MTL - Martial Dao of Longevity: I Use Qi and Blood To Add Points Infinitely-Chapter 75 Conquer the other shore realm and return to Shenshuizong (Wanzi Da

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  Chapter 75 Conquer the other shore and return to Shenshuizong (Wanzi Dazhang)

"well done."

  Lu Wangchuan simply praised, and the little unicorn couldn't help but start to feel ecstatic.

   "Of course, my blood of the Qilin family, isn't it a waste of fame?"

   As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden explosion above the cave. At this moment, Lu Wangchuan had already put away his stellar energy defense. Without his protection, the cave would collapse and shatter.


   A pile of boulders directly buried the little unicorn.


  The little unicorn let out a roar, and the aura exploded, blasting the stones away.

   "Who dares to plot against this deity? Get out."

  As soon as this sentence was finished, several streams of stellar energy blasted down from the sky, scattered all around, and the surrounding mountains trembled from the blast.


  The little unicorn shrank its neck and hurried to Lu Wangchuan's side. The opponent's attack power was too strong. If such a strong attack fell on it, it would not be able to bear it.

   After all, it is just a cub of a divine beast. It has just broken its shell for a few years, and it is equivalent to a baby of the human race. Its strength cannot keep up.

   "Master, why is your human race so terrifying, there are big bosses everywhere?"

  Lu Wangchuan ignored it, just put his hands behind his back, looking thoughtfully at the few people above the sky.

  Little unicorn has just been born, so naturally he doesn't know the mysteries of the human world.

   Daqin's power distribution, he doesn't know how high the top emperors and princes are, and it is very likely that they have already stepped into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers.

  But apart from the top wave, the strongest one below belongs to the peak of the secret realm of heaven and man—the other shore realm.

  The princes of the royal family, if they are not one or two players in the front, but the second tier players in the back, their strength is only in the spirit crossing. In addition to the suzerain, the members of the senior elders of the major sects are also in the spirit crossing state.

  There are only three kinds of people who can break through to the other side.

  One is the suzerain of each sect or the elders above the suzerain, the second is the prince of the dynasty, and the third is the kings with different surnames absorbed by the royal family, who are worshiped in seclusion.

  This group of people is placed in the entire Nuoda dynasty, and it is estimated that there will be less than fifty people, or even forty people.

   And here, there are actually two of them, and the others are all in the middle and late stages of the Spirit Transcending Realm, and their strength is extraordinary.

At this time, one of the other side realms joined forces with the rest of the other side realms to besiege the other side realm. The clothes they wore were all of the same style, but their moves were vicious, and they were running to kill each other. the meaning of.

  This matter is a bit mysterious.

  Above the sky, the strong man in the other side gradually fell into the disadvantaged.

"Mrs. Li, why bother? The Heavenly Snow Sect has been destroyed, and there is no point in continuing to persist. Why not join our Great Zhou Dynasty? My Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely be honored as a guest of honour, and be crowned a prince. Do it with me when the time comes." Wouldn't it be nice to have a king with a different surname?"

"Shang Zhengji, don't talk sweet words here. The old man is known for his 'loyalty' in his actions all his life. He was granted the title of Supreme Elder by the favor of the Tianxuezong's suzerain for generations! You bought my Tianxuezong elders and killed the suzerain. You are at odds with each other! I want this old man to join Bei Zhou, what a dream!"

"Li Suwu, you are shameless. Most of your Tianxuezong defected to our Great Zhou, and you, an old stubborn donkey, are holding on. If it weren't for this king's pity, I would have sent you to heaven. Since you don't know how to live or die, then Don't blame me for being rude, let's go together and help me take down Li Suwu, whoever has the most strength, this king will reward him with a hundred true spirit-level pills."

   "The prince is refreshing."

   "Elder Supreme, if you want to blame, you can blame you for being too pedantic, but we can't blame us."

  Li Suwu's eyes were cold.

   "A group of villains who forsake their sect will have retribution sooner or later."

   "Even if there is, I'm afraid you won't live to that day."

  Several people attacked at the same time. Although the Spirit Crossing Realm was far inferior to the Realm of the Other Shore, they did not approach Li Suwu at all.

  Although this move cannot cause too much damage to Li Suwu, there is another person from the other side who is fighting Li Suwu.

