MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 118

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Hearing the word, Magneto laughed angrily.

When Emma and the others were dissected, why didn't human beings tolerate them?

Why didn't they show tolerance when they sent mutants to the test bench?

The ones who have been doing evil things are obviously human beings, so why ask them to be tolerant of mutants?

Magneto, who was furious, didn't care about the disparity in strength at this moment. He directly controlled the surrounding metal, turned into a torrent of metal and blasted towards Beichen, who seemed to be emitting holy light.

Facing the torrent of metal that was comparable to a missile, Bei Chen had a faint smile on his face and said in a soft tone: "I say, all metal should be reduced to ashes!"

As soon as Beichen finished speaking, the flying metal instantly turned into black ashes and fell to the ground.

Faced with this extremely horrifying scene, not only Magneto was frightened, but also the people around him.

"What level of mutant is this? Why is it so brave?"

At this moment, all the politicians present were full of fear of the savior in front of them, and the youth no longer felt grateful for being saved.

no way! This is derived from biological instinct, and it is also one of the manifestations of selfishness of capitalists and politicians.

Both capitalists and politicians hate that kind of existence that is not under their control, especially when that existence is still particularly powerful.

"Die to me!"

Seeing that my attack didn't work, Magneto didn't stop. I continued to order the remaining sentinel robots to rush towards Beichen.

"I say! All sentry robots should be used by me!"

The sentinel robot, which was originally controlled by Magneto, rebelled instantly, stopped quietly, and then turned to look at Magneto coldly.

Magneto, who does not give up, tries to control these sentinel robots to act compulsively through the steel bars in the sentinel robots.

But unfortunately, Magneto found that no matter how hard he tried, the steel bars inside were no longer under his control.

"Now can we have a proper talk?"

Beichen did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but asked gently.

Regarding the fact that Magneto just wanted to kill him, Bei Chen was not angry, let alone took it to heart.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If he was replaced by Magneto, if someone dared to persuade him to be tolerant, he would definitely have thrown away the ashes of the other party...

But there is no way, the West is following this set.

With the lessons learned from the Avengers Universe Foundation, Beichen felt that it was necessary for him to appear bright and majestic.

It is best to learn from senior villains like Aizen Monomono.

On the surface, he looks like a very gentle man with a smile on his face, but in fact he is a ruthless man who will use any means to achieve his goals.

The necessary camouflage is the most basic requirement for creating a character.

He also did this for the Foundation, so as not to recruit such a great organization as the Foundation because of his personal behavior.

Le Ziren's personality cannot be changed, so he can only work on the character design.

Mystique, pretending to be President Richard, looked at Bei Chen with strange eyes.

Such a gentle man...

And it's powerful.

Mystique has some longing in her heart.

Mystique knows that she admires the strong, and is even fanatical in pursuing the strong, but she doesn't think this is a shortcoming. After all, Mu Qiang is a human being by nature. President Richard, who is hiding at the back of the crowd, confidently squeezes in from behind. She came out, with a politician's standard smile on her face, and thanked Mystique: "This mutant lady, thank you for your help, but now, you don't need to take risks.

Because the savior has come! When the adults come, there will be peace! The adults are here, the mutants are nothing to worry about! "

After President Richard finished speaking, he thanked Beichen, "Fortunately, you came in time. President Richard bowed slightly to Beichen.

Sensing the surprised gazes of the politicians behind him, President Richard introduced confidently: "3.7 Everyone, let me introduce to you, the gentleman in front of me."

"He is the guardian of mankind, the current president of the foundation, who takes care of all abnormal people, the smasher of alien invaders, the supporter of the beautiful country, the person who protects reality, the supreme leader of mankind, who is more **** than God There is Beichen!"

Bei Chen, who was a little embarrassed by being blown up, looked at President Richard in a daze. what!

Is this playing tricks on yourself?

Bei Chen looked at President Richard speechlessly.

Listening to this series of high-ranking titles, all politicians suddenly realized.

I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm blown away!

Even the professor who was crushed under the metal frame looked at Bei Chen who was hugged and respected by everyone in surprise.

Is this still the **** I know leading a group of women and enjoying the corrupt life of capital everywhere?

Chapter 148: Go to the future!

"Magneto, you have done enough. You have proved the fragility of the Sentinel robot in front of the world, and made Congress realize that the Sentinel robot can't solve the mutants at all. You can stop!"

Beichen said to Magneto through telepathy.

Of course, Magneto was not willing to stop so simply. Just when he was about to fight, Beichen said directly: "I say! Magneto should let go of his hatred, turn around and leave, and start a new life."

Magneto, who was about to fight, listened, turned around blankly, and then controlled a piece of metal to fly away from the stadium.

At this moment, a politician stood up and objected: "Wait a minute! We can't let this terrorist go so easily!"

The coldness in Beichen's eyes flashed past. If it wasn't for maintaining his gentle image in front of the global audience, this stupid guy would have been reduced to ashes when he just stood up.

"Anyone who dares to fight for his own race is a hero. Besides, your government has really not done much in personnel affairs in recent years. I think you should forgive him. Are you right 22?"

