MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 916 Standing on the shoulders of giants!

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Regardless of whether to cancel the heavenly gold or kill the four emperors, it was impossible to imagine it in the former holy land ... but nowadays, the person in charge is Ron. In addition to being tough and overbearing, he is also famous "Schemy Dragon."

With his approval, the implementation of regulations and supervision is not a problem at all.


Fuji Hu opened his murky eyes and bowed, "Master Canglong, Marshal Red Dog said it well."

"The old man's eyes were blinded when he saw that the soldiers of the franchised countries had taken away the only food from the people's homes and handed in the heavenly gold, but he was powerless and even reduced to an accomplice ... It is time to cancel the heavenly gold! "

To put it in a more elegant way, the world is suffering forever.

It's time to cancel the system.

Anyway ... Tianlong people are gone, aren't they?

Trafalgar and the others looked at each other and saw the excitement in their eyes. Obviously, they all supported the decision.


"Master Canglong, his subordinates feel that the heavenly gold cannot be cancelled for the time being."

Stand out unexpectedly, said respectfully.

The red dog widened his eyes instantly, and then rebuked angrily: "Captain Kong, do you think there is any value in gold in the sky?"

"Of course!"

He glanced at the air indifferently: "If the gold in the sky is cancelled, why should the franchise be attached to the banner of the government?"

"Of course because of pirates ..."

Speaking of which, the red dog took a breath.

"Sorry, I take it for granted."

"It's okay, but care is chaotic."

He waved emptyly, and then turned around: "The pirate problem is long gone. In the past two years, except for those countries that have no resources to develop the country, the non-joining countries have had a better life than the joining countries."

"If the Heaven ’s Gold is cancelled at this moment, the franchisees will definitely find excuses to break away and fight on their own ... At that time, the franchisees who have been hostile to each other will attack each other and trigger a world war. The consequences are definitely more serious than the pirate problem!

Walbo dare to fan Princess Vivi's face, the personality of those kings can be imagined, and the relationship between some of the franchisees ... not to mention.

The empty worry is not unfounded, but a "true" that will definitely happen!

"Not right or left, what should I do?"

You ca n’t let the pirates deliberately let the pirates go to stop them because of the good life of the non-joining countries, or just dissolve the world government?

Kirby said anxiously, his voice was a little stuffy across the bandage.

He didn't notice the expression on Ron and his empty face at this moment, otherwise he wouldn't say that.

The red dog noticed, and unhappy Ron concealed himself and had some expectations ... It was always a matter of hang up and watch others calculate. It was always pleasant.

"Of course there is a way!"

Kong continued to say, "I don't know if you remember, what Master Canglong proposed and implemented ... the global village plan?"

This novel's novel name was so empty that he didn't make a mistake. After hearing it, the rest looked at him blankly.

"Building a transportation network centered on the naval branch ... is that plan?"

I thought for a moment and asked.


Nodded emptyly: "According to statistics, from the beginning of the Beast Pirates everywhere Ignition openings, the naval branch in the first half of the great route until now has no more than 10 billion Bailey government resources ..."

10 billion Bailey is not too much, but too little to understand!

In the first half of the year, so many hundreds of thousands of branch bases eat, drink, and maintain Lhasa ammunition. The daily consumption is an astronomical figure. As a result, only 10 billion have been spent so far.

Looking at the red dog with convulsed eyes, Kong asked, "Why?"

"Because the wealth of those branches is enough to support them in a big fight!"

Without waiting for the others to answer, Kong continued: "The wealth comes from the islands connected by the transportation network!"

"The security of the local branch is not only related to the navy and the government, but also to them ... even at the most critical time of the war, there are merchants transporting supplies to support the army in the middle of the night, only to ask the navy to win the war."

"In the words of Lord Canglong, this is called ... economic abduction!"

"So you mean ... use this model to bind the interests between the franchisees?"

"The idea is good, but where does the money come from?"

Ron began.

"In the past, the Navy was able to spread the shop because it was a loan from me. Although it has returned a little bit, it is still not loose on hand."

"If you want to bundle so many franchisees, what about money?"

"Master, there is a holy land, just under this ancient city!"

Kongwenyan bowed and saluted without seeing the shocked eyes of a group of people behind him.

