MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 265 【265】Jiang Yingxue

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  Chapter 265【265】Jiang Yingxue

   Zhang Yang was a little surprised that Yang Yuting would know about Shang Gongyu's birthday, but Lin still knew about it, so he told him the reason, starting with Yang Yuting's illness.

  If luck is based on birth, then Yang Yuting is undoubtedly the luckiest minority among the billions of people in the world. Perhaps she paid the price for this. After she was born, she was congenitally terminally ill.

  It was the most optimistic estimate at the time that he would not live to be twenty years old.

  In order to change their daughter's bad luck, Yang Yuting's parents recruited top medical experts in related fields from all over the world and set up a special research team. Although the two died unexpectedly later, this research team is still solving related medical problems.

  From this perspective, her time is probably the most expensive in the entire world.

  Jiang Yingxue has a similar fate to her, with the same congenital deficiency. Although the crux of the problem is different, one is in the heart and the other is in the blood, but the symptoms are similar. It seems that because of her appearance, the research team has achieved certain results, otherwise Yang Yuting may not be alive today.

Because of the sympathy with each other, maybe there is also some gratitude. Yang Yuting, who has always been considered eccentric, has always treated this little girl very well. The little princess has lived in seclusion these years, and her social circle has always been very narrow. Before Lin Yiran, she got along with many people. , apart from my cousin and cousin, this little girl is the only one.

Shang Gongyu's real name is Jiang Che, and she is Jiang Yingxue's third grandfather—her grandfather is the eldest, and Shang Gongyu is the third. , after the age of 30, he changed his mind, and after the age of 40, he began to write novels and became famous in one fell swoop.

In addition to martial arts novels, he is also good at painting flowers and birds, Hanli and Zhangcao are also quite accomplished, and Gu Yutang is a friend of calligraphy and painting. Gu Yutang is now semi-retired. He is one of the few people who can visit the door at any time. The other person in "Nan Jiang Bei Gu" has a good relationship, and can be called a legendary figure.

According to Zhang Yang, since Shang Gongyu didn't mention his birthday, he definitely didn't care about what gifts to give, but Lin Yiran refused to pay attention to it, saying that even if it was for others to see, he had to be courteous. Yu is regarded as a peer, but no matter how you look at it, you are an elder in the end.

  The two shopped around for an afternoon, and finally bought a Huangshoushan evil spirit paperweight.

On the evening of the 29th, the two came to the villa where Shang Gongyu lived in the north of the city together with Yang Mu and Yang Yuting. Fifty in modern times is no longer a rare longevity like it was in ancient times, and the old man of the Jiang family is still alive. It wasn't Shang Gongyu's turn to make a big deal, and he didn't do it with much fanfare. He just invited some friends to have a gathering in Shang Gongyu's personal name. Probably because they came earlier, when Zhang Yang and the others came to the banquet hall, people Not many, many of them are acquaintances, such as the dean Gu Qixian, Lian Jiang and Feng Zeyu who I met at Yang Yuting's birthday party last time, and Gu Yutang was not there.

  The arrival of Zhang Yang and others immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the banquet hall, except for the special identities of the cousins ​​Yang Mu and Yang Yuting, and because apart from the four of them, there were almost no young visitors.

Yang Yuting came to celebrate her birthday because of Gu Yutang and Jiang Yingxue, accompanied by Yang Mu, and everyone present was mentally prepared. The arrival of Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran was somewhat surprising, but there was a lot of noise about "Zhang Yang is Zhang Muzhi" some time ago. Even if the people present didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry, they had heard about it.

   Taking a step back, it is normal for Zhang Yang to appear here based on sentences such as "Ode to Bamboo Again", "College of the College Entrance Examination", or "Thousands of Lamps Late at Night" and "Everyone Smiles Through One Look".

Since ancient times, literati have been acquainted with each other, and there may not be any dissatisfaction with this junior who has become famous in the past two years, but when Shang Gongyu introduced him, no one was contemptuous, and the scene was harmonious. Zhang Yang did not intend to go deep into this circle, nor did he take the initiative to chat For the idea of ​​making friends, it is enough to be courteous, and when they meet and say hello, they will sit aside honestly.

