MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3933 What a good dog of the hidden family

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   Qiao Nian scanned the text message at a glance, her beautiful face sank, her eyes were dark without a trace of light, only coldness remained.

   "How long before we get there."

  The pilot sitting in the co-pilot looked at the numbers on the dashboard, calculated the flight speed and distance in his mind, and finally came up with the answer, looking over: "It will take ten more minutes."

   "Ten minutes." Qiao Nian lowered her eyes, her eyelashes slightly lowered to cover the emotions in her eyes, suppressing the violent aura around her.

  But the co-pilot sitting next to her could still feel the girl's irritability, and immediately lowered his sense of existence.

  sun just looked at the phone and his face became very ugly, so what happened?

  Qiao Nian didn't have mind reading skills and didn't know what the passenger on the co-pilot was thinking, so naturally she couldn't answer his doubts.


   Outside the Hongmeng headquarters where Lu Zhi is located.

  The person inside bent down and lowered his voice to report the situation to him: "Mr. Lu, those people broke out using smoke bombs."

   "Do you want to take them all..." The visitor wiped his neck.

  Lu Zhi looked up at him and put his hands on his knees: "Did you forget my order?"

  The man was so frightened that he almost slipped and knelt on the ground: "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I'm sorry."

   Fortunately, Lu Zhi didn't mean to argue with him, so he raised his hand and told him, "Get lost."

   "..." That person didn't dare to stay for a second, and he didn't turn his head when he left, lest he would offend this moody boss.

  Ying also walked over quickly at this time, stood still in front of him and said, "Why doesn't President Lu do anything?"

  Lu Zhi said very flatly: "I said that I can't touch people of the Red League. Besides, my assistant is still inside, how do you want me to do it?"

   "But Ye Fanchuan may also be inside!" Shadow was emotional.

  Lu Zhi glanced at his dancing face, but remained unmoved: "So the empress wants to unilaterally tear up the cooperation?"

  Shadow choked, and said with a livid face, "I didn't mean that."

   "That's good." Lu Zhi turned the wheelchair and walked back, the wind blew his voice away: "I won't touch her people, my goal is only Ye Wangchuan."

   This Lu Zhi is a lunatic! Shadow suppressed his anger and walked aside to call Nie Qingru to report the progress here.


  Tonight's time seems to be stretched infinitely.

  Qin Si, Guan Yan and others would be surrounded by Lu Zhi's people who had already received the news as soon as they came out. They didn't see Lu Zhi, but they saw a shadow in a black suit walking over.

  Qin Si yelled when he saw the shadow appearing: "The good dog of the Hidden Family!"

  Dozens of guns were pointed at their heads in the dark outside, and it was only at this time that he could still curse at people without changing his face.

   "Big temper." Shadow squinted his eyes, looked at him with gloom and said, "Mr. Lu only said to keep Hongmeng and Jianzhu, but he didn't say to take care of you. I can send you on your way at any time."

  Guan Yan didn't say much, and stepped forward to block Qin Si, his peach eyes slightly raised, and said bravely: "If you want to move him, you move me first."

  Shadow raised his brows, his eyes flicked around the two of them: "Oh, I can't see that people from the Hongmeng can still look at the son and brother from Beijing."

  Qin Si wanted to make a move immediately, but was blocked by Guan Yan, who made a gesture behind his back to wait for him, while calmly talking to the shadow.

   "Where's Lu Zhi? I want to see him."

   "President Lu is not free."