MTL - Lovers Always on the Counterattack-Chapter 202

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White Satin was very anxious about how she should treat her amnesiac lover, and finally decided to let it go-although the other party completely lost her memory, he The anger is still there, it must not be so reconciling with the other side.

Well, the most important thing now is to complete the task and prove yourself. As for the lover who is in trouble, let him go as long as he doesn't make trouble ...

Of course, although Guan Wu lost his memory and became an ordinary human, Bai Satin still dare not look down on him. He believes that even if there is no memory of being a "maintainer", Guan E is still the big BoSS who has a lot of skills in countless worlds. The ability and means are engraved in his bones. As long as he thinks, there is nothing he cannot do .

Sure enough, White Satin did not overestimate his lover. In just one night, all the original materials and even the love and hatred of him and Reed were all sent to the reincarnation of Daniel.

Daniel came from a large aristocratic house. His father was very romantic, and his lover had a lot of illegitimate children. Even the wife of Ming Media was married for several years, but each marriage was very short.

Among the many brothers, Daniel is not the oldest and the biological mother is not the most noble. No matter from which perspective, the title cannot fall on him. Because he knew this, Daniel was a transparent person in his family. He was very inconspicuous, but no one knew it. He learned how to keep a low profile and make a lot of money while he was young.

While the brothers were still busy fighting for favor in front of their father, Daniel had started to accumulate his own strength, and then broke out when everyone was caught off guard, not only slaying his brothers down, but even his "father" Did not miss it.

Due to the coldness of his blood relatives, Daniel's reputation is not good, and he is often called "cold-blooded devil", but the empress obviously appreciates his scheme and wrists, trusts him, and entrusts him with heavy tasks .

In this world where blood races and vampire hunters run rampant, the position of human power is actually very awkward.

Although human beings have an army and guns and cannons, they are still difficult to defend against powerful blood races-moreover, blood races have a much longer period of time than humans, and they can even come up with more powerful weapons if they are willing.

And the only thing that human beings can restrict the blood race is the vampire hunter who also derived special abilities. The number of vampire hunters is not large, but their status in human society is very important. Even if they rely on their ability to become more and more arrogant and arrogant, the Empress has to tolerate them and deal with them with tenderness.

——The appearance of Daniel just solved the trouble for the empress.

Daniel is tough and cunning, he can play with his enemies in applause, and he can make him grateful to him.

With Daniel's actions, the vampire hunter learned a lesson and realized that he was not above the human power-their ability to restrain the blood race, but they were shackled in the face of the human army. Humans, blood races, and vampire hunters have never been a simple food chain, but a ring of mutual restraint. Only by helping each other with human power can they be invincible.

After realizing this, the vampire hunters finally relented their arrogance and learned to compromise with the human power and the empress. The surrendered vampire hunter also became the most glorious military merit of young Daniel.

With the help of Daniel, the empress finally found the reins to control the vampire hunter. Naturally, she was responsive to Daniel and regarded as a parent-child. Even the empress really wanted Daniel to be her own son. In this way, she was already in her twilight years and had no energy No more headaches for your heirs.

With the support of the queen, the young Daniel further expanded his power, even reaching into the vampire hunter, and had done several mutually beneficial "businesses" with the blood family, which was at its source.

Although it is not clear what is going on, Daniel has always had a voice in his mind since he was a child, constantly reminding him to persevere and persevere in weaving his own "fishing net". Only when the "net" is big enough and strong enough can he catch the big fish he desires.

From a young age, Daniel has been patiently waiting for his "mermaid", and it turns out that his plan is not wrong.

Looking at the information sent by his subordinates, Daniel frowned and finally couldn't help but slap the paper in his hands on the table, only feeling that the top of his head had become a green prairie.

——In this regard, Daniel was already expected. After all, when he saw the bloodline called “Adrian”, the other was hugging the waist of a young girl intimately, kissing the skin of the young girl ’s neck, Suck the sweet blood of the girl.

As long as he thought of the scene, Daniel was a little emotional. Fortunately, his restraint has always been good, so he didn't rush to interrupt Adrian's eating, and did not kill the young girl who made herself envious and envious.

