MTL - Man Huang Feng Bao-Chapter 397 Ghost king's cloak

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After carefully walking through the bamboo forest for about half an hour, Ye Chuan and Xiao Longer finally came to the depths of the bamboo forest.

A gloomy grotto appeared in front of two people.

This grotto looks nothing different. The traces of artificial carvings should be a natural cave. There is no enchanting inside, but a black cloak on the ground. The cold and numbness of the horrifying body is exuded from this cloak and pervades every corner of the bamboo forest.

"Hey, ghost king cloak?"

Ye Chuan saw more and more knowledge, quickly recognized what it was, and screamed.

A ghost king's cloak must be refining by a ghost king of the saints for at least a million years. It can be worn on the body, and can be transformed into the king of the night, perfectly hiding the whereabouts and breath, and the teleport in a small range is All opponents' nightmares are more powerful than unparalleled martial arts!

Here, there is no ghost king, just a seal of a big evil thing?

Or, a very powerful ghost king is dead, leaving only the ghost king's cloak?

Ye Chuan rushed out a few steps, then suddenly stopped and had a big shock.

Originally, he determined that there was a powerful ghost king in the bamboo forest. He did not dare to let Zhu Sijia and others follow up. He also carefully took a look and was ready to turn and leave. Unexpectedly, there is no ghost king in the bamboo forest, just a ghost king cloak.

This is a big killer at the level of the burning furnace. Put this ghost king's cloak on his body and hold the dragon sword. Can anyone stop the ambush under the whole world?

Ye Chuan's eyes gradually warmed up and heavier.

As a once-sacred sacred sacred man, there is no treasure that he has never seen before. Now that he is a human being, although he is all over again, he is really invisible. The ghost king's cloak is different, even when the previous world only covers the sky, such treasures are all encounterable and not available!

Ye Chuan's heart is accelerating, and he can't wait to rush to pick up the ghost king's cloak on the ground, but the mind in his mind has been suppressing the impulse in his heart.

This ghost king's cloak is not simple. If it falls to the ground like this, there is no prohibition, no guardian, it has already been discovered and taken away. How can it be your turn?

The rationality and instinct of the previous life in numerous winds and waves, let Ye Chuan calm down, this is his greatest wealth in this world, inexhaustible wealth. When excited and excited, the heart is coming out quickly, it is hard to stop the impulse to suppress the heart. Sure enough, the green lotus lamp in the body gradually became hot and felt a strong danger. This danger comes from the ghost king's cloak that is quietly placed on the ground.

This is a trap!

The ghost king's cloak is a bait. If you don't calm down, you will die!

Ye Chuan's heart was bright, and he did not rush to take the ghost king's cloak on the ground. Instead, he stepped back a few steps, and Shen Sheng told him to hide behind the little dragon behind him.

A sneer sneer, sounded over the bamboo forest, it seems that there is some anger that Ye Chuan is not hooked, and it seems to be laughing at Ye Chuan's timidity, but listening carefully but nothing, just his own illusion.

Ye Chuan's face was tight, silently chanting the demon to swallow the heavens and all the gods to guard, Xiaolonger hit a chill, did not dare to say anything quickly and was ordered to return to the bamboo forest to hide, help Ye Chuan to follow in the back.

The footsteps of Shasha came from the darkness and a strong breath came.

Ye Chuan looked up and accidentally saw a familiar figure.

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng, actually drilled out from the opposite side of the bamboo forest, saw Ye Chuan obviously and very unexpected, and then laughed.

"Ha ha ha, hahahaha, kid, are you here too?"

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng could not suppress the excitement in his heart, laughing and screaming, "God, God, I did not expect that today, this son not only encountered a peerless treasure, but also killed you this kid." Hahahaha..."

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng is excited, I don’t know if the light in the bamboo forest is dark or what is the reason. The handsome face is somewhat distorted and looks more gloomy. His eyes are straight, his eyes are sharp and scary, but he lacks some aura. The whole person seems to give people a bad feeling. Some of them have the feeling of being evil or demon.

"Yeah, a peerless treasure, congratulations, Meichuan son."

Ye Chuan sneered, keenly aware of the strangeness of the black snake son Mei Chuanfeng, his heart is more vigilant, and again a few steps back, "Meikawa son, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, I just came in and looked at it, no interest in the treasures in the grotto You like to take it. In addition, if you really like the beautiful reef, I will give it to you, and then I will not make a river in the well, how?"

In the weird bamboo forest, I found a weird ghost king's cloak, and then I met the sinister black snake son Meichuan wind. Ye Chuan became more and more uncomfortable and slowly retreated.

"Ha ha ha, the cloak in the grotto is of course mine. Is it still yours? As for the beautiful reef, of course, I want, your life, hahaha!"

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng laughed and laughed. The body suddenly rushed up and reached for a shot. A yin wind swept away at Ye Chuan. The yin wind tumbling up and down, and the moment suddenly became a black snake virtual shadow, and there was a disgusting suffocation in the air.

Black snake really!

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng's face is stunned. When he shoots, he will display the black snake family's lore. The arrogant person will quickly kill Ye Chuan and then go to the ghost king's cloak in the grotto.

I don’t know what’s going on tonight. As soon as he stepped into the bamboo forest, his heart accelerated and leaped. It seemed that he heard all the calls and came all the way. Originally, he thought that he had encountered a big demon head. Before he went to the grotto, he discovered that it was a peerless treasure. Far from the sense of the breath of this treasure, all the way, at your fingertips, genius, he is absolutely a genius! Not a genius, how can you feel the breath of treasures so far, how can you have such good luck?

The black snake son Mei Chuanfeng is very excited and aggressive.

Ye Chuan’s body suddenly swayed and cast a blue feather to avoid the black snake’s shadow.

With his powerful body and the current cultivation, there is no problem in blocking the black snake son Mei Chuanfeng. Although the latter is a master of the real world, Ye Chuan asks the front hard touch is not an opponent, but hard touch Rounds are still fine. However, with the danger of inexplicable scruples, Ye Chuan did not dare to take risks. If you accidentally get hurt, maybe you can't get out of this bamboo forest with Xiaolonger.

"The kid really has a bit of skill, come again, don't kill you tonight, I am not a black snake son, hahaha..."

Ye Chuan was cautious, but the black snake son Mei Chuanfeng was aggressive, and suddenly he presented a snake-shaped flying sword and rushed up, murderous and endless.