MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2967 :The pillar of Optimus is not to be tilted

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The second thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven chapters: The pillar of the sky is not to be poured [big chapter].

"I said that as long as my ancestors were born, they would be accompanied by blood and death!"

The ancestors screamed, and the blood in his hands was so terrible that it seemed to be the most fierce existence in the world, and it was even stronger than the power of the ancestors themselves!

After such a discourse is finished, the ancestor’s own body shape is not directed at Lu Shaoyou, but directly kills Du Shaoqi and others!

"Be careful!"

Lu Shaoyou sounded a reminder, but in the face of the **** light group that came from the killing, his whole expression was dignified to the extreme!

In the hands of a long knife **** waving, screaming terrible momentum, meet up!

The power that the ancestors suddenly brought out was extremely powerful and violently erupted. It was the movement that destroyed the land and destroyed the body of Lu Shaoyou!


This piece of space can no longer withstand it, completely disintegrated, turned into a void, the light of chaos flying, only a small piece still remains, that is the previous retreat of the ancestors!


Under the impact of this fierce force, Lu Shaoyou's body and the gods were affected by unimaginable shocks. The mouth could not help but spurt a blood, and the whole face was gray and a lot!

But fortunately, the **** glory of the group was also smashed by him, and it was invisible!

At this time, he first looked at the place where Du Shaoqi and others were located, and could not help but condense his eyes and horrify!

"A small acquired creature, I want to be able to kill my ancestors! Du Shaozhen, I really don't know if you are too arrogant, or because you have never seen the ancestors!"

The ancestors carried the boundless fierceness and instantly killed Du Shaoqi and others!

Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu are all unable to move in the strong gas field. The mouth can't be said. If they are cast, they are generally incapable of moving. They can't move at all. Watching the ancestors deceive Du Yu's side!

At this time, the situation of the purple robe youth is also similar to the Xiaolong five, but it is because it is in the comprehension, and the micro-closed scorpion, even if the magic ancestor is perceived, can not escape!

"This ancestors said long ago, it will always kill you! Today, it's all here!"

The devil screamed to drink, and a pair of claws returned to one place, brewing a group of black light!

In this dark light, it is like hiding the world of a purgatory. There are screams and screams, fierce and savage, **** devils, ghosts, and sights.

"Du Shaohao, go to hell!"

Only in the next moment, the group of Wuguang was shot by the ancestors, directly to Du Shaozhen collapse, printed on his chest!

In the case of Mozu, he naturally knows how great Du Shaozhen can play in Lu Shaoyou's arrangement, and if he kills it, no one in the world can really kill himself!

Therefore, there is no mercy between the devils and the ancestors, and they simply want to kill Du Shaoqi!


Lu Shaoyou immediately shouted, his eyes shocked to the point of no more!

He does not need to think at all, directly mobilize all the power in the body, and rushes toward Du Shaohao!

However, at this time, it is too late to rescue Du Shaoqi. In the time he was blocked by the Devil, it was enough for Du Shaozhen to die for a hundred times!

"The big cage, give me a crush!"

Under this circumstance, Lu Shaoyou immediately made a decision and instantly instigated the invisible power!

A bunch of invisible secrets rushed from him, through the innocent space, and instantly connected to the outside world!

At this time, in addition to the eighteen layers of hell, in the long and boundless space of the star field, a large star screamed and stunned, and the speed of operation surged!

What followed was that the huge chaotic source of the group was quickly consumed, melted at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the strength of the smashing force entered the battle, which led to even more terrifying power!

This source of chaos is the legacy of Pangu Dashen, which was acquired by Lu Shaoyou. He was established in this starry sky to build a new battle!


With the rapid outbreak of the battle, countless stars are running, and the fierce power is surging. In a short period of time, Lu Shaoyou is completely in control, and he is called for him!

Among the broken spaces, you can see a light-filled beam of light suddenly appearing, and then slammed down and went straight to the ancestors!


This beam of light is also coming abruptly, as if it emerged from the air, and instantly smashed the body of the ancestors into the void!

Then, Lu Shaoyou’s figure appeared again and came to Du Shaoxuan’s side!

But what is astounding is that the group of Wuguang played by the ancestors has entered his body. Under the eyes of Lu Shaoyou, the body of the purple robe youth will explode and turn into nothingness!

Where does he dare to scorn, and between his arms, it is a ray of light that envelopes Du Shaozhen!

Under the interference of this ray of power, the trend of Du Shaoying’s body collapse is finally controlled!

However, Lu Shaoyou still did not stop, and continued to shine through layers of light, like a layer of thin veil covered!

Soon, Du Shaozhen disappeared from the whole person, completely covered, and turned into a huge light!


"Less tour..."


At this time, Xiaolong, Emperor Batian, Donghuang Taixuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu finally got rid of the shackles of the magical ancestors and quickly rushed forward to see Lu Shaoyou's movements.

