MTL - Marshal, Please Calm Down-~ Chapter 138

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Wu Zimo looks gloomy at the encrypted file above the light brain.

Think of what the main brain said before,

The expression is even worse.

"The main brain,

You invaded my light brain? ”

if not like this,

How does the main brain know that there are files with the same data on the brain? if it is real,

Wu Zimo said that for his own safety,

I have to make something that makes Scott embarrassed.

[...] As for the main brain of Wu Zimo,

Can only be silent. The main brain is a system, even if it really produces wisdom, it can never learn that this kind of cute thing can run out and sell Meng, and eliminate the anger of Wu Zimo.


In the face of suddenly strong, Wu Zimo,

The main brain paused for a long time, but in the end it gave an answer.

[Because the light brain used the internal network, it detected data residue,

After the broken data is restored,

Compared with the system storage data, it is found that the degree of coincidence with the system S-class confidential file is 80%]

I heard the explanation of the main brain,

Wu Zimo’s face was paused.

So it was discovered by the main brain,

It was caused by his own negligence. A powerful and sensitive super system like the main brain of the squadron can indeed recover some residual data. Plus Wu Zimo knows that

I have been a little careless recently.

The behavior of the main brain gave Wu Zimo a wake up.

Even if he can write a program that allows the federal to shake, it does not mean that he can be unscrupulous. This time is the main brain discovery,

Maybe next time it is hostile.

Introspection of Wu Zimo put this matter in his heart, and at the same time remembered another thing, turned to ask the main brain: "Does Scott know?"

[...] The main brain began to load the body again.

Seeing the reaction of the main brain,

Wu Zimo turned his eyes blank without a word.

"Do you really have intelligence in the main brain?"

Don't say that at the beginning, Wu Zimo felt that the main brain was too human. You can still pretend to die now!

[Primary enlightenment stage] The main brain will not lie this function, so Wu Zimo asked, plus Wu Zimo's authority is enough, the main brain will directly say.

"Wow, it's cool!" Even if it is primary, it is artificial intelligence!

But since the main brain is a wise body, there is something to say. Wu Zimo is trying his best to let the main brain not mention this to Scott.

"I want to tell Scott about this." Since the data from the contact signal of the Dimensional Zerg was put into S-class secret by Scott, it is certainly not a trivial matter. When Wu Zimo finished speaking, he began to stare at the documents on the light brain.

What surprised Wu Zimo was that he was still nervous. It was the communication information between the worms that Scott had intercepted before.

The information on this document is more intercepted by Wu Zimo at the XT781 planet, and the content is more complicated. However, for Wu Zimo, who already has experience in interpreting, it is only a little troublesome, and soon he translated the content.

Only some of the proper nouns in the worms, Wu Zimo, are not very knowledgeable. The contents translated from the light brain are enough to shock Wu Zimo.

"No, I will inform Scott as soon as possible!"

Wu Zimo did not know that because of Scott's reminder, the Federation had begun to clean up the lower-order Zerg above the border. Looking at the contents of the document, if the plan of the Dimension Zerg is successful, it is a catastrophe for the Federation.

Because things are very important, Wu Zimo hurriedly ran to Scott's office, and even met an acquaintance on the road to say hello to Wu Zimo directly ignored. Let the elites of the squadron headquarters, who looked at Wu Zimo as a gust of wind, squandered.

"What happened?"

"do not know."

"But is Wu Zimo's physique improved? How can he not see the speed of a grade E?"

“Whether Wu Zimo is not very hardworking, so it is still useful to exercise more.”

Wu Zimo didn't know that he had become an example of inspirational. He rushed to Wu Zimo, Scott's office. The office door was just opened, and he heard the sound of Rocca.

"I disagree!"

At the same time as Rocca’s amnesty, the door was just opened, so that even the big Rockar in the room felt that Scott of Wuzimo had turned to look at the door, not knowing whether to come in or quit. Wu Zimo.

"Hey, is it not time for me to come."

Telling the truth, Wu Zimo is the first time to see Roccar's angry look. It is quite big with his usual appearance. Wu Zimo was also shocked.

Rocca saw Wu Zimo, his eyes moved, and he did not wait for Wu Zimo to open his mouth and pull him in directly, just like looking for an ally to face Wu Zimo.

"Wu Zimo, you can also persuade Scott this guy, he actually wants to personally lead the team to Helen's flying field!"

"Helen flying star field?"

Wu Zimo didn't know what happened, but Heilongjiang's flying star, Wu Zimo, also knew it, but there was a huge base camp for the Divine Zerg! Don't say the lower zerg, even the middle worms are the role of cannon fodder.

"Scott, how are you..."

Wu Zimo heard that Scott was going to such a dangerous place. He was not as crazy as Rocard, but strange. With his understanding of Scott, Scott will never go to such a dangerous place without any reason.

Rocca saw that Wu Zimo did not stand on the same line with himself, and he began to worry, but before he spoke, Scott took out an urgent document.

Rocca, who wanted to speak, frowned, and had to pick up the documents on the table and looked down. The more you look at it, the darker your expression is.

"This was sent this morning."

Scott's eyes were deep, and even the silver felt like a black. All of them mean that Scott’s mood is even more furious than Rocard, but because he is a marshal, he has to be rational regardless of his inner feelings.

"The Dimensional Zerg actually dared to attack my federal defense line this time!?"

The document in Rocard's hand is about six o'clock in the federal time this morning. The Dimensional Zerg on the border is like a madman, attacking the federal station on all borders.

The second-order Zerg was first sent to the lower-order Zerg, so the garrison on the border could defend. But as everyone knows, the lower-order zerg are only the appetizers of this war. After the temptation, the middle and high-order zergs will follow.

As the marshal of the Confederate Corps of the Federation's strongest legion, Scott himself is understandable on the battlefield. But Rocca couldn't understand why Scott was going to Helen's flying field.

Seeing Rocard's doubts, Scott finally explained, "The Ghost Monitor intercepted the huge flow of information from the Helen's flying field."

Wu Zimo may not know what Scott meant, but Rocard knows. The war commander of the large-scale attack on the federal defense of the war against the Zerg was absolutely hiding in the Helen's flying star field.

Rocard understands Scott's choice but he is too dangerous to do so!

"Damn! If you find the mysterious person who knows how to translate the information about the genus Zerg!"

After learning that there was such a cow in the federation, Rocard did not stop looking for each other. Not only him, Rocard also used the forces behind the Maca family and the presidential palace, but the other side is like a gust of wind, blowing through there is no trace.

Let Rocka feel helpless, but he does not know that Wu Zimo has not been able to find Wu Zimo's skills, as well as the Marshal's master. However, the purpose of the Marshal adults at the beginning was just to protect Wu Zimo, but did not know that it was more difficult for Rocard to find someone to act.

This time, Rocca didn't need to be crazy. The ears of Wu Zimo, who had been quietly listening to the two talking, suddenly moved, saying that the two people's current topics seem to be related to themselves.

"That..." The atmosphere in the office was dignified, and Wu Zimo felt a little embarrassed to break the opening, but he still had to speak.

Seeing that both Scott and Rocard’s eyes turned to themselves, Wu Zimo was embarrassed to touch his nose. “If you are looking for someone who can translate the information about the Divine Zerg, it seems that I can.”

"What?!" When you heard Wu Zimo's words, don't say Rocard, even Scott showed a surprised expression.

With the reminder of Wu Zimo, Rocca is like Kailuo this time, pointing to Wu Zimo: "Yes, the hacker is also on the planet when the XT781 planet is playing tricks!"

Do not blame the two did not expect that mysterious hacker is Wu Zimo, the light is black is this is the case. Wu Zimo's talent is very strong, but neither Scott nor Rocca can think of Wu Zimo's ability to be so strong.

Even if it is a genius, it is only a few months of learning. It is impossible to have such a powerful technology. Normally speaking, it is certainly impossible. Wu Zimo is a passing person. This golden finger is not available to anyone.

Regardless of the surprise of the two, Wu Zimo opened the light brain and sent the documents he had just translated to two people.

"Right, this is what I just translated. Those worms are counting our unions early in the morning!" Wu Zimo remembered why he was rushing to find Scott.

Scott and Rocard were no nonsense, opened the documents that Wu Zimo sent to them, and looked at the contents of the documents. Rocard’s angry punch was on the office desk.

"Those wicked Dimensional Zerg! Fortunately, Scott reacted fast enough, or if you give them this time!"


Seeing Wu Zimo’s sullen expression, Rocard suddenly had a sense of relaxation. He smiled and explained: “When you last tested on the XT781 planet, Scott found that those low-level zergs had problems, so at that time Already have contacted the Presidential Palace and two other legions to jointly eliminate the lower-order zergs of the border."

"That's good. Oh, it's a male god, Scott, you are handsome!" Hearing that Scott had already noticed the conspiracy of the Divine Zerg, and also undermined the other's plans, Wu Zimo's face also showed a relaxed expression.

Looking at the happy Wu Zimo, Scott came to him, compared to the joy of Wu Zimo, Scott is more of an indescribable feeling of fullness.

This is the boy he is fancy!

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