MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 34 : Killing fat dragon

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Chapter 34: Killing the dragon.


The two sides of the air collided, the space of the vibrating air was a trembling, and the surrounding soil layer was directly scraped off by the fierce wind. The dust was flying and the gravel was spurred.

"First born in heaven."

The middle-aged obesity looks gloomy and sneer, and from the eyes of the young boy, he knows that this boy is only the first to enter the hierarchy. Although they are all a congenital level of the realm, but the first heavens, the mysterious, the other side, the four levels of success, each separated by a small level, are huge differences. He is first and foremost at the level of the other side, enough to easily kill a congenital first-time level of the armed forces, the gap is an insurmountable gap.

"Before the other side, the white leopard hunting demon's fat dragon."

Du Shaozhen looked at the obese middle-aged eyes, his eyes were slightly picking, and he couldn’t see too many fluctuations. In the past few days, from the hunter’s mouth of the white leopard hunting demon squad, many white leopard hunters were intermittently obtained. The news of the regiment, the first hand, will immediately know the identity of the other party.

"The kid is right, you can die with confidence!"

Feilong cold drink, the eyes are full of killing, it is hard to catch up with this kid in front of me, how can I let go, sneer, the ground of the soles of the feet, a mysterious wave, the body of obesity is surprisingly sensitive A few of them rushed to Du Shao's chest.


Above the footprints, the mysterious swells, the fierce and fierce winds seem to kick the space directly, and immediately before the Shao Shao's chest.

Du Shaozhen’s face was slightly moved, and there was no intention to avoid it. The fingerprints condensed rapidly, and a sigh of anger suddenly rushed out, making the surrounding space like the boiling water surface constantly fluctuating, and the momentum of the body suddenly became It’s as if it’s a sleepy beast, and it’s amazing.

"Amazing waves!"

A violent thunderous rush suddenly came out, Du Shaoqi and a palm print condensed, a wave of visible winds spread across the naked eye, and then quickly slammed on the kicked kick, a wave of wind and waves The waves kept hitting the foot.


The fat dragon body directly shakes open, and the meatball-like body rotates three hundred and sixty degrees in the air. When the feet rotate and bend, when the force falls on the ground, it can not help but retreat a few steps to stabilize the body.

Du Shaozhen's body is also a direct step back two steps, and his eyes are quite a little surprised, he is now a congenital level, urging the waves, not even taking advantage of it. To know that you don't have any realm, you can already rely on the turbulent waves to cope with the top disciples of the Heavenly Snakes, and there is a huge gap between the level of the first world and the first level of the first.

"Sure enough, a bit of strength, no wonder it can kill the third."

When Fei Long’s gaze looked at Du Shaoxuan again, the gloomy face, the slight eyes of the eyes also wiped out some of Xu Zhen’s eyes. He first had a natural world in the hands of the kid and did not take advantage of it. After the shock, The killing is more intense, and the slightest killing in the eyes is not disguised. He laughs and says: "Kid, even if you have a little strength, but in front of me, it is still dead, and you can die in my 'explosive boxing' It is also your honor!"

When the voice fell, the mysteriousness of the fat dragon turned out to be a hot breath, which caused the temperature in the surrounding space to rise rapidly. It seemed that the whole space was also on fire. The fingerprints were condensed and the fists were fast. Covered with a layer of flame-like cuticles, there is a flaming rune in the faint.

"Explosive boxing, go!"

When the fistprint was completely condensed, the fat dragon face reappeared, and the fistprint was like a fireball. It appeared in the front of Du Shaoqi, and screamed and screamed, and did not want to delay.

In the eyes of Feilong, it seems that he has already seen the kid in front of him become a dead body, bursting Xuanquan, and congenitally complete the level of martial arts, almost able to compare with the martial arts, this is his strongest blow. In this wild beast mountain range, many of the congenital level monsters and the same level of warriors have been broken under his explosive black boxing.

"Not weak innate martial arts."

At the time of this crisis, Du Shaoqi suddenly smiled and condensed with exactly the same handprints. With the whole body as the center, the horrible waves suddenly fluctuated, and the energy of the heavens and the earth in the square space continued to flock to it. Infused, the whole body is like a flash of light, a horrible breath, like a depressing volcano.

"Gulging the pulse, the level of pulsation."

Looking at the sudden appearance of the light and terror of Du Shaoqi, the fat dragon will always be like a tiny pupil in the eyes of the pupil suddenly squeezing, the opponent is actually a trace of the turbulent pulse. Ditching the Wumai, it can only be done at the level of the pulsation, and this is clearly the first time that the kid who has reached the level of the innate world may have the ability to move the martial arts.

