MTL - Martial Mythology-Chapter 2005 Breath rolling

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   Chapter 2005 Breath Rolling

   "Wait..." Wells was about to speak, but before he could speak, the surrounding space suddenly shook.

   The next moment, a heart-pounding aura spread out, covering all the legion commanders in the Heavenly Jealousy and Fear Realms.

   That aura was so terrifying, it was no worse than that of the extreme legion commander Blue, which made all legion commanders feel like they were facing the gods.

However, this is just the beginning. When the aura spread out, nearly three hundred auras that were comparable to it also erupted without warning. In an instant, all the auras were superimposed together, allowing the source realm space Violently vibrated.

   The few legion commanders who had just started talking didn't even have time to let out a scream, they just disappeared!

   Two Heavenly Envy Realm legion commanders and one Fear Realm legion commander just evaporated in the eyes of everyone!

   The sky team didn't even make a move, directly relying on the powerful aura to forcefully crush the three legion commanders!

The terrifying aura enveloped everyone. Wherever the breath passed, the source realm space violently oscillated and twisted. At the center of the aura, the source realm space had even collapsed, forming a huge vortex. On the other side of the vortex, was the mysterious And terrifying days outside.

   "Wait." Wells didn't say these two words until the three legion commanders evaporated.

Zhang Lu smiled and looked at Wells: "Don't worry, as I said, you have time to think about it. Those three just now gave up and made a decision in advance, so we respect their decision and give They died. But I believe you should have made a different choice, right?"

   Wells swallowed: "Yes, yes..."

   The other legion commanders were so frightened that their legs and feet went weak, and they didn't dare to say a word.

   Everyone was stunned by Team Sky!

  The terrifying aura made them feel like they were in hell. Everyone was suppressed and suffocated. Some people could hardly help kneeling down, but the pride and will in their hearts were struggling to support them.


   The sky team feels to the leaders of the Celestial Clan, just like hundreds of extreme army commanders, as if any one of them has the strength to sweep them, and everyone is an unmatched god.

   "Why...why are they so strong!"

   "God, their breath is not bad at all compared to Master Blu!"

   "Commander of the extreme army! Only the commander of the extreme army can create such pressure on us!"

   "Nearly 300 extreme army commanders!"

   "Is this a dream? If it is a dream, I hope this nightmare disappears quickly!"


   Heavenly jealousy.

   The jealous monarch, the nightmare monarch, the fearful monarch, and the resentful monarch looked at each other, with puzzlement and doubt in their eyes.

They can only see in the picture projected by the source realm, several Celestial Clan Corps Commanders instantly vanished, but from the beginning to the end, they did not see the people of the Sky Clan Team take action, as if the fall of those Celestial Clan Corps Commanders and the Sky Clan Team people have nothing to do with it.

   But they can guess with their toes that the deaths of those Celestial Clan leaders are definitely related to the people of the Sky Clan.

   "How on earth did they do it?" The jealous monarch frowned, "What is the means to hide it from our eyes?"

   It stands to reason that with the strength of the monarchs, no matter how fast the legion commander is, it is impossible to deceive them.

   can't figure it out.

The jealous monarch had no choice but to ask Wells through voice transmission: "What happened? How did the three of them die? Why are you so afraid?" How did the space vibrate so violently? What happened to that vortex?"

   Several monarchs were full of doubts.

   "Smell, breath... breath." Wells' voice was shaking, "It's their breath!"

   Hearing this, Tian was jealous of the monarch: "What do you mean?"

   Wells' terrified voice resounded in the mind of the monarch Tianyu: "The Commander of the Extreme Army! They are all the Commanders of the Extreme Army!"

   He was very panicked, and his speech was a little incoherent. Under the shadow of fear, he couldn't even think normally.

   Hearing Wells' voice, the eyes of the jealous monarch shrank, a little unbelievable.

   "What did he say?" The Nightmare Monarch couldn't help asking when they saw the jealousy on the Monarch's expression.

   "He said that the people in the sky team are all the commanders of the extreme realm army." The jealous monarch glanced at Bruce with a complicated look before he said slowly.

