin even forgot the time and the battle below.

He's just flying...flying...

Unconsciously, the speed has already broken the sound barrier.

Until the voice of absoluteness came from the soul deed.

"nailed it."

"Tian Qingqing is also awake, just woke up."

Xia Lin just ended the happy limit-breaking session and flew back.

Fifteen human corpses and sixty soul pet corpses were spread out in a mess.

All were one-shot kills.

Jue stood beside Tian Qingqing with an expressionless face, like a bodyguard.

Hope also harvested fresh corpses, and cheered and prepared to order dessert after the meal, but suddenly felt the power of gray fog shrouded him.

Disguised launch.

Hope has changed back to the original Devourer's appearance.

Hope doesn't care either.

Just head down and eat.

The wind blew, Xia Lin landed, and saw that Tian Qingqing was still maintaining his original posture, like an outlier beast.

This made Xia Lin sigh.

He released Qingmang's possession and came to Tian Qingqing's side. He put the half of Tian Qingqing's harvest in front of Tian Qingqing's eyes, and said softly.

"Sister, let's make a fortune this time, make a fortune!"

Tian Qingqing glanced at her part of the harvest, but there was no light in his eyes.

This can't be done...

As a believer, if you don’t react to seeing money, this believer is not very qualified.

However, Xia Lin didn't say much, just whispered.

"Bai Tianyu asked me to protect you, this is not over yet. In addition, I just heard shameless and took half of Tianyu Legend's trophies, this wave of favors, I owe a lot..."

"You have to do things with money. This is not only the rule of Tianyu Legend, but also my personal rule."

"So, senior, just tell me, what do you want to do next? Are we going to go back to China or stay in the Soul Realm, develop in a low-key manner, and then go to Jing Kingdom to find Tianyu Legend."

"Of course I have to agree in advance. If I assess that you intend to die, I will definitely stop you."

After saying a long list in one breath, Tian Qingqing's eyes showed an imperceptible color of thought.

This made Xia Lin speak again.

"Actually, Tianyu Legend has told me a lot before."

"He also made an offer."

"Anyway, I heard the meaning of Tianyu Legend, I just don't want you to go back to China. The soul world is so big and there are so many opportunities, let's find a place to drill, and after using the power of the soul palace to achieve a legend or a myth, many things will happen. It just got easier.”

Bai Tianyu said that he never said that Tian Qingqing should stay in the soul world...

But the others are not there, so why not rely on Xia Lin's mouth?

Besides, there must be war in China now, and if you go back, you will have to be arrested.

Xia Lin didn't want to go back in his heart... He simply fooled Tian Qingqing to stay in the soul world, avoiding this wave and then thinking about other issues.

A cold voice suddenly sounded from Tian Qingqing's mouth.

"Return to China."

Xia Lin was stunned, and saw Tian Qingqing get up and quickly draw half of her earnings into her arms. After that, she spoke again.

"I'm going back to China, are you going back with me?"

Xia Lin: "…"

All the money was taken.

"Are you sure? I think it's better to stay in the soul world..."

"No, go back to China."

Tian Qingqing opened his mouth like this, his eyes were dead and without brilliance.

Then, she smiled suddenly.

"Huaguo is my brother-in-law's hometown."

"You said just now that brother-in-law has already cut off with Huaguo. But I think if brother-in-law encounters something bad outside, the first thing that will come to mind will be Huaguo."

"Just like the night of the annihilation three years ago, my brother-in-law took me aimlessly, like a ghost. But unknowingly came to the vicinity of the development city..."

"So I think, as long as I stay in China, there will always be a day when I will meet my brother-in-law again."

Xia Lin wanted to say that it might not be possible... Tian Qingqing had already continued before he spoke.

"What's more, my brother-in-law avenged my Tian family's revenge, and I will protect his home for my brother-in-law."

"As for what you said about going to the Soul Realm... I don't think I'll be in a hurry to think about it after my legend."

This woman thinks very clearly...

But when you go back, you have to be arrested.

