MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 693 Taking pictures from all angles (I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

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When the tower bones and other people just appeared, Lou Cheng’s gaze locked the black short coat and the half-bone man with a smudged face. The air-powered traction between the strong people clearly told him that this is an enemy of the outer level.

What makes him even more certain is that there is no other party in the photo of the main members of the keel group that the joint command has given to the special operations members beforehand!

Thoughts turn around, the building into a week, the purple fire ball whistling and flying, crossed the forest, crossed the tower bone, and fell to the place they tried to escape.

At the same time, he gave a look to the "shadow hunter" Cheng An, let him follow the predetermined "process".

Cheng Anxin took the opportunity to open the tactical backpack's side pocket and took out a small professional camera.

According to the command of the joint command, the enemy must be recorded first, leaving reliable information for subsequent confirmation of identity. After all, Lou Cheng does not dare to guarantee a strong foreigner.

At this level, if you don't do siege, winning the opponent is easy to kill, and it is almost impossible to catch it!


Purple inflammation vacated, soot cloud, terrible explosion caused the tower bones and other people to suddenly stop, turning direction.

The bright light covered the dawn of the lost leaves, and the appearance of his forest was clear and clear.

Click! The light just fell back, and the fire was still swaying. A sudden flash of light broke into Lin Lin’s eyes, causing his pupil to shrink slightly, reflecting the thin enemy holding the camera.

Was photographed... He Lin Xin’s heart flashed a similar Ming Wu, and there was a strong killing.

As a strong-minded foreigner, he is famous in the war-torn areas and even in the intelligence agencies of the whole world. Even if he does a little disguise, he will be invisible because of contrast.

In this way, China and the country can determine who is intervening in their actions and who is "not good" to them.

Although this can be interpreted as one's own personal behavior, covering up the existence of the organization and the real purpose, it is still easy to leave the problem - as long as they are eyeing themselves, with vigilance, it is inevitable to investigate the strong with their own good In this process, no matter who, a little careless, secretly joint plots will be outlined, leading to more specific doubts.

With the power of China and the country of rice, it is hard to wrap the flame in this step!

Therefore, the best response is to kill the tracker, destroy the camera, and not let a witnessed enemy go back!

But he was immediately killed, and he was immediately poured a cold water. He hurriedly pulled a keel and swept three or forty meters to the left.

Bang! Bang! The two of them stood in the same position, light blue and blazing tumbling and swelling up, the flame ignited the broken wood, leaving a deep black pit.

"Hey..." A tower bone that only had time to pounce on the side was beaten by the air waves in the air, burned by the flame, and blood could not be sprayed.

thump! He fell to the ground, his pain rolled and he could not see it.

If his strength is not bad, there is a long-term tempering, at such a distance, it is not a strange thing to break the bones.

He Lin did not dare to pause, pulled the tower bone, made a continuous turn, changed the position, and wanted to break through several times, and was blocked by the "cannon fire".

At this time, he also saw the appearance of the head of the enemy, and his heart immediately stunned, only to see something slowly sinking.

Lou Cheng!

The building of the country of China!

Secretly, after the establishment of the organization, the most common thing they do internally is to exchange information. Therefore, Lin Lin is no stranger to the foreign powers of other powers, and quickly recognizes the identity of the other party.

In the description of Lou Cheng, what he cares most is one of the sentences:

"There is a danger of foresight, the supernatural ability to bounce the curse!"

As a "outer" who walked to the current level with witchcraft, he was the most annoying and fearful to encounter such an opponent.

This means that his endless stream of tricks will directly abolish half or even more!

Of course, he knows that any supernatural ability has limits, and the other party may not be able to completely restrain his own "curse". However, this guess is not a last resort, and he does not want to confirm.

What if it is wrong?

If it really rebounded?

That is to let one hand add one more foot first, so that maybe you will die here!

He was born in a war-torn region, grew up in a war-torn region, and was strong in war-torn areas. After many dangers, his thoughts were in the middle of his mind, he did not hesitate and quickly made a decision.


Escape as soon as possible!

Take the tower bone as soon as possible!

Before the escape, you must kill the flank of the tower bones and your wife and children, because they heard the secret union!

As for the wealth of jewellery, gold and bearer bonds, you can only give up and see if you can disturb the minds of the enemy.

