MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 740 Preparation for promotion

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Ye Yang stretched out his big hand, and suddenly there was a mass of energy in the hand. The mass of energy was in one place, and all the powerful men in the world opened their mouths, and their eyes fell into dullness.

"The origin of heaven and earth?"

Even the powerful kings, when they saw the origin of heaven and earth, were shocked by the earthquake. The origin of heaven and earth was the most primitive essence born from heaven and earth.

Looking at the whole world, the number of times the heaven and earth origins appear is only a few times. It can make the immortal king peak and enter the realm of the kingdom immediately.

"The origin of this group of heaven and earth is enough for seven people to be promoted to the king of the realm." Tianluo said: "But there are only seven kings, which seem to have little impact on the overall situation."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Who says I have only one ball?"

"Don't ..." Tian Luo looked at Ye Yang in shock, and did not dare to say the following words.

"As many people as you have, I have as many origins as heaven and earth," Ye Yang said with great confidence. Now, in the universe in his body, basically one percent of the stars have their origins.

Even if it is one percent, there are millions of stars, millions of heaven and earth, how many people cannot use it?

It took a long time for everyone to relax from the shock. Ye Yang's words were too shocking.

"Ye Yang, how do you train our tribe so hard, what about the fairy side?" The King of Dream Smoke asked.

The words of Wang Mengyan also asked the doubts in the hearts of the people. Anyway, Ye Yang was an immortal, so he tried his best to cultivate others. He changed how to face the comments of future generations.

What's more, he is not afraid that some of the great fairy beasts will become stronger one day, will they annex the fairy race in the future?

"You are all people of faith, I believe in you, as for the immortal?" Ye Yang shook his head and said, "When they haven't found their faith and don't know awe and gratitude, I won't control them. Let them die on their own. "

"Mr. Ye, is there something wrong with this?" Luo Bingning bit her lip slightly at this moment, hesitated, or asked it out.

"Hehe, there is nothing wrong with it. There are good people and bad people in Fairyland, but most people are bad. Without faith, there is only desire and interest in the eyes. Such people are even more terrible than Warcraft.

When I do this, I am not giving up all the immortals. At the moment of life and death, those who can still stand with us, we will swear to guard them.

As for those selfish people who watch the fire from the other side, let them go, "Ye Yang said lightly.

"But how do you distinguish between the good and the bad in the fairyland?" Luo Bingning asked quickly.

"Hehe, the wind knows the grass, and the fire sees the real gold, and it will be known by then, when sand and gold can be easily distinguished at that time," Ye Yang explained.

Although she still didn't understand it, but hearing Ye Yang's tone did not give up all the immortal people, which made Luo Bingning feel relieved. She couldn't bear to see the entire immortal people, and was mercilessly slaughtered by the gods.

"Next, what should we do?" The sacred world of kings, the extreme trust in Ye Yang, made them feel warm in their hearts.

Although the cooperation of that year hurt them, but from Ye Yang, they saw the future of the immortal, and it will be a bright future. As long as Ye Yang is there, it will definitely not happen.

"Next, please ask some of the patriarchs to return to the ancestral land and send all disciples above the peak of the fairy king to the magic rain fairy palace in secret, so that they cannot be known to the outside world."

Ye Yang told several patriarchs that this was also to confuse the enemy, because the immortals were already chaotic, spies and traitors were everywhere, and this had to be done in secret.

Now that the King of the Fantasy Realm has fallen, but in order to always remember this respectable elder, Ye Yang decided to set the practice site in the magic rain fairy house.

In addition, this is equivalent to telling the world that Ye Yang has inherited the will of the fantasy realm king, and will always guard the fairyland, so that the fairyland will not be chaotic, and it will deter some younger generations.

Because once the immortal world is chaotic, some selfish desire guys will become crazy, and any evil things can be done.

Several powerful kings left in succession, and Ye Yang informed the soul-stealing sword sage, the ruthless master, and the Tianluo king, as long as they were disciples they could absolutely trust, they also brought them.

Ye Yang's words deliberately added "absolute". The two old men who have lived endless years naturally understand Ye Yang's meaning.

At the same time, they also understood the character of Ye Yang. Ye Yang would never allow traitors to appear around him. He regarded everyone around him as his own brother.

From Ye Yang's willingness to use the life of a divine son to replace Ouyang Fei, who is cultivated only as a fairyland, Ye Yang can be seen as a person who values ​​emotions.

After all the kings of the world returned, the battlefield was cleaned up, and a group of young strong men, such as Dao Yan and Peerless, also simply stayed.

Now that a battle of life and death has come down, everyone has become a brother of life and death, mingling with Luo Xuefeng, Meng Fei, Xiong Kaishan, and others. Except for Ye Yuhan, who is still cold, others have gathered together, talking loudly, especially Mengfei Mouth was flying and I heard him alone there wow wow.