Tian Qingqing ignored Xia Lin and just summoned the Canghuo Qingluan, riding the Qingluan and flying towards the Shifeng Ruins.

Seeing this scene, Xia Lin sighed deeply, chose a space ring, put the ration of hope into it, and after recalling the soul pet Hope, Invincibility, and Invincibility, Qingmang possessed and followed.

There is danger over there, Tian Qingqing goes back alone, Xia Lin is really worried.

Not for anything else.

If Tian Qingqing died, Xia Lin wouldn't be able to live with the money.

Pioneering the city, the fierce battle is in full swing.

The soldiers of the nearby five states did not get the news of their own old war death at all. They just followed the original order and frantically attacked the development of the city, preparing to pull out this nail, and even go to another world to make a fortune.

Together with the war, it is Shura Hell!

Individuals are enslaved by the will of the group. Even if some people faintly perceive that their legend has not yet appeared, it may be abnormal, but in front of the delicious cake of "other world", they are unwilling to think deeply.

After a brief truce, war broke out again.

Yonghui activated the Golden Dragon Possession and nailed it to the east wall of Kaikai City.

Around him, seven soul pets stood side by side, all of them were dragon pets, but there were only two in the legendary stage, and the remaining five were only in the king stage.

And the war god, still staying in the big tent, he should have gone out to fight, but he fell into deep distress.

"Yonghui, Yongxuan... alas..."

A sigh, expressing endless sadness.

Soon, the military **** straightened his face and said quickly.

"How many troops are available?"

Beside him, the adjutant said, "No more."

The **** of war nodded his head to show his understanding.

The military power of China itself has a disadvantage compared to the five states in general. The Legendary Power has pulled back a certain disadvantage, but the overall battle situation is still not optimistic.

At the same time, this also means that the God of War currently has no way to draw chips to receive the chips from the competing teams...

Think of the three-hour time limit Yonghui said.

The military **** who knows Yonghui's temper well knows that once Yonghui can't see Yongxuan after three hours, it's still light to turn around and leave, and he doesn't even dare to think about the more serious consequences.

"So the most important thing at the moment is to bring Yong Xuan back."

"But not enough people."

This is one of them.

The second is that the legendary king cannot be used to pick up people - the king class is the top combat power on the battlefield. Every king's shot will inevitably attract a lot of attention, and will inevitably encounter the interception of the enemy king.

When the battle of kings comes together, with the level of the children of bronze, silver and gold, the aftermath of the battle may not be able to withstand.

And this is also the underlying logic for Wang Tiansheng and Sun Hongyu to leave the competition team and return to the pioneering city alone.

Is there anything wrong with Wang Tiansheng and others?


Is Yonghui's request wrong?


No one is right.

But things got so awkward...

After thinking for a moment, the military **** spoke.

"Find some silver and gold, and two masters will lead the team. The rest will cooperate fully with them and quietly send them out of the battle circle. After finding Yongxuan and them, bring them back. Send a signal in advance, and Yonghui and I will shoot directly. aisle."

A simple but useful plan.

After saying this, the military **** said again: "By the way, Wang Tiansheng, do you know the specific position of the competing team?"

In the military tent, Wang Tiansheng, Sun Hongyu, and even the president of Bingda University were also among them.

Hearing the question of the war god, Wang Tiansheng said, "Leave a beacon before leaving."

"Well, the manpower issue..."

"Let's go out."

The headmaster of Ice University said like this.

The fighting was fierce, and it was already difficult for the military to cooperate with each other, and no more could be drawn.

Only on the side of Bingda, there is the specific location of Yongxuan and others.

Going out to pick up people has requirements on the strength of the candidates.

On behalf of Bingda, the old principal took on this task.

Turning around and walking out of the tent, the old principal found two ice master-level teachers in a defense facility in the city.

"Bring Gu Yunfeng's group of brats from the student union here."

The message was passed to the ice university campus.

In the No. 1 dormitory, Gu Yunfeng, in the name of the student union president, mobilized all the Silver Stage Soul Masters of the student union.

