MTL - Marvel: I, Created the Masked Foundation X-Chapter 18

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"What the **** did you do yesterday!"

As soon as she entered the door, she held the folder in her hand and said loudly.


The voice echoed in the empty hall.

But no one answered.

"Jarvis, where is Tony?"

Pepper Potts raised his hand, covered his head, and couldn't help sighing

If you didn't guess wrong!

This guy, who should have gone to the hotel yesterday with his arms around the beauty!


This Jarvis, actually did not respond to her.

This surprised her a little!

To know!

As the electronic butler in Tony's mansion, Jarvis should be online 24 hours a day.

but now!

It actually didn't answer its own question.

Could it be, what happened?

At this moment, there was a sudden sound from below the mansion.

Pepper picked up a baseball bat next to it!

Just go down.

After walking to the underground laboratory.

Only then did she realize that it was Tony who made that sound!

Seeing the assassin, he seemed to be tinkering with something!

It is surrounded by circuit boards and wires.

It looks messy.


Pepper put down the baseball bat in his hand and immediately opened the door of the laboratory.

"Everyone on the board is looking for you!"

"You're nesting here!"

She raised her hands and couldn't help complaining.



"I have countless plans in my head right now!"

"do not bother me!"

Tony raised his bloodshot eyes and said excitedly.

"Oh my God!"

"You won't stay up all night, will you!"

Little Pepper said with some distress.

Tony nodded.

To know!

He hasn't closed his eyes since he came back last night.

In order to save Jarvis from the unblocked state.

He spent a lot of thought.

Although it didn't work out in the end!

But it was finally able to reactivate Jarvis.

Part of its functionality is activated!

Being able to do this has already shown that Tony's IQ is terrifying.

"I really don't know what to say to you!"

Pepper brewed a cup of coffee and handed it to Tony.

"But now, you should talk to the board of directors first!"

"They're going crazy now!"

Little Pepper advised.

"Alright alright!"

"But only ten minutes!"

"I still have a lot of work to do!"

"Jarvis, help me turn on the phone projection!"

Tony took a sip of the coffee in his hand, raised his hand and said.

But after waiting for a long time, Jarvis didn't respond.

after all!

It hasn't been lifted by Izzy's blockade yet!

It's still Little Pepper, who helped him manually turn on the switch for the projection conference!

I saw the surrounding lights quickly dimmed.

Next up!

3D projection shows out °

The scenery around Tony changed.

Instantly transformed into a conference room.


"What the **** happened yesterday!"

"Why do so many internal information in our company leak out!"

"You have a conflict with the president of Feidian Intelligence!"

"Tony, you are responsible for this!"

"Yes, I see that you are not suitable to be the president of Stark Industries at all!

The conference projection has just started.

The board members in each seat immediately exploded.

To know!

In just one morning.

They lost hundreds of millions of properties.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Everyone, calm down, calm down!"

Yet at this moment.

At the very front of the conference table, a bald man stood up.

He raised his hands to stop the noise of the crowd.

Stop the noise of the crowd.

Hearing him speak, the members of the surrounding board of directors reluctantly stopped the noise

This guy is the veteran of Stark Industries, Obadiah!

His words still have some weight.

"Tony, I've been helping you turn things around just now!"

"But to be honest, the current situation is very unfavorable for us!"

Obadiah touched his bald head, his tone a little low.



"do not worry!"

But right now!

Tony raised his hand, a conceited smile on his face.

"Ten days!"

"Give me ten days!"

He glanced at the people on the board of directors and boasted.

"After ten days, I will come up with a product that is even more heavyweight than Humagia!

Tony said confidently.

all the time!

Many of the company's products were developed by Tony himself.

So people are still very convinced of his design.

Since he has already boasted.

It's not good for people to force anything.

"Okay, Tony!"

"We'll give you another ten days!"

"Don't let us down!"

"Yes, after ten days, if you can't come up with a product comparable to Humagia

Many board members have temporarily postponed the shutdown.

One by one, they left the group chat.

"Take it easy, Tony!"

But don't blame us for being ruthless! "

"In these ten days, I will help you deal with the board of directors!"

Obadiah said with a smile.

Afterwards, he also withdrew from the conference projection.

"see it!"

"It's easy to deal with them!"

Tony turned his head and smiled lightly at Little Pepper next to him.