MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 145 "offer" from Mr. Owlett

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  Chapter 145 comes from Mr. Owlett's "offer"

   Mutant Ability Evaluation Room, Ground Floor, New York City Howlett Academy of Excellence.

   "Principal Fox, is there something wrong with Qin's situation?"

  Ms. Grey looked at the frightened headmaster of the New York Mutant Academy, Ms. "Silver Fox" Keira Fox, and didn't understand the special significance of a so-called ability test.

   Howlett Academy temporarily divides the mutant powers of mutants into four categories:

  Flesh, energy, rules, and the rarest and most inexplicable belong to the mysterious side.

  Since the 1940s, the Howlett family has begun to study the mutation principle and ability characteristics of mutants.

  James Howlett led Dr. Abraham Erskine, Arnim Zola and others to establish a five-level mutant potential energy level system, four categories of ability categories, and seven levels of destructive power.

   Today, the United States and countries around the world continue to use this system for evaluating mutant abilities and supernatural powers.

  In the Extraordinary Academy, there are more than 20 detailed divisions extended through the four major categories, and with the continuous emergence of strange new mutant abilities, these categories continue to expand.

  In the college's admission assessment, the individual's potential level will be measured according to the age of awakening, ability category, strength, and form of expression. At the same time, a set of scientific algorithms will be used to summarize the final results.

   Mutants with physical physical abilities are the most. The subdivisions include pure physical mutations such as beasts, body enhancements, transformations, etc., and do not involve energy release. The upper limit of the general rating is low.

  The number of energy types is next, including pure high-energy rays and various elemental energies, sound waves, potential energy, etc., which are specifically graded according to the individual's awakening intensity and power manifestation.

  The ability of the regular type is very few, and the level is often the highest, but it must be finally defined according to the level that the individual can achieve.

For example, the four major forces of the universe, chaos, reality, time, space, etc. The essence of this kind of power is beyond the level of Alpha, but human power itself is exhausted, so the Omega-level mutants who really leave nothing above the fifth level have never appeared.

  As for the mutant abilities on the mysterious side, except for psychic power, most of them are still in the vague area of ​​speculation and difficult to define, which is the main field and direction of current mutant power research.

   "Silver Fox" Keira looked at the whole-body vibrating gold-cast emergy detection dashboard, the algorithm level instantly reached the full alpha level, and continued to shine with ice-blue light, completely panicking.

   "You can understand it this way, Qin is like some kind of genius among geniuses. Her situation will directly enter the top "Super British Academy" in the United States, specifically"

Keira observed that the little girl Jean Gray in the testing room had calmed down. After taking the Grey family back to the office and contacting her teacher, Mrs. Howlett, she immediately drove to Howlett Super Evolution in the suburbs of New York State. elite academy.

  The little girl who was less than seven years old just took the energy value test and reached the peak of the potential of the alpha mutants. This is the most terrifying talent that has been encountered in the mutant group since there are real records.


  James watched Zhang Ka flying towards Emma's daughter with both arms, and couldn't help but secretly smacked his tongue at the speed at which she changed her face.

  Just now on the plane, she was talking to a mother, and after trying the last struggle all the way and finally failing, the little wolf girl immediately accepted the reality.


  Laura threw herself on her mother's body in large characters, and rubbed her small fleshy face affectionately against Emma's ear temples.

   "Mommy, the Lun family misses you very much"

   "Really? Through your little head, how can I see that you are begging Dad not to send you all the way?"

The white queen Emma is wearing a red slim dress, her golden hair is scattered behind her, she is as beautiful as ever, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and her blue eyes are looking at the little wolf who looks very much like James. female.

  Except for Laura's natural, organic diamond bones that don't require special changes, none of her own appearance is inherited from her.

   "Hey hey, how could it be, this."

  Laura's face was flushed, she looked down at the two little hands clasped together, chatted for a while, then suddenly raised her head to stare at her mother's triumphant smile.

