MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 47 Sleep together

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In the evening, because the distance can not be too far punishment, Qin Xu said in advance to sleep with Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang was a bit embarrassed, and he remembered that the bear child Qin Yu, who had lost his memory, had a hard time. He hesitated and said: "On one night, you and Xiao Yuxin can't sleep in bed."

The current Qin Xu is quite reasonable. The words are very slippery and the logic is clear. "Of course not. The distance between the bed and the bed is not small. There will be pulling force. It is definitely not good, and the quality of the school bed is not so good. After the collapse, the two of us are not terrible? I am still backing."

Jiang Yang frowned, still thinking, Qin Xu immediately added a sentence, firmly said: "I have cleanliness, I will definitely not change bed with others, you don't think about it."

Jiang Yangbai glanced: "Can you sleep in my bed? Your cleanliness is very chic."

Qin Xuli said of course: "I haven’t slept before, and I have adapted."

Jiang Yang: "...hehe." You are willing to sleep is one thing, I have not said that I would not like it.

In my heart, I was so vomiting, but I still accepted Qin Xu’s statement. It’s terrible to have no peace of mind to sleep. However, Jiang Yang still stated in advance with Qin Xu that sleeping can’t be mobilized and he can’t touch him with him.

There are three things that can't be connected. Qin Xu is not impatient at all. Instead, he smiles and says: "Do you think that we are not like the same table in the primary and secondary paintings?"

Jiang Yang: "...???"

Are the men and women at the same table in the 38th line? And who will draw on the bed? !

In any case, Jiang Yang stressed it again: "Remember what I said."

Qin Xu smiled and nodded.

After brushing his teeth, Qin Xu naturally followed Jiang Yang to climb the bed.

Huang Shao was shocked: "You sleep together again?!"

Is Xiao Yu’s new support amount discovered that it has been avoided once again?

Jiang Yang, who was already sitting on the bed, groaned a little, and was a little worried. He wondered if he should let him wait for everyone to get up and come up again... No, there is nothing to see between them, why should they avoid it, and then Far distance, there must be one to be sucked in, they are not there is no way?

Therefore, Jiang Yang thinks that there is no need to cover up in the openness. He said to Huang Shao, "Yes, do you have opinions?"

Huang Shao was dumb, and he was stunned by his eyes and immediately shook his head. Oh, I have said so, of course, no opinion!

Qin Xu looked at Jiang Yang's side face and was in a good mood. The night owl who usually loves to play mobile phones can't wait to sleep today. He patted Jiang Yang's shoulder and urged: "Turn off the lights, sleep."

Jiang Yang looked at him and barely ran down. Although he promised himself, he couldn't help but feel awkwardly. He was lying in bed, and his body was somewhat unnaturally tight.

Qin Xu felt it, and used the corner of his eye to look at his handsome face, smiled a bit, mischievous, turned over, face Jiang Yang. Because the single bed is small, Jiang Yang can feel the gentle breath on the neck.

"Lie lying down." Jiang Yang hard state requirements.

“Why?” Qin Xu’s pretentious sighs and eyes, “but I am more used to sleeping sideways, and this is more provincial.”

Jiang Yang’s first reaction was to be cold in his heart. big liar! I like to sleep sideways. Who was the person who slept in the big words when he was covering the quilt? His eyes? !

However, even if Qin Xu knows a word at a glance, he will not smash it, because the cover quilt is a black history, and he does not want to come up with it.

Jiang Yang directly ignored it, and the neck itch made him uncomfortable. He simply turned over and turned his back to Qin Xu. Just like this, his **** will inevitably encounter Qin Xu’s thigh, and some unspeakable part...

Jiang Yang: "..." Mom, more annoying! Can't sleep!

There was a fire in my heart, and it slammed high and burned all over the limbs. It spread so fast that it was completely uncontrollable.

One side is a fire, the other side is like a calm sea, but it is just a wave of waves. Qin Xu's lips are in a good mood. It can be said that Jiang Yang is uncomfortable. If he can completely ignore his sleep well, Qin Xu will be unhappy.

Jiang Yang was so annoyed that he couldn't sleep. He almost tried to stick to the wall. Some people added him to the wall and poured oil on the fire.

Outside the balcony, there were bursts of ghosts and sorrows, and the voice was mournful. The things that were said were simply sad and tearful, and miserable... In short, a boy broke up with his girlfriend and could not accept the pain, and he The dormitory should be very close to this, and all that should be heard should be heard.

I thought it would turn off the lights. After a while, the boy would converge, but I didn’t expect the sound to stop. When it seemed to calm down, he suddenly remembered something sad, and once again mourned, let Jiang Yang blow up, this **** When to sing? Also with high ups and downs? !

Finally, Jiang Yang couldn't help himself, slammed up and yelled back: "Don't you lose a love? There is a kind of tomorrow to chase it back! Cry has a fart? You don't sleep, don't let others sleep?!"

