MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 20 : A sharp palm

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"Xuan Ming Zong."

When I saw the bald man and other people, the original black man and other dozens of people looked a little bit too good to look at. At the beginning, the middle-aged man who asked Du Shaozhen to look at the bald man, frowned: "The bald bell, Your Xuan Mingzong is very fast."

"The Heavenly Snake is not slow. The existence of the king who is in charge of the domineering has changed, but it is not that you can be touched by the Snakes." The bald-headed man, who is called the bald-headed clock, is not on the middle-aged man. After staying for too long, I immediately looked at the old man in black with a snake's head and said: "I didn't expect this time, the snake serpent, even the imposing copper snake elders came."

"Don't you come, it seems that you want to get the benefit of the king's dominance." The snakehead crutches in the hands of the bronze snake elders shook hands, and the eyes swept over several teenagers behind the bald-headed bell, whispering: "The descendants of Xuan Mingzong this time are not bad, just wait for this opportunity to baptize the foundation, but I don't know if there is any chance."

"The descendants of the Tianshenzong are also good, but I seem to have some blessings in the shallow source. I am afraid that this time I will have to return without success." The bald head looked at the young girls in the Snakes. The same is true of the mouth, the two sides only met, immediately there is a kind of arrogant atmosphere.

"It’s really lively, it’s better to come early.”

A rather hoarse voice came, and a dozen figures came. When the first crane was old, the temperament was extraordinary, and some strong and powerful people faintly surrounded several extraordinary young girls in the center.

"Xuan Fumen, He Lingdao."

Seeing the old man of Hefei, whether it is the copper snake elder or the bald-headed clock, the eyes are dark and automatic.

Du Shaoqi carried a few monsters. I didn't expect to encounter three people in a blink of an eye. Among them, the snakes and Xuan Mingzong Du Shaozhen heard about it. It is said that they are all giants standing on the empire. The forces are shocking, a country When the Lord saw the guardians of these sects, he would personally greet the salute.

These forces are the only existence that Shicheng can look up to.

Now Du Shaoqi knows why these people dare to enter the wild beasts at this time. The original origins are amazing.

"Let's talk, no one is wrong."

Du Shaozhen is not a fool. Whether it is the Heavenly Snake or the Xuan Mingzong himself can not afford it. The last force that came, fearing that it will not be under the Xuan Mingzong and the Heavenly Snake, he will still get out early. And they are not familiar with them.

"Kid, my uncle asked you, you haven't answered yet."

Inside the Heavenly Snake, an arrogant teenager of almost the size of Du Shaoqi came forward and blocked it directly in front of Du Shaoyan. His face looked very strong and strong, and he did not put Du Shaoqi in his eyes.

"Don't stop me, I am hungry, I have to go to the barbecue to eat."

Du Shaozhen was very upset about this arrogant boy. He walked straight across the boy and planned to climb the mountain first.

The teenager feels that his face is damaged. In Zongmen, he is like a prince of heaven. Who dares to disrespect him? If he has been waiting for the strongest beast to baptize the foundation, he has long been able to Break through to the level of congenital.

"Hey, toasting, not eating and drinking."

Seeing that Du Shaoqi passed by, the teenager’s throat snorted, and suddenly it was a punch. On top of the boxing, there was a faint run of a rune, and the momentum was fierce. The impact turned to Du Shaoyu's back.

"Amazing waves!"

Du Shaoqi is not stupid, he has been wary, and he is prepared for it. He feels that the young man’s shot behind him is immediately a perfect version of the stormy wave of the palm of his hand. The mysterious force is like a volcanic eruption. A palm was shot on the boy’s punch.


A violent thunderous rush suddenly came out, and a wave of turbulent winds and waves of energy rushed to the boy, flying around the ground, falling leaves, and even the ground appeared some crack marks, and then the snake The juvenile squatted back and forth ten steps, and the last **** fell on the ground, and the blood in his mouth overflowed.

Du Shaoqi stood, his body just shook a little, and he sighed in his heart. This boy is really strong. It is much stronger than the peers of Du’s family. If you don’t understand the perfection, you will be shocked. Go ahead.

"A strong teenager."

In the blink of an eye, the three people came to the eye and the eyes of many young girls fell on Du Shaozhen’s eyes.

Some of the strongest of the Snakes of the Heavenly Kingdom are directly petrified. Although the youngsters who have just shot have not yet broken through to the congenital level, they have already said that they are the peak of the day after tomorrow, but they are waiting for the strongest beast. Basically, but from its own strength, the outside world and the general congenital environment can also be countered, but it has just been shot by a young mountain boy, which is incredible.

Even the people simply couldn’t see at what level the purple robe teenagers arrived. Only the whirlwinds were undulating, and there was no realm at all. This boy was too horrible.

"Just shot, it seems to be innate martial arts, but also has a pulsating atmosphere, is this young man already innately repaired, or is the pulsating repairer, hell, then."

There are many strong people in doubt, many people are surprised and dazed.

"A good boy, even dare to hurt people, spare you."

In the Heavenly Snake, the middle-aged man in the beginning suddenly became gloomy. He reached out and directly went to Du Shaoyan. The paw print in his hand was a distorted space, which made Du Shaoyu’s body space seem to be solidified and could not move.


Just between the electric light and the flint, a stream of light descended from the sky, with a rune flashing, like lightning, and the direct penetration of the space fell on the paw print of the middleman.


The paw prints are broken, and the streamer will directly penetrate a blood hole in the palm of this year's hand, and the blood will scream and scream in the mouth.

"I will come back to you for a barbecue, don't worry."

Du Shaoqi smiled, and the shot must be the woman who is a beautiful woman. She really doesn't care about herself. She is also stronger than the strength of these people. She grins and laughs. Du Shaozhen completely ignores the three forces around her, hanging around her waist. A few dead beasts began to climb up the mountain.


The people around me have come back to the world. The strength of the middle-aged man is very strong. I didn’t expect it to be hit hard by the air. Even the people who did not know it, the strength is terrible. It’s the back of the purple robe. There are those who are so strong, no wonder that they dare to appear in the depths of this mountain. It is no wonder that they have just been able to fly the children of the Snakes.

"There is a heaven outside, there are people outside, everyone must remember, do not publicize outside, be open-minded."

The old man of Hefa said to several uncommon teenagers and young girls behind him, and then his old eyes looked at the back of Du Shaoyu, who was climbing the mountain by hand. The doubts in his heart, this boy is obviously extraordinary, but he has to climb the mountain by hand. Is this a specialized temperament? What kind of means, the purple robe boy is also obviously the system is extremely powerful, comparable to the demon beast, or else just hit a small blow with the boy of the Snake, it is not possible to be as stable as a mountain.

"Yes, follow the elders."

A few teenagers and young girls behind the cranes nodded their heads. They did see people outside the sky. There were people outside the sky. The purple-robes teenagers who climbed the mountain were almost the same age as they were, but they were not worse than they were.