Each of them had an extremely dignified expression on their faces, watching Lu Shaoyou shine a piece of light, the face above, has been covered with beans and sweat, rolling down, anxious state is unmistakable!

However, Lu Shaoyou’s movements did not stop at all, and continued the movements in his hands, and the power in the body was quickly consumed!

As time goes by, the light outside Du Shao's body is becoming more and more huge, and the power of the majestic force enters his body through the light, in order to save his life!

And Lu Shaoyou is getting tired and tired, and has a weak state!

In this situation, let Xiaolong and Emperor Ba Tianwu are worried!

"How could this be……"

Xiaolong whispered, his forehead was jumping straight, and he couldn't believe the result!

The ancestors actually showed such powerful power, and suddenly shot Du Shaoyu, causing unimaginable damage to him!

If it is not the time for the boss to shoot, this time the purple robe youth must have died, fallen in the hands of the demon!


Lu Shaoyou finally stopped, looking at the huge light in front of him, flowing with colorful light, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He himself is in the air, a step in the air, a few want to plant down, obviously consumed too much!

Lu Shaoyou’s body in Tsing Yi was also soaked in sweat, like the fish in the water!

He wants to save the life of Shao Du, and he has done his best!


Xiaolong eagerly stepped forward, and Lu Shaoyou supported it. At the same time, he couldn’t help but look at the light that wrapped up Du Shaoyan’s eyes, and his eyes worried to the extreme!

Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu also surrounded, and all of them were extremely dignified!

The devil's shot is too sudden, and the power is extraordinary and powerful. Even Lu Shaoyou can't block it!

"Hey...Lu Shaoyou, you can't save him! The ancestors broke into his body with his own chaotic origin, even if Pangu was alive, it would be hard to let him live!"

At this time, the voice of the ancestors of the ancestors came and rang in the void.

Then I saw it again, the horrible animal-shaped body swayed into the air, and separated from Lu Shaoyou and so on, and looked at the people with hate in a hateful look!

"This ancestors have already said that you want to regret it! And Du Shaoqi, this kid is dead, can you still help me?"

The ancestors laughed wildly, and a long, claw-length paw licked his chest.

The breath on his body also showed a bit of weakness and wilting. Obviously, Lu Shaoyou’s light beam hit him, and he was not affected!

Taking the chaotic origin of Pangu Great God as the source of energy, coupled with the power of countless stars, the attacks inspired by it are hard to imagine. Even the existence of the ancestors has been greatly traumatized!

At this time, the ancestors of the ancestors, even if they are only volley, are not stable, and are no better than the state of Lu Shaoyou!

Both of them are too much loss at this time, no longer the previous strength!

"How come you..."

Lu Shaoyou's eyes flashed, although he felt weak, but still want to brew a few points of war!

He is somewhat incomprehensible. The body and the gods of the ancestors were separated and suppressed for countless years. After thorough integration, the speed of recovery should not be so fast, and it is impossible to play the just horrible means!

The existence of the chaos origin has never been sneaked into by Lu Shaoyou, which is unreasonable!

In order to deal with the ancestors, he has been preparing for many years, and he knows almost everything about the Mozu. Otherwise, it is impossible to lead the thirty-three days and the 3,000-strong world in the world. The deepest part of the eight-layer hell, annihilating the myriad of powerful people!

And at the beginning of the battle with the ancestors, things did not go beyond control, who had thought of a sudden blow of the ancestors, completely disrupted the layout of Lu Shaoyou!

He really wants to know where the magic ancestors came from!

Through what happened before, Lu Shaoyou can tell that the power is not from the ancestors themselves!

In this case, let him be so stunned!

"Lu Shaoyou, you must be very curious now! But my ancestors don't want to say more to you, if you want to fight, then let the horse come over! Otherwise, the ancestors did not have so much time to grind with you!"

The ancestors looked at Lu Shaoyou with a cold look and said something.

His strength has not yet returned to the peak state, but was interrupted by Lu Shaoyou, and still need to continue to retreat!

Gazing at the ancestors, Lu Shaoyou did not answer this time, just watching him quietly, and did not know what he was thinking.

As the ancestors said, he really wants to know the truth.

As early as when Du Shaoqi comprehended the breakthrough half-step, he entered the 18th floor of Hell to disturb the ancestors, and found some wrong things!

Originally in his plan, the strength of the ancestors should not be restored as fast and become so powerful!

But fortunately, the shot was very timely, or successfully blocked the recovery of the Devil!

It is precisely because of this that he will bring Du Shaoxuan, and now Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyi, together, gather together in this space, the purpose is to launch the final battle and completely kill Devil ancestors!

However, now, things have the worst results!

Du Shaozhen was suddenly attacked by the ancestors, life and death is unpredictable, without him, no one in this world can kill the ancestors!

This battle seems to be no longer necessary!

"Lu Shaoyou, you can't stop the recovery of your ancestors, and you can't stop the rise of my demon! This ancestor advises you to die this heart, lest you wait until the ancestors recover, let you die too ugly. !"