I don't know if it was scared by Jiang Yang's domineering. The crying over there suddenly stopped and disappeared.

Jiang Yang suddenly sat up, Qin Xu was also smothered by a pulling force, yawning, some sleepy, slouching half on him, pat on his back to appease, "not angry, he should not Noisy, sleep."

After listening to it for a while, it seems that there is really no sound. Jiang Yang is slightly wronged, but after the fire has been sent out, he finally managed to lie down and brewed more than an hour of sleepiness. Finally he finally fell asleep.

On the other hand, the poor boy who lost his love has been scared.

The original violent anger of Jiang Yang had already shocked him, but the roommate also said to him - "The voice is listening to Yang Ge, we are the school tyrant, I heard that he started the fire. No one can stop it. In the past, I even played with the people on the Tao, and I went to the hospital. Later, I saw him go round the road."

"More than that, I also heard that he had encountered robbers in the bank before, and he did not change his face in the face of real guns. He dared to confront people, one over shoulder and one person..."

The person next to him bumped into him and whispered, "Hey, have you made a bit of it?"

The roommate returned: "Nothing, he didn't listen carefully. How do you say horror? Do you want to sleep?"

Therefore, with the joint efforts of several roommates, the hard-working is to shape Jiang Yang's image into a cold and cruel demon king. When he is a little bit sloppy, he will start to see the blood, scared the lost love man and shiver in tears.

Roommates look at each other. Seems like... really exaggerated?

In order to save, they took a picture of the silkworm cocoon, and comforted: "In fact, it is not so terrible. Go to sleep, and when you wake up, nothing will happen."

This is heard in the ear of a lost love boy, but there is no persuasiveness. It is simply saying - sorrow, provoke him, you don't know how to die, you will enjoy the last glimpse, and die tomorrow. .

The next day, the coming will still come, especially Jiang Yang did not sleep well, the resentment is very deep, and let Huang Shao go to inquire about it, which is a bad luck, he wants to talk to each other and talk about life. .

Qin Xuxiao: "You shouldn't want to go to swear?"

Jiang Yang's face is not good, frowning strangely to see him: "Why should I swear?"

"The atmosphere you are now in is expressing this meaning, and as far as your temper is concerned, I am still less?"

Jiang Yang did not hesitate to refute: "I don't know him, why are you jealous of him? I have nothing to eat?"

Qin Xu raised his eyebrows. It means that he will be jealous of people with good feelings and high attention. Then he yells at me the most. Does it prove that he is most valued by me?

Others have to hear the words of Qin Xu, and they will certainly be able to shake his shoulders - wake up! You are getting closer and closer to shaking M! Don't fall in again, you have to be saved!

Qin Xu does not know... my heart is still beautiful.

Huang Shao’s news was the most well-informed. He quickly inquired about who was the man who lost his love and screamed last night. He also heard the reason for the breakup. It is said that his girlfriend was dissatisfied with him and he was too close to another girl. Huang Shao said with emotion: "It is actually lame, there is a girlfriend who does not cherish it, and then crying afterwards? This is excessive."

But after all, it is rumor, rumors that this kind of thing has always been passed down and changed, not credible. Taking advantage of the class time, Jiang Yang went to find the boy who wanted to solve the problem, at least let him promise not to bicker to sleep tonight.

Qin Xu certainly went with it.

At the door of the nine classes, Jiang Yang screamed a boy who came out and said, "Help me call Chen Mingjie."

Unexpectedly, the boy who was patted by his shoulder trembled. As the enemy of the enemy was nervous, he asked, "You, you are Yang Ge?"

Jiang Yang frowned. "You are Chen Mingjie?"

Chen Mingjie nodded and looked like he was about to cry. He said, "Are you coming to take my life?"

Jiang Yang: "...???" Is this person a loss of love, not a loss of intelligence?

Qin Xu stood by and secretly snickered.

Jiang Yang coughed. "I just came to ask, do you have any need for help? I hope that you can stop me from sleeping tonight."

Chen Mingjie squinted his eyes, some doubts, and then did not know what he thought of, his eyes were red, he sucked his nose, and soon he was tearful, very sad.... Jiang Yang was even two steps back and his head was big. A big boy, how do you cry when you cry? ! People who don't know think that I bully him!

Jiang Yang felt a headache. Before he started, he regretted taking care of the broken thing. He turned his head and looked at Qin Xu. He bumped into his arm and said, "You will handle it, you have experience."

Concentrate on eating melon Qin Xu live: "...???" experience? What experience?

The meaning of Jiang Yang’s eyes is obvious.

You, crying, experience.

Qin Xu: "...!!!"

The author has something to say: Qin Xu: If I like you, can you smudge people? ! unacceptable!

Jiang Yang silently took out his mobile phone and showed the photo.

Qin Xu: ... I don't believe it! P! ! !

In addition, I am going to try to participate in the activities of the Japanese, five days and 50,000 words, how exciting! As for my spicy chicken speed, don't say it, I will roll the code word first QwQ