MTL - Lucky Wife at 50s-Chapter 778 778, support

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   Chapter 778 778, support

   Today is still in the easing period of the famine. The people in the city are no more single-family than the people in the countryside. It is not easy to set up a few tables of banquets in the spacious compound.

   Therefore, when urbanites get married, people with poor family conditions will not arrange a banquet at all. Generally, if the marriage certificate is pulled, they will just scatter the happy candy with the surrounding relatives, friends and neighbors.

   And some people who don't have any family background, don't even have wedding candy, have pulled the marriage certificate, the man goes directly to the woman's house to pick up the person, and then informs relatives and friends that someone in the family is getting married.

   Of course, if the family conditions permit, they will set up two or three tables in their own home, and invite the close relatives of both parties to have a light meal, which is considered a ceremony and recognition.

   But for families with good family conditions, naturally they will not be stingy with this financial resource, and such families are generally cadre families. If they have a wedding event, they will choose the state-run hotel in the city.

  The state-owned hotel is a two-story building. Those with a little financial ability will book this hall, or choose a few private rooms. Of course, the owner of the family who is not short of money can directly wrap the upper and lower floors.

   And the Lin family is a family of public officials, and they are better than others. The conditions of the family are better than that of ordinary working families, but they are not too expensive, so they contracted the lobby on the first floor of the state-run hotel as a wedding venue.

   This behavior is already considered a very decent family in Ping County. Whether it is the host who is invited or the guests who come to the banquet, there will be a very face-to-face feeling.

  The hall on the first floor is full of large round tables, each table can accommodate up to twelve people, there are twelve tables in total.

   "The bride is here to pull!"

   I don't know who shouted, and everyone in the hall looked towards the door of the hotel.

   In order to make the wedding more dignified, Lin Yi asked Zhou Jianshe to borrow a car, and drove the car to the Qi's yard to pick up the bride.

  The weather in December, there is already a chill in the air.

   Today's Qi Qing is wearing a long red woolen coat with a white sweater and black trousers, and a pair of small red leather shoes on her feet.

   This foreign-style and decent dress immediately made everyone's eyes shine, not to mention how beautiful and delicate Qi Qing's makeup was.

The medium-length hair was tucked behind her head, and two delicate red roses were pinned to it, and a thin layer of makeup was applied to her face, which looked both beautiful and elegant, and the whole person was even more human-like. Hua Jiao.

   She wore two accessories on her body, a pair of white pearl earrings, and a small ruby ​​pendant tied around her neck.

This appearance of    attracted everyone's attention and attention almost instantly, nothing more. In fact, she was too conspicuous, and she was undoubtedly a red rose blooming in the cold winter.

   "This is the bride?"

   "Wow~ so pretty."

   "We haven't seen such a foreign bride in Ping County for a long time."

   "Look! That coat on her looks so good, it's definitely not cheap."

   "There is no department store in Ping County. It is estimated that it was bought from the provincial capital."

   "The pair of red leather shoes on her feet even have heels? I heard that they are only found in Xiangjiang."

   "Tsk tsk tsk, this bride's family is not simple, look at this outfit from head to toe, it must be very rich."

   "I really didn't see it, the second child of the Lin family married a lady from a wealthy family without saying a word."

   "I haven't heard that the Lin family has climbed up to a noble family before? Ping County is so big, which family's young lady is this?"

   "What is the origin of this woman?"

   The guests who came to the hotel ahead of time gathered on both sides of the gate to watch the newlyweds get off the wedding car. Taking advantage of the space between the newlyweds and the people on the left and right, everyone chatted in an instant.

   At this time, someone in the crowd said something with a puzzled tone, "I heard some news that the woman is from the commune brigade below Ping County."

   "Ah!" Everyone looked at the speaker with astonishment, and their faces clearly showed disbelief.

   Seeing everyone's look of 'I'll just listen to your bragging quietly', the man was instantly angry and annoyed.

   "It's not what I said, it's the people from the second room of the Lin family who said that the bride's family lives in the countryside."

  "." Everyone glanced at the man without words, then shook their heads speechlessly and dispersed.

   This is just talking nonsense.

  The whole body of the bride looks like a young lady from a wealthy family. How can she look like a girl who grew up in the country?

   The ox blew into the sky.

   However, everyone did not expect that there would be more shocking things behind.

   Seeing Secretary Yan and Magistrate Zhou who were greeted by the Lin family to the guest table in person, everyone was stunned!

   Good guy!

   Everyone called him a good guy.

  When did the Lin family have friendship with the two bosses?

   To allow the two leaders of the county to attend the wedding banquet in person, if this is not called friendship, what is it?

   Almost all of the people who can come to the wedding banquet today have a close relationship with the Lin family, so I still know a little bit about the Lin family's network.

   Before this, everyone had never heard that the Lin family had a personal relationship with the two bosses. If there was such a relationship, would the Lin family still need to be so conscientious and cautious?

  It wasn't until they saw that the woman's maiden family was sitting at the same guest table with Secretary Yan and the others, that everyone realized the problem in a trance.

   So, the two bosses attended in person to support the bride?

   In other words, the two bosses are actually related to the woman's family, otherwise why would they attend as the woman's relatives and friends?

  My God, this woman's background is too big, she was able to invite two bosses at the same time.

Although they still haven't figured out what the woman's background is, everyone has a clear understanding in their hearts, that is, this bride can't be messed with, and even the Lin family who has married the bride will need more points in the future. Respected.

   No matter what the background of the woman's family is, or whether the Lin family has any relationship with the big guys before, but after today, everyone will know that the Lin family has a strong backer, because this relationship has already been put on the bright side.

   Even if the Lin family does not actually have a deep relationship with the bosses, but for the status of the bosses as a group of relatives and friends of the wife's family, even if they don't look at the monk's face, they should also look at the Buddha's face.

  The situation of the Lin family changed instantly. From today onwards, the position of the Lin family is about to change.

   At this time, on another wine table in the hall, Zhu Wenfang's eldest sister-in-law raised a question.

   "Wenfang, didn't you say that the second boy in the big house married a country girl? Why even the secretary and the others were invited? Seeing that they are talking and laughing, they must be very close."

   (end of this chapter)