MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 36

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In the ruins of the collapsed wall, a strong arm suddenly pierced through the broken stone. In the next second, Sol directly lifted the broken stone buried on his body and stood up. Although he was hit hard several times, he This time is also fully restored.

Flicking his long blond hair and throwing the debris away, Sol twisted his neck and looked at Bart, who was not chasing after the victory.

"You are a worthy opponent, Bart, let's keep fighting."

The loud voice reached Bart's ears.

This kind of respect is not only because of Bart's strength, but also because of Bart's character. It obviously means that he didn't take advantage of the victory just now, but waited for Sol to recover.

Bart nodded, and stretched out his hand to signal the continuation of the battle.

Sol grinned, the divine power in his body boiled like molten lava, his expression immediately became serious, his eyes burst with lightning, and he, who had the power of thunder, directly affected the sky.

I saw the dark clouds gathering in the sky, and the terrible rolling thunder flickered out of thin air in the thick clouds.

Bart looked up, his eyes moved slightly.


A thick bolt of lightning slashed down from the thick clouds, but unexpectedly, it didn't slash at Bart, but summoned Thor who was thundering. Sol didn't struggle to resist, and let the thunderbolt strike.

Bathed in the electric light, powerful thunder shuttled into the body.

At the same time, Thor's turbulent and violent momentum was soaring and climbing at a terrifying speed.

The surrounding area is surrounded by endless electric light, intertwined calls, and the leaked violent lightning has scorched the surrounding ground with electricity, and the air has already begun to distort and blur


Bathed in thunder, the crimson cloak and golden hair stood upright behind him, and the surrounding gravel was affected and floated uncontrollably.

Just like Sol's title, at this moment, he is the real Thor.

The face under Bart's mask also became serious.

Although this battle is just for him to vent, it does not mean that he will underestimate his opponent. As a golden saint of Taurus, he has his own pride in his heart. He can be trained by the Pope in the sanctuary to be beaten into a dead dog , but on the outside, he is a saint, representing Athena.

He absolutely does not allow himself to be defeated by another opponent in front of Athena.

boom! !

Bart, who became serious, instantly ignited the small universe, and a golden halo appeared on the surface of the golden armor of the holy clothes, which ignited like a flame.

The monstrous breath raged in all directions like mountains and seas. The ground under his feet shook wildly, and strands of air currents blew away. The ground could not bear this level of coercion and cracked.

The two surging auras collided and intertwined with each other, splitting the world in front of them into two halves, one half shone with emerald green and golden light, and the other was raging like lightning in daytime.

The aura of collision and raging permeated the entire duel arena, and weighed heavily on everyone's hearts. Even if the people of Asgard were super strong, most of them could not bear such a violent momentum. Their hearts seemed to be pinched. It's about to burst anytime.

Kyle and Odin on the viewing platform noticed this. Kyle's slender eyebrows moved slightly. When he was about to make a move, he sensed something and gave up...

Sure enough, Odin was sitting on the throne with Gungnir, the spear of eternity, tapping the ground lightly.


The crisp voice resounded in everyone's ears, and they saw lightning-like air currents blowing over everyone in the auditorium of the duel field. With the blessing of Odin's power, the Asgardians who were uncomfortable and straightforward suddenly relaxed. up.

Although I also intuitively and personally felt the horror of those two auras, but my body was no longer affected by it.

"This is the power of Odin? That's right." Kyle's beautiful eyes had a golden halo looming, and he was thoughtful.

The power of Odin is the divine power inherited from the Odinson family.

From the gestation of "Odmbra", this divine power has different names in different people. In the era of Bohr, it was called the power of Bohr. In the era of Odin, it was called the power of Odin. As the son of Odin, if Thor inherited it, he would be called the power of Thor.

The power of Odin is different from that of Bohr. He can be so strong that he can even rival the single universe at the level of the father of heaven, and he can even fight against the gods at the peak.

Even the one that was hammered was strong enough.

This is also related to Odin's experience. Odin's father, Boer, has three sons, namely Odin, Willy and Fei, who belong to the three brothers." As members of the Odinson family, all three have supernatural powers.

The three brothers were once ordered to steal the eternal flame of the flame giant Surtur, but they were discovered by Surtur during the retreat. Before dying, pass all the power of the two to Odin.

In the end, Odin defeated Surtur and captured the Eternal Flame.

In other words, the power of Odin is combined with the power of Willy, the power of Fei, and the three-in-one power, which doubles the power of Odin. Therefore, Odin is called the strongest in the history of Asgard. big god.

