MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 127 contract

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The sun today is very good, warm and comfortable, although there is a breeze, it is a spring breeze, not cold.

According to the address, Chen Zijun walked to a commercial building. The official place of the Cup of Spring was in Jingchuan City. As for the outsiders, they signed a contract and mailed it.

Chen Zijun came very early, and through the reception of the front desk staff, he came to a reception room and waited patiently.

Not long after, two men walked in. The man was in his fifties, with slightly gray hair and a slightly rickety figure. The other boy was very young, in his thirties, wearing a black jacket and sunglasses. .

Uh, what sunglasses are you wearing in the house, are you cataracts? Do I need a Sharpeace treatment? Chen Zijun's inner desire to complain is very strong.

Of course, his inner spit is a spit, and he naturally won't show it on his face.

"Hehe, you are the 'April Breeze', right." The man in his fifties said gently.

"I am, Teacher Chen Pingan, hello."

Chen Zijun once checked the information on the Internet, and naturally he had seen the photo of Chen Ping'an. Although it was a young man, he could vaguely see that he had helped his seniors, especially the seniors who helped him (referring to Weibo who helped to promote it). A moment), Chen Zijun is naturally very respectful.

"Haha, hello." Chen Ping'an came here this time just to have a look. He is going to fly back in the afternoon. The city he lives in is not Jingchuan City, but the Magic Capital. Cup thing.

If it weren't for the support of the manuscript, he would not have so much time to come out.

In addition to Chen Zijun, he will also meet the silver medal winner of the Cup of Spring later.

"This is Superintendent Zhang Zihua." Chen Ping'an also introduced Zhang Zihua, and Chen Zijun greeted him.

"Supervise Zhang."


"This time I asked you to come here because of the Cup of Spring reward, and the right to adapt the animation of "Five Centimeters per Second". Whether the copyright of the animation of "Five Centimeters per Second" is in your hands."


"That's good." Zhang Zihua breathed a sigh of relief. He really liked the whole story very much. If he was cut off and bought the copyright during these two days, he would be at a loss.

Although this kind of thing is rare, it does not happen without it.

Regarding the reward, there will be a dedicated person in charge of the Cup of Spring to discuss with Chen Zijun. Taking advantage of this time, Chen Zijun also chatted with the two people opposite, most of which were asked by Chen Ping'an, and Chen Zijun answered.

Soon, Gong Liao came over, and the first thing he saw was an old man and a young man chatting excitedly, while Zhang Zihua was boringly fiddling with the magazines in his hands.

Although he was surprised by Chen Zijun's age, Gong Liao calmly introduced himself and said, "Mr. April, give me your card number, and I will transfer the bonus money to you later."


"Here is the share contract for the single book. According to what I said before, you will get 10% of the share from the sale."

Chen Zijun took a look at the contract and there was no problem, and then he readily signed his name.

"There is also the right to adapt animation." Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Zihua looked at the two of them eagerly.

"Of course, there are also animation adaptation rights. We Spring Cup are willing to buy the comic adaptation rights for 200,000 yuan. Of course, if you don't have a personal reason, we will not force it."

Gong Liao pointed to Zhang Zihua: "If it is sold to us, we will set up a committee, and he will oversee it."

The name Zhang Zihua was checked by Chen Zijun. He is not small in the animation industry. He has created many popular animations. His strength is very strong, but...

Chen Zijun is worried about whether his style fits "Five Centimeters Per Second".

After thinking about it for a moment, Chen Zijun gritted his teeth and agreed. Isn't this why he participated in the Cup of Spring? In addition, Zhang Zihua's own strength is not weak, even if his style does not fit, but at least this work will not be ruined in his hands.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, we are 'Wen Shu' here to sign the contract. Is anyone there?"

"Please come in."

Then two people walked in outside the door, looking very young, one with eyes, 1.8 meters tall, wearing an orange shirt, the other was a head shorter than him, 1.7 meters, wearing a suit Casual clothes, with a brown shoulder bag hanging.

"Which one of you is?" Gong Liao asked in surprise.

"We are both." The boy with the shoulder bag replied, "I called the two of them to work together to create comics. My name is Ye Wen, and I am in charge of painting. This is Xu Shu, who is in charge of the plot."

Is it a pseudonym for each of them? Chen Zijun also looked at them. This was the first time Chen Zijun saw a combination of two people working together to create comics. Nowadays, most of the cartoonists in the market are single-person cartoonists. As for the combined cartoonists, most of them rarely appear.

They are all very young, and they are all students. The "Crystal Kiss" they submitted this time has also been read several times by Chen Zijun, which is a very good idea.

At this time, Xu Shu was looking around, just looking at Chen Pingan who was signing the contract and sitting opposite, his eyes lit up, and he poked Ye Wen next to him.

"Mr. Ping An, hello, we are your fans." Ye Wen said excitedly.

Chen Pingan nodded slightly: "Hello."

Ye Wen was very excited when he got the response, but Xu Shu on the side was calmer and turned to look at Chen Zijun.

"Excuse me, are you Teacher April Breeze?"


"It's an honor to meet you, teacher. I've watched five centimeters per second several times, and I admire the way you can create such a Xu Shu speaks very seriously, his eyes are faintly glowing, and it looks like Not being polite..

Chen Zijun smiled: "Thank you."

After signing the contract, Chen Zijun said goodbye and left. If he is not the Cup of Spring, he will be finished, because he still has "Your Lie in April" to draw. At this time, the plot has also entered the end, and it is expected that there will be seven or eight chapters to end. .

Sitting on the tram, Chen Zijun thought about the arrangement he was going to take over. After a while, Chen Zijun planned to take time to visit Jiang Aixue. Although he used to chat online every day, he still wanted to go over to check on her current situation.

In addition, he plans to quickly publish the color comics of "Five Centimeters Per Second". Different from the color comics of the Cup of Spring, he plans to draw a set of colorful comics of "Five Centimeters Per Second".

In addition to the plot, each of the above is naturally the style of wallpaper, the tradition of wallpaper madness, Chen Zijun feels that he can't lose it.

Back at Tokipanzhuang, the people were very complete today, including Zhu Tong, Zhong Xiaqing, Lu Ziyun, and Mr. Ji Wen.

"Zijun, you're back, I only now know that "Five Centimeters Per Second" was painted by you, why are you hiding it?" Zhu Tong said excitedly as soon as they met.

She just found out that Zhu Tong knew that Chen Zijun painted "Four Lies", but he really didn't know about his contribution to the Cup of Spring, the only one who knew was Zhong Xiaqing.

"Haha, it's alright, I didn't hide it, I just thought about submitting a manuscript and trying it out, and I won a gold award." Chen Zijun was shameless and very embarrassed.

"By the way, why are you all here?"

Zhong Xiaqing said with a smile: "I called them all over, and I plan to hold a celebration party for you to celebrate that you won the gold award."

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