As the older brother, Yang Mu obviously couldn't be as capricious as Yang Yuting, chatting with him while Yang Yuting followed Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran to the side to hide and chat for a while, then saw a little girl coming from nowhere, but ten He looks like two or three years old, wearing a pure white skirt, looks thin and slender, with white skin, very beautiful.

   "Sister Yuting."

The little girl trotted to Yang Yuting, with a sweet smile on her face, but quickly sullen her face, secretly looking around, seeing that no one noticed, she secretly smiled again, and turned to Lin Yiran again. Shout out: "Sister is still."

   Then he looked at Zhang Yang again, his black and clear eyes blinked, showing a look of scrutiny, but he quickly suppressed his smile, and called out politely: "Uncle Zhang Yang."

The corners of Zhang Yang's mouth twitched, and Yang Yuting and Lin Yiran couldn't help covering their mouths. Seeing Zhang Yang's expression, the little girl pursed her lips and smiled, her clear eyes bent into two crescent moons, and she yelled sweetly again : "Brother Zhang Yang."

  Zhang Yang had already guessed that this was Jiang Yingxue, who had the same illness as Yang Yuting, but he didn't expect that her personality was not as gloomy and introverted as he thought. She looked quite optimistic and cheerful, and smiled at her.

  Yang Yuting held Jiang Yingxue in her arms and asked, "Did you sneak out again?"

  Jiang Yingxue shook her head and said, "No, my parents know about it, and they will come later, so I ran here first. Sister Yuting, what gift did you give my third grandfather?"

  Yang Yuting smiled and said: "I don't know...but it's not as good as the one given to Concubine Qiong last time."

  Lin still laughed and said: "How can you give a gift like this, I don't know what it is."

  Yang Yuting said: "Anyway, it's the same as what you give, as long as you have a heart."

  Jiang Yingxue asked Zhang Yang again: "Brother Zhang Yang, what did you give?"

   Zhang Yang smiled and said, "A handful of paperweights."

  Jiang Yingxue said softly, "Oh", "I thought you would give me a novel."

  Yang Yuting smiled and said, "If he sends a novel, your third grandpa may not be happy."

Just as he was talking, Jiang Mo came over, Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran both stood up, and Yang Yuting also stood up. From last year's "Sound Super League" to now, less than a year, Jiang Mo can be said to be watching Seeing Zhang Yang's current height, he may not agree with him and Lin Yiran's affairs, but the situation is now, so naturally he will no longer have the same attitude as last year, just ask him why he is sitting here after a few pleasantries.

   Zhang Yang understood her intentions, but he still smiled and said, "I haven't even graduated from university yet, and there are teachers everywhere here, so it's better to sit here."

Jiang Mo frowned, and glanced at Lin Yiran first, Lin Yiran wrinkled his nose at her, and quietly grabbed Zhang Yang's sleeve with one hand to show his support, Jiang Mo sighed, no longer caring about his lack of self-motivation. Zhang Yang, accused Yang Yuting of the crime, and continued to help greet the guests.

Most of the visitors were middle-aged and elderly people, and the presence of young people was particularly conspicuous. As soon as Jiang Mo left, Zhang Yang noticed that Ge Long had also come. Ge Long had obviously seen him first, and when he saw him coming, he took the initiative to walk over. He greeted Yang Yuting and Lin Yiran first, looked at Jiang Yingxue, probably didn't know the little girl, so he ignored her, and asked Zhang Yang in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

   "The old man called. He thought it was an ordinary meeting, but he didn't expect it to be a birthday celebration. Fortunately, he found out later."

Zhang Yang didn't know how to call Shang Gongyu more appropriate, so he simply called it "Old Mister". Ge Long nodded and explained: "My family has shares in Jinbang. I want to do something in the past two years, and I have been in touch with him for a while. …When you first released "Shooting the Condors" before, I asked someone to find out who Zhang Muzhi was, and I found out that it was your old man, and it was rejected, and the ghost knows it was you."

   Zhang Yang nodded, expressing his understanding.