The power of Odin is omnipotent, including energy emission, modifying reality, creating or resurrecting life, decomposing or repairing objects, improving physical fitness, traveling through timelines, opening dimensional channels, applying spells and blessings, reading thoughts, and remote brainwave communication , create force fields or shields, telekinesis, and more.

It is the supreme power at the cosmic level in the true sense.

It's just that Odin's power is too strong, and Odin's body that gradually weakens with age can no longer bear the increasing divine power, so the 5.0 week-long Odin's sleep state is needed.

It can be said that although Odin seems to be unable to shoot casually now, if Odin really wants to explode Odin's power desperately, the combat power will be unimaginable.

This is why Thanos, the tyrant, knows that the space gem is on the earth, but he just came to the earth in person. Apart from Gu Yi who owns the time gem, there is also Odin.

Thanos has been waiting, waiting for the fall of the ancient one and Odin before implementing his own plan.

After all, Thanos would not be stupid enough to tease an old Odin at will. He didn't want to be eaten alive by an angry Odin.

As the inheritor of Athena's godhead, Kyle's vision has reached an unimaginable level. Almost instantly, the moment Odin uses the power of Odin, she has completely understood the power of Odin, but the power of Odin Some properties are the same as her divine power, but in real comparison, it is naturally not comparable to the divine power of a creation god.

So she didn't care too much.

I just lament the power of the Odinson family's inherited divine power.

It's no wonder that Thor's future timeline can reach the strength of the rune Thor.

(A monthly ticket for flowers, 3,500 words per chapter, see if you can get ten chapters today, if ten chapters, it will be 35,000 words, the code will be in the early morning, roll it up!).

Chapter 73 Conquering the Taurus of Asgard (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

When Kyle understood the power of Odin, Odin didn't know it.

He was still looking at the situation below the viewing platform with a serious face. No one knew what he was thinking. Only Frigga, who was Odin's wife, saw through her husband's thoughts and shook his head helplessly.

But Frigga did not interfere with her husband's actions.

Not only Odin knew about his physical condition, but Frigga was also very clear about her husband's plan. Everything was for Asgard and for Sol to grow up as soon as possible.

She could only look at her son with a trace of distress.

I hope Thor won't be hit badly later.

However, with Sol's personality, there is a high probability that he will only be more excited, and even strive to become stronger.

The duel field was constantly vibrating with the collision of two monstrous and violent auras, which stimulated the excitement of the people of Asgard even more.

As the people of Asgard with a big heart, many parents still hold their children who are only a few years old or even just born to observe and emulate, which is called nurturing, bathing and fighting.

"Come on, Sol, defeat Bart and protect the glory of Asgard."

A strong and burly Asgardian civilian roared while holding his four or five-year-old son high.

Around, the Asgardians who firmly supported Thor also roared to cheer for Thor.

And not far away, a group of Asgardians who had just been conquered by Bart's domineering fighting style shouted loudly not to be outdone.

"Bart, defeat Sol, let those idiots see how powerful the Saints are."

"Bart, the strongest fighter."

The two voices intertwined, and the sound wave became louder and louder.

The same two auras became more and more terrifying. Gradually, when they climbed to the limit, Thor held Thor's Hammer in both hands, held it high in the sky, and swung it down fiercely in the next second.

boom! !

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned into daylight, and the terrifying howling thunderbolts poured down like a torrential rain. The entire duel field directly became an ocean of thunder, and the boundless duel field filled with thunder raged. The dense thunder began to distort.

This horrible scene is as terrifying as the doomsday.

Such a raging terrifying force caused waves of roaring roars like a tsunami.

Thor's staunch supporters believe that this is Thor, the invincible demeanor that Thor of Asgard should have. Such Thor is invincible and can defeat any enemy, even as strong as the golden bull and gold saint Bart.

Even the gods of the Asa protoss on the spectator stand and Loki, who wanted to see Thor get beaten violently, were surprised by Sol's strength.

Especially Loki, he didn't expect Thor to be so powerful now. If it was him who attacked such a terrible attack, he probably wouldn't even run away.

"What the hell, this reckless man who only knows how to fight has grown to this point?"

"It seems that I need to change my plan for Saul in the future."

Loki's eyes flickered coldly.

Compared with the gods of Asgard, the Saints are calm and put their hands on their chests, or put their hands behind their backs. Sol's move is indeed powerful, and it can even be compared to some of their tactics. , but it is a pity that everyone knows that such an attack has no effect on Bart.