In the middle, a voice stopped him, telling Daniel that if he did this, his "mermaid" would be very angry-Daniel always trusted this voice, so he suppressed his impulse and pretended that he would Don't mind.

... well, though he pretends not to be so sincere.

Daniel has dealt with many blood races. Naturally, he knows how indulgent a race is, and Adrian is already one of the rare rivers in which he has encountered for thousands of years.

Although more than a hundred years old, Adrian's love history is very simple. Reed, who is the only subject he loves, is just emotional and does not have any intimate actions beyond "friendship"-this is because of Li Germany's resistance, on the other hand, was also concerned about Reed's sister who also likes Reed.

However, even this clean experience was enough for Daniel to drink a tank of vinegar. The thought of the person he liked once turned his attention to others, Daniel had some inability to control his crazy emotions.

Fortunately, this Reed is not a good person. After seeing his true face, Adrian should have taken back his precious and beautiful love, right?

Knocking on the table, Daniel narrowed his eyes and tickled his lips.

He felt that the anger in his heart could be calmed down only by killing Reed himself in front of Adrian. And Adrian, probably wouldn't mind doing it myself, right?

Happy's unauthorized decision on Reid's end, Daniel turned his eyes to the data, his face gloomed again for a moment.

——Unfortunately, in addition to this Reed, he has countless "love rivals".

Although Adrian has always been ridiculed by other blood races as "stiff and boring as a monk", there are countless blood race women who are eager to follow him and even get married and have children. How could Adrian look handsome, powerful, noble, and of pure descent?

As for those ridicules, it was just because they were rejected by the other party that they "said grape sour when they couldn't eat grapes."

——Not only the women of the blood race, but also the blood slaves who were raised in the castle and provided delicious blood for Adrian, they were always delusional because of the gentle gentleman's actions ...

Just swiping casually, I found countless **** who wanted to compete with their sweethearts. Daniel was almost furious and became a puffer fish. He secretly decided to take Adrian down first, and then slowly and clean up these "indiscretions." Love rivals.

——I have to say that a human being can confidently send out such "outspoken words", this is the true portrayal of "out of my power".

So, the top priority now is to find Adrian—yes, because of fear of Daniel's troublesome moth, the white satin has been hiding for a while. Even if Daniel exhausted all kinds of methods, he could only touch his tail, which turned into a dark mist, and couldn't even see his face.

However, Daniel will certainly not give up easily. Now that he could not find the white satin, he turned his head to the trouble of the vampire hunter—the enemy of the sweetheart, naturally his enemy.

Because of fighting with the vampire hunters under the command of the empress in these years, Daniel knew the weaknesses of these vampire hunters. Although he did not know why these hunters suddenly went crazy and provoked noble blood like Adrian-after all, this should be the core secret of the vampire hunter-but it is easy to make them self-reliance by some means.

Under the operation of Daniel, the vampire hunters encountered all kinds of troubles, large and small. Although they would not hurt them, they forced them to devote energy and solve them as soon as possible.

As a result, the white satin who was hiding from the vampire hunter and his lover suddenly found that the vampire hunter seemed not too concerned about his hunt. Not only did the number of hunters involved in the hunt greatly decrease, even the original airtight surrounding net also Several obvious flaws have emerged.

At first, White Satin was worried that these flaws were another trap for the vampire hunter, tempting him to take it lightly and catch it. However, after a few trials, White Satin found these loopholes-indeed they were.

White satin does not know exactly what happened inside the vampire hunter, but this does not prevent him from taking advantage of this "celestial opportunity."

Of course, before escaping from the control of the vampire hunter and returning to the blood race, he needs to further build up his strength in order to deal with any possible accident.

As for the method of accumulating power ... still hunting.

This time, White Satin stared at a little brother who was working in a bakery and smelled of sweet bread all over his body.

After observing the homecoming route of the bakery youth, Bai Sang waited on his way, and then the moment the other person saw himself, he smiled at him friendly.

Although the same sex, the little brother still couldn't escape the charm of the white satin, subconsciously walked towards the white satin, revealing his infatuation and fascination like falling dreams.

However, just as Bai Sang was planning to take his little brother to a quiet place for a happy meal, a familiar shameful voice stopped him: "Excuse me ... where are these two people going?"