MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3940 In the end, she had to rely on Qiao Nian's face

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  Nie Qingru's complexion turned livid immediately, and she didn't notice the pain when her nails were stuck in the flesh, but stared at Mo Xi stubbornly.

One second she was saying that Qiao Nian should be proud of the blood shed in her body, and the next second she was pointed at her nose and said that she had to rely on her blood relationship with that wolf cub to be safe, what else? Much more humiliating than this.

   Moxi ignored her stare, pushed his mobile phone over again, and said politely: "Queen, please!"

   "..." Nie Qingru looked at the mobile phone that was pushed in front of her again and trembled with anger, her face extremely embarrassed.

  But she couldn't help being unhappy about the current situation, with more than a dozen pairs of eyes staring at her, Nie Qingru knew very well that if she didn't cooperate, these people would not continue to chat with her in a 'polite' manner...

  But as the queen of a hermit family, the feeling of being threatened face to face by someone breaking into her home is really uncomfortable, comparable to being slapped in the face by someone finding her home.

  She slowly reached out to pick up the phone, and said with a cold expression: "Even if I tell my people to stop, it's useless. Lu Zhi's people won't listen to me."

  Moxi smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about this, old man."

  Nie Qingru had a vague sense of what they wanted to do, but because there were so many eyes watching her every move, she was forced to call Shadow.

   "Beep." The sound just rang.

  The other end of the shadow immediately answered the phone: "Hello?"

  Nie Qingru glanced at the man who barged in from the living room, took a deep breath and frowned, "It's me."

  Shadow heard her voice, and immediately said: "Empress, are you okay? Just now..." Nie Qingru didn't even have time to hang up the video upstairs, and he vaguely heard that something happened in the manor.

  Nie Qingru turned on the loudspeaker, pressed the corner of her lips to interrupt his words: "A few guests came to the manor just now, I went out for a while."

  Shadow obviously heard what she meant, and was a little anxious: "The empress..."

  Nie Qingru didn't give him a chance to continue: "The person who notified us stopped immediately."

  The other end of the phone was quiet for two seconds, as if analyzing Nie Qingru's current situation, and quickly compromised: "Yes! I understand."

  Nie Qingru looked up at the man wearing glasses, and signaled to him with his eyes, "That's all right."

  Moxi smiled, and said directly without paying attention: "Thank you, Queen."

  Nie Qingru hasn't hung up the phone yet, which means that Shadow can hear their voices.

  When a strange man's voice appeared on Nie Qingru's phone, Shadow still didn't understand something, and immediately said coldly: "I warn you not to mess around! Otherwise, I will definitely smash you to pieces!"

Moxi took his mobile phone from Nie Qingru's hand. Hearing the threat of fury from the other party, he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his left hand, and replied in a very good temper: "That's what I want to say. If you want the old lady to be safe It's okay, it's best to protect our family. Otherwise, you will have to collect the empress' corpse..."

   "How dare you!" Shadow was furious.

  Moxi was much calmer: "Whether I dare depends on how well you do. If you can't do it, I have nothing to dare."

   "Don't hurt the queen, I..." Shadow still had something to say.

  Moxi didn't give him this chance, and hung up the phone elegantly and casually. The eager voice of the shadow was cut off, and the whole living room became quiet again.