MTL - Lucky Wife at 50s-Chapter 776 776, thank you feast

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   Chapter 776 776, thank you feast

  The wedding date of Qi Qing and Lin Yi is set for December 6th. Everyone agreed before that Qi Qing would marry in the house in Ping County, so all of them will live in the house in the county town on the 5th.

   But after learning that Qi Qing was going to get married during this period, the villagers in the village came to the door to congratulate and send gifts.

   Everyone is so enthusiastic, Qi Yuanhua and his wife feel that if they don't express it, they can't justify it.

  Even if it is rough food, it is a kind of heart.

   Now that the famine has just eased a little, every household is still living a tight life, so the situation of the Victory Production Team is better. Who let them have a bean paste workshop that lays golden eggs.

   Originally, the Qi family did not plan to hold a big banquet during this period, so they just thought of sending some happy candy to every family in the village to enjoy the festivity and so on. But for the banquet in the county town, it is enough to invite the Qi family members to participate.

  The Qi family is married this time, so the etiquette is not so elaborate and complicated, so they don't seem to be doing something too high-profile, so as not to be too conspicuous and attract criticism.

  However, the family received a lot of gifts from the villagers. Qi Yuanhua and his wife did not want to treat the villagers too badly, so they decided to set up a few tables of banquets at home.

   After all, getting married is a happy event, and everyone can get together to be lively and lively.

   And the thank-you banquet was scheduled for noon on the 4th, so the Hantian couple went back to the village immediately after attending the unveiling ceremony of the orphanage on the 2nd.

  Since there are several tables of banquets to be set up at home, they, as the bride's brother and sister-in-law, can't be absent.

The people in the village have always been grateful to the Qi family, especially Qin Tianru. Not to mention the Doubanjiang workshop in the village, it was the medicinal herbs and the game that were distributed before, which saved many people in the village and suffered from starvation. survived the predicament.

   But Qin Tianru seldom went to the village for a stroll, and there weren't many opportunities for everyone to get along with her. Now they finally have the opportunity to express their gratitude, and of course everyone didn't want to miss it.

   Hearing that Qi Qing was going to marry in the county seat, the villagers immediately got ready and rummaged through the family background to think about what gifts to send.


   On December 4th, the Qi family courtyard was full of festivity. The whole courtyard was full of laughter and excitement.

   At this time, the courtyard and the main room were full of people. There were four tables of banquets outside and two tables in the main room. There were six tables in total for today's thank-you banquet to entertain the villagers.

   Of course, it is absolutely impossible to entertain the whole village. The number of people is too large, and the energy and manpower to manage it will increase several times.

   It's not that the Qi family is reluctant to spend money, but considering the current environment, it is not advisable to do it with great fanfare.

   Therefore, Qi Yuanhua and his wife set up six tables, and each family invited one or two representatives to attend, and then they would send each family a small packet of wedding candy.

   Of course, the food on the banquet table can also be brought home by the villagers, and they will not mind or interfere.

As for the wedding candies, they had been prepared a few days ago. Qi Qing also specially packed them with red ribbons. Each packet still weighed a bit in her hand. Everyone in the family was given three or four candies. People only have one or two.

   In this way, we can ensure that everyone in the village can eat candy.

   The meals at the banquet, the Qi family did not prepare much, but the weight of each dish was very generous.

   After watching many villagers on the table take a few bites, they stopped their chopsticks. When everyone had almost eaten, they took out the lunch boxes and sea bowls they brought and began to pack the food on the table.

  Fortunately, everyone understood etiquette and obeyed the rules, and there was no scramble.

Before   , there would definitely be disputes about this, but I don’t know when it started, the atmosphere in the village became more and more harmonious, and the relationship between the neighbors was much better.

  Now there are few disputes or strife in the whole village.

   This subtle change may not be realized by the villagers, but everyone's face has indeed become kinder, and there are more bright smiles.

  Everything is full of vigor and hope.

  Qin Tianru sat by the window, feeling the lively atmosphere of the small courtyard, listening to everyone's miscellaneous chatting topics, he couldn't help feeling a burst of peace and comfort.

  Because of a happy event at home, Yang Hongying, mother-in-law, sister Chunni, and mother and daughter Li Chunmei have all been helping out at Qi's house these two days.

  The family has siblings, which means that Qin Tianru has absolutely no room for her to help after returning home, even more leisurely than the bride.

   Even the meal was prepared for her by Shen Yuerong in advance, and the taste was naturally much more delicious than the big pot rice. In the end, the bride-to-be who enjoys second-class treatment accompanies Qin Tianru to stay in the room to eat. Because people come in and out of the outside world, they are worried that they will bump into her accidentally, so they even eat meals separately.

   Qin Tianru has always known that her family attaches great importance to her pregnancy, especially the two children in her womb. They are especially nervous and careful.

   But she didn't expect her family to be so cautious, as if she were a fragile porcelain doll who couldn't touch anything.

   This made Qin Tianru not know whether to laugh or cry.

   "Is the dowry ready?"

  Qin Tianru asked Xiaoqing, because she didn't live at home during this time, and she didn't know how they prepared.

   "Don't worry, sister-in-law, my mother has already prepared it. Some time ago, I asked Jiaye to bring back a lot of daily necessities. I'm afraid there are two ox carts in total."

   When mentioning the dowry, Qi Qing's little face was flushed, but she felt a bit shy as a bride.

   "That's good, the day after tomorrow you're going to get married, and I, the sister-in-law, didn't help me much. This is a makeup gift I prepared for you, but don't be polite to me."

  Qin Tianru took out a small wooden box that she had prepared in advance, which contained all the jewels she had carefully selected, some of them from her own collection, and a small part of them from the treasures that Sister Pearl gave her.

   In short, the contents of this wooden box are absolutely priceless.

   Qi Qing accepted it happily, "Thank you sister-in-law, don't worry, I won't be polite, but I know that there is nothing bad in my sister-in-law's hand.

   It’s rare to get a fortune while married, so I won’t be stupid enough to refuse, even if I don’t need it, it’s better to keep it for the next generation. "

  "." Qin Tianru was amazed. He was shy when he mentioned marriage, but now that the wedding is approaching, this is a complete release of himself, and he has even considered the issue of inheritance to the next generation.

   It seems that he has already entered the role in advance.

   (end of this chapter)