When Ye Yang arrived with Yuechi and Luo Bingning, Meng Fei quickly closed his mouth, nodded respectfully and said, "Boss"

Seeing Meng Fei, who was just as immense as the wolf, wanted to become a pug, and made everyone laugh.

"Come on, pack up quickly and return to the Magic Rain Fairy Palace" Ye Yang said angrily and ordered everyone to leave.

Now that a battle has come down, Tianshen Mountain has been razed to the ground. It turned out that the immortal kings who had taken refuge in Wutian fled for a long time.

"Brother Dao Yan, come together" Ye Yang walked to Dao Yan and patted Dao Yan's shoulder heavily.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Dao Yan lamented that he had lived for so many years, and it was the first time that he had a peer, dare to pat his shoulder.

But Ye Yang patted him on the shoulder. Instead of displeasing him, he was faintly proud, and smiled, "I said, I owe you a life."

Ye Yang frowned, and said a little displeasedly, "I have only brothers beside Ye Yang, who are daring to look at each other. It ’s hurting to say that."

"Brother Tao Yan, you don't know my boss yet, but it doesn't matter. If you want to know my boss, I have first-hand information here."

Meng Fei hooked Dao Yan's shoulders, and the mysterious words of God said, "My boss's pick-up cheats, I have summarized the fourth part, and I will have the opportunity to share it with you for free."

After speaking, Meng Fei also winked at Dao Yan, showing a smile that a man could understand, insignificant.


As soon as Meng Fei finished talking, he was kicked on the buttocks, and the whole person was kicked, but this time it was not Ye Yang kicked, a woman's anger came: "You are an inferior embryo, you must not teach my husband to learn bad"

I saw Xin Ran look angrily at Meng Fei, apparently that kick was Xin Ran kick, Meng Fei landed at this time.

Meng Fei rubbed his buttocks and looked at Dao Yan with a resentful expression: "Dao Brother, aren't you harmful? You have a wife, and you don't whisper early"

Dao Yan was a little embarrassed. She just wanted to apologize, but was taken by Xin Ran. He sighed angrily, "What's a good apology? This guy is trying to seduce you to learn bad. Do you want to make a big carrot? "

After Xin Ran said a sentence, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and the Tianwei were all with strange faces, and they looked at Ye Yang secretly.

Ye Yang's face immediately turned black. Why was he lying down and hitting him? Why did he always take me? Who am I to provoke?

"Ye Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it to you." Xin Ran suddenly felt that she was wrong. If you talk about big carrots, it's tantamount to cursing a bald donkey in front of a bald face. It's too obvious, and apologize quickly.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. This kind of thing can only be considered unlucky. Just when she was about to speak, Chu Yanran slowly walked over and smiled: "Yes, Ye Yang is a big radish, but thanks to his care, only let We have a relationship.

If he is really single, our sisters can only stay in the empty mountains alone and look through the autumn water.

When the girls listened to Chu Yanran's words, a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths. Sometimes they had secretly thought about how good it was to have Ye Yang alone.

But when I am happy, the sisters around me really have to fade away and sullen, as Chu Yanran said, how cruel.

Chu Yanran's words made Ye Yang's tears filled with tears. Good man, Yanran is the best, no no no, everyone is good, but Yan Ran is better.

"Yan Ran ... I ..." Ye Yang took Chu Yanran's hand, and he was moved and didn't know what to say. If there weren't too many people, he would kiss this pleasant person crazy.

"Ye Lang, you don't need to say anything, we all understand, but you really need to converge, because ... in this way, there will be no place for our home in the future ..." Chu Yanran's beautiful eyes There was a hint of slyness.

Ye Yang didn't respond for a long time, and after understanding the meaning of Chu Yanran's words, he couldn't help dropping a drop of sweat on his forehead: "Yan Ran, you're naughty ..."


Seeing Ye Yang's embarrassing expression, everyone laughed for a while, Dao Yan, absolutely ruthless, Ape Heaven, Feng Pingping, Xin Ran, Yin You Rong and others were infected and laughed along with them.

But after they laughed, they all felt the flowing affection and the unrestrained emotion among Ye Yang's group of people, which they never dared to imagine.

In the insidious and immortal fairyland, that kind of emotion is the most dangerous, but Ye Yang and their large group of people are so sincere in their emotions. It is a kind of life that can be completely entrusted to each other. A trust.

This feeling is so wonderful that it has impressed a few people. Humans are cohabiting animals. Even the strongest people expect a group of trusted partners.

However, in the fairyland, it was a luxury that could not be expected. Today, they finally realized this feeling, and moved people to cry.

After laughing, Yaoyue winked at Meng Fei, and Meng Fei immediately understood, shouting to go back to drink Qing Gong, and left with a mighty crowd.

Yaoyue pulled the Yuechi daughters and left with them. In a blink of an eye, all the people were gone, leaving only two figures, looking at each other affectionately.