The long **** hair of the ancestors fluttered and said coldly.

On top of his ugly face, with endless ridicule of irony, it seems to be ridiculing Lu Shaoyou's incompetence!

After finishing this sentence, the ancestors no longer say anything more, the body shape flashes directly, rushing to the distant chaotic light!

That place, it was his previous retreat, not damaged by the collapse of the entire space, still intact!


Watching the ancestors retreat, Xiaolong looked at Lu Shaoyou and wanted to say something.

Nowadays, it is hard to push the ancestors out of the retreat and make them hit hard. If there is another strong person in the territory, it will be able to suppress it and even seal it!

But the fact is that the entire thirty-three days and three thousand worlds of the world of the road, only Lu Shaoyou!

At present, Lu Shaoyou is very expensive, and it is difficult to shoot again!

"Let him go!"

Lu Shaoyou said gently, did not go to see the dragon, but stared at the direction of the demon ancestor, looked for a long time.

"Less tour, how can this happen, what do we do next?"

Before the Emperor of Heaven, watching his own apprentice, he could not help but ask some eagerly.

The ancestors are not dead, thirty-three days and the top of the three thousand worlds, there will be a knife hanging forever, it is difficult to rest!

Du Shaozhen was attacked by the ancestors, and there was no life and death. No one knows what the end result will be. This situation is worrying. Even if it is such a presence, it feels like no idea at this time.

"Things have had huge variables, the deepest part of the 18th floor of Hell, where there are hidden secrets that are unimaginable!"

Lu Shaoyou’s eyes still did not move. He still stared at the place where the ancestors disappeared. He said: “When he just started to work with his younger brother, the power to stop me may not be his own!”

His eyes are deep, with a heavy meaning that cannot be hidden!

Others may not be able to know, but Lu Shaoyou can clearly distinguish it. The power of the ancestors can be mobilized. Otherwise, how can they have enough confidence to bring Du Shaoqi and others to come and hope for a battle? Qiankun, kill it completely?

Through the recent things, he also discovered that perhaps the strength of the ancestors recovered very quickly, and there are deeper reasons!

"The less you mean by..."

Listening to Lu Shaoyou’s words in his ears, Yang was suddenly stunned and could not help but ask.

"I can't say it right now, but everything is normal. Only the power of the ancestors has recovered too quickly, and it is also able to mobilize such powerful forces. This is unreasonable!"

Lu Shaoyou spoke up, then slowly lowered his eyes, with a bit of sorrow, and said: "Don't the layout of countless years, is it still empty in the end..."

At this moment, the whole person unconsciously brought in the inexhaustible loneliness, and it is difficult to cover up!

The layout has been for many years, and I have done too much effort, and I have cultivated a generation of people like Du Shaoqi!

Originally, today is the final harvest, and there is hope for killing the ancestors, but the sudden changes have made people suffer!

At this moment, even if he is the landlord of the three thousand worlds, Lu Shaoyou, it is difficult to calm down!


Seeing the appearance of Lu Shaoyou, Xiaolong held his palm tightly, looked at him with a gaze, and said seriously: "We have not given up, the younger son is not saying that she is dead, we still have hope. !"

In the middle of the conversation, Xiaolong’s eyes are extremely eager, staring straight at his boss, and the words are powerful!

He knows that the boss must have learned something that is unacceptable. Although he did not say anything, Xiaolong understands that the boss can be so embarrassed that things are far beyond his imagination!

But just because he didn't know the facts, Xiaolong felt that he should give encouragement to the boss and let him get back on his feet!

The ancestors did not die, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds are unsuccessful, how can they say this?


With the fall of Xiaolong's discourse, the blood of Lu Shaoyou's hands also made a tremor, as if he was talking to him!

The touch of vibration is transmitted to the palm of your hand, and Lu Shaoyou wakes up!

"Yes, I am not alive! There is hope in life, everything is not yet in the end!"

Lu Shaoyou's eyes gradually brightened, and his sense of decadence gradually cleared.

As Xiaolong said, the souls of the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds still need him to lead, the ancestors are not dead, and the world cannot be peaceful!

At this time, as the strongest of all the creatures, how can he fall down like the pillar of the sky?

"Thank you, Xiaolong!"

Lu Shaoyou looked at Xiaolong and thanked him!

Just after that moment, let him return to God, can not help but give birth to some fear.

If Xiaolong is not awake in time, even if he thinks again in the future, it will inevitably have an indelible impact on his own state of mind!

Lu Shaoyou smashed the **** knife in his hand, revealing a smile, and thanking him as well!

Later, he handed the blood to the dragon, and said: "The ancient strongmen in other places on the 18th floor of Hell are also rescued! At this time, the demon ancestor was also deeply hurt, and will not appear again! At this time, the state is not good. I took him one step ahead! After you solved the problem here, you will return to the magical battlefield as soon as possible, and then break the battle with blood and return to thirty-three days!"