MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-Chapter 11 Xin Xuan

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Long Feili squinted his eyes slightly, and he was lazy and didn't pick up the lamp.

She laughed. The humiliating drama that everyone had done to her just now, this hilarious.

The princess behind her suddenly said: "The empress empress is compassionate, not that the courtiers are willing to have more troubles, but this time the two sisters-in-law have been spared lightly.

Ruyi was frightened, and was about to speak, and the queen mother had lost her sight. "Miner's words are not unreasonable. How can this be good?"

"Since it is the fault of the manipulator, Chen Xun wanted to change this sentence to gaol, so it would not hurt his life." Hua Fei said.

The queen mother chuckled and looked at the queen. "The emperor said nothing but asked about it, Misu, you are the head of the harem. What do you say?"

The queen seemed startled, frowned, stood slightly silent, "This--"

For gauntlet, a wooden stick is used to pinch the finger. If you look at the person who is executing the sentence, the severer may break the finger bones.

There was a moment of silence in the seat, and several concubines looked at Hua Fei in horror.

Ruyi gritted her teeth, Luo skirt throbbed. Long Feili suddenly reached out and pulled the queen into her arms, and said lightly, "Xiuer, what are you anxious for? It's up to the mother's will."

The hand holding Cha Zan trembled, Xuan Yuan smiled at Ruyi slightly, shook his head, eyes, and wrote persistence.

The Queen Mother's advice, but borrowed from Hua Fei. This gauntlet will destroy your hands. It's ruined, it's ugly. Nian Xuanzhang was just driven crazy and she was not stupid. She tossed around and thought of her life. Why bother to catch everyone else?

The embroidered shoes returned, Ruyi raised her eyebrows and silently looked at the ground.

Hua Fei's mouth was slightly angled, and she said to the **** next to him, "Let's pronounce a sentence."

Xuan Yuan said lightly: "If the emperor does not give up, use this cup of tea. It is also the last time Xuan Yuan serves tea for the emperor."

"I thought Qing was unwilling." Long Fei smiled from his lips, "rarely you opened your mouth."

She stared at it, the smile wrapped in frost with jade, color ~ conferred on the city, but unfortunately the phoenix flow, always like a pond. Suddenly the heart entangled with thick hat cocoons suddenly hurt.

Five days before dawn, barefoot into the pool to take Hexiang, stepping on snow to find plums, but a willingness, who cares who you are, is it the respect of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Long Feili is just Xuanyun's Ali.

In the ear, the eunuch's voice seemed to have a root thorn inserted, footsteps swayed, and the executioner arrived.

Holding the teacup's sour arms, he raised it a bit higher.

There was a small fetus stabbing into the knee, and the pain of a sudden stab in her knee was waiting for her, and the hot tea had been sprinkled on the emperor's body.

The white and slender hands, the back of the whole hand was hot ~ red.

She froze, and then was kicked by Long Feili's foot, and the pain came out of her heart socket. She vomited bleeding and fell to the ground.