MTL - Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant-v2 Chapter 528 Fanwai: Don't sue Lishou-to accompany Jun drunk and laughter in three thousand games (2)

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  Lin Lang saw the incoming person clearly, and was so angry and funny that she didn't avoid or fight back. The other side was shocked and smiled and said, "You little girl."

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"Good sister, you can spare me, you are not unaware that ten years Lin Lang can not win a Xia Yu." Lin Lang laughed.

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The woman across from her laughed and shook her hand, "You and me just laugh, and follow me to help."

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"It's the Five Blessings?"

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"Well, how do you know? Someone in our house has come to Shicai!" Xia Yu Wuwu said: "The little slave of Wufu was very well-behaved. I am also very pleased. I somehow messed with my brother today. The prince and the emperor quarreled. You have a good relationship with the prince and siblings. I wondered that you must have come to the East Palace. I couldn't help Xia Xue, so I had to come to you. "

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"We have called Ruier to rush-"

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"That girl can't do it. When she gets through, everyone kills my brother. I'll do a good job and carry you back."

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  Xia Yu waved her hand and was going to catch her.

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  Lin Lang was shocked, nodding her head, looking at the small box in her hand, although she knew that the person would be lonely at the moment, and wanted to give him this thing for the first time, but she was really worried about the five blessings. Xia Yu laughed and called: "Xiaotong."

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  She was surprised, if not far away Xiaotong led the maid, the sister and the prince made good friends, at school, if the uncle left her to ask something, she would be afraid to come early.

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  A joy in her heart, she shook Xia Yu's hand again and again, "Sister Yu, I will come to you with my sister Xiao Tong, wait for me."

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Xia Yu shuddered, cursing: "Hey, dead girl, but you have to talk very quietly to Xiaotong, why not hit me? I will go too."

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  Hualiu Fu Shubian, two women stood still.

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A young girl dressed as a girl asked with a smile, "Miss, you have always been clever, but tell the slave girl what the treasure in the box that the girl Lin Lang gave you to the Prince!"

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Xiao Tong reprimanded with a smile: "I'm not a fairy, how can I see through the things in this box."

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  The maidservant Lingzhu hummed, and said, "This Linlang girl, she went to see Xia Ye herself, and then ran a errand to give the prince a gift.

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"Lingzhu, what are you talking about!" Xiao Tong shouted and said coldly: "Linlang is the master of this palace and my sister. If you chew the tongue again, I will not spare you."

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Lingzhu was startled, bit her lip, and whispered, "Slave knows wrong."

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  She hated Lin Lang in her heart, but it was for a reason.

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Mid-Autumn Festival, with Xiaotong entering the palace for a banquet, the prince set up a small banquet in the East Palace. Several fathers and grandsons drank in one place. Office. It is also appropriate for the Lingzhu to have trouble, and one carelessly tripped Lin Lang.

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  Lin Lang fell and was injured. The prince was furious and immediately threw a bottle of wine. No matter what the courtship was, it didn't work. Lingzhu looked at Lin Lang hard at the time, Lin Lang frowned, but after all, she didn't say anything.

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Lingzhu was hit by thirty boards with a staff.

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  After the incident, Lin Lang personally went to the palace to send the wounded medicine, and told Xiao Tong that if she persuaded her at that time, according to the prince's temper, he would only be punished more severely.

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Xiao Tong sighed and said, "Yes, the prince can't see you hurt. As soon as you say that, he even remembers to hate Lingzhu."

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  Lingzhu sneered, if he persuaded a heavier punishment? But it's just ridiculous! Waiting for your new year to come to my house!

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  Now only said Lingzhu to see Xiaotong put aside harsh words, dare not say any more, just follow the master forward, turned around a corridor, but met the dragon innocent.

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  She hurried to see the salute.

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  Long Shui stopped the two and said, "I knew you would come."

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  Xiaotong smiled, "You're the elder brother, my elder sister is so bad?"

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Long Wuzhu didn't speak, only looked at her for a long while, Xiaotong's face was red, and his head turned slightly, but he heard Long Wuqing said lightly: "Child, can you give me time for tea?"

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  Xiaotong froze, nodded, although there was Long Wushuang in his heart, but Skull said so, it was not good to refuse, thinking of Lin Lang's entrustment, afraid that the box contained some urgent things, then He instructed Lingzhu to say, "You should send the things to the Prince first."

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Lingzhu answered, took the box. The dragon was innocent, so he accompanied the **** to lead Lingzhu over, and Lingzhu was busy thanking him, saying, "Prince Xie was kind and didn't dare to treat his father-in-law, and the father-in-law could point the way, and the slaves could find it."

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Long Wuqing glanced at her, said to the housekeeper, and then she did as Zhu Zhu said. Said Xu Fuxiao Tong left waist.

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  But said that Ling Zhu asked the way, went to the lakeside pavilion. After a few moments in my heart, I was afraid that Shizi, like the Prince, was a man with eyes and eyes. It would be better for him to see the clue.

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 She refused the dragon to be innocent. She really had some ideas. She wanted to look at the things in the small box in her hand, and she didn't know why the ghost was so bad. But she saw the nervous look that Lin Lang gave the box to the lady that year. She Can't help but be curious and angry.

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  Although hate Lin Lang, but in the end is the master's things, she can't help but have a bit of nagging, but she has been with Duan Xiaotong since childhood, Xiao Tong Congrui, her ears are dazzling, and she has a touch of sensitivity, and Xiao Tong treats her Fantastic. She never looked at her as a slave, but after a long time, she didn't realize she had some pampering feelings.

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  walking to a remote place, she gritted her teeth and opened the box. The entry is a squared, folded paper note, with a few flowers in the box.

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She frowned and unrolled the paper.

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Looking at the ink and ink in the note, she sneered, "What princess, alas, it's a hook ~ the little wave hoof of her brother."

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  She is a close person to the lady. She knows that the lady has some secrets and secrets. However, the lady has a affection for the prince, but she taboos the marriage contract with Shizi from an early age, and measures that she is three or four years older than the prince. She has always been Act well and don't dare to be half-emotional.

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  Lin Lang this year, the Prince has already loved her so much, how can she teach her to seduce the Prince again? In the future, the prince will be crowned king, and at this time he will treat Nine as such. If she gets along with her again, how can she make it later! That little fox Meier is not going to turn the world up!

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Thank you for reading. I saw many pro-messages in the comment area. I sincerely thank you for your blessings and gifts. Song also wishes everyone a happy holiday and a happy month! I am very happy to see the wedding news of 89, and sincerely wish her a happy wedding.

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