MTL - Man Huang Feng Bao-Chapter 437 Perfect restraint

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Feeling not right, Ye Chuan quickly ordered, let the cloud sects stop the attack and rest, and hand over the swordfish that jumped to the boat to the Kraken Warriors.

The roar of the dragon head quickly stopped.

The swordfish that jumped out of the water drastically reduced, the sea surface quickly recovered calm, and it was terrible. No fish swimed under the sea dragon boat. Only the sound of the waves and the sound of the pattering rain came into people's ears.

Ye Chuan sat cross-legged on the deck and took it easy.

The super eDonkey that has come back is more powerful than expected. Not only is the talent very strange, but it also knows that driving the swordfish group consumes people's strength and arrow, even more than a big devil. However, the more this is the case, the more people expect it. When you really domesticate such an electric squid, there is no doubt that there is a real master!

Ye Chuanjing observed his change, and the nine swallows of the body were slowly rotating and secretly brewing fierce attacks.

After the reincarnation as a human being, the smelting demon swallowed the heavens as the sacred magical power, he decided to form a demon army corps once again to the wild world. The low-level monsters are more and more visible in the cloud mountains and the vast sea. The unique talents that can compete with the first-class masters are rare. He needs more than just the number of monsters, but also the enchanting super monster that can be alone. The super eDonkey that is making a comeback is exactly what he is looking for!

The repressed silence did not last long, and the super eDonkey lurking under the water was the first to hold it.

The calm sea suddenly creaked, and a serpent-like snake-shaped lightning emerged. Followed by thousands of eDonkeys coming out of the water, writhing their bodies and jumping into the Shanghai Dragon Boat, from the swordfish. Cracks and holes are drilled into the cabin.

A well-prepared super eDonkey launched a second wave of attacks.

The Kraken warriors are busy, killing the electric slams that rush into the cabin, blocking the gaps and holes left by the swordfish. From time to time, someone screams and trembles and accidentally gets an electric shock. Fortunately, some of the ordinary eMules jumped out of the water, far from the horror of the super eDonkey, accidental electric shock is only a moment of discomfort. As for the many Yunzi disciples, in the order of Ye Chuan, they retreated to the corner to recharge their batteries, and no one arrow shot.

The super eDonkey attempted to consume people's strength and arrow, and Ye Chuan simply counted it, causing the illusion that the arrow had been exhausted.

More electric cymbals jumped out of the water, and slowly, some large electric squid more than one meter long appeared. Although they were far less powerful than super cymbals, they were ferocious and were charged by them. The Kraken warriors will fall to the ground for a while to slow down, and even begin to suffer casualties.

Ye Chuan still sat cross-legged on the deck, his face was calm, and he began to get nervous in the dark, knowing that the super eDonkey is about to appear. The robes on the body bulged, and all the electric squid that had been thrown over was not shocked by an invisible force. Sure enough, after a fierce attack, a loud bang, the super eel broke out of the water, the huge body slammed into the leaf on the deck, the blue light flashed, tangled with a creaking serpentine lightning.

The roar of the dragon head slammed and suddenly rang.

Zhu Sijia's first hand, half-squatting in the cabin to the exit of the deck, the cockroach's leading cockroach aiming at the head of the super eDonkey, sharp arrows whistling out. The Yunwu sects responded, and hundreds of fascinating squirrels roared together, and sharp arrows slid out like raindrops.

This super eDonkey is very embarrassing, but unfortunately, it is unexpected. The faucet is different from the general sling, and the energy arrow is shot. As long as the Yunzi sects are not completely exhausted, they can continue to attack!

The imposing super eDonkey suddenly became a body shape, and the huge body quickly writhed, and a serpent lightning flashed out, forcing the close-knit arrow to fly out. For a moment, the sea dragon boat was like a lightning field, and a serpentine lightning was connected into pieces. However, the screaming arrows are too dense, even if the super eDonkey is fierce, it can't stand the suppression of hundreds of faucet flying cockroaches, and the body is quickly smashed out with blood and blood.

The super eDonkey that came back, was caught off guard and ate a big loss. With a sigh, the guy had to retreat into the water. The next moment, he wandered to the other side of the sea dragon boat. He suddenly broke the water and rushed out to Ye Chuan. The murderous one had to swallow Ye Chuan in his stomach.

Ye Chuan Duan sat still, cold and cold looking at the more and more super eDonkey, there is no intention of personally.

The fascinating cockroach roared again, and another big wave of arrows screamed and forced the super eDonkey back into the water. So many times, no matter which direction the super eDonkey emerged, it is a dense arrow rain. Soon, the body was scarred, and the snake-shaped lightning wound around the body was sparse, and the power was not as good as before. After a few laps around the sea dragon boat, I had to go.

A long whip tentacles suddenly appeared behind Ye Chuan’s brain, rising high like a fierce python, and when the super eDonkey was about to disappear, the tentacles suddenly plunged into the water and caught the super electricity. The tail of the dragonfly. With a slamming sound, the sultry snake-shaped lightning spread along the tentacles, and Ye Chuan's body was shaken. At the same time, the super eDonkey was also hit by the tentacles into the air.


Zhu Sijia screamed and screamed, and hundreds of faucet cockroaches roared again. The cloud sects and the Kraken warriors without the leading cockroaches rushed to fly the sword and launched a fierce attack.

Fighting hard against a lightning attack, Ye Chuan urged the tentacles in the body to stop the departure of the super eDonkey. The latter apparently did not have defenses, and suffered heavy losses again. After the body fell into the water, they did not dare to fall in love and hurriedly left. The abominable tentacles reappeared. At the same time, a magic dragon rushed up, blocking the way with the long whip tentacles, and forced it out of the water again and again.

Xiaolonger also shot, and he showed the super eDonkey who killed the demon dragon and killed him. When the latter was discharged, he immediately took off and left the sea. As soon as the lightning disappeared, he plunged into the water and chased it. Inspired by Xiaolonger, Yinshan old demon also casts a unique magical power to join the ranks of chasing and blocking. The palm of the hand emerges a python-like vine, not in contact with the lightning-ridden super eDonkey, using the freely controlled vines to force the latter to dodge From time to time, look at the timing and hit the latter's body.

The power of the super eDonkey is fierce lightning, the body itself is far from strong, can not stop the attack of the dragon head, and can not stop the claws of Xiaolonger and the sneak attack of the Yinshan old demon. After being suppressed by the leading cockroach, I couldn’t rush to the Shanghai Dragon Boat, and I couldn’t run away. The injury was getting heavier and heavier. After half an hour, I was finally caught and caught by the Kraken warriors. In front of Chuan.