MTL - Man Huang Feng Bao-Chapter 382 Above the water curtain

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With a roar, the plague demon suddenly made a force to chase Ye Chuan, to preempt the Ye Chuan to hate before the sea flooded the Tulongpo.

Every demon has the dignity of the devil, even if it is a minimum demon!

The plague demon who was counted several times by Ye Chuan, the murderous speed of the murderous to the extreme, the huge body flashed through the night sky.

Ye Chuan turned back and saw the plague demon who had caught up with the cold eyes and smiled, and opened his mouth to bleed the red dragon and dragon flying sword.

The body of the plague demon is slightly stunned, and the bow is up and ready to pounce. There is some scruples about the sword of the dragon, and the sharpness does not say, no one knows if there is any poison. I am preparing to concentrate on the battle with Ye Chuan, and the Jianguang flashes. Ye Chuan does not fight and stepped back on the Dragon Sword.

The sound of the surf is loud, and the river of the Tulong River begins to flow over the river bank. The small fishing village between Tulongpo and the continental shelf has been flooded by the river to the ankles of ordinary people.

The plague demon looked back and looked up slightly. He continued to catch up and gritted his teeth. The speed was faster than the dragon sword of Ye Chuan at the foot of Ye Chuan. He suddenly caught up behind Ye Chuan, and Zhu Sijia and other people lurking in the darkness were nervous. They all came out quickly, but Ye Chuan calmed down, his body suddenly pulled up, turned and flew out, waiting for the plague demon to catch up, and once again changed direction.

So many times, the plague devil still did not catch up with Ye Chuan, and the sound of the waves changed from 哗啦啦 to 呼隆隆. In a short time, Tulongpo was surrounded by water and turned into an island. The Tulong River, which leads directly to the sea, has a water level two or three times higher than usual.

"The kid can't kill you, then the deity will destroy your cloud sect first!"

The plague devil gnawed his teeth, and Huoran turned and gave up the pursuit of Ye Chuan, flying to the continental shelf.

Now, the open areas connecting the Tulongpo and the continental shelf have all been flooded by the sea, but the water is not too deep, only about three meters, and the huge body of the plague demon can still be forced to rush. Later, the water is as deep as five or six meters.

"Devil King, can you still go now?"

Ye Chuan’s voice came from far away in the darkness.

The plague demon who was ready to fly and jumped out on his knees, suddenly his body sank, the invisible pressure was even greater, and his body was as heavy as the pressure. Looking up, the sky and the earth are all gray and gray, and the white water curtain and the night are intertwined. The gray vision is getting smaller and smaller. The water curtains are covered in all directions, just like the sky appears a huge The cavern lowered the waterfall of 3,000 feet, and the water level of the Tulong River soared at a faster rate.

Haitian ban!

Ye Chuan stepped on the dragon sword of the dragon, and played a far-reaching method to push the power of this ancient prohibition to the extreme.

Compared with the big squad, the Haitian ban does not change so much. It is not even a real killing. It can only trap the enemy. It is useless for the national division to swallow the **** or the white hair. Can't stop their breakout. But for the plague demon who is just as afraid of water, this is different.

This Qing dynasty has been killing the demon kings in Qinglong County. The body can't help but pick up the magma, and the magma that turns red under the feet slowly starts to extinguish and cool after colliding with the water curtain falling from the sky. The attributes are the same, and the most powerful talents have gradually lost their use.

The power of the Haitian ban is amazing. However, it is far from being able to show such power with the fact that Ye Chuan is now a real person. The Kraken warriors from afar are the key.

Under the leadership of the Kraken patriarch, many Kraken warriors have appeared, and the innate ability to display the wind and rain has spurred the river to climb. The plague demon king is afraid that the water will not touch it easily. The Kraken warriors are in the water, but they are in the sea, rising and falling in the sea.

"Devil King, the last chance, surrender, join me Yunwu Zong."

Ye Chuan Lang said, stepping on the dragon's sword and plundering the head of the plague demon, and looking at the incomparable demon king.

When the Haitian ban and the Krakens fought, and the river quickly rose, the situation was completely reversed.

Roar! The plague demon screamed, and the huge body suddenly leaped high and rushed to Ye Chuan in the air, biting him in his mouth. They were surrounded by heavy water curtains. They didn't want to break out and rushed out. Instead, they suddenly launched a fierce attack. Perhaps it is fear that I dare not wading, maybe it is the fact that I can’t break through and I have to fight with Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan sneered, his body standing on the dragon's flying sword and motionless, looking cold and cold as the body of the plague demon is getting closer. After the distance was nearly three meters, this suddenly slammed a law, and a slamming sound, a wave of water of fifty meters suddenly patted the plague demon. Suddenly, such as the sound of the waves, the huge body of the plague demon was taken.

"Ah... boy, I want to kill you!"

The plague demon sighed and climbed up and leaped again. This time, the momentum was even more dazed, and the body swelled in a circle and burst into a hot red flame, like a burning meteor crashing into the air in the river.

In addition to the ban on the sea, the chief of the Krai chief changed his face. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spit out a crystal-clear bead. He bite the tip of his tongue and squirted his blood. He slammed, and the sea water once again soared and picked up nearly 80 meters of waves. Ye Chuan took advantage of the law, and the waves of 80 meters high slammed down to the plague demon, and smashed the huge body of the latter onto the ground.

Water Lingzhu!

The chief of the sea bream did not retain it in the slightest, and sacrificed the treasures of the bottom of the Kraken family.

The other one of the sea monsters of the sea monsters has always passed the heroic songs. The females have not passed the males, and only the royal blood can awaken. The sea patriarchs do not have the unique magical power of Haili Li. However, in terms of calling for the rain, the young Haili Li is far from good.

The waves of 80 meters were photographed, and the plague demon was very hurt this time. Both hind legs were almost broken. Looking up and seeing the water curtains around the sky, I knew that there was no hope in the breakout. I sighed in despair and flew again into the air. Ye Chuan rushed. Ye Chuan said nothing, coldly and again played a law.

A wave of hundreds of meters high in the sky suddenly appeared, and slammed to the plague demon.

The Yunwu sects were stunned, and even Haili Li was shocked and looked at the grandfather holding the water pearl. The wave of hundreds of meters high, this is already the peak of the strength of Grandpa. The last time I saw Grandpa so desperately, I still had a **** battle with the Black Snake family more than ten years ago. Every time I was so badly wounded, it took a long time to recover. .

For the Tianlongmi, Grandpa is not going to be a real life?

Hai Lili was worried and began to worry about her grandfather who was desperately trying to spur the water.