MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 433 434 Love Haze (19) (20)

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  She did not know who was in love with the man in front of her, and planted the son of the King of Hearts, but she planted the mother-in-law to her favorite man. If she can, she and Long Fei are in love, and it's good to plant her heart back on herself.

However, how can this thing be like human beings, only the final host can be identified, and it can no longer be transferred.

Relentless or passionate.

Long Feili can anger at anyone in the world, kill and win, but can't move this man.

Long Xiuwen repeatedly pressed on her body, her lips and hands penetrated every inch of her body, and with the pleasant low-pitched voice sucking in her ear, the breath was thick and wet, and it hit her skin.

In his way, Ling delayed all her senses.

——My brother calculated everything, including the woman Wen Biyi ignored. He probably knew that I had taken Canglongyu, and smelled something from the friendship between my mother-in-law and concubine Xiao. Otherwise, he would never win me that day! I left the fight with Long Fei, originally I was watching who hid the back deeper!

——You look so angry, let me tell you one more thing! I didn't know your whereabouts this time. It was Wen Ruyi who told me who you were!

——I knew before that this woman would be a force to help me. I have been using Blackbird to communicate with her. She used to behave like she refused to cooperate with me, but hasn't she helped me yet? Before you left the palace, I met her early in the suburbs of Beijing. She knew I wanted you. This woman is very clever and asked me to take poison in exchange for your whereabouts. She used poison to restrict me and could only treat you. Take away, don't allow Long Fei Li to move, but she doesn't know that Long Fei Li has lost her heart, I'm dead, Long Fei Li also has to die! In the end, she still had to give me the antidote!

Finally, her mind was blank, chasing after him.

Her stomach twitched, making her nauseous.

As his hand pierced into her pants and rubbed inside, she trembled, and the bitter water in her stomach poured into her throat.

She just wants to die.

Can't call for help, outside is his man, inside is her man.

Do not let the sound leak out, hands, feet, body ~ body, still follow the instinct, desperately to earn, open his mouth to tear and bite.

Long Xiuwen was finally angry.

The sound in the air was crisp and clean, the sound of broken bones.

Hands and feet were paralyzed and could no longer move.

The hollow eyes can also reflect the appearance of the comb that fell from the palm of the hand. The teeth are uneven. The person who does it is not clever about the job. The comb is also old and still old-although she Baby, I can't bear to use it myself, it will only be used to comb one's hair.

When she bit her lip, her eyes were sore and painful that she could no longer feel any wetness. His body ~ body also reached the ultimate happiness in her body.

She heard him whine like a beast.

Underneath, there was aching pain and heat.

He was released in her.

This man was his brother, but she had this relationship with him.

She is dirty. Even she hated her body and herself at the moment, and if that person hated her, she would take it for granted.

He turned her over, and her teeth fell on the tip of her tongue, but the combs that fell on her hand fell into her heart like sharp spikes.

Can even laugh out, fine.

The man's body was pressed down, but suddenly he jumped up.

A strong wind passed by, and she heard the sound of the weight being knocked over.

She rolled her eyes numbly and looked in the direction of the temple door.

At first sight, white clothes were like snow, then the white robes were bright red.

Bai Zhanfengye stood under the door, and the eyes of Huaruo Qingshui in the past seemed to stop all movements.

She saw something shining in his eyes, and then rolled down quickly. Behind him, Crystal's legs trembled violently, and fell to the ground.

Ears, screaming, roaring endlessly.

Floating in his eyes, a red wolf and Long Xiuwen were fighting each other.

She heard the howling of the little wolf as if mad. This little beast was completely crazy, regardless of his life, it was fighting to be stabbed into the sword by Long Xiuwen, and tore his opponent's hand out of a large piece of flesh.

Suddenly, Bai Ying ganged up, and fell on her with a warm and **** robe cover, and then the figure of the man tangled with one person and one wolf.

"Long Xiuwen, you die."

She had never heard Bai Zhanfeng speak in such a tone. His voice was like a change of person, a tone that was so dreary and cruel.

She seemed to be awakened instantly, and said dumbly: "Brother, you can't kill him! He's dead, Long Feili will die too! Capture him, Long Feili's poison, only he has an antidote!"

Bai Zhanfeng did not answer.

Jingying stumbled to her, wrapped her robe for her, hugged her tightly, choked and said, "My mother is not afraid. Yuyu they are fighting with Long Xiuwen's people in the forest in front, and they will come soon. Ning The people of King's Watch have passed. "

Xuan Yuan was shocked, so everyone couldn't know what happened here! They know, in case Long Fei Li teaches--

"Jingying, I can't move, you hold me away from here first!" She broke her hand, resisted the pain, dragged her hand, and met Jingying's shirt.

Jingying didn't quite understand, but he didn't hesitate to hold her up, but she was injured and supported her, so how could she hold Xuanyuan.

Both fell at the same time.

At this point, Long Xiuwen in the fight was frowning, and he flicked away to steal the door.

The little wolf roared, as the shadow flew with wings, and Bai Zhanfeng flew in shape, and then chased out. Jingying hurriedly said, "General, there are people outside of us, Long Xiuwen can't go, my mother and mother have broken their hands and feet, and Jingying can't hold her. Madam, take her away first! "


This is a small lake buried in the woods.

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  moonlight, lake light.

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颜 素, tears.

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  Use the forest as a support board to temporarily fix the broken hands and feet, and the body is slightly better than the helplessness of the previous moment.

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  She was put on a stone by the lake, Xuan Yuan looked down, she still couldn't do any activities.