   Whenever he wants to attack, he is always harassed, his accuracy is greatly limited, and the real attack is often intercepted and detonated in advance, and when he wants to escape, the opponent sticks to him like a tarsal maggot.

  He also wanted to kill these people, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

  Because every time he makes a move, the other side will also make a move at the same time, he can't use his full strength, or the opponent will take advantage of the loopholes, and it will be over.

  Traveling to the Spiritual Realm can't hurt him, but the same as the Other Shore Realm can deal real damage.

  In duels between masters, the victory or defeat is often in a flash. Once you fall into the lower ranks, it will be as difficult as heaven to recover.

  So his mental power had to be highly concentrated, and he kept using the true method to resist.

   But even so, as the battle continued, his internal strength and mental skills would gradually lose track of the rhythm, and he would not be able to continuously provide him with enough aura.

   After all, the uninterrupted consumption is too high, which has exceeded the speed of recovery.

  In the end, he will still die!

  The little unicorn below said:

   "Master, what are you looking at? These people are beating up so hard, it's better to have one more thing than one thing less, so let's go quickly."

  Lu Wangchuan spoke lightly.

   "You wait here."

  After the words fell, he used the Spiritual Void Step and flew straight into the air.

He wanted to develop his own power before, and the ordinary little characters didn't catch his attention. Now there is such a loyal Li Suwu. If this condition is just right for you, why not try to subdue it.

  Even if he can't be subdued, he can make him owe himself a favor if he is so affectionate.

  As for the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the two sides were hostile in themselves, and both killed the other two princes, and didn't care about killing another king with a different surname.

  The battle in the air became more and more intense. With every breath, Li Suwu's strength dropped rapidly, and his body gradually began to suffer from more injuries.

His overall strength is slightly better than that of Shang Zhengji, but around Shang Zhengji there are several strong players in the mid-to-late stage of Duling who are supporting him. Li Suwu can't exert his full strength and has been suppressed and beaten. Naturally, he is not Shang Zhengji opponent.

  The two-winged pegasus formed by the true law behind it also began to flicker, and it was no longer as clear and substantive as it was at the beginning.

   "He's dying."

  Shang Zhengji's eyes exuded a look of excitement, and at the same time, he attacked more frequently, and his strength gradually increased.

  As a master of the other side, he knew that Li Suwu must have begun to accumulate strength at this time, and he might be ready to break out and escape at any time.

   Not to mention, beheading a Great Qin from the Other Side Realm is a great achievement. If he was allowed to escape, there would be no chance to catch him in the future, and he would have to be on guard against his sneak attacks day and night.

  A strong man in the other side, even if he is not afraid, but his clansmen, wives and children are impossible not to be afraid, and they will never let him escape alive.

  But at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from below.

Before Shang Zhengji had time to react, with a dragon chant in his ears, a huge golden dragon suddenly jumped out from below, directly opened its mouth to swallow up the two Duling's subordinates, and with a flick of its long tail, it swept away another Dulingjing body.

   "There are strong ones!"

  Shang Zhengji's pupils constricted, he turned around and wanted to run, but when he turned around, he saw a figure wearing a bamboo hat punching him.

  Behind him, the golden giant elephant raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, bursting out with a force comparable to destroying the world, and came straight to him.

That overwhelming aura seemed to destroy the world. He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately used all the strength in his body to condense his fists. The true method was activated to the extreme. An ancient bloodthirsty blue wolf behind him quickly materialized, and let out a roar that resounded throughout the world. .

  The two collided with their fists, and the giant elephant and the bloodthirsty blue wolf collided at the same time.


   At first, it shone brightly, and then there were explosions, and the air waves receded crazily, causing the clouds in the sky to flow backwards.

  With the exception of Li Suwu, the other two mid-stage masters of the Spirit Transcendence Realm were swept away in the face of this terrifying air current, and they kept retreating a distance of 10,000 meters before they barely managed to stabilize their figures.

   "Lord Shang!"

  The two exclaimed, and quickly looked over, it was okay not to look at it, but when they saw it, the hairs all over their bodies burst into fright, and a chill ran from the soles of their feet to the sky.

  The moment the two faced each other, the giant elephant behind Lu Wangchuan tore apart the bloodthirsty blue wolf behind Shang Zhengji, shattering every inch of it.

