MTL - Man Huang Feng Bao-Chapter 464 The coming of the war

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Compared with Ye Chuan, the plague demon Abbas is flying faster and faster. On the sea, there is no barrier to the horse, and the wind and the wind are swiftly going. Although Qi Ye and his masters have been chasing after them, they are slowly getting farther and farther. They can't catch up with a nameless desert island. They can only watch the three people of Ye Chuan disappeared into the sky.


The seven grandfather was so angry that his face could not be hanged.

Tuoba bird's beauty, he has long been coveted for a long time, some time ago has been busy encircling the drums and waves until today, only to open up to the public, ready to relax at night to enjoy the young and attractive body of the Tuoba bird. Who can think that the fat to the mouth has actually flew away?

As a semi-Saint master, a commander of the general army, this happened, and his face was swept away. Is this not a shame?

The man named Qiye’s Labuan’s chest was ups and downs, looking at the direction in which Ye Chuan’s three disappeared. His face was distorted and his face was stunned. “Liu Yuan, where? Let me get out!”

"At, see you small..., I have seen Seven Lords!"

Liu Yuan, the deputy commander responsible for peripheral patrols and intelligence gathering, stood up and looked at the seven-handed scorpion, and his heart stunned his forehead with a drop of sweat.

"Liu Yuan, how did you work? A half-sacred master came to the nearby waters, did you even have a message?"

The voice of the Seventh Anniversary is cold and murderous. "Is it not? The recent life is too comfortable. I consume all my energy and strength on the woman's belly. Do you want me to help you in Houye? Have you transferred back to the Flame Mountain for a while?"

"Don't, the seven grandfather is forgiving!"

The deputy commander Liu Yuan quickly squatted on the ground, his face pale. "You will give me a few more days, I will definitely investigate the origins of those people. I will never let them sneak in again, and will not let them break down!" ”

"A few days?"

The seven-handed scorpion eyes flashed coldly, murderous, and roared loudly. "After dawn, I will see the result. I will see the dead and see the corpse. The lost city entrance will soon appear, and there are still a few days." Time for you?"

The army is squatting on Gulang Island. On the one hand, it is to block the nearby seas from other forces and to monopolize the treasures in the lost city. On the other hand, it is also waiting for an opportunity.

The guardianship system of the Lost City of the Sea Demon Sanctuary has been loosened, and the once-in-a-century opportunity is coming soon. However, the entrance has not yet appeared, and the means can't be hardened through the sky. However, according to the estimation of Qing Tianhou, the appearance of the lost city entrance is in this two days, and every second counts. At this time, suddenly there was a mysterious semi-Saint master, and it was mixed with the ancient cloud sect, and things were serious. It is still the most important thing to catch the young and beautiful Tudor bird back, and to ensure that the action successfully captures the original strength of the Krai holy land and the treasures of the lost city.

Can not complete the task of Optimus, everyone must be severely punished, the head of the seven masters can not be spared!

"Seven Lord, I..."

The deputy commander Liu Yuan was cold and sweaty, and his body trembled and picked up.

The entrance to the Lost City is about to appear, and he is well aware of the seriousness and urgency of the incident. However, if you find a few people on the sea, you will have results after dawn. Who can do this? Not to mention a semi-Saint master, even if it is an ordinary fisherman, it is easy to hide in the sea. In the hundreds of miles of water, there are many unnamed desert islands for hiding.

"Seven, maybe, I know where they are."

The killer rain magic standing in the crowd suddenly said.

"Say, where?" Seven Masters looked at the rain magic, and the eyes of hundreds of masters were all fixed on this demon head.

"Seven Lord, do you still remember to let me pay special attention to the unique sea dragon boat of the Krakens?" Rain Magic asked, in the face of the fierce and ugly face of the seven-handed Nayong also did not panic.

The same is the master of the stalwart, the identity of people are different, some are direct, and some are the masters of the sky. The killer rain magic is the latter kind. This action is unified to the command of the seven lords, but the identity is somewhat different from the guest of the army. In particular, the rain magic, the unique method of the magic to the overseas world is even more powerful, you can easily drop a drop of rain into a killing blade, and even the seven lords are also polite.

"Rain, you mean, that mysterious master is a member of the Kraken family?"

In this action, we must beware of the struggle of other forces. The most important thing is to prevent the destruction of the Krai. According to the intelligence, the Kraken family has gone from bad to worse, and the highest-level Kraken patriarch has only a real human peak. If the information is wrong, the Kraken people also have a super master of the semi-holy realm, then it is troublesome!

"Two days ago, in a routine patrol, I accidentally encountered the Hailong boat of the Krai. Follow the instructions of the Seven Lords, directly assassinated the chief of the Kraken. At that time, I was met by the Clouds. The interception of his disciple Ye Chuan was also on the sea dragon boat, and he discovered a mysterious semi-sacred master. The assassination that should have been easily succeeded failed."

The rain magic paused and said: "The mysterious semi-sheng master is not a sea demon person. There is no way to be sure for the time being. However, my personal opinion is not quite like it. It is like the follower of the cloud sect. Tonight, along with Ye Chuan, the mysterious master is undoubted. Originally, I should report the situation to the Seven Lords immediately after I came back. It’s just that you are very busy these two days, so..."

The rain demon is a bit twirling. In the past two days, the seven lords were not particularly busy, but the cave room was exceptionally refreshing. No one dared to say that the bad words reversed his interest. Originally, the Rain Devil was preparing to wait for the Seventh House, and reported the situation to him the next morning. Unexpectedly, it happened that such a thing happened.

"Where are they?"

The seven-year-old asked, his face was gloomy.

Now, when it is not the responsibility of pursuing the rain magic, first let the Ye Chuan and his team together with the Krakens!

"On a nameless desert island hundreds of miles west, look at them. It should stop and wait for an opportunity to break through our blockade line. It will not be easily moved to avoid the disappearance. However, it will be difficult to say after tonight." The devil answered.

"Liu Yuan, immediately take your horse and the rain magic to the nameless desert island, trap them after discovering the target, and the army will arrive later!"

The seven grandfather ordered and quickly calmed down.


The deputy commander Liu Yuan and the rain magic all took the lead and hurried away. Soon, more than a dozen large armored warships hurried away. The low horns echoed over Gulang Island, and more armored warships rushed to gather together. The soldiers were busy and went out of the military camp, and the huge killing machine under the glory of the sky was running.