   "Mommy, you are bluffing! You said that my head can block telepathy!"

  Emma couldn't help laughing out loud, clear and sweet, she kissed Kurt who teleported into her arms, and said softly to James who was walking:

   "Professor Charles will be here in a while, and my student Silver Fox Keira, she said that she found a little alpha girl who seems to have telekinetics, and she is bringing their family here."

  James embraced Emma's slender waist, kissed the red lips lightly, but Laura, who was sandwiched between the two, chirped excitedly:

   "Alpha! What ability? Is it powerful? Is it better than Sharon!"

  The little wolf girl is like a cat struggling to break free from her embrace, waiting for a good opponent to release her boundless energy. Kurt on the side asked in a childish voice, wagging his tail:

   "Grandpa, why is Uncle Charles here? Will he also be a teacher here?"

  James pinched Kurt's small pointed ears, noncommittal:

   "It's a bit different from a teacher. I don't know if your Uncle Charles will accept a job offer from a 'policeman'."

   It only takes more than half an hour to drive from Xavier's ancestral home in West Chester to Howlett Premier Academy.

  Charles Xavier originally planned to accompany his wife Mora to Hawaii for vacation yesterday. After all, her daily work in the SHIELD intelligence department is very busy, and it is rare to have a long vacation.

  But Mr. Howlett suddenly invited and arranged to meet in the most mysterious new college, which made him guess whether he had the opportunity to regain his teaching job.

  In recent years, Professor Charles has focused on academic research and published many books on genetics and mutations. But to be honest, he still has a longing for the job of professor.

   However, his wife Mora vaguely guessed that this had something to do with the adjustment of a certain organization.

  Entering from the gate of the college with the H-shaped emblem cast, and walking through the buildings covering an area of ​​several hectares, but with few people, Charles always felt that his old house was also very suitable for transformation into a college.

  Although the scale is not as grand as here, and the design layout is more avant-garde and unique, the traditional castle-style mansion is quite similar to the architectural style of Oxford and Cambridge.

  On the square with pools and fountains outside the main building, the little wolf girl Laura was wearing her father's black sunglasses, leaning on a bench and basking in the sun.

  She crossed her legs and raised her head, ignoring the nephew who was flickering around, and she was even less interested in the boring conversation between her parents upstairs.

  Laura is going to wait here for the little girl who sounds amazing.

   "Uncle Charles!"

  Kote hung himself on the branch of the big banyan tree with his tail, and hung himself upside down to swing.

  Seeing a man in a maroon casual suit with a bare head approaching from not far away, he happily exploded into a cloud of blue smoke, which teleported to Charles' shoulder.

   "Hahahaha. It's sinking a lot, Kurt, come down quickly, hiss. Your palms are like suction cups."

  The little blue devil stepped on Charles' shoulders with both feet, and his small hands with three blue fingers each grasped the top of his clean skull.

  Kote's hands and feet can be attached to the surface of objects at will, and has a certain ability to hide in the shadows. Compared with "Blue Devil", "Nightcrawler" is more suitable for his title.

   "Hee hee, it looks better with a clean shaved head, Uncle Charles."

Kurt touched Charles's bald head again, and teleported to Laura's side. Ever since he could remember, his uncle always wore a brown flat hat, stubbornly kept the few strands of hair, and now he finally stopped struggling up.

   "Yo, Charles."

  Laura folded her arms and raised her chin, stretched out her right hand in a very old-fashioned way and shook Charles, saying hello.

  The seniority of Little Wolf Girl is here.

Professor Xavier couldn't help but look at Laura, whose hair was tied into a big ball. The oversized black sunglasses slid down her chubby little face, pretending to be deep and cool like a western cowboy. nod.

   "Mom and Dad are waiting for you in the principal's office."

  The little wolf girl still crossed her arms, hugged her shoulders, and tilted her head to gesture to Charles. The latter looked at the way his nephew Kurt was covering his mouth and giggling, and couldn't help asking:

"how about you?"