  At the same time as the bloodthirsty blue wolf aura burst, Shang Zhengji's arm also broke on the spot, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"not good!"

  Shang Zhengji was so frightened that his whole body was in cold sweat, as if he had been electrocuted, and immediately wanted to run away, but how could Lu Wangchuan let him go?

  Dari Dragon Elephant gathered his right hand and turned his fist into a claw. He heard a dragon chant, and a golden dragon claw aura formed on his hand, locking Shang Zhengji's neck instantly.

The tiger's mouth exerted force, Lu Wangchuan twisted hard, the powerful force ruthlessly twisted Shang Zhengji's neck, blood mist sprayed, a golden light mixed with blood wanted to escape from the broken neck, it was Shang Zhengji's spiritual golden body, at this moment he wanted to To flee with his soul.

  However, if Lu Wangchuan didn't make a move, it would be fine, and if he made a move, all the opponent's escape routes would be blocked in advance.

   Shang Zhengji's aura golden body had just escaped, but was trapped in the palm of Lu Wangchuan's dragon claw. No matter how he fought, he could not escape from Lu Wangchuan's palm.

  Since Lu Wangchuan made a move, there are only five breaths in total!

   This scene not only made the two warriors in the middle stage of crossing spirits present startled into a cold sweat, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, even Li Suwu felt waves of fear.

  That is Wang Shangzhengji, who has a different surname from Da Zhou!

  The majestic master of the other side, and not only him, but also three masters in the mid-to-late stage of crossing the spirit. Together, these four masters are enough to establish and cultivate a top-notch sect.

   But in just five breaths, they were completely wiped out, leaving no one behind. The strength Lu Wangchuan expressed at this moment has shattered their worldview, which is unbelievable.

   It's so outrageous!

  They are not only afraid of Lu Wangchuan's cultivation, needless to say the power of the other shore realm, and it is not that there is no other shore realm in this world.

  What they were afraid of was Lu Wangchuan's explosive power.

  Because they can clearly feel that the aura embodied by Lu Wangchuan is not much more than that of Shang Zhengji, that is to say, he is only an early existence in the other side.

  In the same realm, how can it be possible to instantly kill the opponent?

   This is completely unreasonable, otherwise, Li Suwu would not have to be beaten and retreated steadily, and there may even be a risk of death.

   But the shock only lasted for a moment. After the two warriors in the mid-stage of Transcending the Spirit Realm came to their senses, they turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Lu Wangchuan was also prepared for a long time. He summoned a true spirit-level spear, and projected it with the blessing of the Great Sun Dragon Elephant. The spear immediately turned into a golden dragon, roaring out, and the golden light flashed. The two of them had just run 10,000 meters away. Before long, he was pierced through his dantian, shattering his aura golden body, and his body fell down like a kite with a broken string.

   So far, all the warriors who participated in the hunt for Li Suwu were all killed, but Lu Wangchuan was not even injured at all.

   "Senior, spare your life! Senior, spare your life! This junior doesn't know how to offend senior, so I ask senior to be merciful and let this junior go, and this junior is willing to serve senior on the saddle."

   Trapped in the palm of his hand, Shang Zhengji knew that he couldn't escape, so he couldn't care less about face at this moment, and hurriedly begged Lu Wangchuan frantically for mercy.

  It's a pity that Lu Wangchuan didn't pay attention to him at all, but just sent his golden body of spiritual energy to Li Suwu with the true method of the dragon and elephant of the day.

  Li Suwu was also unequivocal. After a moment of contemplation, he smashed Shang Zhengji's aura golden body first, making him completely wiped out.

  Afterwards, he bowed to Lu Wangchuan who was snapping off Shang Zhengji's finger and searching for the storage ring.

   "Thank you for saving my life, senior. I don't know the senior's name. Which sect is it?"

  Lu Wangchuan put Shang Zhengji's storage ring in his arms, and said calmly:

   "I didn't draw my sword to help, I saved you for other things."

  Li Suwu cupped his hands again and said:

  "Since being rescued by the senior, the junior should owe the senior a kindness, but there is a drive, as long as you don't lose your conscience, you dare not refuse."

   "I just heard that the Tianxue Sect has been destroyed. You are no longer the Supreme Elder of the Tianxue Sect, and I am preparing to form a force. Would you like to follow me?"

