MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 40 : Artistic Battle, Last Man

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Chapter forty: art-like battle, the last person

As long as the strong, no matter where they are, they will be respected.

Zoe can say that he knows more about Lite. In fact, he thinks that he might not be Lite's opponent if he fights in the front.

All he chose to raid behind.

But in the end he failed, without any reason to refute.

It was Lit that he watched being promoted to the fifth-level agent, and eventually he was in the hands of this junior.

"You are really strong, and future achievements are unimaginable." Zoe said, this sentence is sincere.

In his eyes, Li Te is growing too fast.

He couldn't even accept it.

"Mr. Zoe laughed." Lit smiled and said nothing.

"Rayleigh Joe, you have to be careful with this person."

Zoe looked at Lit, said a name at the moment, and let Lit be careful.

And Li Zengtou, he did not ask too much.

Zoe was so serious that it seemed that this group of people, called Rayleigh, was his goal.

Perhaps this person has special abilities.

Later, Lit left the place directly.

In less than ten minutes, Lit solved two Level 7 agents.

His performance has always been in the eyes of Coulson and Hill.

"Eagle Eye is right, he is a very powerful person." Coulson watched Lite's performance with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Coulson was delighted to see Leet's performance for the first time.

Hill did not speak, but nodded.

Just when she looked at the screen again, her look changed: "What is he going to do?"

Coulson was also attracted by his words, watching the screen right now.

At this time, Li Te was extremely fast.

When others are hiding in secret, Li Te is indeed the most active.

As an agent, mainly assassination.

But Lit seemed to do the opposite.

This can explain two problems. The first is that Li Te is still young, very reckless, and does not care about consequences.

Another point is that Li Te has absolute confidence in his strength.

Coulson's eyes gradually became hot after observing the whole situation.

Is it ...

Here Lit's goal is all the agents on the training ground?

Impossible, in this complicated environment, this is a very difficult thing.

Coulson and Hill looked at each other and put the angle on Lit's body.

I want to see what this Liter wants to do.

On the training ground, Li Te, he felt fully open and fully incorporated the surrounding environment.

He searched for a few minutes before, but the training ground was large and it was difficult to find the next goal.

Not to mention finding out Rayleigh.

All Lit decided to target himself and attract everyone.

In this way, one net hit!

All he had to do was to tip all the agents present.

And his approach really worked.

With his body completely exposed, almost at the next instant, someone shot him.

Although the enemy was cautious, it still couldn't escape Lit's perception.

In this way, Lite shot, sharp and fast.

Next, Coleson and Hill saw a scene that shocked them both.

In ten minutes, a total of five special team Leet shots.

Among them, two agents joined forces.

But also within these ten minutes, Li Te's strength was fully demonstrated.

As long as he is an agent who attacks him, he can solve the battle in one minute.

Don't give anyone else time to fight.

These are all elite agents of SHIELD.

At this time, in the eyes of Coleson, Leet was extremely perfect in terms of speed, strength, reaction, shot timing and closing action, without giving any breathing time.

The process of his fight is like an art.

Agents were eliminated by him one by one, and some people did not know how they failed.

It was simply horror.

"Is this guy, still a human?" Coleson couldn't help but sigh.

Even Hill was shocked. They had worked in SHIELD for a long time and had never seen such an excellent person.

Even the Hawkeye and Black Widow of the year were not as clean as Lit.

This is almost a perfect agent.

"Half an hour, there are already three people on the field."

Hill looked at the time shown on the screen and was a little bit speechy.

Originally in their plan, this selection was afraid that it would take a day.

Who knows, it's only half an hour and it's already the final.

"Now, there's one last Rayleigh left." As soon as Hill had finished speaking, Coulson's voice sounded.

There are ten yellow dots on the screen and two green dots.

There are only two remaining delegates.

Lit, and Rayleigh.

"This is a strong matchup. I don't know how Lite will deal with Rayleigh." Hill sighed.

In less than an hour, the selection was almost over.

Knowing this already, they still need to waste so much effort. Why build this training ground?

Although Li Te's performance is eye-catching, the final result has not yet come out.

Both Hill and Coulson are watching.

At this moment, Leet was marching in an abandoned house, where it was extremely dark and there was no light.

He has solved ten people, leaving only the last one.

It was that Rayleigh.

And among the ten people he solved, although two of them had some special abilities, none of them were what he wanted.

So he didn't choose to download.

"I hope this last Riel can surprise me."

Liter murmured, but strangely, he never met the man named Rayleigh.


At this moment, a voice suddenly remembered, making Lite's eyes change.

In front of this door, he saw a shadow, passing by.

But he did not pursue immediately, but just stood still.

The opponent's speed is very fast. Without the spider's induction, it is difficult to capture the opponent's trail.


And at this moment, a violent body influence.

This time, Lit saw it clearly. It was a clearly visible figure.

Without hesitation, he pursued directly.


But after he chased a distance of more than ten meters, he immediately restrained his figure.

Behind him, a man held both guns, his breath was calm.

Two people?

Lite was startled. .