MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 323

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and explained his mistake. heard,

A few newcomers were startled, and hurriedly said that they were fine, as long as the owner was happy, Zhao Xuanyue was also a little confused, only to think that he had brought a hundred people over in the morning, and Wu Chi was brave and drove for a few hours. Time gap, too much pressure on the body! think of this,

Zhao Xuanyue knelt down directly and was ashamed: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty! I...I, Your Majesty, teach Xuanyue a lesson!" "Okay! I have already punished you, haven't I?" Wu Chi smiled,

Pull up Zhao Xuanyue and take a few people to the new healing building just built--【Well of Blood】! Because it is a building with low upgrade requirements,

Wu Chi raised it to level 20 in one breath, and spent about 100,000 (agcd) of Void Originium. After accepting the task of building upgrade,

It is not easy to find that the task requirement is "to treat 1,000 people in total"?

A few newcomers were trained for the first time, and they would be injured more or less.

[Well of Blood], looks terrible, how good they are lying in Baiyun Tower waiting to recover, but they are a little scared to go into the blood pool to take a bath. But under Wu Chi's comfort and leadership, the women went to the clothes together and stepped into the blood pool.

Several beautiful people like jade, with tall jade bodies walking in the blood pool, this picture looks a bit strange.

But not to mention, the treatment effect is very significant!

[Baiyun Tower] at least a few hours, [Well of Blood] only for a while, and they recovered! Sufficient qi and blood, delicate skin,

The whole body exudes a healthy breath.

Even Wu Chi, his tired body and spirit, recovered at once, and his physical condition was also on the excellent side!

"This special building is not bad! It's just scary!"

Wu Chi nodded with satisfaction, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

In the past, King Zhou of Shang had a wine pond and a meat forest, and in the wine pond he was happy with his concubines. If he and his beauty were in the blood pond...

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Can't think too much!

Wu Chi shook his head and walked away.

day by day,

Every day is rewarded,

At least one monster will be brought in to become resources! finally,

A month has passed, and the barracks are basically upgraded successfully!


[Xianqin Ruishi] → [Xianqin Tianbing], there are several more skills in the army formation, and the killing methods are even more terrifying. At the same time,

The equipment of the beauties has also become a magic weapon, and similar to the [Sacred Armament], it has become the [Black Bird Sacred Armor]. Normally, it is just a mark. Once in battle, it can be turned into a whole body of black bird bronze armor, which is majestic and terrifying!

And can be freely transformed into a crossbow, sword, halberd triple weapon! in,

The crossbow lost its ability to fire bursts, but its range and power were greatly enhanced, the single sword was more capable of fighting, and the power of the sword qi was doubled.


Chapter 437 Crazy upgrade (1/5! Please subscribe!)

a piece of equipment,

can be transformed into three forms,

They are used for long-range, close combat, and army formation, and from a certain angle, it can be said to be an all-around combat soldier~! In fact,

Once they form an army, even powerful heroes will be defeated! Wu Chi has personally experienced,

During a training session, he was curious about the battle-strength of the beauty after becoming [Xianqin Tianbing], so he proposed to form an army to fight a battle. That battle lasted 18 hours, from day to night,

And from night to day,

In the end, Wu Chi almost fainted from exhaustion and had to admit defeat and surrender. Of course,

This kind of cultivation method can only be regarded as a side view to reflect the horror of the military formation.

If you really fight with monsters, the army will be like a sharp knife, tearing a level 45 boss monster into pieces, it is extremely fierce! at the same time,

(;1;?:5,)【Qin Zhiruishi】The barracks have also transformed,

Like the other barracks, it is now called [Xianqin Camp], and the other arms have different names.