   "I'm waiting for someone who might become my 'enemy for life'."

  The big sunglasses slipped off. Seeing the seriousness and seriousness between Laura's brows, Charles finally couldn't help laughing out loud. He waved his hands and walked towards the main building, stroking his stomach from time to time, trembling all over.

   Tuk Tuk Tuk.

   "Professor Charles, please come in."

  James sat in the circular principal's office and waved his hands casually. Looking at Charles' new look, he nodded appreciatively.

   "I haven't had a teaching job in a long time, and you don't have to call the professor Mrs. Thank you."

  Charles leaned over to take the tea handed by Emma, ​​thanked him politely, and said that his career as a professor at New York University was not long.

  After the three of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, James directly stated the reason for inviting Charles to come.

   "'Department of Supernatural Forces Order Regulation and Crime Strikes', you have heard of it."

   Charles Xavier nodded hesitantly, this is some kind of "police" department run by former colleagues "Magneto" Eric Lanshere, Steve Rogers and Mr. Barnes.

  Specially responding to the arrest and combat of mutants and other supernatural power crimes in the United States.

   There are even other countries from time to time requesting help from the United States to deal with the emergence of more powerful evil mutants in their own countries. The outside world simply refers to this institution as "The Whip of Order".

   "Eric's retreat at the Magnetic Pole is getting longer and longer. With the accumulation of arrests of criminals with extraordinary power and related problems, Bucky will go to the super prison "Wolf Tower" to guard in the future."

  As he spoke, James took out the cigar box in his arms and fiddled with it.

".Relying on Steve to play the leading role alone is a bit lacking. Moreover, the supernatural crimes that may appear in the current society are still dominated by mutants. Facing all kinds of strange abilities, a very powerful mutant is needed. Take control of the situation."

   "You want me to join the 'Whip of Order'?"

  Professor Charles never imagined that the "offer" Mr. Howlett gave him turned out to be an armed violence organization.

  On the surface, no matter whether it is the Mutant Academy in at least every state in the United States, and the branch of the most populous city, or the only violent institution with extraordinary power, "The Whip of Order",

   Even the "Wolf Tower" super prison, which will be put into official operation soon, is one of the agencies under the White House, and all finances are borne by the federal government.

  However, these important tasks involving management, institutional operations and personnel arrangements that restrain extraordinary forces are all handed over to the Howlett Group in a similar "outsourcing" model.

  With the exception of SHIELD’s “Department of Mutant Mutation Daily Affairs” and Peggy Rogers and Raven’s “Extraordinary Force Monitoring Intelligence Service”, the American government has very limited control over the field of supernatural forces.

   "Not just joining, from the very beginning of the establishment of this department, the most perfect person in charge in my mind is you, do you know why?"

Charles looked at Mr. Howlett's handsome face, which was unreal under the smog. When they first met more than ten years ago, they seemed to be the same age. Now he is approaching forty years old, but this Mr. is still like that.

  He drank the lipstick tea again, glanced at Emma, ​​who had the same appearance on the other side, but her temperament became more and more mysterious, and finally shook his head.

"I thought I was the most unsuitable person for this kind of work, sir. As the saying goes, 'kindness does not command soldiers', I am not as ruthless and decisive as Eric, and the facts have proved that I am not good at handling conflicts. .”

   "But you love 'human beings'."

Charles stared intently at the bright head reflected in the tea, and then saw Mr. Howlett staring at him with piercing eyes. This mutant leader who is sometimes as domineering as a beast king, but also wise and profound, smiled and continued. road:

"I share the same values ​​with Eric, Emma, ​​and even all the people in the family, that is, to think about our own people. If it weren't for such a world that is conducive to the life of mutants, it is also beneficial to us, maybe I would not have planned for a hundred years at all. And thus change the world.”

"But you are different, Charles, 'no real empathy', this sentence is not true for you, your power allows you to truly immerse yourself in the deepest emotions of someone's spirit from time to time, so you always hesitate Hesitating, trying to take care of mutants while trying to protect humans."