After the fight last time, the two of them discussed making a movie together again, which turned the fight into friendship, but more than a month has passed, Zhang Yang has been busy, and after a little processing of the background of "Let the Bullets Fly", there is no time to go. Prepared more, and Ge Long didn't know whether he was considerate of Zhang Yang and didn't get it done so quickly, or simply didn't want to talk to Zhang Yang, anyway, there was no more news.

   But looking at the current situation, Ge Long seems to be really ready to turn his enemies into friends.

   "How is your screenplay going?"

   "Just finished writing."

   "So fast? Really?"

  Ge Long was obviously suspicious, and looked at him with an expression of "Don't bully me for being young and ignorant", Zhang Yang had no choice but to say: "I'll send it to you later, you can take a look first."

  Ge Long probably remembered the name of the "genius" in front of him, so he didn't question it anymore, nodded, and asked again: "Who do you want to shoot? How much does it cost?"

   Zhang Yang spread his hands, "I don't understand either, I have to find a professional, have you found it?"

  Ge Long said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't expect you to be so fast..."

   Zhang Yang smiled and said: "We are all laymen, so we must find an expert. If you don't mind, I will ask someone later. Of course, you have to hurry up."

  Ge Long glanced at Lin Yiran, "Dunhuang? They seem to be a theater chain, and they also invest in production?"

"do not know."

  Zhang Yang shook his head, "Just ask, it's not a bad thing."

  Ge Long nodded, expressing his understanding of his behavior of pleasing his father-in-law. Although Lin Canghai may not care about it, nor may he intend to get involved in this aspect, but it is always necessary to express his heart.

  Yang Yuting, Lin Yiran and Jiang Yingxue were chatting at first, but when they heard them talk about making a movie, they stopped. After they talked, Yang Yuting asked curiously: "Do you still want to make a movie?"

   Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Try it."

  Yang Yuting nodded, and asked again: "What type?"

  Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "It's hard to say... well, it's the background before and after the yuan change, but the content and theme should not be limited to that time, I quite like it myself."

  Yang Yuting smiled and said: "Then you guys shoot as soon as possible, and when it's released, I'm going to watch it too."

It is common for a movie to take several years from preparation to release. When she said "shoot as soon as possible", she obviously meant that she might not live to that time. Zhang Yang looked at her face, which was more beautiful than he remembered, with a peaceful smile, I can't see any emotion, and I feel a little sad for her, and I don't know what to say for a while.

  Jiang Yingxue's bright eyes dimmed after hearing the words, Lin still clicked on her nose, smiled at her, and said to Yang Yuting, "Let's go and see together when the time comes."

  Yang Yuting looked at her, then at Zhang Yang, smiled and nodded, "Yes."

  Jiang Yingxue raised her head and said, "I'll go too."

  Lin still smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together."

  Ge Long glanced at Zhang Yang strangely, and asked, "Aren't you going to sit around?"

   Zhang Yang shook his head, "No."

  I thought that Ge Long would leave now, but he never thought that he would say: "Then I won't go either."

  Seeing Zhang Yang looking at him, Ge Long smiled and said: "I don't like these either, but I was born in such a family, and I can't help myself a lot."

   Zhang Yang said with a smile: "If I could choose, I would also want to be involuntary."

The birthday banquet began soon, and Zhang Yang was still with Ge Long, toasting to himself or the seniors Ge Long knew, so as not to be labeled as "reckless". Shang Gongyu is good at drinking, but he is not an alcoholic , There was no such thing as drunkenness at the banquet, it was all ordered to the end.

"I have been writing martial arts novels for ten years. In the early years, the more I wrote, the smoother I felt. Everyone called me the head of the four great masters, and I was quite proud of myself, but later it became more and more unpleasant. I always felt that no matter what I can't even write the martial arts I want..."

During the dinner, Shang Gongyu came to Zhang Yang's table to express his thanks. He sat and chatted for a while, but he didn't shy away from Jiang Mo, Yang Mu, Yang Yuting, Ge Long, Lin Yiran, and Jiang Yingxue. The experience of the novel.

"Your grandfather said that your "Shooting the Condor" is "revolutionary of the old martial arts, and opened a new school." You change, so do I. But recently, I started to think again, new martial arts, new martial arts, are talking about new martial arts, is this the only way for new martial arts? "

   Zhang Yang and the others didn’t have many people at their table, so they didn’t speak at this time, listening to the conversation between the two top martial arts novelists.

