MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 17

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"There is hard work without credit, right?"

"Besides, keep me by your side, and I can cook for you."

Huang Rong saw that she couldn't be tough, so she turned to sell poor.

"I will think about it."

Not to mention, these words really moved Xia An a little.

As a police officer, there are some things that he is definitely inconvenient to come forward and have to be left to others.

Right now, this "little beggar" is really a good choice, after all, the cleverness in him is not something a real beggar can possess.

More importantly, there is context.

At critical moments, it might come in handy.

With this in mind, Xia An turned around and walked into the six doors, but the doors were not closed.

Huang Rong saw this posture, and immediately understood that Xia An agreed.

"You stinky policeman, you are clearly a knife-mouthed bean curd."

After murmuring something in a low voice, he also slipped into the six doors.

"Go to the firewood shop for the quilt by yourself, and don't disturb me in the middle of the night if you have nothing to do."

Xia An casually found a quilt and threw it to Huang Rong, then turned and went back to the room.

Only Huang Rong was left with itchy teeth, wishing she could put on the blanket and give Xia An a good beat.

She didn't expect that she would be arranged to sleep in the woodshed.

But when he thought of the identity he was playing now, he could only swallow his breath, and obediently stayed in the woodshed.

After Xia An returned to the room, she did not fall asleep in a hurry, but counted the gains of the day.

"The bank note is one thousand two hundred taels."

"Twenty-two years of internal strength."

"There are still some exercises."

Fuwei Escort and Qingcheng faction combined, at least there are dozens of corpses, although most of them are miscellaneous fish, but the accumulation is quite rich.

But Xia An didn't care about these things, but the black jade intermittent divine ointment that he took out from Mrs. Wan's body.

Flipping his wrist, a dark and slender box appeared in his hand.

Open the box, and you can see the plaster like suet nephrite at a glance, and the cold air seeps out, refreshing.

"The presentation is pretty good."

Xia An glanced and found a note in the middle of the box.

Opened it and browsed it roughly, and found that it was a detailed introduction to the efficacy of Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment.

"It's easy."

Xia An smiled, and carefully read every word on the introduction, and as his eyes gradually moved down, his eyes became more and more surprised.

As guessed, this Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment is indeed a holy medicine for healing.

But its efficacy far exceeded Xia An's expectations.

More importantly, it expresses one point: the handicapped can also be healed.

Xia An chewed this sentence over and over again, the joy in his eyes gradually increased until it almost overflowed.

The first thing he thought of was ruthlessness.

Chapter Thirty-Third


This Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment is really too precious!

At this moment, Xia An felt sincerely happy.

Even when he obtained the evil sword technique, he never felt such joy.

Because this Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment represents the ruthless hope of standing up again.

Moreover, if you are injured in the future, it can also come in handy.

It can be said that the importance of this thing to an individual is only higher than that of the evil sword technique.

the next day.

At dawn, Xia An woke up from his sleep.

After a simple wash, he went straight to the inn where Wu Qing lived.

"How did you come?"

The door opened, and she was sitting ruthlessly in a wheelchair, still too beautiful to look at.

Xia An's eyes fell on the ruthless legs, and a sting flashed in his eyes.

For this woman, he loves and loves him from the bottom of his heart.

After all, no matter what, Wuqing was his first woman.

But it is such a perfect woman in both temperament and appearance, but she can only be accompanied by a wheelchair all day long.

Saying you don't care would be a lie.

But out of respect for Wuqing, it was naturally impossible for Xia An to say these things.

It's all right now, with Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment, Wuqing can get rid of this shackle.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing that Xia An's eyes were a little strange, he turned his head ruthlessly and unnaturally, a blush appeared on his pretty face, and he couldn't help pinching his slender knuckles tightly.

Only Xia An could see this little daughter's shy posture in the whole world.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something happy." Xia An smiled.

"Is it about the Qingcheng faction?"

Ruthless also smiled, Shenhou Mansion's eyeliner is all over the place, what happened last night, naturally she also heard about it.

Xia An has made such contributions, and there is no doubt that he will be promoted.

From Wu Qing's point of view, Xia An was delighted by this.

"Of course not."

Xia An shook his head.

"What is that for?"

Wuqing felt a little surprised. Could it be that Xia An had other encounters last night.

"because this."

Xia An took out the black jade intermittent ointment from his bosom.

"What is this?"

"Something that makes you stand up."


As soon as Xia An said this, the whole room fell into silence.

Wuqing lowered her head, her eyelids drooped slightly, she couldn't see the expression, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What? Don't believe it?"

Xia An was not surprised by Ruqing's reaction.

As Zhuge Zhengwo's adopted daughter, Wuqing's status in the Shenhou Mansion is undoubtedly detached.

Regarding the ruthless legs, the Shenhou Mansion must have tried its best to treat them.

But even with the support of such a behemoth as the Shenhou Mansion, they couldn't find a way.

I'm afraid Ruthless has long felt hopeless.

But now, Xia An suddenly mentioned this matter, and the impact on her can be imagined.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I know my situation."

However, ruthless is ruthless after all, and the pitiful hypocrisy will not appear on her.

It was only after a moment of silence that she returned to her calm appearance.

"There's no need to waste any more effort."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Xia An shook his head, his eyes were clear, "If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

Wuqing didn't answer, but asked: "You just said that you think of happy things, is that what you said?"



The corner of Wuqing's mouth raised a slight arc, "Let it go."


Xia An didn't react for a while.

"I said, just put it on the table. Also, how to use it?" Wuqing said calmly.

"Oh, this thing is called Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment, you can just apply it externally on your legs, but remember to apply it properly and carefully."

Xia An put the black jade intermittent ointment on the table while explaining.

Although I don't know why the ruthless attitude suddenly changed, but it's good that she is willing to try.

He glanced at Xia An ruthlessly, "Got it, I'll try it later."

"Later? Do you have anything else to attend to?"


"That is…"

Xia An wanted to ask more questions, but stopped in the middle of speaking.

He suddenly remembered that just now he said that the Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment needs to be applied meticulously.

In other words, Wuqing's entire lower body has to be painted in place.

It's a big deal for a big man to stay in the room.

"I'm leaving now."

Xia An turned around decisively and left, closing the door by the way.

"This idiot."

After Xia An left, a blush could not help but appear on Wuqing's pretty face.

Then his eyes fell on the Black Jade Intermittent Divine Ointment.

To be honest, even now, she still has no hope.

She naturally believed that Xia An would not lie to her, but as she said just now, she understood her own situation.

For so many years, various methods have been tried, but in the end they all ended in failure.

Even the imperial physicians in the palace were helpless.

Not to mention a small box of ointments?

If Xia An didn't give it to him, Wuqing wouldn't even bother to try.

The reason why she did this was because she didn't want to disappoint Xia An's wishes.

Ruthlessly opened the box, Su Shou gently picked out a little bit of Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment.