MTL - Male God, Shine Bright!-Chapter 2566 Ask Xian Huangquan (End)

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Who this person is, no one can pick it out in the end.

After all, the big guys like this are really not like these little ones.

Today's social platforms have layers of protection for this advanced account.

It is said that there is no way for top hackers to invade the background, knowing who the account user is.

Everyone now only knows the starry game, because ‘TA’ will be open for public beta on July 7.

Many people guess whether this is a star-loving sweetheart.

It was just a guess, but I never thought that one day, Xing absolutely replied under a guess.



Excuse me, what is your sweetheart!


The game boss laughed at the "beauty" and made the public test a half-year later.

Players were forced to eat a bowl of dog food.

But in addition to scolding, they can only test the player's food production.

The more nibbling the more I want to play.

The content released by the internal test players is the tip of the iceberg. They need to play by themselves to experience the shock.


half year later.

On the day of the public beta, players who have already received the game helmet are excited to go to the game.

There is no way to live broadcast in the internal test, the public test can be broadcast live.

So many people who ca n’t play immediately or ca n’t play, watch others play.

Online is very lively, like a New Year.

And asking Xianlu is also very lively.

Asked Xianlu red silk, the lanterns hung on both sides.

Above the street, the word "囍" is suspended, large or small, scattered randomly in the void.

When people walk by, they will move like living creatures.

"Miss Chuzheng, it's almost ready. Look, what's the difference?" Xie Shi fanned with a clown hat.

Chu Zheng sat in front of her door, and the paper pricked around the door frame to reveal his head.

The two paper piercing people had a little red flower on their braids, which was very festive ... Forget it, it looked a little bit permeable.

Chu Zheng was very serious: "I still have a groom."


People who asked Xianlu didn't know until now that Chu Zheng didn't even notify Xing Jue.

Xing Jue went on a business trip a few days ago, so he still does not know of a wedding waiting for him to participate.

Now that the wedding is about to begin, she said she lacks a groom.

Are you serious?

Didn't you notify the parties?

"Then let's pick it up?" Liu Zhong proposed.

Chu Zheng had this intention, Liu Zhongyi said, immediately snapped: "Go."


Xing Jue went to Jingnan City early this morning. After all, in addition to the game's open beta today, it was his baby's birthday.

He missed his last birthday, he didn't want to miss it again.

He just went out and saw a few cars with happy words coming from afar.

Xing never thought who was married, and didn't think much about it. He saw his car not far away, and he planned to pass by.

The cars stopped without warning, the doors opened, and Xing never responded, others had been pulled up.

"Star Master !!"

"What did you do!"

The people who followed Xing Jue were startled and hurried to chase the car.

But after those cars dragged Xing Jue up, they ran so fast that they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Leave a cowardly man.

Xing Jue sees clearly the people in the car. The tense mood fell back: "What are you doing?"

He almost thought of a terrorist attack.

There were only Liu Zhong and Xie Shi in the car, but no one else.

Xie Shi Chongxing never laughed: "Mr. Xing, I'm sorry, I just started a little bit harder, are you okay?"

Xing Jue shook his head, thinking about the group of people he left behind, and quickly contacted each other, saying that he was fine, and let them go back first.

The other party was obviously not convinced.

It's okay to grab people in broad daylight.

In the end, Xing Jue became angry, and those over there would be suspicious. Their star was really not kidnapped.

Xing Jue looked at the car: "Your car ..."

what happened?

Why is it attached to the happy word?

And why should he run to tie up ... No, this way is called him?

Liu Zhong coughed: "That ... Mr. Xing, I will wrong you first."

Xing Jue: "?"

Liu Zhong gave Xie Shi a look.

Xie Shi immediately took out something and put a hood on Xing Jue's head.

Xing Jue's eyes were dark: "What are you doing?" Won't you really want to kidnap yourself?

Is it a treason?

"Mr. Xing, you have to be patient first, and you will know when you get to the place."

Stars can never be seen, but they can be felt.

They changed clothes for themselves, and then nothing happened.

No matter what he asked, Liu Zhong and Xie Shi did not speak.

After half an hour, the car stopped.

The hood covering his head was removed, and Xing Jue adapts to the light: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"Mr. Xing, get off." Liu Zhong stood outside the car and looked at him with a smile.

Outside is the entrance to Wenxian Road.

But something is different ...

In the overwhelming red silk, happy words are dazzling.

Xing Jue glanced at himself. He changed into a white suit, a flower was tied in his chest, and the word groom was particularly dazzling.



Xing Jue was pushed off the car.

The field of vision is wide and clearer.

The whole Wenxian Road was full of joy, and there were words floating in the void.

who am I.

Where am i.

What am i doing

"Mr. Xing, why are you stunned." Xie Shi invited him in with a smile, "Miss Chu Zheng is still waiting for you."


What did you grab me over?

Xing Jue was ignorant all the way until he saw Chu Zheng.

The little girl in a white wedding dress stood quietly on the red streets, and the two extreme colors collided with different sparks.

Many pictures flashed in Xing Jue's mind.

Various wedding dresses.

But no one can compare with the person in front.

The picture he had imagined suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xing Jue's breath was slightly rapid, and his heartbeat was slow to violent, and his ear was full of his own heartbeat.

Is this ... wedding?

Chu Zheng held out his hand towards him.

Xing Jue swallowed her mouth like a silly boy, walked towards her, and took her hand.

Chu Zheng looked at him and asked, "Will you marry me?"

Xing Jue's eyebrows are all smiles: "I will."

The corner of Chuzheng's mouth was slightly ticked, and Xing was still not clear. She had turned her head.


Ask Xianlu's wedding is very simple, take a simple ceremony, everyone sit together to eat and drink, make trouble.

After enough trouble, everyone can leave.

Xing Jue drank some wine while sitting cross-legged on the bed, her cheeks flushed and murmured in a low voice.

"Today is obviously your birthday, but in the end I received the gift."

Chu Zheng touched his head and rubbed his soft hair: "I also like this gift very much."

Is n’t it more interesting to give yourself a gift?

Xing Jue looked up, obviously drunk, and there was a blur in his eyes: "Does the baby like me?"


Xing Jue pulled the tie a little, and slightly raised his eyes: "Does the baby need to open the present now?"



The text is over.

PS. The Fanwai World article should be updated later, probably the sand sculpture type that I wanted to write before, but did not write it?