Passing through the passage between the two realms and arriving at Kaikai City, in the midst of the war, Gu Yunfeng saw the figure of the old principal.

"come here."

The old principal waved his hand, called Gu Yunfeng to his side, and then spoke.

"What is the mission, do you know?"

Gu Yunfeng nodded: "The teacher said it before I came here."

The old principal nodded gently: "There are not enough people, so I found you."

After speaking, the old principal was silent for a rare moment, and then suddenly smiled: "Bingda is different from the normal campus."

"And you are not ordinary students."

"For so many years, I have ignored the badness of the student union because I know that when something happens at a critical time, you have to take it up."

"In the past few years, what you extorted in the school, and what you wanted for the card, was your life money."

"You are unlucky, and you just happened to meet something."

"Now, it's time to check out."

Gu Yunfeng's eyes suddenly fluctuated.

But soon, he nodded slightly.

"It's a Bingda tradition."

"It's a tradition left by Tianyu Legend."

When the words fell, Gu Yunfeng and the old principal said at the same time: "Take money and do things, there is no greater reason in the world than this."

After saying that, both of them laughed.

Gu Yunfeng returned to the students, and the voice of the old principal came from behind him: "You have full authority to handle everything. I just ask for a little, bring people back."

"At any cost."

Gu Yunfeng nodded solemnly and looked at the people behind him.

Hongwu Temple, Jiang Ji, Lu Wen, Wu Quanlong…

Etc., etc.

Gu Yunfeng suddenly turned to look at Hongwu Temple: "Don't go."

Hongwu Temple was stunned, silent for a moment, and nodded.

Actively exited the queue.

This made other people wait for it to be unclear - except for Gu Yunfeng, no one knew what this mission was.

With the confused students, Gu Yunfeng silently walked towards the east wall without saying a word.

Then I saw the tragic battle on the east wall.

There are countless soul masters on both sides, fiercely vying for every piece of land. In the interlacing, you have me and I have you - a single soul master forms an army, and the battle range of high-level soul beasts is even greater.

As a result, the entire battlefield could not be seen at a glance, there were soul masters and soul beasts everywhere, and it was even difficult to tell which one was the enemy and which one was his own.

The two master-level tutors simply determined the direction and immediately greeted everyone to leave the city wall.

"Summon soul pets in advance! All soul pets!"

"In a moment, everyone follows me! Be sure to keep up and don't leave the queue."

After the instructor finished speaking, a team of Chinese soldiers interspersed.

The instructor led the team behind them.

The soldiers soon fell into a hard fight. UU reading

But quietly pulled out enough space.

Not far away, another group of soldiers stood up and continued to open the way.





China has never encountered such a large-scale war.

This is the first time anyone has seen this situation.

Unconsciously, some student council students shuddered.

He grunted softly.

"Where is this going? It feels like we've gone too far..."

Gu Yunfeng turned back to look at this person, his stern gaze made this person shrink.

Seeing Gu Yunfeng turn his head, he said softly, "Go to perform the mission."

"What mission?"

Gu Yunfeng didn't speak, but Jiang Jidi muttered: "It shouldn't be easy depending on the situation... So, there are a lot of credits, right?"

Gu Yunfeng nodded: "A lot."

Of course a lot!


Over the past few years, the fat you have been raised will be strong.

Gu Yunfeng narrowed his eyes as if he was vaguely thinking of something, and said softly in a voice that only he could hear.

"Huaguo, poor...too poor."

"So every soul crystal in the country, every bit of resource, is stained with blood."

"Similarly, every soul crystal in the school, every point of credit, has long been marked with a price."

"I, Gu Yunfeng, treat you well."

"And now..."

"It's time to check out."

Gently tugging at the collar, Gu Yunfeng looked up into the distance.

In the distance, with the pull of the army, the way to leave the war zone has been opened.

After passing there, it means that everyone began to penetrate into the enemy-occupied area.

And then, everything depends on luck, life and death depend on God's will.