MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 486 Force of the Dragon

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In his gaze, in the eyes of everyone, he slaps him hard.

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  chase changed her complexion, lips slightly opened, and looked at her in disbelief, she could hear several women whispered in shock.

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  Nichao wanted to approach her, but taught Long Zijin to imprison her in her arms.

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  An angry voice sounded behind her, she knew it was a breeze.

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  She turned coldly and said quietly: "Crazy!"

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  The breeze was furious, and when the eyes changed, she stretched her feet toward her leg socket.

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  "Mum ~." As soon as Yuhuan gritted her teeth, she rushed forward to the rack, her elbows tightened, but Yuzhi, who was as anxious as her, held her.

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She just wanted to struggle, but saw that Xia Sang and Ning Junwang had held Qingfeng's shoulders one by one and pulled him away. She was surprised, eyes were everywhere, Zhu Qi looked at Long Feili .

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Long Feili's hand slowly dropped from the air ... Who is there to make Xia Sang and Ning Jun Wang be present?

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  Zhu Qi knew that Long Fei Li was already very angry, and his eyes were purged with murderous intentions. The palm of her hand used vigorous force, because there was hate in her heart, just like the Jinxian Temple of the year.

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  She didn't know why he didn't avoid it, how could his skill not avoid it, let alone why he would let Xia Sang and Ning Junwang prevent Qingfeng from doing something to her.

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  But she knew that when he was in the palace, he never really fell in love with her, but now she thinks he has loved Nian Xuanchi for six years. However, he took great care of another woman, so whether she knew the answers to those questions or not, she was reluctant to think deeply.

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就是 就是 She is Nian Xuanzhang. Although he didn't know, she didn't realize she had transferred her regrets to Nian Xuanzhang.

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  She didn't have the slightest joy, that was not what she wanted, the regretful love was nothing, and she didn't want to ask any more.

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  She was tired and just wanted to leave this place.

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  Yu Zhi and others were guarding her, she knew that Yuhuan would be fine, and tonight, even if she died, she could not take away the clothes and could only stay for another day.

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  Now, she just wanted to leave.

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  No one stopped, she left.

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  She heard the neon dress, crystal brightly called her, Qingfeng glared at her angrily, Xia Sang and Ning Jun looked shocked and complicated.

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  Only a few steps, a pain in the waist, back and a hot chest ~ bore, she heard a cracked shout, "Long Fei Li."

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  with a sound, shocked and anxious.

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  It was chasing ... and then who and who were confused and confused.

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  But in an instant, eyes wide.

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  such as silk, cloth, dome stars Mangmiao, the aroma of grass leaves scattered throughout the open.

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The sound of horseshoes was ticking.

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  She was hugged around the waist by a man and placed in the saddle in front of the horse.

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The horse sprinted in the night in the woods.

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  Her heart hurts, and she **** and sucks. She can't stay a little in his breath ... his breathing is so heavy.

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 She struggled to come down, trying to leave the man behind, but her iron-strength arm tightened her tightly. His legs were tightly clamped to her. She couldn't help but struggle. Her breath was so involuntary and deep. Like a drowning person.

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  She hated extremely, leaning down to bite his arm.

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The stars were mottled, reflecting the blood on his back.

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He didn't even tremble a little, holding her arm loose.

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She didn't want to go back to the palace, but he led her to the gate of the imperial city, as he has always been strong.

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  Downstairs, many soldiers of the city guards stepped forward to intercept the horse, but when they saw the horse, the man's robes quickly returned to their original position, played the horn, and only heard the sound of the horn and the gate. Quickly widened to both sides.

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  The horseshoe galloped, wherever they went, the forbidden army bowed their knees and touched their foreheads-that was the only gift to greet the monarch.

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  Her tears were blurred, and she looked obliquely, everywhere on the palace, the palace people on the ground respectfully walked all the way.

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The breath behind him grew heavier, and his sweat even wet her Luoyi.

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She almost bit the back of his hand. She didn't know if he was in pain, but she knew he was angry.

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The more angry he was, the harder she bite.

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  Between them, it seems that from the beginning, it is doomed to end in tragic death.

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  Outside the Chu Xiudian, Lu Kai led the embargoed internal servant to lift his knees to the ground, he ignored it, sneered, stepped off the horse, pulled one arm in one hand, and drove her off rough.

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  Her abdomen rubbed on the saddle, and she screamed in pain. Before her voice was finished, she saw his eyes scornful, and she closed her teeth and did not want to show weakness.

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  He raised an eyebrow, and she had no time to see the fierce and sharp eagle in his eyes, so he was taken into the dark room.

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  She did not expect, really did not expect, to return to the old bed ~ couch, at such a moment.

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  She was under him, and the man's tall and heavy body forced her to surrender.

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  The big palm rushed, and when she touched her collar, she tore up her robe.

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  She struggled and twisted hard, but aroused his desire to conquer more, this body ~ body has never experienced the desire ~, he was given and plundered like a beast.

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"Don't you want to beat you by doing so much?"

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  His cold, yet rough, passionate voice sprayed on her shattered dress and the skin he was bitten by.

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  The rough knuckles gripped the softness on her heart and chest, slipped under her skirt, and went in and out of Mosso in the deepest place of her legs.

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  Her grandmother, the tears she endured for a long time, finally cried like a child, as many times as before.

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