MTL - Major General Spoils his Soul-guiding Wife-Chapter 38 Far behind

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The feast Zhaoyue has just arrived in the world less than two months ago, and she can't really compare the common sense and the application of knowledge with these native students. But is it more than the reserve?

The feast Zhaoyue smirked, and after more than ten days of uninterrupted burning and copying, she said in her mind that it was the library of the entire Imperial Military Academy.

Although I can't get through the vast amount of knowledge, I can't do it by hand, but as long as I see the problem, I can “search” related content in my head. It takes a long time.

In this way, the rules of the basic theoretical knowledge examination seem to be set specifically for her.

Hey, who gave her such a big cheating weapon!

Other candidates may scratch their heads, scratch their ears, be nervous or anxious, or concentrate on their body ... Every gesture shows that they value the examination, being cautious and serious.

Xi Weiyue had no eyes in Xi Zhaoyue's eyes, and often moved her fingers for a long time, then there was no response for a long time, as if she was in a daze, so that Smo and Jiang Luolu could not help anxious for her.

What they didn't know was that every time Xi Zhaoyue "lost", he went to the sea to find the answer to the test question. Anyway, there is no limit to the test time, she can take it slowly.

When Xi Zhaoyue began to answer the questions, she found that in addition to the number of test questions, which did not limit the length of the test, there was also a very “exciting” setting, that is, each time a question was completed, the test machine was revised. question. The speed is fast, and the candidate will know the result within three seconds.

Zhao Xiue can only say that, in order to select talents, the Imperial Military Academy is considered to be extremely useful.

I hope that all the children present are strong children, otherwise they will have to scare heart disease!

Time passed silently, one hour, two hours, three hours ... Candidates have started to withdraw from the vast sea of ​​questions, and they have reached their limits. Physical, mental, and knowledge reserves no longer support them to continue.

Although unwilling, students continued to press the end confirmation button on the machine one by one to leave the examination room.

"I answered a total of 600 questions, the accuracy rate was about 70%, and I scored 432 points. I don't know where such results can be ranked." A candidate could not help but said to the people next to him.

"I am a little bit more than you. I answered 645, but the accuracy rate is lower than you, only 421 points." Another candidate was slightly frustrated.

"You are so good! I only scored 398 points." Another exclaimed, with envy in his eyes, but there was no trace of panic behind him. "My brother only scored 380 points last year, but he has now I am a sophomore at Imperial Military Academy. "

"We all have a chance to look like this?" The eyes of the other two brightened.

"Should." The teenager was not sure, "Since you are so worried, go to the square to see 呗. There are the top 200 rankings of the current test scores. Based on the rankings, we can probably put ourselves in a position."

At the northeast corner of the square, there is a large fluorescent display screen, which is densely packed with the names of candidates, the ranking before the name, and the score after the name.

不少 A lot of people have gathered under the display screen, one by one, watching the changing scores and names on the display screen one by one.

"Oh my God, Jiang Luoluo's score is so high, it is now 501, and it is still rising."

"The one named Simo is also good, 499 points, and it is constantly rising."

"Mory is even more powerful. He was still one hundred people in the first five minutes. Now he is in the top fifty. This speed is too scary!"


越来越 There are fewer and fewer people in the test room, all gathered under the display screen, paying attention to the changes in rankings.

昭 In the examination room, Zhao Yue was not sick, but if she didn't see anyone leaving, she would still answer the questions slowly at the speed of her turtle.

I don't know whether it is the school's regulations or which teacher's malicious intentions. Five hours into the test, another fluorescent display lit up in the square. Unlike the previous 200, which scrolled the top 200 rankings, the one that just lit up showed the bottom 200 ranking.

As soon as the countdown came out, the square was boiling again. There are sorrows, this is issued by the people who are in the countdown 200; fortunately, they are not in the countdown; more they are simply watching the lively, these people have a strong confidence in their own strength, Without looking at the 200 rankings, they were convinced that their names would not appear there.

咦 "Why, that last one only got 183 points?"

"What? 183! How come there was only 183? The lowest in previous years was 223!"

"Who is Zhao Zhaoyue, is too shameful, so I feel ashamed of being the same candidate!"

"Who is this? Who dare to come to the Imperial Military Academy at this level? It's really a shame to our Imperial Military Academy!"

Uh ...

昭 Xi Zhaoyue in the examination did not know that she had been the object of crusade by everyone. At this moment, she still looked at the questions, checked the information, and answered the questions.

"Ah, her score has gone up!" One candidate seemed to have discovered something amazing.

"Really hey, it went up by one point and became 184."

"She's still in the examination room, it's really hard for her. It's such a waste, and it has persisted for so long."

"Can you say that she can surpass last year's lowest score?"

"It's hard to say that you haven't seen her score change for a long time! I don't expect to exceed the lowest score last year. I only want her to pass the 200 mark. It will be said that this year's candidates have a basis No more than 200 knowledge, others may not think how bad we are this term! "

"Who is this Xi Zhaoyue, let me know that I must educate her well! She dares to come out and shame without that strength, she is not enough to shame herself, and she is holding us together. It is simply forgivable!"

Uh ...

Xi Zhaoyue in the examination room suddenly sneezed.

Who is thinking about her?

The feast Zhaoyue rubbed her nose, only then did she notice that the test room had no idea when it had become very empty.

-----—— Digression ——————————

The beginning of the text is in pk, it looks like it will hit the street.

Alas, the pros who read the text can move their fingers to help collect it for the first time?

Of course, it would be better if you drop in a message!

I first said "thank you" here!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!