   Li Suwu was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that Lu Wangchuan was so powerful that he didn't even have the power he belonged to.

  He pondered for a while, and then said:

   "Dare to ask which side the power that the predecessors want to build belongs to?"

  He always needs to know in advance which side Lu Wangchuan's power belongs to, otherwise, if he enters rashly, if he has contacts with those beings he once opposed, wouldn't he be embarrassing himself?

  Lu Wangchuan explained:

"I don't belong to any party, but simply belong to me. You can also understand it as simply serving me. I don't belong to any dynasty now. But I have some involvement with Daqin at the moment, and it shouldn't have anything to do with your wishes. What a conflict."

  Tian Xuezong itself is the sect of the Great Qin Dynasty, and Li Suwu is a man of faith, so he will definitely not be unwilling.

  The facts are indeed as he said, Li Suwu nodded in agreement after thinking for a moment.

   "Since the seniors think highly of it, then Li is more respectful than obedient, but Li still has one thing to ask."

   "But it's okay to say."

   "Some of the top leaders of the Tianxue Sect were bewitched by the Northern Zhou royal family, and the other part were coerced by threats and lures. Now most of them have entered the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

   But those disciples are innocent, without the protection of the strong Tianxuezong, in this troubled world, they will inevitably become lambs to be slaughtered, can the seniors take them into the sect together? "

  Lu Wangchuan pondered for a moment, then shook his head.


  He wants to form forces, not collect waste products, let alone do charity.

  Although it may be an exaggeration to say this, it is the truth.

  My own cultivation base has improved too fast. Judging from the current level of estimation, it is very likely that I will break through to the third largest secret realm of warriors—the magical secret realm before the age of thirty!

   Those ordinary warriors are like ordinary pills, which do not help them at all, but only drag them down.

  What he wants is a high-level warrior, go out and help him obtain resources as quickly as possible.

  Those above the secret realm of heaven and man may still be with me for a period of time, but under the secret realm of heaven and man, they can no longer serve themselves, so what should they do?

   Li Suwu looked distressed, and prayed again.

   "They are all very good disciples, and they will definitely contribute to the seniors in the future, and they will never let the seniors down."

   "If you can't, you can't! But I won't force you. If you just want to protect them and don't want to follow me, I won't force you either."

  Lu Wangchuan is not hard-hearted either. It can be seen that Li Suwu is a real person who cares about the juniors, and he has met several seniors like this in his life.

   Lu Xianyuan, Cheng Yunxiao, Lin Qingxue

  So he still respects this kind of people.

  Li Suwu sighed deeply.

   "There is no repayment for the kindness of saving my life. Senior's words are embarrassing to kill me. In this way, senior, can you give me a little time, and allow me to find a place to live and live for the disciple of Tianxue Sect? Then follow senior?"

   "Okay. I'll give you three months."

   "After those three months, where can I find my senior?"

   "No need to look for me, give me a drop of your blood essence, if something happens, I will use the true method to find you."

  After the words fell, Lu Wangchuan used the soul crow true method, and a black crow immediately appeared on his shoulder, like ink dyed.

As a spiritual method, the soul crow true method itself has the function of searching. As long as you have blood and enough spiritual power and spiritual power, you can search for people across thousands of miles. This is why Lu Wangchuan prefers the spiritual method. s reason.

When Li Suwu saw Lu Wangchuan using the soul crow true method, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Wangchuan also practiced the spiritual method, but after thinking about it carefully, a powerful existence like him can practice this kind of true method. Seems normal too.

  He saluted Lu Wangchuan respectfully.

   "Ms. Li keeps it in mind, but his predecessor has a call, even if there are thousands of seas and mountains, he will definitely go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"



  Li Suwu said goodbye and turned to leave, only then did Lu Wangchuan slowly lower his body.

  Take in the first master of the other side to be his subordinate, and let him do things that he doesn't have time to do in the future.

The Realm of the Other Shore is within a few dynasties around, and it can already be regarded as a first-class master. Unless it is a magical secret, there are basically few who can stop it. It is absolutely safe and reliable to use this level of masters. .

  Looking at the surrounding dynasties, the only ones who can drive the other side to do things are probably only the emperors of each dynasties, right?

