MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 109 Tianchi

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After a while, Liu Fenyun found that there was an additional light spot that represented a living body nearby, and quickly moved towards Mu Qingzhong, who was closely behind him, and hurriedly asked Lianyi to hide in another direction, preparing to circle around for a while before entering the underground palace.

"Host, it has been detected that the snake demon has fought against Mu Qingzhong, and you can go to the underground palace." After a while, the system reminded her.

Seeing that the lotus platform was about to fall on the surface of the underground palace, Liu Fenyun remembered the snake demon's advice, and asked Lianyi to stop nearby and walked off the lotus platform.

"The snake demon told me that this underground palace is the resting place of her master, let us not disturb her master." Liu Fenyun whispered, "We will leave after a short rest."

"Aren't you going to hunt for treasures?" Lian Yi adjusted her breathing and asked half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Liu Fenyun shook his head, found the entrance to the underground palace on the map, and dragged her to run quickly.

The most urgent task is to leave the forbidden area. Although Lianyi can fight, she is only good at dealing with the demon slayer of the human race. Whether it is against Mu Qingzhong who suddenly went crazy, or the blind snake monster who lives underground, the odds of winning are not high.

When Liu Fenyun discovered the underground palace, she still used the system. The system took her spiritual knowledge all the way to the underground palace. The speed was so fast that she couldn't see what was around at all. When she got closer, she saw the entrance to the underground palace. It is surrounded by seven or eight ancient trees, as if suppressing something.

When the blind hook snake demon left the underground palace, he deliberately left a gap for Liu Fenyun to pass through only for one person. Liu Fenyun first got in through the crack and landed in the dark underground palace. After standing still, he quickly arranged several barriers. This is called Lianyi down.

Lianyi plunged into the darkness without hesitation, her body fell rapidly, and after getting some buffer on the barrier, she fell into Liu Fenyun's arms safely, and the cat's tail rolled around Liu Fenyun's body.

"It's really dark here, can I light it up?" Lianyi stood on the ground and asked Liu Fenyun.

Liu Fenyun also didn't know if the fire could be lit in the underground palace. After asking the system, he took out the no-complaint fan and opened it, condensing a ball of sparkling thunder spirit energy, suspended in the air, and slowly drifted forward.

The air in the underground palace is thin, but the spiritual energy is particularly strong, but it is still located in the ancient ruins of the Demon Race, so it is puzzling to think about it.

But this is a good thing for Liu Fenyun and Lianyi. The two followed Lei Lingqi and walked to the depths through the long corridor.

Lianyi can feel the rich spiritual energy attached to the body surface, as long as she moves her mind a little, the spiritual energy will enter the body, merge into the meridians, and merge with her demonic energy.

After walking down the corridor, she even felt that the meridians were filled with spiritual energy.

Liu Fenyun also felt the same way, but at the moment when the spiritual energy entered the body, the system sent her a document, so she knew that the spiritual energy that entered the body actively along the way was actually useful.

Fortunately, the owner of the underground palace is the "scumbag companion" of the valley owner Mu Qingzhong, the founder of Qingmu Xianshan.

Liu Fenyun is a god, and he can feel the residual obsession of the founder from the spiritual energy. The fragmented obsessions are pieced together through the system, and finally only conveys one meaning: if you want to leave, you can go to the depths of the underground palace. There is a natural teleportation array leading to the outside world.

And all the spiritual energy they received along the way was used to drive this natural teleportation formation.

After listening to the meaning interpreted by the system, Liu Fenyun asked incredulously, "This ancestor didn't intend to leave a message for Mu Qingzhong?"

"Mu Qingzhong is not mentioned in the obsession fragment." The system replied, "The host should leave here first."

Liu Fenyun thought the same, the ancestors of the sect showed them a way to survive, there is no reason to delay the time.

The underground palace is not gloomy, nor is it a terrifying atmosphere, there is nothing, not even a wandering soul. Liu Fenyun thought that after the death of the demon race, it disappeared completely, but he could understand what was going on.

"I explored it with my spiritual sense. There is only one treasure in this underground palace. It is located in the depths, but its existence is very special..." Liu Fenyun explained to Lianyi while checking the information constantly handed over by the system, "It is a party. The pond should be the 'Samsara Tianchi' used to store souls, and it can also be used as a teleportation array."

Lianyi immediately frowned, "Then isn't there a lot of ghosts in this pool?"

"Not necessarily." Liu Fenyun shook his head, "After the death of the Demon Race, there must be no soul. Even if there is a store in the Tianchi of Samsara, it will only retain the soul temporarily. At a certain time, the soul will still disperse."

"Are you walking in the direction of Reincarnation Tianchi?" Lianyi couldn't help but ask when she saw that she didn't stop, "Didn't you say no treasure hunting?"

"But we have to rely on Reincarnation Tianchi to get out of this forbidden area." Liu Fenyun said, "Actually, this is not a treasure hunt. How can treasure hunting go smoothly like ours..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt the ground sway, and the flat brick floor was suddenly raised. After just a few seconds, under the light of the illuminating thunder, five large black snakes blocked the way for the two of them. Also with slime and slippery mud.

"You're really a crow's mouth!" Lianyi glared at her, and she didn't have a good air. She took out the Wulei Token and clenched it tightly, and the Lei Lingqi was attached to the surface of the entire token, ready to blast the giant hook blind snake in the way. them.