   Hearing this, the Nightmare Monarch and the others were all shocked.

   "Impossible!" The fearful monarch said subconsciously.

  The Nightmare Monarch and the Resentful Monarch also frowned. They didn't believe it when Blue said this before, but now Wells said it too.

  The jealous monarch took a deep breath and sent a voice transmission to Wells again: "Are you sure they are all commanders of the extreme army?"

At this time, Wells's mood calmed down a little, and when he was awake, his voice still couldn't stop shaking: "Go back, go back to the monarch, they, their breath, are not under Lord Bruce, any one, all, They are much stronger than me." Wells is already a top legion commander, and his breath is much stronger than him. There is only one explanation, the other party is the commander of the extreme state legion.

   However, everyone's breath is much stronger than Wells, which is a bit outrageous.

  Tian jealous monarch's expression became solemn: "Everyone is?"

   "Yes, everyone is!" Wells was decisive, without any hesitation, "Just now our three team members were directly crushed by their breath! From beginning to end, they never really shot..."

  My God, you can directly crush the three army commanders with just your breath!

   Several monarchs couldn't help taking a breath.

   If they are on the move, they can naturally do this easily, but their body is the supreme monarch!

And if they don't move their main body, they can be sure that they can't use their breath to overwhelm a legion commander with their incarnation alone. After all, every legion commander is a top-level Hunmeng Lord, and his strength is close to the limit of Hunmeng Lord. .

   From this, it can be imagined how terrifying the breath of the people in the sky team is. Although it may not be comparable to the monarch, it is definitely far better than the army commander, and can even crush the army commander.

   This is definitely not something that a group of ordinary army commanders can do!

   Only the commander of the extreme army, and an astonishing number of the commander of the extreme army, can do it!

   At this moment, the jealous monarch realized his mistake, and what he thought was impossible was the truth of reality.

   At the same time, the faces of the Nightmare Monarch, the Fear Monarch, and the Resentful Monarch also changed.

  Bru did not speak from the beginning to the end, and it has been proved that he did not lie.

   If several monarchs still choose to punish him, then he can only admit it.

"I don't believe it!" The fearful monarch still feels that this is too exaggerated. It is not bad that the sky team can cultivate 30 ordinary army commanders. How can it be possible to cultivate 300 army commanders, and they are also extreme army commanders. This is simply subversive Everyone's perception, "I will ask myself!"

The voice of    fell, and the fearful monarch closed his eyes.


   The body of the monarch of fear quickly mobilized the power of consciousness. With the authority of the monarch, he broke the barrier between the source realm and the fear realm, and established a conscious connection with one of the fear realm army leaders in the Wells team.

   "Monarch!" The fearful army commander immediately realized something, and his panic was much calmer.

  The fearful monarch asked indifferently: "What happened to the source realm, tell me immediately."

  The commander of the Dread Realm did not dare to hesitate, and immediately told the Dread Lord in detail the whole story.

   After a while.

  Tian jealousy realm fear monarch incarnation slowly opened his eyes.

  The Nightmare Lord and the Resentful Lord looked at him nervously.

"Bru and Wells didn't lie." The fearful monarch gave Bruce a complicated look, and then said to the nightmare monarch and the resentful monarch: "Although it is unbelievable, but... the people of the sky team are indeed extreme. Legion Commander! At least, most of them are the Commander of the Extreme Realm Legion!"

   Several monarchs were completely silent.

   After a long time, the lord of jealousy sighed: "There is no hope, just give up."

   "No, Blue failed, but not Lox." The Nightmare Monarch said solemnly: "As long as we notify Lox in advance and keep them away from the Heavenly Jealousy Channel, we can still recover half of the loss."

   What they have lost now is the consciousness dzi in the northern area of ​​the source realm, but the consciousness dzi in the southern area of ​​the source realm is still in Rox's hands.

   Hearing this, a glimmer of hope appeared in the eyes of several monarchs.

   That’s right, there is still hope for Rox!

   No matter how strong the Cangqiong team is, can they still block all the passages?