  As for the one who can drive at the age of twenty-six, there is no one.

  Even those princes might not be able to do it. Even if they could do it, how old are they? I don't know how many years older than myself.

  This achievement is rarely achieved by anyone!

   And this time, I also got a storage ring from a master with a different surname from Da Zhou, a majestic master of the other side, and other storage rings from the digital spiritual realm.

However, Da Zhou lost two princes and a king with a different surname one after another, so he will probably be very angry, and he will definitely make some big moves in the future. It is better to return to Shenshuizong first, and retreat for a while to improve his cultivation, so that Da Zhou Slowly get entangled with Daqin.

Lu Wangchuan fell to the ground contentedly. The little unicorn below had devoured the corpses of Shang Zhengji and several other spirit warriors. His stomach felt like it was going to burst, and his four short legs couldn't even touch the ground at the same time. It looked extraordinarily funny.

   "Master, I didn't expect to eat so many human masters this time. After digesting them, my strength will be comparable to the first real condensed realm of the human race's heavenly and human secret realm. Hiccup~~~!"

  Lu Wangchuan was filled with emotion. After all, it is a divine beast, and it grows up fast. When it breaks through to the realm of the other shore, wouldn't he have two subordinates of the realm of the other shore?


   "Good job, keep up the good work."

  Little unicorn's small eyeballs rolled around, and said ghostly:

"Master, why don't we go to Dazhou? You are so powerful, let's kill a few more strong people of the human race and help me break through. The further I go, the more powerful people need to be devoured, and I will become stronger with your human race." It is the same as devouring pills in the future, you need to swallow more and better pills to improve further.

   When I become stronger, you don’t need to take action when encountering fights in the future, and I can help you out. "

  Lu Wangchuan picked up its neck and knocked it on the head.

   "Stop making such crooked ideas, and thank God if you have something to eat."

  It thinks well. It is indeed invincible at the same level, but not invincible in the whole world. Well, if it really encounters a master of the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, it will also lie down.

  The little unicorn sighed, the master is really too shrewd to stay still.

  Lu Wangchuan rushed all the way back to Shenshuizong, collecting some information on the way. Although he doesn't often take the initiative to participate in world affairs, he still needs to know about it to prevent problems before they happen.

  Otherwise, someday the sect will be wiped out, and you won’t know where to go when you go home.

  Through the word of mouth of passers-by, he learned a lot of information.

  Since the failure of Da Zhou to trap Qin Muxue, the fourth princess of Da Qin, the two countries have been fighting tit-for-tat in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, and wars have often occurred.

   Later, a mysterious person appeared, first beheaded the prince of the Great Friday, and then killed the prince of the Great Zhou, successively inflicted heavy losses on the Great Zhou, resulting in heavy losses for the Great Zhou. In anger, the Great Zhou spread the flames of war to the outside world.

  The mysterious person is naturally himself, and Lu Wangchuan finally knew that the unknown prince of Da Zhou who was beheaded by him turned out to be Prince Da Zhou!

   But this is not what makes Lu Wangchuan more curious. What makes him more curious is that his identity has not been revealed at all.

According to common sense, when I dealt with the fifth prince, I used the Prajna Dragon Elephant. No one knew that I had completely silenced the third prince. Then someone should find a clue from the Prajna Dragon Elephant. The fourth elder of Shenshuizong knew They went to the battlefield of the ancient ruins by themselves, Zhao Yanlong and others also knew that they were cultivating Prajna Dragon Elephant, but they didn't spread any news about themselves. Could it be that they blocked it?

  Go back and ask them.

Nowadays, more and more forces between the two countries are involved in this great war, and the number of warriors dispatched is increasing, and there are more and more masters. It feels like the eve of the war. It is estimated that if the fight continues like this, the two countries will Sooner or later the emperor will come out and fight.

  However, a dynasty system is very large, unlike a sect, and one of the countries may not disappear after the war, but it is foreseeable that the two countries will definitely consume each other's strength.

   I don’t know if other dynasties will have any crooked ideas in the future.

All of this has an inevitable relationship with me, but I can't blame myself entirely. If it wasn't for Wu Jingzhi to find her troubles, there would be no subsequent things. Maybe Qin Muxue would be captured by Da Zhou and become a big The machine that Zhou obtained the blood of Daqin.