Liu Fenyun suddenly lowered his face. Although the fighting power of these blind hook snakes is weak, their intelligence is far inferior to that of the snake girl with whom she traded, and they will suddenly block their way. Maybe it is the test of their ancestors. Once the set program is triggered, there is no other solution except to defeat it.

She really didn't want to fight, and when she saw the two blind hooked snakes open their mouths, she quickly called out a bottle of spray from the medicine garden to repel snakes and insects, and sprayed it at the snake's head.

Who knew that the irritating mist didn't drive away the snake, but it hurt Lianyi's eyes. With red eyes, Lianyi grabbed the culprit's face, pulled up Liu Fenyun and quickly dodged, occasionally using thunder to slash the attacking hooked blind snake.

Mao Mao's intuition was terrifying. Even if she couldn't see the road with tears in her eyes, she still led Liu Fenyun to shake off the blind snakes, shattered a pillar with one paw, and dragged it over in the middle of the road, letting it fall from above. The gravel compacted it, temporarily blocking the way of the blind hook snakes.

Hiding in a small passage above the underground palace, Lianyi closed her eyes tightly and rubbed Liu Fenyun's face: "What are you spraying? Chili water? I'm going blind in pain!"

Liu Fenyun, who had just achieved the achievement of "beating my teammates", was very embarrassed, and quickly asked the system. After hearing the system's description of the relief method, he immediately cut his fingers, put down the lotus robe, and dripped the healing spirit blood into her eyes.

Lianyi felt unbearable pain. I didn't know what dripped in, but my eyes felt cold, and the tingling sensation quickly subsided, which was extremely comfortable.

"Is it better?" Liu Fenyun asked with a frown. The cat was so painful that she tugged on her arm just now, and she was also in pain.

"Much better." Lianyi rubbed her body with her eyes closed, put her cat's ears on her chin, and said while rubbing, "Just follow me and run, I don't need your 'protection'."

She believed that her lover was really not good at fighting, and it was because they were five dazed snakes. If they were replaced by Mu Qingzhong, they would have been captured.

Lianyi rested for a while, and when she opened her eyes again, her vision was as clear as before, but it was covered with a faint red, but it did not prevent her from seeing the road.

She raised her ears and heard that the sound of the blind hook snake had changed. Knowing that the obstacle in the way was about to be broken, she immediately transformed into a demon body and carried Liu Fenyun to the depths.

"Whose tomb is here?" Lianyi ran all the way without feeling out of breath, and couldn't help but ask, "With such a strong spiritual energy, it can't be left by the demons."

"It's the tomb of the ancestor who founded the sect." Liu Fenyun replied.

Lianyi asked in surprise, "How do you know? What if it wasn't?"

"In the surrounding spiritual energy, there is her own remnant." Liu Fenyun grasped the cat's fur and said slowly, "But she didn't mention Mu Qingzhong in her remnant. After I explored these remnants, I only knew that there was something deep in the underground palace. A teleportation array to the outside world."

Lian Yi was at a loss, "Didn't Mu Qingzhong say that he never saw the founder of the ancestry? Why is the tomb of the founder of the ancestry built in the forbidden area guarded by Mu Qingzhong?"

"She lied, or she forgot about it." Liu Fenyun didn't know, what's more, Mu Qingzhong's memory was also dim. What happened in the past and what happened next, I am afraid only Mu Qingzhong and Kai The ancestors knew.

It's a pity that the two of them fell ill and died. The one who left has been silent, and the one who stayed has become a lunatic who only remembers hatred.

In the second half of the underground palace, there were no more blind snakes. Lianyi didn't even need Liu Fenyun to guide the way, she could find the right direction by smelling the aura, and soon carried Liu Fenyun to the edge of a clear pool.

"This is the Tianchi of Samsara?" Lianyi used her claws to plan the ground, and tilted the demon body slightly to facilitate Liu Fenyun to come down, "How do we leave? Could it be that we just jumped in?"

"Let me take a look." Liu Fenyun walked to the side of the pool and instructed the system to scan the entire Tianchi of Samsara.

She could feel the gloomy wind blowing towards her, and when she looked at the system's scan report, her scalp suddenly became numb—there were actually quite a few wandering spirits left in the Tianchi of Samsara.

Lianyi stretched out her head and looked into the Tianchi. Across the "blood mist" in front of her, she saw densely packed human-shaped transparent bodies floating in the pool. Her hair stood up in fright. She subconsciously picked up Liu Fenyun's collar. She stopped when she retreated twenty paces away.

"Can you not go out from here?" Even though he couldn't see the wandering spirits, Lianyi was still feeling uncomfortable, "You said, we just came here to rest for a while. Now that I'm almost recovered, Mu Qingzhong also Being led away, why don't we go back to the ground and go out as originally planned?"

Liu Fenyun was actually a little hesitant. The system calculates that the probability of successful teleportation is only 50%. There are many souls sleeping in the Tianchi of Samsara. The two living creatures go in, and they don't know what kind of illusion they will fall into. If they can't get rid of it, I'm afraid to be trapped inside.

But they have all come here, and if they really turn back, they will be all in vain.

"...You turn the green ghost lotus into a lotus pedestal, and activate the defense mode." After thinking about it again and again, Liu Fenyun said, "Let's take advantage of the green ghost lotus and make a bet."

Lianyi obviously didn't want to gamble. She scratched the ground with her claws anxiously, and wandered back and forth for a while. According to Liu Fenyun's words, she adjusted Qing Guilian to defensive mode, transformed herself into a human, and sat with her in the center of the lotus platform, pursing her lips, Control the lotus platform to float to the Tianchi of Samsara.