MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 293

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In the classroom, all of a sudden there was a commotion, and the students were ruddy and excited! without him,

Today is the opening day of "Baohui"!

But this is not something that students can hula la by themselves. Someone must lead them. Therefore,

No one left the classroom, but everyone was talking and looking excited.

On Wu Chi's side, Li Bo and others were also chatting.

Li Bo said excitedly, "It's finally here! I'm so excited!"

"What's so exciting, you won't necessarily get anything good!" Li Wen complained,

Li Bo smiled awkwardly, looked at Ouyang Ke, and asked, "Ouyang classmate, how about you?" "Ready."

Ouyang can be concise and concise,

After getting along for a few days, she was not as cold as she had been at the beginning, and it was normal to get along with her classmates.

However, Wu Chi still ignored her, and the relationship between the two seemed to be a "contradiction" to outsiders. "Where's Wu Chi? Have you seen the temporary chamber of commerce before?" Li Bo turned around and asked,

The temporary chamber of commerce formed by the 20th class, as said at the beginning, does not have any restrictions, and everyone is just exchanging information inside. in other words,

It's actually a small discussion group.

It's just different from ordinary discussion groups, where things can be traded, and the location is placed in a student's territory.

He specially opened up a huge open space for students to trade and exchange. Wu Chi went to see it once, nothing special, and then stopped watching it. "Go once!"

"I just heard about Baohui, so just be prepared." Wu Chi shrugged,

He didn't even spend the money in his hand! originally,

He would go to [Red Mansion] every day.. No, now it should be [Great Void Wonderland] to try his luck to see if a certain beauty will be summoned by him, and it's not a problem to brush 10,000 Void Crystals a day. .

But in order to avoid "laying the foreshadowing", Wu Chi has not spent a dime these days, just waiting for that mysterious treasure meeting! "Hey, me too!" Li Bo scratched his head,

Chen Qian couldn't help but open her mouth (agcd) and said: "It's a rare encounter with treasure, I hope we can all get treasure." "Yes!" Several people nodded.

Wu Chi can't deny it either! Recently,

He looked up the news of "Baohui" in various forums! There is a lot of news, but most of them are not nutritious. Someone is pretending to be Versailles,

someone complained,

Some people show off,

Or talking about what treasures so-and-so got. There is very little useful information,

All in all, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you can get treasures in it!

Only good and bad, no rubbish!

This is a kind of "training" of students by the state, and it is considered to be pulling the country's wool. Therefore,

He also had some expectations.

Moreover, it is said that the "Baohui" is held in a simple way of gambling, and I don't know how to do it.

The students chatted loudly in the classroom, not knowing when,

A succinct teacher Hu walked in. The crowd hurriedly quieted down,

Teacher Hu said: "The principal has something to do, I will lead the team this time!" "Yes!"

Everyone responded, and naturally there was no objection. "Let's go!"

Teacher Hu nodded, waved his hand, and walked out. Wu Chi and others hurriedly got up and followed. The place where the "Baohui" is held is the old place, Yinyuecheng Square,

The place to hold the "Sky Climbing Festival"! On weekdays,

It's also open here, but now it's blocked!

In the huge square, one by one "stalls" shrouded in crimson light were placed on the ground. Interestingly, there is no "stall owner",

Everything on the booth was wrapped in crimson light, like blood. "arrive!"

Teacher Hu brought the students to the gate of the square.

When two people in black clothes saw them, they immediately came up to ask. After learning that they were students of Kamigawa Middle School, they nodded and let them go.

But....only students can enter!

Chapter 377 The Magical Use of Hero Power (4/5! Subscribe!)

"Go in, don't be nervous! Just treat it as an ordinary trade fair!" Teacher Hu turned his head and said with a smile. Everyone responded, and she turned around and walked away.

The two men in black nodded and cupped their hands: "Let's go in, classmates! Remember, don't fight!" "Once there is a dispute, you will be thrown out of the treasure club immediately!"

"Noisy, fighter, heavy penalty!"

Their cold voice shocked everyone. Subsequently,

The two moved out of the way.

The students are pacing in!

As soon as they entered the square, they were surprised to find that there was a "unique place" here!

From the outside, the square is sparse, which is normal. can really come in,

I found out that the actual square is hundreds of times larger than what I saw!

There are many mysterious crimson booths, and there are many young students coming and going. They are all excited, their steps are brisk, and they seem to be in a good mood. "Mysterious treasure club!"

"Great, let's get started!"

"I don't know if I can pick up the artifact..."

"Crazy, do you think you are the child of destiny or the child of luck? An artifact at the start?"

Everyone was laughing and joking, and at this time,

Chu Renjie walked out and shouted: "Everyone come according to the plan, exchange information, exchange information!" "May you all get what you need!" Everyone responded in unison and dispersed, Li Bo also turned around and said :"Let's go."