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  Bai Zhanfeng took Long Feili out of the statue of Perilla.

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  He was still in a coma, still looking handsome, still pale.

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  But that weak breath, she gritted her teeth, he was still alive.

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Still alive.

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  simply told Jingying things, so Jingying must not say that she had been to this temple tonight.

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Jingying was always tough, but she looked at her with tears in her eyes.

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  At the moment Bai Zhanfeng took her away from the roof, she saw Duan Yuzhen and others walking in from outside the temple.

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Jingying asked, what about Long Xiuwen.

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  Duan Yuzheng said, Ning Junwang has led someone to chase.

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He was finally safe.

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In the courtyard, there were several bodies lying quietly.

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  Long Xiuwen's men.

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Bai Zhanfeng and the little wolf killed them.

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The clothes on his body were destroyed, and Bai Zhanfeng's robe was wrapped in a rush.

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  Ren Bai Zhanfeng took her to the farmhouse where she stayed, borrowed a woman's dress, and he brought her here.

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  can't stay there.

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  body pain, dull heart, I do not know what I want.

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She wanted to take a bath.

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The smell of body and body still makes the bitter water in the stomach tremble, but even the strength of taking a bath is not.

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  staring blankly at a lake of water, she tried to move her hands and feet, cold sweat on her forehead.

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Bai Zhanfeng stood next to her, her figure straight and quiet, as quiet as her.

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The eyes she cast on the ground were startled, because his hands suddenly crossed.

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She shuddered, but couldn't move.

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He had held her in his arms.

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  He has a strong **** smell, but the breath on his body is as clean as before.

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She was still scared.

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She trembled in his arms.

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 "It's not good for the big brother, if the big brother can come sooner ..."

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  She heard a sound from above his head, his solid body trembling slightly.

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  His voice seemed to be squeezed by something, no longer warm and nice, the pain inside is just like the marsh yellow sand that has been deposited for thousands of years.

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  She wanted to comfort him, her lips opened, but there was no sound.

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  I am broken, I can not even comfort myself, how to comfort him.

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She wanted to cry, but felt unworthy.

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  Her husband was there, and what did she do.

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 ******

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  If you say that from the moment when the White House promised to protect her, he will be sure that he will not love another woman in this life. After Baijia stayed a little.

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  He smiled, he was mostly in the border town, and when he was sleepless at night, he would think of her and the words of his parents.

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  Bai family is also his responsibility.

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However, at this time, Bai Zhanfeng knew that he would not marry again.

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Although the ritual was not completed, although it was only in the heart, although only he had to do it alone. Although, the idea is despicable and kind.

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她 但 But she is his wife. When he died, he would remember her lying in the temple with her whole body, her sharp pale face.

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He couldn't touch anyone else.

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曾 曾 thought, love a person, but life and death.

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He never knew that she was so stupid.

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He was more jealous.

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Long Feili knows, can he understand her?

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  If not, what should she do?

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说 过 He said to protect her, but could not do it.

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  This is the injury of her life.

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  If he can exchange, he is willing to do everything to replace her pain tonight.

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  But no.

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  Even, he could do nothing but watch her pain.

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  Seeing her tears could not shed.

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  The pain and anger in his heart could not be suppressed. If they caught Long Xiuwen, they took the medicine--

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必 他 He must let him taste the pain of a thousand swords!

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  Her eyes just kept falling in the lake, he slowly let go of her, and said softly, "Xuandi, do you believe me?"

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玑 玑 Xuan Yi stunned, the man in front had torn off two pieces of his single hem, one of them was soaked in the lake, and twisted slightly.

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  Another strand, he blindfolded it.

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想到 从来 never thought that one day such a close contact. However, such intimacy was not what she wanted, nor was he willing.

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  dry eyes, finally Qin wet, she slowly closed her eyes.

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  Let him open her clothes gently and trembling.

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Dear friends, this chapter is very painful. I hesitated for a long time and still wrote it ... This is the earliest setting. If you don't see such a chapter today, it is the song that changed. That's not the original tyrant ... want to say something to everyone who has always supported, but don't know what to say ... please scold. Many pros have asked about the ending. The ending is he ... I haven't come to today's suffering, and I have no rebirth knowing to cherish. Thank you all.

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  During the period when Nine and Seven were still torturing each other, the song did not dare to look at the comment area, and it took a while to slow down before returning to review each one by one. After posting the last update yesterday, I shut down the computer and went out. Sit in a shop for a long time. Come back and see, the comment area and the egg really exploded.

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敢 不 dare not read the reviews, and finally read all the reviews page by page.

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I'm not afraid of those eggs, I'm afraid or let you down.

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  After reading the comments, in addition to gratitude and habitual thanks, I don't know what else to say. Thank you for each message and gift. Even eggs.

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Song said, there is no today's suffering, no rebirth to know the cherished heart. Someone asked, what is cherish. Is it not enough to cherish Seven as an emperor? Why is it not so ironic to write it as a tragedy?

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  For the past life, the perilla will die, not under the conspiracy of the Emperor, but because of the mistrust of the person he loves most. In this life. Why is it cut. In previous lives, because of the struggle for power, this life was in the name of love.

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It is smart and affectionate to be young, but it is also because of youth, because it is a king, deeply in love, but still jealous.

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  Love her, please trust her, believe she will not change.

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If you love, please love deeply, if cherish, please believe.

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  If there is love at first sight in this world, falling in love with a person may only be a matter of a second, but learning to love, sometimes it takes us a lifetime to learn.

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  normal updates will resume tomorrow. Sorry to keep you waiting.

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