MTL - Marvel: I Am the Man of Steel!-Chapter 512

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After a random glance, there was no information available, so Lin Feng turned his head and left.

The tenth and eleventh floors are all one tune.

Only on the twelfth floor, something caught Lin Feng's attention.

The cultivation warehouse here is different from the first two floors, it looks more complicated.

And above the training chamber, there is an electronic screen.

Lin Feng took a look, there were hundreds of training chambers in total, and 90% of them were displayed with red failure words.

Clearly, these were failed cultures.

However, there are also some that show the words of success.

Lin Feng casually observed the few cultivation warehouses that showed success.

Looking from the window, there are experimental subjects with all kinds of cables plugged into their bodies, there are men and women, but the uniform is that they are not wearing clothes.

There are obvious traces of mutation on these experimental bodies.

The most serious one seems to have a scale-like thing growing on its body.

But there are also two, which look no different from ordinary humans.

Lin Feng stopped in front of one of the training chambers, thinking that these two should be the most successful individuals in the experiment.

The closer the image is to an ordinary person before the mutation, the more successful the experiment is, this is a rule.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to observe the experimental subjects in the training chamber, his eyes were placed on the shelf beside him.

On the shelf next to the cultivation chamber, there were several bottles of potions of different colors.

There are some labels on it.

Tranquilizers, adrenaline, and some weird names, Lin Feng had never seen before.

Optimized Serum No. 106?

Lin Feng focused his attention on several bottles of black test tube medicine.

Inside the test tube, the serum named No. 106 was filled with a strange black liquid.

Lin Feng stroked his chin and thought for a while, then picked up two and put them into the space.

This should be the potion for mutation researched by the Life Gene Association.

Lin Feng didn't have any other ideas about this stuff, he just thought it was a research result anyway, so he prepared two bottles for himself, what if it could be used in other places?

After putting away the serum, Lin Feng lightly touched the screen of the incubator in front of him, and pages of virtual data popped up on the screen.

It is the various data of this experimental body, including all the data from before the experiment to the present.

Lin Feng looked at the lines of information.

Well, this serum seems to be able to enhance various data of the living body.

Strength, stamina, but also speed and recovery.

But the serum does not seem to be perfect, these abilities are enhanced, but the lifespan and IQ are greatly reduced.

The success rate is low, and there are such side effects?

Lin Feng shook his head. From this point of view, even super soldier serum can't compare.

From the current point of view, the scientific and technological strength of the planet set by the first series of bosses should be lower than that of the current Marvel Universe.

However, serum No. 106 seems to be good for plumping bears?

Lin Feng looked at the comparison of the photos before and after the experiment, and then looked at Hongwei in the training warehouse, and was amazed.

Compared with before the experiment, the changes produced by this successful subject are not insignificant.

In Lin Feng's mind, this is no longer a leap from A to D, it is a qualitative change in the source of life!

Unable to hold back, I took another look...

"Have you seen enough?"

While Lin Feng was observing the source of life in detail, a sour voice came from beside him.

Lin Feng:? ? ?

Turning her head, she found Ofelie pouted with jealousy.

"No, what's your expression?"

This girl, I'm afraid she's lost her nerve again, she's not Susan, what kind of jealousy is she?

Ofelie pouted, unwilling to explain.

"Okay, let's go to the reference room to have a look! Don't we still have to do the task!"

As Ophelia said, Lin Feng couldn't help but walk out.

It's just that there was still some blush on his cheeks, which was caught by Lin Feng.

"Strange..." Lin Feng clicked his tongue.

Looking back at the source of life sealed in the training cabin again, Lin Feng lifted his foot and left with some reluctance.

If there is no side effect of lowering intelligence, I am afraid that this thing can make a lot of money if it gets Blue Star~~

After bidding farewell to the magnificent and successful experimental body, the two arrived at the fifteenth floor all the way.

Of course, there were also some scientific researchers, but under Lin Feng's control, they all regarded the two as air, and didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Compared with the base layer above, the area of ​​these fifteen floors is even smaller, about the size of a room of three or four hundred square meters, and it is circular.

In the center of the room, there is a cylindrical mechanical device, which is a place similar to a console.

"Okay, let's start the mission!"

Lin Feng shook his head, removed the pair of Hongwei from his head, then walked to the console, took out a USB flash drive and found an interface to insert it in.