Everything is too fast, and the punches and palms are instantly hit together.

"Amazing waves!"

The same turbulent wave, but it is not the same power, this time Du Shaozhen is urging the sound of the waves after the perfection, the previous urging is just a normal storm.


At this moment, with the perfection of the turbulent waves, the sudden burst of violent rumbling sounds suddenly, and a wave of turbulent winds and waves of energy rushed to the former's fiery fist.


The muffled sound formed by the mysterious impact returned to the sound of the mountain forest. As the muffled sound fell, the fat cracked sound of the rubbing fist suddenly appeared on the fat dragon fist, and the face suddenly burst into the painful color, and the blood in the mouth shot. Then the obese body was poured out.


After a full dozen meters, the fat dragon's body slammed into a huge rock, and the rock suddenly burst into a gravel.

"No, this is too strong."

The fat dragon that fell to the ground struggled to climb up quickly, and couldn’t take care of the blood in his mouth. He threw his legs and wanted to escape. He used his experience in the wild beasts to climb for so long, and the response to escape was Absolutely fast.

"Do you think you can really catch up with me, just wait for you to catch up."

At the same time, Du Shaoqi's figure jumped out like lightning, just in the moment when Feilong wants to escape, his figure flutters, his arms open like Dapeng wings, and the goshawks hunt!

At this moment, the dying fat dragon feels like a real Dapeng plunder, especially the horrible momentum, more like a real Dapeng, not only shaped, but more like.


The right arm was received one by one, just like Dapeng's wings and one blow. Finally, he shot on the fat dragon, and his body flew again for a dozen meters, and then fell on a towering tree. The big tree also collapsed and the surrounding ground crashed, and the horrible wind swept away like a storm.


In the rear mountains, the big white leopard hunting demon and the many hunters, the adventurers finally chased them up, and when they saw the scene, they couldn’t help but take a breath. Suddenly, I didn’t dare to go one step further. The fat dragons on the other side of the world had fallen to the ground, and the boy was so powerful.


Du Shaozhen appeared in front of the dying fat dragon, and fell down with a fist. He directly solved the fat dragon that was no longer able to struggle. The shot was clean and neat, and the figure that was constantly chasing around was a shocking color. The head of the White Leopard Hunting Demon, the fat dragon of the other side of the world, was so killed by the juvenile bully.

The screaming and screaming sounds of the resounding sound finally calmed down, the silence of the week was empty, all the people were stunned, and the hunters of the white leopard hunting squad who caught up, at this moment, saw the second group of fat The dragon was also slain by the boy, and he dared to go forward half a step, hiding too late.

Du Shaozhen fumbled for a while on the body of Feilong, and all the things that he could take away were taken into his arms.

"If you don't want to die, come up."

Du Shaoqi’s voice fell, and finally he looked at the onlookers around him. His eyes were chilly and his eyes were sharp and stunned.

"A horrible look, like a fierce beast."

Looking at the chilly eyes in Du Shaozhen’s eyes, many of them couldn’t help but step back. In the smashing of the fat dragon, all the people around them were in contact with them, and they were afraid of the eyes. .

Once again, I glanced around and saw Du Shaozhen turning and moving away. No one dared to stop it. The body of Feilong was the best shock. No one in the room wanted to provoke the horrible teenager.

When Du Shaozhen was in the shadow immediately, his face quickly rushed into the pale color. Although he killed the fat dragon, Du Shaoqi himself was also exhausted, especially when he tried his best to push the perfect wave of the waves, almost the gods. The absorption of the mysterious gas inside is clean, and a secluded and safe place is needed to restore strength.

“Just in good risk.”

In Du Zhongyu's heart, if the people who just couldn't shake the group of white leopards are drinking other hunters, the consequences can be serious. After exhausting the consumption, I can't have much effort to shoot again, but the body with the fat dragon is shocked.

The face appeared a little smile, killing the fat dragon, but also Du Shaozhen has long arranged the calculations in the heart, although the fat dragon has the body martial arts and the cultivation of the first-class level, but with the speed of the golden-winged Dapeng bird At this time, Du Shaozhen’s practice of practicing the golden-winged Dapeng bird is able to get the speed advantage. It’s really not that fat dragon can easily catch up.

Seeing that only fat dragon catches up, there are no other strong people around, Du Shaoqi is in the run, it is also unkind to kill the fat dragon, the results are similar to the imagination.

"Thanks to Maple Night Blind and Commander for rewarding works 10000 by wave of coins, Jiuzhong Linghuang Master rewarded works of 20,000 by wave, thanking the two rich and handsome brothers."

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