MTL - Marvel: I Am the Man of Steel!-Chapter 514

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"However, the monitoring system did not report any abnormalities about him!"

"I think Shanhai must have some means of blocking inspections."

The old man nodded sympathetically.

"It seems to be..."

This level is not difficult for Shanhai. Shanhai is obviously open, but the system just doesn't report it.

If the system does not report, it is up to them to judge whether to be eliminated.

But the old man, in his heart, had already drawn Shanhai, that is, Lin Feng, into his camp, and of course he didn't want to see the seedlings under his hands eliminated.

"As for the report from Lawrence of the Seventh Force, suppress it."

"I don't even think about my grade, and weed out the person I fancy?"

A fierce look flashed in the old man's eyes.

On the light curtain in front of him, there is a voting button, whether to eliminate the Shanhai contestant.

The old man clicks No directly with his real name.

The moment the old man's name appeared, everyone knew it.

Immediately, at 1:6, Lin Feng's miraculous operation was regarded as unnoticed by the bosses...

Chapter 641 Successfully Entering the Headquarters of the Life Gene Association

Lin Feng had no idea that the first sequence almost eliminated him just now.

With the blessing of twice the speed of sound, he quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Life Gene Association on a skateboard.

I don't know if this life gene has any attachment to the underground, even the headquarters is established underground.

However, the space in the headquarters is much larger than the one Lin Feng found before.

Near the island, there are power grid defense lines and patrol personnel.

Before Lin Feng approached the island, he was discovered, but Lin Feng didn't carry any weapons or threats, so he didn't stop him in advance.

They just dispatched a fully armed team to guard the place where Lin Feng planned to land on the island.

This elite team has a total of 20 people, and the weakest ones are all mutants above the third level.

They have undergone at least two rounds of serum evolution, and while maintaining their sanity, they have obtained a huge improvement in ability.

This team did not undertake patrol missions originally, but Lin Feng's speed was unbelievable. They received a temporary notice and came to check the situation.

"Get ready, the target is expected to arrive in 1 minute."

In the squad, the captain ordered.

He is a fourth-level mutant, tending to evolve in the direction of strength. The arms exposed outside the combat vest, the muscles like sculptures are full of strength.

"Captain, the target should be at least a level 6 mutant."

Next to the captain, a team member holding an electronic device said.

"The speed shows that it is close to the cruise of Mach 2. He can withstand this speed, at least he must be a sixth-level mutant."

"Moreover, it should be about defense or physical strengthening."

"It's just that I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend..."

Mutation enhancement is also divided into spirit and physique.

For example, some high-ranking researchers in the research institute have almost all experienced brain or mental mutations, and their brains are abnormally easy to use.

The team leader stared at the sea, without turning his head.

"It should be above level six, as for whether it is an enemy or a friend..."

"There are not too many serums in the scattered gathering places, and they don't have such favorable conditions for mutation and evolution as we do."

"As far as I know, their highest combat strength is only level five, which is obviously above level six. If they really belong to them, they probably wouldn't come here rashly."

"So, it should be our own people..."

There are seven levels of variants in the life gene society (I won’t go into details on the levels, it’s a transient world.)

The seventh-level mutant is no longer a powerful existence that can win by numbers.

This is also the backbone of the Gene Society of Life.


On the distant sea, a figure riding on the waves can already be clearly seen.

"Although it is unlikely to be an enemy, be vigilant and prevent accidents!"


Accompanied by the team leader's order, there was a crisp metal impact sound, the gun was loaded and the safety was released.

Lin Feng on the sea had seen a group of people a long time ago.

However, he was not panicked.

Rapidly approaching the coast, Lin Feng slowed down in advance.

Finally, one turned over and jumped onto the island.

The sea propeller made of wings and engines, after leaving Lin Feng, suddenly crackled into a pile, ending its mission.

"Stop, please prove your identity!"

Lin Feng encountered this team just after he landed on the island.

The team's guns did not raise, but their muzzles were vaguely pointed at Lin Feng.

As long as Lin Feng made any changes, he might be attacked instantly.

Lin Feng took two steps forward unhurriedly, a red light flashed in his eyes.

