MTL - Man Huang Feng Bao-Chapter 602 Ancient cave house

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Ye Chuan, who was risking his life all the way, suddenly stayed like a wooden chicken, not because of the word "Tian Yao Dong", but a pattern on the side.

After a long period of time, the pattern on the stone wall is already blurred, but it is still recognizable that it is a bamboo. Slender bamboo branches, a piece of bamboo leaves, can be clearly identified.

This is not a pattern, but a unique seal!

Under the sun, there is only one person who uses bamboo to make a seal, that is, after the female fairy who has been with her in the past, that is, the founder of the demon gate!

Ye Chuan stood still, his heart was shocked, and he seemed to see the scene of the year. After the blue demon, I did not know how to come here. I accidentally discovered a grotto. Under the rise, I carved three characters on the stone wall, and I carved my own seal and built it into another cave.

When did the blue demon find this grotto, and when did it leave?

The place that the Queen of the Devils liked was definitely a land of feng shui. Later, what happened was abandoned. It became a forbidden place for such a future generation to talk about.

Ye Chuan was so confused that he suddenly saw the writings left by the old followers of the past, and his heart stirred. After a while, a burst of coldness was blown out of the grotto and blown on the body, which slowly returned to God.

"Zi Xia, Zixia..."

Ye Chuan once again shouted, not surprisingly, still no response. However, after a moment of sensation, Ye Chuan faintly felt a familiar atmosphere in the gust of wind, and even heard the sound of a chain dragged. This breath and sound made Ye Chuan's eyes shine, and he hurriedly wrapped the wound on the back to sacrifice the iron flag and boldly sneaked in.


The cold wind blows the face, and when he stepped into the Tian Yao Cave, Ye Chuan felt an unusual coldness, and his right foot was cold and numb.

Inside the demon cave, the strange cold.

Ye Chuan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. Soon, his feet were numb, then half a body, the cold invasion quickly spread to the whole body, and it was difficult to resist the quirky by swallowing twelve swallows. The cold. Continue to stay in the Tianhui Cave, it will not be long before it will be frozen into an ice sculpture!

Ye Chuan hardly took another step and looked up.

The fog outside the Tianhui Cave is filled with fog. However, looking up and looking carefully, you can still see the outline inside. In the middle of the grotto, it is an elegantly decorated and magnificent palace, carved and painted, and many places are engraved with patterns popular in the wild world millions of years ago. Around the palace, there are criss-crossing aisles. There are countless caves of various sizes. There are cultivation chambers, there are alchemy rooms, study rooms and Tibetan military cabinets that store weapons and treasures. The rooms are small but all kinds of rooms are available. Look up and look up. The smog filled the end and could not see the end. The hole is not big, but there is no hole in it.

It is conceivable that this year was a huge practice of Dongfu. It is very likely that the blue demon will build up a place to be permanently resected away from the turbid world. Unfortunately, millions of years ago, this huge and magnificent cave has become a ridiculous place. The caves are full of dust, and the walls and ceilings are full of broken webs of spider webs.

"Zi Xia, Zixia..."

Ye Chuan shouted, suddenly hit a chill, feeling that the cold has invaded the internal organs. If you don't leave, even the blood in your body will freeze and you can't walk.

It seems that there is no danger in the Tianhui Cave. Only the cold that is hard to resist, Ye Chuan is nervous and upset, and there is something unspeakable in my heart.

It’s hard to come to the Tianhui Cave, but I can’t walk into it and I can’t see the girl’s rainbow, and it’s frustrating. Seeing the writings after the blue demon and the former residence she left, my heart is even more heavy. Even, Ye Chuan has a feeling of faintness. It seems that there is a woman standing at the end of the grotto, looking at herself in a place that she can't see in the white mist, like the Tian Zihong Zixia trapped in the Tianhui Cave. It is like the blue demon that disappeared in the wild world for many years.

"Kid, the cold here is very weird, no longer leave, the deity can't save you, are you really going to die here?"

The voice of the octopus queen once again sounded in Ye Chuan’s mind. This time, the voice was very weak. The power of blessing on Ye Chuan is running low, and if Ye Chuan is obsessed with continuing to move forward, she has no way to stop it.

"Zi Xia, Zixia..."

Ye Chuan's nose was sour, and he was not willing to call out again, and his heart suddenly moved to the body of the dragon to become a vaguely fascinating dragon. The deep and powerful dragon scorpion penetrated the fog and banned it and spread it far away.

After living together in Demon Dragon Cave, Ye Chuan not only fell in love with the woman of Rainbow Zixia, but also double-educated with her, and realized the magic dragon scripture left by the dragon dragon mother Agustre. The two have deep feelings, and there is a unique relationship and induction between Ye Chuan and Zhu Sijia.

After struggling to roar, Ye Chuan erected a pair of ears and listened to the movements in the Tianhui Cave.

Soon, he was disappointed, and there was still no response in the Tianhui Cave. He could not sense the breath of the Rainbow Mai Xia, and could not hear her voice. For a long time, when the blood coagulation in the body is about to be completely frozen, I finally have to quit. Take a break for a while, look back at the Tianhui Cave and leave it sadly, urging the wing guards to fly over the lake, looking for a weak defense breakout. When his figure disappeared into the white mist outside the Tianhui Cave, the depth of the Tianhui Cave, the faint call and the sound of the iron rope. Unfortunately, at this time Ye Chuan has not heard far.

New difficulties and pressures are placed in front of Ye Chuan.

Going back to the lake again, the pressure of the ban is coming. This time, without the help of the octopus queen, plus the physical injury and a lot of energy, the powerful ban is particularly difficult to counterbalance, and it is full of 12 swallows. It can only barely fly on the lake. What's even worse is that looking up, the small demon lake is surrounded by bright torches, and the demon gates are heavily guarded against the entire demon lake. The three demon boats are constantly on the upper reaches of the lake. Once they are discovered, they will immediately face a fierce attack!

A warm current came from the chest, barely letting Ye Chuan hold a pair of wings without sinking into the water.

At the crucial moment, the dragon veins presented by the White Dragon Saints brought a touch of warmth to Ye Chuan's cold body.

Ye Chuan reached out and touched the crystal of the dragon vein. Shen Shen gave up the idea of ​​refining this treasure on the spot, biting his teeth and continuing to move forward, hoping to escape the birth day with the cover of the night.

Tonight, although the adventure broke into the Tianhui Cave, but the task is basically only half completed, even the day girl Hong Zixia has not seen, and has not met Zhao Tianbi that white hair. The dragon crystallization of the Bailong sage from the white dragon of the Bailong tribe's ethnic sacred place is only this one. There is no refining and refining. Now refining and naturalizing can greatly increase the power of the smashing out of the blockade, but what about? At the crucial moment of saving the goddess Hong Zixia, she was intercepted by Zhao Tianbi after the white hair, how to deal with it, what to fight with her?

Ye Chuan's face is firm, and it is a failure tonight, but he will not save the goddess Rainbow Zixia, he will never leave the demon gate, no matter how difficult it is!