Elvis, in particular, shook his head and said bluntly: "Now even my Thunder Plasma Bart is familiar, let alone such an attack, Sol will suffer a lot."

Thunder Plasma can also be called Plasma Light Speed ​​Fist, which is one of the strongest tactics of his Leo constellation. In essence, it completely releases the power of Light Speed ​​Fist. The area is similar to Sol's move.

Although he can't punch the speed of light punch, he can also punch a weakened version of the plasma speed of sound punch through the speed of sound punch.

The power of both sides is hard to say. The destructive power of Thor's move Thunderbolt is not inferior to his tactics, but it is a pity that it is far inferior in speed and density.

He and Bart often fight. Bart is so familiar with this move that he can't be familiar with it. How could it work?

The other saints obviously understand this

point, they agreed.

Hearing Elvis' words, the hearts of the gods on the viewing platform were shocked.

Sure enough, just as Elvis said, Bart stood on the dueling field, feeling the terrifying power of the thunder that filled the sky, not only had no intention of being afraid, but shook his head slightly.


A thick bolt of lightning struck from the left, pointing directly at Bart. The latter did not turn his head but took a step back. The thick lightning flashed across the golden holy cloth, and a huge deep hole was formed on the ground in the distance. .

Twisting his neck slightly, Bart's legs were slightly bent, one forward and one backward in a rushing posture, with his hands crossed in front of his chest, and his head with a helmet stood behind his hands, following his crossed hands, revealing his domineering Ling Ran stared at Sol, who was bathed in thunder ahead, and said softly.

"Sol, I am called the golden bison by my partners, which means that I am as crazy and brave as a bison. For example, the gold saints of the golden bulls of all ages, when the Taurus steps on the ground, the power that bursts out will be feared by even the gods ah."

In the end, the sound shook the sky like a big drum being struck.

Accompanied by a roar.


The burning small universe erupted violently, and the raging green energy raged violently. The ground under his feet could not bear a large depression, and the gravel under his feet was suspended uncontrollably, and then was pulverized by the terrible energy.

As soon as the endless thunderstorms around him approached, they were directly annihilated by the energy of his berserk breath.

The heavy pressure made the air heavy like a mountain, and even Sol could smell the danger, his pupils flickering with lightning vibrated slightly.

"This is~~~"

In a daze, he seemed to hear a roar like a bison. Bart was enveloped by a huge and majestic Taurus phantom. Bart's right hand in his crossed hands just clenched his fist, and with a unparalleled small universe, he shot out in the direction of Sol. punch.


The horrible Taurus lowered its head, and the horn of the terrifying Taurus aimed at Sol, which wanted to pierce the sky, and shot away at a terrifying speed.

At a speed of one turn, a long ditch was plowed by Yu Bogeng along the way, and all the raging thunder and lightning were crushed along the way, and the aura that almost destroyed everything was horrifying.

Even if he was as brave as Sol, he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart.

But then this trace of fear was crushed by Sol. Sol, who has a combative personality, yearns for such a battle the most. This kind of **** battle will not make him afraid of the opponents he faces. will make him more excited.

Sol also roared angrily, and the divine power in his body was urged to the extreme.

Like a tumbling tide, he stomped his right leg fiercely, advancing instead of retreating, waving Thor's Hammer in his hand and smashing it towards the huge giant horn without any fear.

The moment the huge horn collided with the hammer, time and space stopped for a moment.

But then, disaster was born.

A blinding white light shone, turning the sky and the earth into day.


The terrifying torrent of energy rolled and raged in all directions, and a huge shock wave instantly covered the entire duel arena. All Asgardian spectators on the duel arena were startled by the sudden catastrophic power. To fly directly.

The parents with their children immediately held their children in their arms and blocked the terrifying wind with their bodies. Even with the blessing of Odin's power, they can ignore the raging shock waves, but it doesn't mean they won't be blown by the wind. fly.

Those without children kept their hands in front of them, completely ignoring the wildly dancing hair, and firmly grasped the stone seat they were sitting on to stabilize their figures.

The duel field kept shaking as if caught in an eight-magnitude earthquake. Fortunately, with the blessing of Asgard's power, the duel field was not overturned and destroyed. Otherwise, ordinary duel fields would not be able to withstand such a force collision.

The catastrophic force collision lasted for a long, long time.

The gods on the viewing platform stood up involuntarily, staring at the battlefield below with piercing eyes, ignoring the shock wave that stings the skin.