  It is only her who is sad, but there will be no war between the two countries.

   But fate is often so dramatic.

  Now Lu Wangchuan just wants to improve his cultivation as soon as possible before the bigger storms come, so that he can avoid the end of being slaughtered in the future.

  Whether it is the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Zhou Dynasty, or other dynasties, Lu Wangchuan is not going to be their lackey.

  He wants to find his own path!

  A road that can truly control one's own life and is not controlled by anyone.

   A few days later, Lu Wangchuan finally returned to the Shenshui Sect. When he came to the gate of the Shenshui Sect, he saw a familiar figure bragging with some new disciples who were in their teens.

   "Let me tell you, the cowhide is not for bragging. At that time, you, Uncle Lu, and I were walking with the crowd, and countless thunderbolts suddenly detonated in the jungle, and he pinned me to the ground at that time.

  After the explosion, another steel gun was shot out, and the entire team was wiped out, leaving only the two of us. There are many people on the opposite side and there are also experts in the Condensation Realm!

  I thought I was dead, but guess what? You Martial Uncle Lu suddenly exploded and killed several disciples of the Tianwu Sect and that master of the Realm Condensation Realm with the gesture of thunder! The whole set of movements is flowing, smooth and natural, as if he has already calculated it."

   All the disciples were in high spirits when they heard it, and they couldn't help but yearn for it, as if they had brought themselves into that scene, transformed into Lu Wangchuan, and killed everyone!

  Lu Wangchuan was also quite emotional. Time passed and the situation changed. When he came to Shenshuizong, he was only a ignorant teenager in his teens. Now, he has become a figure of the uncle level.

   "Uncle Chen, tell us again, how did Uncle Lu defeat Yun Mengyao, the second genius of our Shenshuizong?"

   "Yes, yes, yes, I heard that it was an unprecedented duel!"

  The other party coughed lightly.

"If you want to talk about the confrontation between Uncle Lu and that **** Yun Mengyao, it will take a long time. I'm afraid you don't know that the two of them fought for nine days and nine nights. "

   "Uncle Chen, I heard that Yun Mengyao fell in love with Uncle Lu? In the end, he was killed by Uncle Lu because he didn't want to kill him because of love."

"Fart, why do you need her to give in to your Uncle Lu's talent? But it is true that she fell in love with your Uncle Lu. After all, his aptitude and appearance are at the top of the entire sect. Which girl is not tempted? One look It can make a woman fall, a proper arsonist.

  Of course, I'm just a little bit worse than him. The entire younger generation of men in the sect, except him and the eldest son, is me. "

   Lu Wangchuan's face in the distance could not help but twitch violently.

  Nine days and nine nights, this guy really dared to brag. Seeing his words getting more and more outrageous, Lu Wangchuan finally couldn't help walking forward.

   "Brother Chen, let the cow go, you're going to blow it up."

  Chen Qingquan was shocked, showing an expression of disbelief. Before the newcomer disciple could react, he immediately shouted:

   "Bold, how dare you humiliate the core disciples of Law Enforcement Hall."

   As soon as the voice fell, Chen Qingquan slapped the back of the head hard.

   "Stinky boy, don't talk nonsense."

   After speaking, he immediately trot forward with a smile.

   "Wang Chuan, you are back. You have been away for several years. I miss you to death."

   "Bie Jie, disgusting."

   "Hey hey, are you tired from the journey? Let's go, follow me into the sect to see the master, the master has been talking about you for the past few years."

  Lu Wangchuan nodded, and followed him into the mountain gate.

  A few newcomer disciples looked at the backs of the two walking away with puzzled faces.

   "Who is that person? Why is Mr. Chen so polite to him? It feels like he has become a dog's leg."

   "Wang Chuan, isn't it the legendary master of Zhishui Peak, Lu Wangchuan?"

   "Damn! Isn't that the Uncle Lu from the Law Enforcement Hall?"

   "Oh, he's my idol, I've always wanted to talk to him, but I didn't expect him to pass me by!"

  The child beat his chest anxiously, regretful.

  Inside the sect, Chen Qingquan warmly greeted Lu Wangchuan.

   "Wang Chuan, where have you been these past few years? Why haven't I seen you all this time?"

   “Go find some opportunities.”

   "Then did you find anything good?"