What the hell!

In the future, whoever said that thick eyebrows and big eyes are upright, Lao Tzu tore him alive!

Why is there money under Pangu City?

Every year heaven is golden!

There are Tianlong people, plus five old stars sitting in the town. In the past, no one dared to move this money ... but now Ron is in power. Who dares, who can oppose?

And you two blocked the excuses, what else can we say?

There are no fools here ... probably.

They already saw that this was Ron's meaning in the middle, and Kongkong was just an instrumental man who was responsible for making the inside twists and turns clear to everyone.

"The Holy Land paid money to convene workers to build maritime train lines and the navy to maintain law and order, and they had money and life. Businessmen must join the investment convocation fleet when they see this!"

"In this way, you can create a lot of wealth for the franchisees, and then the Holy Land will sit back and collect the gold from the heavens ... and once this economic line is stable, the franchisees will not retreat if they want to retreat, and they will want to eat when they are full Do, the merchants and the people will not stop ... "

"And the interior of a kingdom is not always so harmonious, there is a lot to do."

Fuji Hu was just trying to understand what was inside, and his wrinkled old face was full of smiles.

"Is this called economic kidnapping ...? Is the old man foolish."

This is not a trick, but a conspiracy.

Even for your good.

It's just that nobody used to have such rights, boldness and vision, so it made people look bright.

"Not only that, compared to small workshops in non-affiliated countries, the profits are huge. The country applying for membership can be imagined, and it is a big problem solved."

Mask Zero didn't dare to underestimate Ron's imagination long ago, so he also developed a good habit of using brains. At this moment, he stood up and added, his eyes were full of surprise.

How can the gap between people be so large?

The problem that has plagued the government for hundreds of years, he even solved it with one solution? !!

Is the previous government incompetent or is Ron too good?

"Then wait for us to come back to the blood, and then gradually lower the heavenly gold ..."

Ron added suddenly with a smile.


An inhalation sounded, this is the fundamental purpose!

A group of people lowered their heads and did not dare to face each other.

"But there are two issues worth paying attention to ..."

Seeing no objection from the crowd, Ron converged with a smile and looked at the red dog: "Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts, there are always so many jealous wastes of others who will not give up, and there are always so many wastes that will be risky and fall into the sea as thieves. ... In order to avoid causing war and harming everyone's interests, we must have a powerful army that can only stop any action! "

At this time, there is no need to solve the problem, and it is the king who solves the problem.

The words were full of murderous intentions, and the red dog screamed salutingly, saluting.



Ron turned and looked at the white clouds near the window.

This world will eventually become better in my hands!

Who will change the world? !!

He held his chest in his hands, and said lightly, "Rob Luch, Kalifah ..."

"Subordinates are here!"

The two walked out of the queue ~ ~ Ron continued: "From today on you join the Navy assassination force, under the direct command of Lieutenant General Donte ... No problem, Marshal Red Dog?"

The Navy's assassination forces have never favored anyone, even the Navy itself.

Now that the two of them are arranged to join, Ron's purpose is even more clearly visible.

In the eyes of the bald-headed joke, the red dog bowed and saluted instead of being insulted with anger.


"Well, then ... Fuji Hu, Luo, aren't you Qiwuhai with legal robbery rights? They are also the government's own. There is no need to hide in this period, remember to do more activities."

The corners of their mouths twitched and nodded.


"That's it, red dog, empty, zero ... the one with no hair, the one with Shi Ping and the other side left, the rest go back to work."


Kirby was escorted by Fuji Hu, and Ron didn't arrange anything for him. For a moment, he didn't understand what it meant to be here.

But the rest knew that, as Ron's only disciple, Kirby's future was extremely bright. This time, it was just a small build.

Bald and zero face looked dark as the others left, knowing in their hearts that the real thing had just begun at this moment. Ron said "two problems" just now, and that solves one.


As soon as the door was closed, Red Dog couldn't help but stand up, lava flowing from his shoulders, and the heat wave was pressing.

"When are you going to hide, Dorag!"

Hearing that the black robe man who had been standing at the end of the team silently pulled down his hood, with a fearless smile on his face.

"Yo, long time no see, Red Dog."

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