After Bei Chen finished speaking, his psychic ability was activated, and everyone present nodded in unison, and then condemned the politician who just spoke up.

Faced with such a result, Bei Chen was quite satisfied.

But Professor X, who was being pressed by the metal frame, had an expression of seeing a ghost at the moment.

"This guy can actually control the mind, and it's so powerful!"

The professor looked at Bei Chen in disbelief. He had always thought that Bei Chen had the same diamond shape as the White Queen and could only block telepathy.

The professor who clearly knew how perverted the mind control ability was, looked at Bei Chen with some trepidation, and he also had an extra layer of defense against Bei Chen in his heart.

"This guy uses mind control ability so recklessly, isn't it too contrary to free will and morality? After returning, we must let Hank develop a mind combination device. People's freedom of mind must not be violated!"

Professor X thought firmly in his heart.

Of course Beichen knew what the professor was thinking, but the Beichen people didn't care what Professor X was thinking.

Pedant and kind, a strong man imprisoned by his own morality.

This is Beichen's evaluation of the professor.

As long as Professor Fan's moral bottom line is a little more flexible, he can completely control all high-level human beings and make them obey him.

But Professor X didn't. Instead, he continued to fight for the interests of mutants through the method that black people gained rights back then.

But what Professor X doesn't know is.

The reason why the beautiful country abolished the slave treaty was not because of the conscience of those white elites, but because the new capital needed an excuse to deal with the old manor owners, so there was the so-called black slave liberation war.

After Magneto left, the dust settled.

Beichen was also keenly aware of that spatial fluctuation. A new timeline was born in this universe, or a new parallel universe was born.

"Very good! The next thing to do is to reverse the future of the future."

Beichen's heart was full of joy.

"If there is nothing wrong here, I will leave first."

Bei Chen said to the president next to him.

After hearing this, President Richard bowed his head and nodded respectfully, saying that he would send Bei Chen off respectfully. When Bei Chen left, he also took Rui Wen who was not far away by the way.

After arriving at X Academy, Ruiwen, who was not at all nervous, said in surprise: "X Academy? I haven't been to this place for a long time, I really miss it..."

Ruiwen looked at the scenery of the college, her eyes were full of nostalgia, after all, she grew up here since she was a child.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me at all?"

Bei Chen looked at the Mystique in front of him with interest and asked.

Mystique gave Bei Chen a white look, then picked up the red wine on the table and poured a glass.

"What's the use of being afraid? You are so strong, if you really want to attack me, can I still resist?"

"Would you like to have a drink too? Charles' collection of red wine is a treasure."

After hearing this, Bei Chen smiled unknowingly, and then took the goblet handed over by the other party.

After taking a sip for a long time, Beichen issued an invitation: "Are you interested in working for a greater organization?"

Ruiwen asked curiously: "A greater organization? What foundation are you talking about?

"The Special Containment Procedures Foundation, a huge organization dedicated to containment, control, and protection of anomalies."

Beichen explained.

"Contain, control, and protect all abnormalities? Then...

Can you tell me, what is your attitude towards mutants? Containment? Or control? or protection? "

Ruiwen asked **** for tat.

Bei Chen put down the goblet in his hand, and explained seriously: "For mutants who are not dangerous, we take a protective attitude. For mutants who are dangerous, we will control them and forcibly contain them."

Rui Wen nodded in satisfaction, he was very satisfied with Bei Chen's answer.

So he replied with a smile: "Sounds good, at least your organization has no prejudice against mutants, so... I joined!"

"Then welcome, Ms. Riven."

Bei Chen nodded with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Beichen invited again: "Are you interested in coming with me to save the world?"

"So fast?"

Rui Wen looked at Bei Chen suspiciously.

Are you a devil?

I just agreed to work for you, and you are so eager to squeeze me?

"You don't naively think that the future timeline won't exist after Wolverine changed the past, do you?" Bei Chen asked meaningfully.

"What do you mean? Are we mutants or will we be slaughtered by Sentinel robots?

430 Rui Wen looked at Bei Chen in fear and asked.

"No! At least your current future won't, let me tell you that."

After Beichen finished speaking, he waved his right hand lightly, and a timeline like a galaxy appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is the previous timeline, at this point in this timeline, humanity will be slaughtered by Sentinel robots in the future.

After Wolverine returned to the past from the future, no matter whether he changed the future or not, your timeline is no longer the original one. "

After Beichen finished speaking, he waved his right hand again, and the elements of a timeline slowly spread to Yuanfen.

"This branch line from the original timeline is your current timeline, but at that point on the original timeline, massacres still took place there."

"Do you understand now?"

Bei Chen looked at each other with a smile.

Mystique couldn't understand.

He probably also understood a little bit, Wolverine did not change their original future, but changed their future.


Rui Wen looked up at Bei Chen.

"So we're going to save the future now!"

Beichen smiled and stretched out his right hand.

At this moment, Ruiwen felt as if she saw an angel stretching out an angel's hand to herself.