MTL - Lovable Package-Chapter 17 Taoist and little fox 17

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Today's Su Shi seems to be particularly fond of love.

He is holding Ling's waist, his voice is soft and soft, like a white and tender little sugar bag, sticking to Lingsi, how can it not be lost.

Ling Si sighed silently, knowing that Su Shi was scared, and it is no wonder that the other spoiled, always carefree and used to be used, where I have experienced this kind of thing, I want to take care of myself, let The other side has added concerns.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, come hug." Ling Si gently slid down Su Shi's hair, only to pick him up, this little guy is very thin, but it is soft, and the milk fragrance on his body is in the nose. Comfortable and enjoyable.

Su Shi loves to be spoiled. Especially when someone is petting him, he is more delicate. He reaches for Lingsi’s neck and leans his head on the shoulder of the other person. It is very embarrassing and sticky.

Then he began to stare at Lingsi's side face, super serious.

Lingsi’s face was hot, but his heart was a bit dark, but his ears were hot and might be red. In order to cover his nervousness, he finally coughed and asked: “How to see it. So tight, is it afraid that I will lose it?"

"Yeah." Su Shi nodded, his arm around his neck tightened, and said softly: "I can see you tightly, you can't lose it."

Lingsi smiled and asked: "Would you like to tie me with a rope?"

"Is it okay?" Su Shi actually had some eagerness to try.

"You are still serious." Lingsi couldn't help but laugh. He had to point a little bit of Su Shi's little head: "If you don't tie it, I will be by your side every day. If I am so big, can I really lose it?"

"Oh..." Su Shi had to grieve and groan, and his heart was unbalanced, and he bite on the other's ear, revealing a neat little tooth print.

He leaned in and smelled it, and he was proud of his face. He said, "You will have my taste in the future. If you lose it, I can smell it back."

"Ah, I will rely on you after that." Lingsi said while laughing, just that low mood has long been scattered, the other party is really his little baby, as soon as he saw him, how much anecdote can forget the brain To go after.

Su Shi nodded and leaned on his shoulder.

When I came back to Xiangfu, I was already a little light-transparent. After I helped Su Qing arrange a good place, Ling Si took Su Shi into the house.

He laid the rafters and made only the fragrant points. When he looked back, Su Shi was wrapped in the quilt and looked at him with his big eyes.

"What's wrong, can't sleep?" Lingsi blew out the candlelight before turning over to Su Shidao.

The room suddenly darkened, leaving only a faint light in the incense burner.

The light aroma filled the body and covered the taste of Lingsi. Su Shi was not used to it. He threw his pillow and went to Lingsi’s arms. He said with a sullen voice: "Not sleepy."

"Then I am jealous of you?" Lingsi stretched out his arm and let Su Shi as a pillow, a little lower, and asked softly.

"Well, wow." Su Shi listened and immediately closed his eyes. Ling Si put him in his arms and gently patted his back, like comforting the little baby, screaming at each other.

It may be that the other party's movements are too gentle. Gradually, they feel that they are in a hurry, and then they fall into a dream.

Sleep well all night.

When I woke up on the second day, the house was still very quiet, the curtains hung, and there was no light in it. It was like the night. Su Shi stretched out and touched it. He didn't touch his Lingsi, only the cool bed.

He panicked, looked up and looked around, and found that the incense had already burned out, barefoot ran down to pull the curtains, and found that it was already a gimmick, Ling Si was not, he ran away.

Su Shi was aggrieved.

Yesterday, I said that I was not allowed to leave him. It was a jealousy and a pro. It turned out to be a lie!

Su Shi thought of this, but also did not care about the other, wearing a single coat ran out of the door, there are two outside the house guarding him, apparently did not want him to go out.

Can Su Shi listen to the words of the two of them, sneak out and sneak out, chasing after him, he ran in front, and when he ran, he always looked back and accidentally ran into people.

"It hurts." Su Shi thought of going backwards with the inertia. The man quickly caught him and said: "How did you run out?"

"In order to find you." Su said a sentence, want to lame, the result of the pebble is a little pain, then the little temper in his heart came up, then turned and did not go to see Lingsi.

"Hey, how are you... eh?" Lingsi saw him barefoot, and he was so distressed that he just wanted to pick him up and saw something like it. He quickly picked up his clothes.

In the following two glimpses, suddenly shy, I thought that the two flirted in the daytime, squinting and squinting.

"What's wrong?" Su Shi also found that something was wrong, and quickly turned back, see Lingsi look strange, his hand still touched his butt.

His face was reflexively red, and he hadn't waited for a rogue, but his **** was touched again.

"You are..." Ling Si took a deep breath and licked a furry big tail. From the root to the tip of the tail, the furry hair was very fluffy and the hand feels very good.

The tail is white, there is no hair at all, and the light shines with silver.

The two looked at each other. Su Shi only felt itchy ears. He sank in his heart and then reached out to touch it, only to find that his white pointed ears also came out.

"Ah, what to do!" Su Shi couldn't do it, and quickly reached for it. Fortunately, Ling Ling's driver, who took off his shirt and covered it on Su Shi, wrapped the tail of his ear.

Then he hurried him into the house.

No one around, Su Shi did not ask others to look at it, otherwise he should not be arrested as a monster.

"Why are you going?" Su Shi sat on the bed and stretched her legs to let Lingsi check his feet.

"Set a few volts, I am afraid that you are worried, I will not ask you to get up." Lingsi finished, only looked up at Su Shi, the other side of the ears pulled to the back, a look of grievances.

He stood up and touched the pointed ear of the other side. The fluffy one was hotter than the human body temperature. He made a slap in the face with a finger, and Su Shi immediately snored sensitively.

"Can you take it back?" Lingsi was not willing to close his hand, and he came closer and pretended to check.

"Can, my demon power just recovered, so I did not control it." Su Shi said that when he was a little lacking, he secretly tried the demon and tried it. The white light flashed and the tail of his ear did not recover. It was the same.

He squinted and tried to argue: "That, I..."

"I will help you." Ling Si stared at his tail for a long time, his eyes were deep, and he said to Su Shi like the big gray wolf lied to the little white rabbit: "Hey, you are going over, I will give you a try."