"By the way, what is your cultivation level now? I heard from Uncle Lin that you saved them and killed Zhuo Xiyuan, the eldest son of Tianwuzong, and Dugu Yuer, the only daughter of the lord of the Jade Maiden Sect, in the early days of the Zhenshijing. Have you broken through to the late stage of World Suppression Realm?"

  The two walked, and soon came to the Hall of Law Enforcement. Chen Qingquan excitedly shouted into it:

   "Master, come and see who is back."

   "How can you make noise in the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall? Next time, let's see if I won't hit you."

   A loud shout made Chen Qingquan shrink his neck instantly.

   "Don't tell me, master, this disciple knows his mistake."

  The voice immediately softened.

   "You are lucky, Wang Chuan is back, right? Let him in."

  Chen Qingquan breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Wangchuan patted him on the shoulder, took out the little unicorn from the cloak, and put it aside.

   "Hey, you still have a pet?"

   "Help me take a look, I'm going to see Master."

   "Don't worry, I'm not the little character I was back then. I'm already a master at the pinnacle of the Open Source Realm. I can't handle a little spirit pet?"

  Lu Wangchuan stopped talking, and sent a spiritual message to the little unicorn, telling him to stay here obediently and not move around, and then he entered the hall.

   "The disciple has met the master."

   I haven't seen him for a few years, Cheng Yunxiao's hair has a few more white strands, and he is not too young. The second elder Li Chunhua is over a hundred years old, and he is not bad.

  If this age does not break through for a long time, some aging characteristics of the human race will begin to appear slightly.

   Cheng Yunxiao saw Lu Wangchuan and nodded in satisfaction. His eyes were full of various emotions, including admiration, envy, appreciation, and even a hint of longing!

"That's right, even I can't see through you now. I'm afraid your cultivation has already reached the realm of crossing the spirit, right? According to outside rumors, more than a year ago, a strong man who used Prajna Dragon Elephant fought in the ancient battlefield. The Ruins bombarded and killed Prince Dawu, was it your handwriting?"

  Lu Wangchuan didn't deny it, Cheng Yunxiao has always been very kind to him, so it's okay to reveal some strength slightly.

   "It's a disciple."

   "It seems that my guess is really good. Due to the relationship of resources, the prince of the dynasty can surpass ordinary warriors of the same realm. If you can kill him, I am afraid that you have already broken through to the late stage of the spirit realm! What a formidable young man!

  I used to think that you were just a genius, but now it seems that I was wrong, you are not just a genius, you are a genius among geniuses, a monster among monsters!

However, at the age of twenty-six, you have broken through to the late stage of Transcending the Spirit Realm. Not to mention unprecedented, at least among the younger generations of several dynasties such as Daqin, Dagan, and Dazhou, there is no one who is qualified enough to match you The presence.

   I am afraid that within two years, you will be able to break through to the last level of the secret realm of heaven and man—the realm of the other shore. At that time, I'm afraid that the suzerain and his old man will be eclipsed in front of you. "

  Lu Wangchuan asked:

   "Does anyone else know about this besides Master?"

  Cheng Yunxiao nodded.

   "There must be some people who know, but there are only a few of them. The suzerain, the great elder, your uncle Qingxue, and the eldest son Zhao Yanlong. They all guessed it based on your aptitude.

   But we publicized to the outside world that it was a senior of our Shenshui Sect who killed Prince Dawu, and we did not reveal your existence.

Your aptitude is too monstrous, if it gets out, it will probably cause you a lot of trouble, either it will cause the royal family to be jealous, and they will attack you secretly, or it will attract the royal family's covetousness, and they will arrest you and marry a royal woman, and you will be born Belongs to your blood! "

   "Thank you, master, for the kindness of Shenshuizong, the disciple will never forget it."

  Several elders of Shenshuizong can think of these things for themselves, which shows their sincerity.

  This matter can be big or small, and if it gets bigger, if the royal family knows that Shenshuizong hides his information, they will definitely not let Shenshuizong go easily.

   To put it mildly, if Shenshuizong reported his information and betrayed himself, he would definitely get a huge reward from the dynasty.

  But Shenshuizong hid his information for his own safety.

   "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, do you have any plans for the future?"

   "The disciple is going to retreat for a period of time."