In the upgraded [Mingyue Holy Land] and [Lingjian Mountain], "Mingyue Cultivator" is now called "Mingyue Fairy", "Kunlun Swordsman" is now called "Tianjian Lingnv",

The lovely and beautiful little fairies of Mingyue have obtained the new Mingyue Sealing Method, as well as a practice method "Mingyue Holy Law", and fighting with the Mingyue Sealing Method, their strength will be greatly improved! In terms of equipment, they are also merged into one, becoming [Mingyue Tianyi],

The so-called "Seamless", this equipment can enhance the "Mingyue Holy Law" and the Mingyue Seal, and it is very beautiful. It has a long-sleeved gauze skirt and fluttering fairy air. Even Wu Chi likes it very much. Sometimes, he is unwilling to let it go. Girls change clothes.

And the "Sword of Heaven" is naturally the same. With more exercises and skills, the equipment has become a "Sword of Heaven", and its power cannot be underestimated!

this month,

Wu Chi is working hard to deal with the three barracks.

First, of course, thanks to the dedication of the monster brothers,

Only when Wu Chi is wealthy can he recruit all the soldiers and equip them with new equipment one by one!

Or upgraded the previous equipment, and spent more than 20 million Void Crystals!

Second, after owning the nine-color jade pendant, his training ability has been greatly enhanced. Under Lin Daiyu's arrangement, there will be a class every morning and evening, with a size of 22×5 per class.

Abruptly trained more than 5,000 recruits within a month, allowing them to improve by leaps and bounds, and truly "become stronger while lying down"! So,

Every morning, under the "Tree of Marriage", one can see the scenes of beauties closing their eyes and having an epiphany, which is very interesting.

Under the wall, clouds and mists are shrouded in mist, and the cloud towers are misty and immortal, like illusory bubbles, extremely mysterious.

Wu Chi stood on the fence and looked at the brand-new towers around him, quite satisfied! He is addicted to nurturing newcomers,

But not forgetting the towers,

After meeting the upgrade conditions, the defense towers have also been upgraded successfully, such as [Pyroblast Tower], and the building has been upgraded to [Fire Spell Cloud Tower], such as [Frost Warlock Tower], and the building has been upgraded to [Ice Spell Spell· Cloud Tower]......

A large number of buildings were upgraded, and Wu Chi naturally upgraded one by one. In one month,

There are also more than 10 million Void Originium into it! nature,

The level cannot be just level 21! The current Wu Chi is level 24, and the territory also has level 24!

And most of the towers have been upgraded to level 24!

It's only been a month, but the strength of [Taiyin City] has truly experienced an "exploitation".


0·...for flowers·.


Wu Chi stretched and looked at the wall under his feet, feeling helpless. The fence at the foot of the foot is also regarded as "hard work and great achievements",

But the goal of its building upgrade is [Thunder Purgatory Cloud Tower], which is not very suitable for [Taiyin City]! Therefore,

Wu Chi has not been upgraded, and we will see if a new fence can be exploded, but the shipment is random.

Even with Jia Yingchun, he killed so many monsters this month, opened so many treasure chests, and never opened the fence! At this time,

footsteps sounded,

It was Miaoyu and Qin Keqing who came over. Miaoyu Yingying bowed and said with a smile, "Young Master, the monster is here." "Oh?"

Wu Chi raised his head and saw a huge figure walking in the distance. This was a "scarecrow".

He opened his eyes and found that he was a level 41 elite. He was weird and terrifying, his body was not tyrannical, but he possessed a mysterious curse that could kill enemies from the air. Unfortunately, in front of [Taiyin City], its methods have no meaning.

Before Wu Chi gave the order, the monster was about to curse, when there was a flash of sword light in the sky, and then a terrifying phantom shadow suppressed and fell, smashing the monster into pieces! "It's Daiyu!" Qin Keqing pursed her lips and smiled.

At this time,

The scarecrow monster actually revived instantly, roaring: "I am fear! You can't kill..." This is the voice of the soul,

It is enough to prove the tyranny of the scarecrow monster's means, but unfortunately,

Another sword light, even the soul was shattered,

The tyrannical sword intent came, and even the breath of fear could not escape, and was completely eliminated. The light flashed in place, the monster disappeared, and a killing treasure box fell...