Several people responded and walked away.

Wu Chi looked around and found a random direction.

The form of "Baohui" is not an ordinary transaction!

It's Bobao!

The country will put down all kinds of treasures at low prices, what to buy and what to buy is up to you! And that crimson light can isolate detection, let alone ordinary identification skills.

Even with supernatural powers, you can't see the attribute panel of those things. Only after the purchase, the scarlet light recedes, can the attribute information be obtained!

This mode, Wu Chi thought it was a trick at first, but after checking the information carefully, he found that it was a helpless move. Baohui, students will definitely not lose money,

The state subsidizes so many resources, and the idea is that everyone can get the benefits!

But if it is placed on the table, it will inevitably cause looting and comparison! Some of the best treasures will cause countless troubles,

When the original "Baohui" was established, it was still a simple table transaction.

The result was another fight, another disturbance, all kinds of duels, snatch, and auctions!

There are even acts of gathering and oppressing scattered people, which is very chaotic! at last,

The country has set this model,

Not only the fun of gambling, but also not real gambling, but also to avoid confusion, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

For example, the "temporary chamber of commerce" established by Chu Renjie and others, if it was in the past, it would definitely use the power of everyone to bully the loose people, but now, they can only communicate with each other and cannot bully others. "It's interesting."

Wu Chi came to a stall, watched the crimson flashing above, and touched his chin. on the stall,

A lot of things look interesting.

For example, a jade token is a bit like a "hero token", but it may just be a one-time spell.

For example, a book may be a skill book, or it may be a book like "miscellaneous notes"!

Looking at the past, all kinds of strange, different! now,

There are already people who can't help but buy things.

Wu Chi picked up a book, and the crimson light flowed on it, but he couldn't see the attribute information.

0.・・Ask for flowers・・

"Hint: 1000 Void Crystals are required to purchase this treasure."

"This treasure meeting: 10/10."

"Can one person only buy 10?"

Wu Chi was a little disappointed.

(?1?.\"5?) But think about it, that's normal!

The price of the treasures is different, but the price itself has been suppressed multiple times.

If there is no limit for many rich Mengxin, it is estimated that they will buy a lot, and then the Mengxin of ordinary families will cry to death?


"Then you can't buy it and play." "Well..."

Wu Chi's eyes moved, and he switched to the [Power of Heroes] to become the "Pan Jinlian" template! next moment,

The power of charisma emerges, the power of destiny descends,

Let Wu Chi feel something in the dark.

He looked down and saw that there was still no information about the book in his hand, but a trace of "resistance" surged in his heart! He looked at other treasures, and found every treasure, a feeling or "resistance" would arise in his heart,

or "approval",

The degree of resistance and recognition is also slightly different! Not surprisingly,

This represents the quality comparison of treasures!

The better the treasure, the more valuable it is to you, the more you will recognize it in your heart! "What about other heroes?"

Wu Chi was overjoyed and switched to another hero to try.

Lin Daiyu and other fighting heroes are naturally useless, mainly Pan Jinlian, Jia Yingchun and Shan Shan three daughters, the former need not say more,

With Jia Yingchun's luck in hand, Wu Chi felt that what he touched would not be too bad, but it was too vague, and the coral made Wu Chi aware of the importance of the treasure to him!

. again.

Chapter 378 Nine Fragments! Veiled woman! (5/5! Please subscribe!)

Auxiliary heroes are not necessarily less important than combat heroes! It is so now,

The most convenient is Miss Pan's 199-point charisma,

The guidance of the power of destiny is enough for Wu Chi to harvest a good "treasure" index! but,

Just 199 points of glamour is not enough!

Wu Chi can also add luck and the perception of "sincere heart"!

He pondered for a while, and first used the template of "Jia Yingchun" to let luck accompany him, and then walked around, casually walking around.

With the help of luck, he can find stalls with good treasures in this huge square! Then switch to "Shan "Three One Zero" coral", feel whether the treasure above is suitable for you, and then switch to "Pan Jinlian", you can see the good and the bad at a glance!

Even from a subtle point of view, you can distinguish the gap between treasures. They are all good treasures, and there are degrees! soon,

He was at a crimson booth on a whim, he stopped immediately, took a look at the booth, and sincere heart gave a positive reply, and then,

Under the index of destiny, he directly grabbed a cyan iron piece! "This thing is the best treasure in Baohui?" Wu Chi's eyes flickered in front of the booth.

He just turned around. Although the square is big, Wu Chi's speed is not slow. He just wastes some time when switching the perception of hero power!

And the harvest after a circle is to find that the perception is the strongest here! by luck,

He was the happiest when he came here.

With sincerity, he felt that it was the best to come here, and the force of fate told him that this iron piece was the best!