The eyes of the entire team were blurred for a second.

Then he saw the phantom constructed by Lin Feng.

In the illusion, Lin Feng threw a card over.

It's proof of identity!

The team leader took it and threw it to the player next to him who had just spoken.

The team member took the card and swiped it at the machine in his hand.

Di, a sixth-level mutant evolutionary body, code-named Shanhai.

There are only a few words of information, and the rest of the information is displayed as confidential.

However, it also proved Lin Feng's own identity.

The captain let go of most of his vigilance.

It's really a level six variant.

Throwing the card back to Lin Feng, the team leader saluted respectfully.

"Master Shanhai, welcome home..."

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture, and the whole team disarmed.

Lin Feng nodded calmly and put away his abilities.

"Take me to the headquarters!"


Hearing Lin Feng's order, the team leader drove the off-road vehicle directly to the headquarters without any hesitation.

As for the identity certificate just now, it is the information entered in the previous Institute of Life Gene Society.

After getting a general understanding of the internal hierarchical structure of the Life Gene Association, Lin Feng directly used his ability to register his identity in their background system.

Fake identities have enough authority without being too high-profile.

You see, this team didn't doubt the authenticity of Lin Feng's identity at all.

However, that research institute could not issue a corresponding identity certificate, and Lin Feng couldn't be too deliberate in performing a wave of creation out of thin air.

Otherwise, just swipe the card on the fighter plane, and you can drive the fighter plane in directly.

Lin Feng has been groping for what kind of outrageous action will trigger the elimination.

There is almost a conclusion now.

Physical abilities can be used, but creation and space abilities cannot be used.

Lin Feng rubbed his chin. When he wanted to create an identity information card out of thin air, his scalp began to tighten. It should be an alarm that would trigger elimination.

But physical strength...

He should be the strongest person on this planet, those above should just turn a blind eye.

To sum up, Lin Feng's current physical strength does not exceed the strongest on this planet.

But if it uses the ability or technology that is not available on the planet like creation, it should trigger the alarm of elimination.

Figured it out, and the car arrived at its destination.

The headquarters is built underground, and there are many entrances above the ground.

Lin Feng followed the team leader towards an entrance.

While walking, Lin Feng looked around unobtrusively.

The defense force of the headquarters seems to be very complete, and heavily armed squads can be seen everywhere.

"Is Walter at headquarters now?"

Lin Feng asked in a deep voice.

Walter is a researcher at the sixth level of spiritual evolution, and he is also the one with the highest spiritual evolution among these researchers.

He has been working in the Life Genome Association since the year when the meteorite fell.

After the mutation, his life span has far exceeded that of normal humans, and he is now a veteran of the Life Gene Association.

Without him, the contribution is too great. He is the person in charge of meteorite research, and even serum No. 106 was obtained under his step-by-step optimization.

Chapter 642 The core character, the end of the mission

Walter has the most profound research on meteorites, and Lin Feng needs to know some information from him.

Hearing Lin Feng's question, the team leader frowned subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, this person actually called Mr. Walter by his name.

Both belong to the sixth level, but the authority and status of researchers are higher than those of combatants. It is disrespectful in his eyes to call them so.

But he didn't dare to say anything more, and he didn't dare to show it, after all, Lin Feng was two levels higher than him.

Immediately, respectfully answer.

"Master Walter returned to the headquarters yesterday afternoon, and he is probably studying that thing at the meteorite field."

Lin Feng hummed when he got the information, with a cold expression on his face.

The squad leader is no stranger to this, in this last days, strength means everything.

And the hierarchy of the Life Gene Association is even more terrifying. As long as Lin Feng, a sixth-level existence, suspects that there is something wrong with him, he can be eliminated on the spot without any evidence...

Soon, Lin Feng entered the gate of the institute.

It is worth mentioning that when we walked to the entrance, there was a small episode.

The entrance of the headquarters needs to swipe an ID card to enter.

But what Lin Feng used just now was an ability, not a real card.

At the door, two cameras monitored Lin Feng's every move.

Lin Feng glanced at the camera from the corner of his eye, and began to **** around himself calmly.