MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 338 【338】Layout for the future

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  Chapter 338 [338] Layout for the future

   "The Unspeakable Secret" has been filmed, and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern·Exquisite Ancient City" has not yet started filming, but the preparatory work has been prepared for half a year, mainly focusing on props and scenes.

In terms of content alone, "Exquisite Ancient City" can actually save money, but for the sake of word-of-mouth and for his own enjoyment, Zhang Yang invested 50 million in this movie, plus Longsheng and Dunhuang Film and Television, Ge Long Another friend who has money but no place to spend it came, and Sifang invested a total of 130 million yuan.

  In order to spend the money wisely and for the filming of the follow-up series, Zhang Yang is very careful about the selection of actors, because not only must the quality of the first film be guaranteed, but also the follow-up series will not produce any messy things.

  Among the trio, the first to be confirmed is the heroine Yang Xueli, played by Mu Xue.

She once acted as the female number two in the movie "Red Dust", and it became a big hit. When Zhang Yang debuted, it was the time when her popularity was at its peak. On the night of the music super finals, she was connected to the scene to help Zhang Yang. Later, she was also introduced by Lin Suyuan. , the relationship is good, and the image is suitable.

   Another reason is that the parent company of Qiancheng Entertainment Company she signed a contract with, the Su family is the second largest shareholder. With this connection and personal friendship, the cooperative relationship is relatively strong and will not easily change.

  The male lead was finally decided on an actor named Yang Chao, 33 years old, relatively low-key, very low-key in the second line, but his acting skills and reputation are good.

   More importantly, his contract with the original company will expire at the end of September this year, and he has reached a cooperation intention with Yiyang Film and Television.

The director was preliminarily identified as an unknown director named Lu Wang. This man was in his forties. He made his debut in a thriller film. He couldn't even make two films. He went to shoot reality, but he couldn't make it again. In a fit of rage, he went to film Romantic films, only two were made and one was banned.

The latest film was made after a two-year break. After a deep reflection, I finally figured it out. I started making commercial films. After changing the style, I made two films. The best box office exceeded 500 million, which can be called a small film. Have experience.

  For Zhang Yang, a director who has filmed thrillers, wants to turn to commercial films, and has rich experience in thundering, couldn't be more suitable, so he was selected among more than ten candidates.

   At first he heard that he was looking for it, but Lu Wang was still a little unhappy—Zhang Yang thought it was because he was not as balanced as a young man who was just a fledgling for many years.

  In addition, at that time Lu Wang had another film to choose, with an investment of more than 200 million yuan. According to the investor, he was going to make a real "All-Star".

  Lv Wang has never been so rich all the way to the present, and he was quite moved for a while, but after meeting and chatting with Zhang Yang, he decisively pushed the blockbuster movie and began to study the script of "The Ancient City".

  The script given by Zhang Yang is very rough, it just outlines the outline of the story, and some places that may conflict with this world are mentioned in the Spring and Autumn style of writing, leaving it for others to add.

In the previous life, although the copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was divided by various parties due to the coquettish operation of a certain company before it was acquired, no one could make a series. Most companies only wanted to make money, and the movie was rotten. The two TV series "Magic Cave" actually made people feel bright, but the sense of fragmentation inevitably affected the experience.

  Actors were selected one after another, props and scenes were in place, and this winter, "The Ancient City of Essence" officially started shooting.

During this period, Zhang Yang directed (surrounded) the guide to watch the professional masters complete the editing of "The Unspeakable Secret", and the recording of the theme song was completed, thinking that he didn't need to make money from this movie anyway, so he simply arranged according to his will, Temporarily adjusted the fifth album to be called "Secrets That Can't Be Said", and it's all scheduled for the end of January.

  Anyway, it’s only the twelfth lunar month in the lunar calendar, so it doesn’t count as a breach of the promise of one album per year, so I didn’t release pigeons…

  During the past few months, for Zhang Yang, something that was more unexpected, or more memorable, had nothing to do with work, but his younger sister Zhang Wei.

  She produced the first "experience video" in the summer vacation and did not get any commendable data, but it was not without effect. For example, Zhang Yang noticed the original video website because of her posting the video, and negotiated to buy shares.

Zhang Wei was not discouraged when she was frustrated, because after the video was sent out, although it was unprofessional and not popular, but because of her good looks—she put herself on the cover—it still got more than 2,000 views and harvested More than 300 fans.