The hidden dangers behind, later on, only live, can talk about the future!

Hey! Stepping on the footsteps, Lin Lin seemed to be a black cloud with no weight, carrying the tower bone, cleverly avoiding the light blue and red fireball.

At this moment, the corner of his eye saw a few spider silks flying over, wrapped in a giant tree that was broken by a small half.

Followed by wearing the military uniform of the country, the hair of the neatly combed Smith vacated, one hand made a cobweb, shrouded the wife and children to the keel, holding a professional camera in one hand, vertical shot of his forest, recording the other side of the image.

I feel like a monkey who is only surrounded by people... I suffered such treatment, and Lin immediately angered from the heart, and the evil came to the gallbladder, slamming his right hand and playing a grayish fog.

The mist was not swallowed like the same kind. When it was formed, it immediately rushed to Smith, and quickly condensed the blurred eyes, ears and noses, as if the human face had grown.

As the fog was not approaching, Smith seemed to fall into the ice cave, his body was cold and stiff, and even the reaction became dull.

Unspeakable fear filled his brain, as if he had witnessed the most terrible things in the world, and life could not stop.

At a critical juncture, he saw a flower in his navy martial arts uniform and saw the flaming fireball hovering over the top of his head and behind his head.

The purple is so heavy, so hot, it distorts the nearby airflow, and absorbs the surrounding flames, like the real **** on the top or the sun that emits infinity, and looks down at the earth quietly.

The gray mist of the human face just came close, and it immediately sounded like ice and snow melting under the scorching sun.

It seemed to scream and madly "struggling", but it was quickly shrouded in flames of gathering, disappearing into the air, leaving no trace.

The coldness faded, and Smith felt the blood flow to every corner of his body.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" At this moment, a scream of screams plunged into his ear, and a picture of a sultry person reflected his eyes:

The flank of the keel and the wife and children are staying in the same place. The eyes, nose, ears and mouth are crowded with various insects, or the body is black. The hands are frantically clutching their faces, and the eyes are hard. Come out, or the skin will dry and crack open instantly, showing white bones and flesh and blood mixed with foreign bodies...

They are miserable, and they are inexplicably dead.

As early as the worms climbed over their bodies and collected "pheromones", the forests that had been through battles had secretly left their means to prepare for the bad situation that might arise.

Killing people is a common practice for him, and the methods are often refurbished!

Taking advantage of Lou Cheng’s chance to save Smith, he started the arrangement and then did not go to see the result with great confidence. He carried the tower bone and went to the depths of the jungle.


He Lin’s heel struggled and crossed the open space, avoiding the golden fireball that was coming from the building.

Just as he was going to continue to flee, the golden squad suddenly exploded, and he painted a beautiful arc in the air, forced to change the target, and shot again.

He Lin’s calf suddenly swelled up and down again, like dozens of long snakes.

puff! When he was old, he turned his direction and made the golden fireball fly into the jungle, causing a mess.

He was moved, and the building was also moving. He was slamming his right fist in front of him over a distance of several hundred meters.

Zizz! Behind him, his legs and feet, one by one open, sprayed a light blue flame.


As a rocket that was launched, Loucheng wiped the distance between the two sides and came to the side of his forest. The fist had strong kinetic energy and the feeling of destroying everything.

Create your own school, "spurt counterattack"!

If you didn't use the gunfire to plow the area first, he wouldn't dare to use this trick. It would hit the tree continuously and give the enemy a chance!

In the eyes of his forest, the shadows are getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is too late to make an effective response.

At this time, he didn't think about it and raised the tower bone, blocking the past.


The flesh and blood collapsed, such as the rain, the broken heart, the broken intestines, the stomach bag that was not shaped, the nightingale that was eaten last night, and so on.

The generation of drug scorpion scorpion scorpion has been smashed without any slamming, and the subsequent links of the patchwork can be directly omitted.

He Lin used the strength of Loucheng to slide back and forth at high speed. In the process, he was vacated by black and fog, and the bulging bulging under the skin was creeping. The hair was like a runaway vine. It grew and grew, and the skin changed. It is gray and has no luster, but it gives a strong and unusual feeling.

He hurriedly raised his head, his eyes flashed green, his nails were like short swords, with the color of gold and iron, and the end was infected with darkness.

PS: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.