This is a mission-specific prop. As long as you have access to the technology of this world, you can copy it yourself and give the progress of the mission.

On the console, a reading bar soon appeared.

This blatant operation, but no one stepped forward to stop it.

The researchers who passed by, when they looked at Lin Feng, even smiled friendly.

Tsk tsk, this brainwashing effect makes Ophelia more and more excited.

She silently gave this skill a name, just call me a friend!

Lin Feng didn't know that Ophelia started to wander around the world again.

While copying the materials, Lin Feng was not idle either, he started to look up various materials through the computer in front of him.

Soon, and very smoothly, he found a clue to the main mission.

The current meteorite is indeed not where it first fell.

Meteorites were transported to the headquarters of the Gene Society of Life decades ago.

On a large island in the ocean tens of thousands of kilometers away.

At the same time, some basic information and pictures of meteorites are also displayed.

An eerie oval, smooth-surfaced meteorite.

Compared to meteorites, this shape is more like a man-made object.

Chapter 639 If you agreed to lie down and win, just lie down for half an hour?

In the background information, there is no record of how to destroy the meteorite.

There is also very little information on the meteorite. Apart from a few pictures, there is not even a detailed information.

It's not that life genes didn't find anything.

At least a hundred years have passed since the meteorite appeared. Of course, some detailed research information is available, but the authority of this research institute should not be enough, so Lin Feng can't inquire more information.

Lin Feng also discovered that these research institutes are also graded. The one he found belongs to a medium-sized research institute, which is C-level.

In the database, the only useful serum is No. 106.

Just like what I thought, it can enhance the physique of a living body to a certain extent, but it has extremely strong side effects.

Serum No. 106 can be used on mutants to restore sanity to those mutants who have lost their sanity.

It's just that, whether it's strengthening or the effect on mutants, the success rate is pitifully low.

In the past few decades, there are a total of 106 versions of the serum, but the success rate has only increased from 1% to 10%

Moreover, if it is not successful, it may cause the mutants to go berserk or die.

After learning the information, Lin Feng began to look at the distribution map of the major forces on the doomsday wasteland.

In line with the side missions, the power to control an aggregate or organization of more than 10,000 people is not too much.

Most of them, only about a thousand people.

After reading the information, the U disk has also copied the data.

"Current copy progress, 10%"

The progress bar on the task list has increased by 10%, which means that Lin Feng has obtained 10% of the technology currently in use.

After getting 50%, the side mission can be completed, but the more you get, the more points you will get when you submit it at the end.

After unplugging the USB flash drive, Lin Feng was about to leave.

He remembered seeing a few fighter planes on the first floor, and he could take them to find the headquarters of the Life Gene Association 10,000 kilometers away.

As for Ophelia...

"Ophelia, side mission 1 will be handed over to you."

Side mission 1 is the one with the highest points among the side missions, that is, the place where 10,000 people gather.

This mastery is not a simple matter of getting everyone to recognize the leader.

It is necessary to really bring the gathering places to make substantive changes.

Ofelie followed Lin Feng's footsteps and took the elevator.

Hearing him say that, he was taken aback immediately.

"What's the meaning?"

Ophelia, didn't understand.

"It literally means, go and build a gathering place of 10,000 people."

"I just looked at the gathering place for thousands of people that meets the requirements. The easiest one should be the Zhaka gathering place 3,200 kilometers away from here."

"There are a total of 10,000 people showing up, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"What do you mean? I'll go by myself, you won't go?" Ophelia asked again.

Lin Feng looked at her.

"I'm going to find the headquarters of the Life Gene Association, and try to destroy the meteorite. We will fight on two fronts, and we will speed up the progress of the mission."

Lin Feng's meaning was obvious.

Split up, little sister!

After hearing this, Ofelie panicked.

What the hell, want her to build a gathering place of tens of thousands of people by herself?

"This...isn't appropriate." Ofelie said timidly.

What's going on here, why does the thigh have to go alone in the second pass?

What about hugging your thighs all the way?

What about winning by lying down all the way?

"You can't keep relying on outsiders, Ophelia."

"I just thought about it carefully. If I have always given you points, even if you stay on the leaderboard, you probably won't be able to enter the non-staff group." Lin Feng pondered.