"With your current cultivation, the Shenshui Sect can provide you with very little help. The suzerain asked me to tell you that people go to high places and water flows to low places. If you want to find a more powerful force , learn more advanced exercises, and obtain more advanced resources, Shenshuizong will never stop you.

   If you don't go, Shenshuizong will always be your home, and from now on, it will fully support you. If you want the suzerain position, he will give it to you at any time. "

   Lu Wangchuan's heart warmed up. It is true that the suzerain may have some ideas. By planning to cultivate himself stronger, he can lead Shenshuizong to a more glorious position.

   But the other party's intentions cannot be denied. Shenshuizong is the ancestor of the Zhao family, and he is willing to surrender, so there is no doubt about his intentions.

  But he doesn't need the position of the suzerain of Shenshui Sect, that position is useless to him, and he doesn't want to lead the entire Shenshui Sect.

  He only needs strong subordinates now.

   "Thank you for your kindness, suzerain. Master, please tell suzerain that this disciple is definitely not an ungrateful person. Shenshuizong has taught me, and I will remember it in my heart.

  I don't want the position of the suzerain of the Zhao family, I just want my Zhishui Peak. "

  Cheng Yunxiao nodded.

   "Alright, frankly speaking, a sect of the level of Shenshuizong will definitely not be worthy of your strength in the future, and I don't recommend you to take over Shenshuizong.

  Anyway, the resource treatment you enjoy in Shenshui Sect is top-notch. With the approval of the suzerain, your resources are no different from his.

  In the future, at most, when Shenshuizong is in danger, you can come out and help. "

   "The disciple understands."

   After a pause, Lu Wangchuan spoke again.

   "I want to do some business with Zongmen, I wonder if Zongmen is willing?"

"you say."

   "I want Zongmen to help me find some things, and sell some resources to exchange for the cultivation resources I need."

  Shenshuizong has always been kind to himself, and Lu Wangchuan can't be ungrateful. If others treat him well, he should also treat others well.

  Anyway, some small things have to be done by someone, such as exchanging low-end and useless pills and spirit stones for high-end pills and spirit stones, and selling the true methods and other resources that you don’t use.

   It is impossible to rely on Li Suwu's subordinates for all these things, let Shenshuizong do it, and give Shenshuizong some benefits in exchange, that is, he has completed the benefits he needs, and also gave Shenshuizong some benefits. Everyone is happy.

   "It's no problem, Shenshui Sect will do its best to help you, and you will pay for it. Just tell me what you need."

  Cheng Yunxiao is not hypocritical with Lu Wangchuan, sincerity is mutual, Shenshuizong treats Lu Wangchuan well, and can accept Lu Wangchuan's feedback.

  As long as you do things for Lu Wangchuan seriously and don't waste his heart.

   "I need the sect to help me inquire about two taboo-level health-preserving internal strengths. One should start with the Yellow Emperor, and the other should start with the White Emperor."

   "Taboo-level health-preserving internal strength? Okay, I get it."

  Although it is a little strange that Lu Wangchuan needs to do this even after he has crossed his soul, Cheng Yunxiao still agrees. After all, the needs of geniuses are definitely different from those of ordinary people.

   "I still need to sell all these ordinary pills and low-grade spirit stones and exchange them for high-grade medicine pills and spirit stones."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Wangchuan took out a storage ring. He now has a lot of storage rings, and all kinds of resources are well classified and very neat.

  Cheng Yunxiao took the storage ring and said with a smile:

   "How many pills and spirit stones can you have? Let me see if I have enough pills to exchange for you? I still have a thousand top-grade pills that exceed ordinary pills."

   As he spoke, he glanced at the storage ring with mental power.

   PS: I made a mistake in the last chapter. If you have more than 90,000 qi and blood, you can add some Prajna Dragon Elephant. I couldn’t add some points when I wrote it at the time. I made a mistake and it has been corrected. In the future, if there are mistakes, tell me in time, and I will correct them in time.

   There are some readers who say that calling you big brother is not pleasant, so let the little unicorn call you master normally.

   As long as it is appropriate, I will listen to it, thank you.

   In addition, now I am typing 10,000 words per chapter, which is equivalent to five normal chapters. It takes four or five hours to type a chapter. Don’t worry, I will try my best to update it every day.



  (end of this chapter)