MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 865 Node key, congenital Chang Hao

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  Chapter 865 Node key, congenital Chang Hao

   "Nothing, just give me time."

   Miequan Wudi said, frowning, obviously enduring unspeakable pain.

  His invincible original power devastated the body of the Divine Emperor.

   But he was also tortured by the power of God.

  He was very unconvinced.

   Vow to defeat the God of Shinto and prove it for himself.

   After joining Miequan, he vowed to defeat the God of God.

  Although Emperor Shendao was seriously injured by him, he was still dissatisfied and even felt ashamed.

  Ren Wo smiled and said in amazement: "It's amazing, even the Emperor of the Divine Dao was injured by you, why do you join in the extermination of power with such strength?"

  As soon as this remark was made, Jiu Su's expression changed dramatically.

   Is this guy sabotaging?

   Mingzun and Zhao Chenjun behind him also looked at Miequan Wudi with apprehension on their faces.

  Li Huahun looked disdainful, Shiqi was curious, and Jidi was expressionless.

   Zhan Kui and Tian Yuan Ri Chuan were puppets, motionless.

   "Because your goals are the same as mine."

   Miequan Wudi replied calmly, neither mad nor humble.

  In his heart, he didn't actually take Miquan seriously. For him, Miquan is just a tool.

  Ji Emperor looked at Fear Jiusu, and said, "What about the two original rules?"

  Afraid of Jiusu's embarrassment, he said: "They are still retreating, and I am weak, so I dare not force them."

   Shi E joked: "Your mouth is still very powerful, you can persuade them."

  Fearing that Jiu Su would be proud, he said: "It's just like-minded."

  Li Huahun walked up to Miequan Wudi and looked at him carefully.

  He was about to speak, let me laugh and take him away.

   "Don't make trouble, with your little ability, who can you deal with?"

  Ren Wo laughed and said, Li Huahun wanted to resist, but suddenly remembered that his cultivation had been suppressed by the Extreme Emperor, and now he is like a useless person.

The Emperor Ji glanced around the crowd and said: "The Emperor Shendao put it aside for the time being, and our next goal is to destroy all the kingdoms of God in the sixth source plane. Everyone must be careful of the dark royal family. Hidden in it is a power not inferior to that of the God of the Divine Dao."

  Everyone nodded, and then left one after another.

  Ji Emperor took a look at Miequan Wudi, and said to Fear Jiusu: "Take care of him."


   Fear Jiusu said respectfully, and immediately watched Jidi leave.

  Ming Zun and Zhao Chenjun followed behind Fear Jiusu, but they did not leave.

   After all, they have just joined Miequan, and there are still many things that need to be explained by Jiusu.


Three years later.

  Su Yi and Ji Xiang found the starry sky where the second source plane node was located.

   There are many planets in this starry sky, which is relatively dense.

  Some planets still have the aura of life, which is extremely small, forming a single side of the mortal world.

   Su and Yi did not bother these mortal worlds, and began to work hard to find the source plane nodes.

   God weeps and God cry protects Su Yi.

   "Unfortunately, at that time, Xiaopao should have asked more about the details of the source plane nodes. It was too difficult to find them like this."

  Su Yi sighed, even with the rules of time and space, he still felt strenuous.

   "Xiantian Haoxin requests to be sent to Su Yi's side, do you agree?"

  At this moment, a teleportation request suddenly appeared in his mind.

  He hesitated for a moment, then agreed to the transmission request.

  Xiantian Haoxin appeared next to Su Yi out of thin air, and the two war beasts immediately became vigilant and glared at Xiantian Haoxin.

  Xiantian Haoxin was frightened by their murderous aura, but fortunately, when Su Yi waved his hand, the two war beasts turned into a harmless appearance of humans and animals again.

   "What is it?"

  Su Yi asked, Xiantian Haoxin once said that without the permission of the patriarch, any member of the Xiantian clan who leaves the clan without permission will be regarded as a crime of treason.

Xiantian Hao smiled heartily and said: "That's right, the patriarch asked me to negotiate with you, I hope I can invite an elder from the clan to join Emperor Suzong, and investigate the background of Emperor Suzong for Xiantianzong. The status in the interior is low, and I can only rely on you to speak."

  Su Yi continued to ask: "How strong is your elder?"

   The Xiantian Clan is really giving them a helping hand!

  Once he enters Emperor Suzong, his life will be under his control!

   "The Eight Realms of Eternal Divine Destiny."

  Xiantian Haoxin replied, with a confident face, he believed that Emperor Su would not refuse.

   "You invite first, I will talk to the suzerain, but it will take time."

  Su Yi pondered, in fact, it doesn't take time, but for acting, you have to do a full set.

  Xiantian Hao nodded excitedly, then closed his eyes.

   Soon, a request appeared in Su Yi's mind.

   "Xiantian Haoxin invited Xiantian Changhao to join Emperor Suzong, do you agree?"

  Su Yi didn't agree immediately, and waited for three or four days, anyway, there was no rush.

  Xiantian Haoxin noticed Ji Xiang's figure, and he asked curiously: "Are you looking for the source plane node?"

  Su Yi asked: "Do you have a solution?"

  He said it before in Emperor Suzong, but no one knew about it.

Xiantian Hao nodded heartily, and said with a smile: "I heard you mention it in the sect before, and I kept it in my heart, so I found out from the elders in the clan that the source plane nodes are the keys, which become invisible, scattered in all directions, and need to be broken. In the nearby space, reunite the source plane key."

   break spaces?

  Su Yi frowned slightly. He tried it before, but only broke a small piece to avoid destroying the source plane nodes.

  Now, according to Xiantian Haoxin, at least this star field must be broken to force out the source plane node key?

   With a wave of his right hand, he moved thousands of living planets in the starry sky into his own independent time and space.

   Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned silver, and he directly cast the space-time rule, shattering all the surrounding space.

   As soon as Ji Xiang was about to fly, he felt the space around him shatter, and his heart jumped.

  What is Su Yi going to do?

  Xiantian Haoxin raised his eyebrows slightly, the rules of time and space?

   This kid is worthy of being a follower of Emperor Su!

   actually mastered two mutually exclusive rules.

  The time rule is particularly powerful, is it the original rule?

  Xiantian Haoxin was lost in thought.

  The space of the entire star field was shattered and plunged into absolute darkness.

  I saw light spots appearing out of thin air, and then quickly gathered together, condensing into a white light key.

  Su Yi was pleasantly surprised, it really came out!

   With a move of his right hand, the node key flew into his hand.

  Xiantian Haoxin and Jixiang flew over immediately. It was the first time they saw the source plane node, so they were naturally curious.

  Ji Xiang excitedly said: "Quickly open the source plane channel, I want to go back to the eighth source plane!"

  Su Yi poured mana into the node key, trying to open the passage.

   At this moment, he suddenly became uneasy.

  He subconsciously activated Su Di's Divine Raiment.


  A terrifying force came from behind and swept him away.

  Su Yi looked back, his expression changed drastically.

   Soul swallowing!

   It was Tun Ling who whipped him away with his tail just now!

  Su Yi immediately agreed with Xiantian Chang Hao to join Emperor Suzong.

   Then directly choose Xiantian Chang Hao's shadow possession, and a force stronger than Qin Jun appears.

  He didn't hesitate, and quickly came to the node key and took it away.

  Spirit swallowing struck again, Xiantian Haoxin and Jixiang were so frightened that they quickly retreated.

  (end of this chapter)