. again.

Chapter 438 Remnants of civilization? (2/5! Please subscribe!)

“Clean and tidy!”

Wu Chi applauded and couldn't help but sighed in admiration. exactly,

Lin Daiyu came back in the air, her clothes fluttering,

Like an ancient emperor, he descended with an aura of oppression. pity,

This feeling is only for a moment,

She regained her delicate and pleasant appearance, and a beautiful face with a little softness fell on Wu Chi's side. "Master, where is the second girl?"

"I talked to her until midnight last night, that girl is probably still sleeping." Wu Chi shrugged.

Lin Daiyu rolled his eyes at him and said with a smile, "Young master is not afraid of iron pestles..."

The voice did not fall,

A few "three four three" Taiyin Huai Yao suddenly flew over, turned into human figures, and bowed to Wu Chi. I saw a few women on something important,

Lin Daiyu also wisely shut her mouth and took two steps back. Wu Chi waved his hand,

Several Taiyin Huai Yaos reported: "Master, there are no suitable monsters in a hundred miles!" "All the reconnaissance teams are returning!" "Do you want to explore the distance?"

Even in front of the heroes, the glamorous female ghosts are unparalleled, their voices are cold, and they are calm.

From their mouths, Wu Chi got "bad" news.

In the past month, his good brothers were all killed by him! There are only a few legendary monsters that can't be provoked,

For example, a red-clothed giant from 80 miles away is a level 45 legend.

Wu Chi secretly looked at it with "Heaven's Eye", and after discovering a lot of legendary "tags" on the other side, he directly gave up the idea of ​​killing the other side.

The rest are similar. Although the strengths are different, none of them can be provoked by a level 24 Wu!

If he is also level 40, he can try it! "Um!"

Wu Chi hesitated for a moment, then said, "What about those modern ruins? Have you checked them out?" "Except for the two places we can't get in, we've finished the investigation!"

In the radius of hundreds of miles, most of the modern ruins are useless places. Wu Chi has been to several places, but he has not found the "brightness of civilization", and among all the ruins,

There are only two places where the female ghosts can't get in! Before,

Wu Chi is very busy, so naturally he doesn't care. but now,

All the suitable monsters around were killed...


Wu Chi pondered for a moment, and was about to speak when suddenly,

A few Taiyin locust demons flew over again.

They are not cold-faced, but rather dignified! "Owner!"

One of the beauties turned into a figure and said respectfully, "I found a human being!" "What, found a human being?"

Sister Lin couldn't help but speak, and when her beautiful eyes moved, Miaoyu and Qin Keqing were also full of shock! These days, they are occasionally dispatched, but they haven't seen any popularity at all. There are actually living people... "Yes!"

The Taiyin Huai Yao was not joking, looked at Wu Chi and calmly said, "In seventy-two miles..."

A few minutes ago, the team's Taiyin Huai Yao was preparing to return. The monsters were almost killed, so naturally they didn't need to continue attracting monsters.

But just on the road, in an ordinary hillside, the earth and rocks were shaking, a passage was cracked, and a dozen people came out! The taiyin locust demons were very surprised,

Several of them hid in the clouds to monitor, and this Taiyin Huai Yao came back quickly and informed Wu Chi! "Good job!" Wu Chi praised, "It's good to be able to help the master!" The glamorous female ghost blushed, her face full of happiness. …

Wu Chi touched her head and turned back: "What do you think?"

"Young Master! The Young Master has gone out a few times this month, but he has not found the brilliance of civilization. Do you think the fragments of this world are not completely dead?" Lin Daiyu pondered for a while.

In [Taiyin City], Lin Daiyu has read the most books and knows the most about various information about the lord era! Although Xue Baochai was smarter, he came too late after all.