MTL - Magic Love Ring-Chapter 2115 Deification

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When the news that Xuanfeng City was attacked by Xuangui City was returned to the court, it caused a lot of sensation, but it fell into the ears of other city owners.

A few days later, the angel of the court came again.

After giving out numerous rewards, Ye Ling's official products finally rose to the first level and became Zhengwupin officials.

It can be expected that by the end of the war, he will be transferred to a prefecture-level city and become the city's owner.

"Brother, brother can have today, but it is all your credit, let's say, what you want, as long as the brother can do it, never quit!"

At the banquet that night, Ye Xi was so drunk, his true feelings were revealed, and Song Ji's hand was seized.

Song Yan pulled out his hand without a trace: "Brother, I don't have anything for the time being, I won't be kind to Brother when I have it!"

The Xuangui Army repaired for ten days, and under the order of the imperial court, it launched an attack on another Xuan-class city.

In the next six months, the Xuangui Army actually broke through six Xuan-class cities, and its strength continued to increase, reaching 22,000, and they were all elite soldiers.

At the same time, Ye Zhi's official position has been promoted to another grade, becoming the top four grades. At the same time, the court gave a Tiandan and a lucky Tianbao.

A Tiandan can make the repair of the night owl directly to the middle of the Yuan infant.

Tianbao is a special magic weapon. It contains a national transport. It can be sacrificed in a critical moment, and it can even resist the full-strength blow of the early God.

Apparently Ye Ye entered the eyes of the emperor of the Chu dynasty, and Fang bestowed such heavy treasures, lest he be assassinated by a master.

After all, the land of the winning dynasty has fallen into half, and the night owl is the most dazzling one. Maybe the winning dynasty will send a master of magic to assassinate him.

In this half year, Song Yuan beheaded and killed eight Yuanying masters and gained nearly 40 million luck, which is a huge gain.

Win dynasty, inside the palace.

"Yeh Ye and Song Ye must die!"

The emperor's tone was determined, apparently killing his heart, and then he faced eight people around him: "Which dedication is willing to go there!"

The current night owl can no longer be compared with the past. From sixth grade to fourth grade, the official seal promotes him even more. Even if he is not in the field, he can exert the strength of the late Yuan infant.

"This one is willing to chop that night owl and Song yan!"

A green robe old man said.

This person is called Juhai, and it has been 1,200 years since the beginning of the deification, and he is very strong. He ranks fourth among eight worshipers.

"The Juhai dedication can go, naturally, but if you can get those two, you can give five hundred gold crystals of luck!"

Hearing that, Ju Hai couldn't help but be overjoyed, and said quickly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, this one will surely chop those two!"

What is their dedication to win the dynasty? Isn't it just for the precious and unusual Qiyun Jinjing? This Qiyun Jinjing can only come out of Qiyun Jinlong, and Qiyun Jinlong is controlled by the emperor.


Three days ago, the Xuangui Army captured this Xuan-class city, and now has not received the next order from the court.

Inside the city's main palace.

Song Kun is reading ancient books from the city's main government.

These ancient books can help him deepen his understanding of the world.


He put down the book, looked in a certain direction, and then he got up, stepped out, and disappeared into the room.


A loud noise came out, and the building where Ye Di lived exploded, and then a figure rushed out, it was Ye Di.

"Who, get out of this official!"

Ye Di is very angry. If it was not for Tianbao's bodyguard, that blow would have been enough to kill him.

"It's this seat, Ye Di is your death today!"

A voice came out of nowhere, Ye Ye looked up and found an old man in a blue robe standing under a tree.

"God God, scan!"

Song Kun was quite pleased. He did his best to help the night owl, not just to attract the powerful gods, otherwise, where did he scan for more advanced exercises.

The scan was successful!

There are two more cheats in the system.

Ye Yan reluctantly and giant sea battle with the increase of official seal.

But when it comes to combat experience, he is not a little worse than the giant sea, so the result of continuing to fight is his body.

and so.

Song Kun knew it was his shot.

A holy spirit sword appeared in his hand.


His body quickly swept across the void and appeared behind the giant sea with a sword.

"not good!"

Juhai exclaimed, and quickly evaded, but let the night sigh of relief.

Then the two killed together towards the giant sea.

At the same time, there was another formation that rose to include the three.

The big array produced a huge suction, absorbing the energy of the giant sea. In desperation, he could only extract some of his energy and suppress himself. For this reason, he has been unable to exert his peak strength and can play seven Chengdu well. .

In the end there was a scuffle, and seeing things inviolable, Juhai could only retreat.

"Brother, thanks to your appearance in time this time, otherwise my brother will be in danger!" Ye Wan laughed, never thinking that the winning dynasty would really send a master of assassination to assassinate him.

For a moment, he began to reflect on whether the limelight of this period was too great.

After a few chats, the two returned.

Back at the residence, Song Ye carefully studied a method from the system class.

This exercise is called "The Qingyun Scriptures". It is practiced to the extreme and can reach the later stage of deification.

"it is good!"

Song Xi was overjoyed, and then began to revise this exercise method. After three days of speaking, he completed the amendment. Although he could not break the transformation of God, after integration, he could be promoted to the peak of transformation.

At that time, even the emperor Chu Guo, who was blessed by Yuxi, was not his opponent.

So he made an excuse, left for two days, completed the promotion, and consumed a total of 11 million luck.

As for the second cheat book obtained from Juhai, it is a magical power.

This magical power is not a battle magical power, but an auxiliary magical power-seeking magic power. After the repair, you can see the treasure light, and the luck of fusion needs 8 million. In the end, Song Yong chose fusion.

The night owl who suffered an assassination also raised his vigilance and lived directly in the barracks.

The battle array of more than 20,000 troops was extraordinary. If the giant sea dared to come, Ye Xie was confident to kill Song Hai with the help of more than 20,000 soldiers and horses.

After half a month.

The imperial court once again sent orders, ordering Ye Di to lead troops to attack Yuanhai City.

This is a prefecture-level city, not to mention that the city owner is in the late Yuan infant period. There are two Yuan infants to assist him in the early days. There are 15,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the city. easily.

Five days later, Xuangui's soldiers descended from Linyuan Haicheng.

Ye Di did not immediately order to attack the city, but stationed ten miles outside the city.

From the second day.

Ye Di began to command people to abusive loudly towards Yuanhai City.

Various insults came into the ears of the soldiers on the city's head, which made them quite angry, anxious to immediately rush down the city wall and chop off those assholes.

[Author off topic]: Second more complete