Shang Gongyu shook the goblet, took a sip of the red wine, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Recently, there are two very interesting martial arts books, one is "Unfeeling Knife", which is serialized in Xia Ke, and the other is "Ghost Hand", which is published in Han Chuang is serialized, and the style is very unique, the freehand style of "Unfeeling Knife", and the creepy and gloomy of "Ghost Hand", frankly speaking, I am very envious..."

Shang Gongyu sighed, "They all have their own style, and they know their own way, especially "Ghost Hand", the author is a newcomer, and the first book said it was this style. Thinking of this book is still persisting, and the more I write, the better..."

   After Shang Gongyu finished feeling, looking at Zhang Yang's expression, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and his expression became a little weird: "Haven't you seen it?"

  The others on the table looked over at the same time.

   Zhang Yang said in a bit of embarrassment: "I rarely read martial arts novels written by others... Uh, I read quite a few in the past, but now I'm too busy~ It's also rather miscellaneous, and there aren't many martial arts novels."

  Shang Gongyu was silent for a long time, his expression seemed to be a little depressed, and he sighed after a long time: "This is the mentality that a genius and a martial arts leader should have..."

  Zhang Yang still wanted to explain, hesitated for a while, then gave up, and said: "I probably understand what you want to say, um... I can only write, but I don't know much, but bystanders can clearly..."

  He considered his words, Shang Gongyu smiled and said: "Since ancient times, those who are up to the mark are the first, so just speak up when you have something to say."

   Zhang Yang pondered and said: "Martial arts is defined as popular literature, how do you think this "popular" should be understood? "

Shang Gongyu frowned, probably thinking why he would ask such a question, but Zhang Yang didn't answer immediately, "I also read some books by myself, and said casually, if I made a mistake, don't worry about it... Literature Works probably have value in both aesthetics and communication. Traditional literature is undoubtedly more aesthetics, while popular literature is more inclined to communication. In this regard, I think most...well, many Chinese Authors tend to ignore it, or don’t pay much attention to it, and some people even want to learn how to write popularly, but they can’t find a few books to read.”

"When conceiving or writing something, many people think about what I want to express, what idea, what theme, what irony, what to express... This is the aesthetic value, but many times, the public...doesn't care about these, Or maybe they don’t care as much as the author thinks, so most of the traditional Chinese literary works are not selling well.”

"Popular literature, since the word popular has been added, it is natural that everyone likes to read it. It is necessary to find the balance between aesthetics and communication... But many martial arts writers still have traditional literature in their hearts when they write popular novels. Rules and regulations, or conceived from the very beginning, is the idea of ​​traditional literature..."

What Zhang Yang wanted to say was actually more sharp, but it is a big taboo to talk lightly and deeply. It is too straightforward to talk to Shang Gongyu to this level. Seeing that Shang Gongyu was silent, he thought for a while and asked again: " Have you read online novels?"

  Shang Gongyu looked up at Zhang Yang, with a surprised expression on his face, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I've read some, and frankly speaking, many online novels... I want to scold people, but..."

He paused, looked at Shang Gongyu and said, "Although Jinbang is also building a website, I don't know much about its development, so I don't know if you know about it. The online subscription of "Yitian" The volume has already surpassed the sales volume of literary newspapers..."

Shang Gongyu raised his brows slightly, looking a little startled, Zhang Yang paused, and laughed again: If I say that martial arts novels, at least the martial arts novels in the form of physical newspapers and periodicals, have come to an end, and the future is the world of online novels, Hmm... It shouldn't be too long, you should be able to see such a big trend... Online novels will become a bigger market than martial arts novels now, and of course martial arts may also be a part of online novels... Hundreds of millions of readers will pass Internet reading, and a large part of it may still be content that we can’t read at all, and those authors may earn millions or tens of millions a year by writing these things...Do you believe it? "


Note: Some of Zhang Yang’s content on aesthetics and communication is quoting part of the Internet writer “Angry Banana”’s speech on the Internet. My statement may have distorted the original meaning, which is a matter of my personal memory, understanding, and borrowing, lest everyone think it is true Original, please explain.

  (end of this chapter)