This gave her great encouragement. Before school started, she was thinking about the video shooting problem during her school days. She asked Zhang Yang to discuss whether he could give her another room where he lived. Naturally, Zhang Yang didn't want to let this light bulb bother her. Anyway, he had money in hand, so he simply bought her a house near Capital University and let her do whatever she wanted.

Zhang Wei's shooting techniques and post-processing are indeed not very clever, but she doesn't charge money (nor the manufacturer), she is very objective, and she followed Zhang Yang's suggestion, she took an attitude that is more serious than a college entrance examination composition, extremely serious From the second video onwards, video data and personal attention began to rise all the way.

When Zhang Yang arranged for "The Unspeakable Secret" to be released, she posted a total of five videos, gained more than 200,000 followers, and received some advertising cooperation. Parents and brother showing off.

Her knowledge of digital products is limited, purely out of hobbies, and she doesn’t force herself to make videos she doesn’t like. Watching the number of fans increase every day, even if only one, she is happy to show off, and she is confidently certified Own Weibo, and then encountered Waterloo.

Zhang Yang is very aware of the value and influence of original videos in the future. In this regard, he knows Li Ziqi better. Unfortunately, Zhang Wei doesn't have that ability. Thinking that before the movie was released, Zhang Wei actually sent him a video of real life in a mountainous village.

The producer of the video is Chen Ling, the girl Lin Yiran mentioned to her in the Yunnan-Guizhou Mountains who rejected the aid. Zhang Wei met her when Lin Yiran was doing charity activities together. Seeing that she was younger than himself, regardless of All the work in the family is done neatly, remembering what Zhang Yang said, so I discussed with her that we can record a video together.

   Just relying on planing food in the ground, no matter how hard it is, according to the current situation, it will be hard and "inefficient" after all. Lin still agrees with Zhang Wei's proposal, so he helps to surprise Zhang Yang one after another.

The shooting was very hasty, and Zhang Yang didn't bring her newly bought professional equipment. The video shot was very rough, but it can be seen that Chen Ling does have some of the abilities that "Li Ziqi" can become popular. After Zhang Yang thought about it, he decided to form a small team , to assist Chen Ling in copywriting planning and shooting, and specifically instructed to focus on assistance, and wanted to try to see if he could hatch a sharp weapon for external export.

After getting rich, Zhang Yang spread his seeds everywhere. In addition to the layout of original videos, he also established a technology company dedicated to "recommendation algorithms". The main personnel except for the two experienced bosses he hired, the rest Half of the employees here are from Huaxing University.

  At present, this company called "Martian" has just developed a software called "Douyin", but it has not yet been launched, and is still in the process of testing and polishing.

In order to complete these layouts, plus film investment, the 200 million yuan earned by "Let the Bullets Fly" is not enough, and a lot of "old money" has been filled. However, Zhang Yang is very clear about the prospects of what he is doing, and does not feel bad.

The only thing that has no confidence is that he is not sure that he can beat the "local" competitors. For this reason, he has been spending money and poaching people all this time, running hard in the direction he pointed out, for fear that he knows the future direction and still running But people.

According to common sense, other people are groping forward in the fog. He has the experience of future generations to see the way ahead and has incalculable advantages. However, there are always some people in this world who are unreasonable. Being the "chosen ones", they can unreasonably look for the right direction in the fog.

  —According to Luoshen, if Suhui is not an exception in the long river of history, if it is even very common, there are not too many things about the time traveler being killed by the son of the plane.

  Compared to trembling over these things, watching a romance movie with another woman with Lin still is not considered... er, it is still a very embarrassing thing.

  Zhang Yang proposed her to play the heroine, but she refused, so Fang Chang was chosen.

Su Hui, rich, and celebrity have triple auras. Zhang Yang knows a lot of beauties in this world. In terms of appearance and temperament, this senior sister can undoubtedly be among the top five. The only incongruous thing about playing Lu Xiaoyu is Fang The clothes are too charming, but when I tried makeup, I found that she has good plasticity and can produce the desired effect, so I naturally chose her.

  —Fang Shang’s contract with Seagull has just ended, and he has officially signed into Zhang Yang’s personal studio years ago, and now he can be called a real one of his own.


  But Lin still said that he could wait, and couldn't shirk it, so he had to choose an evening to accompany her to the cinema secretly after the school holiday.

  (end of this chapter)