  Emma looked at her husband's eloquent talk. Only after seeing this man's crazy side, would she be deeply shocked by his wise man's rationality and insight. On the contrary, her daughter Laura's character is more like a little beast.

".As I said, mutants and humans are mutual, but power breeds ambition and unruliness. As the number of mutants increases, the number of cases of mutants doing evil will also increase. Therefore, a person who truly has compassion for ordinary people Only human beings can punish evil-doing Transcendents without racial inclinations."

  James extinguished the cigar, straightened the skirt of the suit casually, and finally said:

   "Steve is the kind of guy who is good at catching bad guys, and so are you, Charles."

   "Don't rush to answer, Professor Charles, you can go back and discuss with Mora. Doing something for mutants and ordinary people should be your long-cherished wish. Stay for dinner tonight. You haven't seen Kurt for a long time."

  Emma looked at the silent professor, and quickly brought the topic back to common sense, intending to let Charles settle down for a while before making a decision.

  She knew that her husband didn't want to see mutants become some kind of privileged class in the future, treating ordinary people as worthless and objects of oppression.

  People who have seen what he is doing now think that it is his ultimate pursuit to make mutants, a sensitive and extremely special minority group, walk on the road in an open and aboveboard manner.

   But Emma understands that these are still only part of what James expects.

  Grey's family has never been in a "jeep" with such superior performance.

  In addition to the completely different streamline arc from the current lower-box model, the slight beeping sound from the engine of this off-road vehicle is unusually silky and pleasant.

Qin's mother, Elaine, is a car lover. She has always driven the car at home. On the contrary, her husband John didn't have much chance. How far can you run.

   "This is a school car. I don't have the ability to respond to nerves at theoretical speed, so I can't drive too fast."

  After approaching the college and slowing down the speed, the headmaster of the "Silver Fox" spoke vaguely and did not say clearly that the specific performance of this off-road vehicle with very specific engine and energy is far beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

   After scanning a card with the logo of the Howlett Group on the sensor at the door, the car slowly drove into the mutant academy with the highest standard in the world.

  Qin leaned curiously by the car window, looking at a strange little boy with blue skin and tail in the fountain square, who was staring at herself just like a little girl wearing sunglasses.

   "Auntie, could it be her!"

  Kote whispered close to Laura, the two little guys looked at each other, and turned into a cloud of blue smoke with a puff.

  Qin's line of sight was only covered by a thick tree trunk for a moment, and when she looked again, the two children who were about the same age as her just now had disappeared.

   "Sir, it's an honor to see you again, and Professor Charles."

  Silver Fox Keira bowed slightly to James under Emma's introduction. This was the second time she met Mr. Howlett.

  As a student of the White Queen and one of the first batch of teachers of the Mutant Academy, I had the opportunity to meet this mysterious mutant leader a few years ago.

"I didn't expect Mr. and Professor Charles to be here today. That child's energy intensity is not only at the alpha level of this age group, but even judged by the final level of the first level of evolution. I can only say that the existing measurement standards are right. She doesn't even try."

  James sat firmly on the high-back chair with a calm expression, which gave Kayla a great sense of security.

  She once touched the body of Jean Gray, and used her own telepathy to detect the spirit of this little girl a little bit. She only felt the majesty and majesty from her teacher, the White Queen.

   Danqin is more violent and even crazy.

  Compared to Emma and Charles, the two strongest mutants in the field of spiritual power, Silver Fox Keira can only cast telepathy and hints through physical contact, which is very similar to the mutant matryoshka under the Black Emperor.

"I once left an Omega level on top of Alpha. Not many people know about it. For example, the essence of psychic power is the same as electromagnetic force, which has reached the Omega level, but it doesn't mean that having this type of power can It's an Omega mutant."

  Ms. Silver Fox heard James talk about this secret, and she has a deep understanding of it.

  It’s like my spiritual power has only reached the beta level. If I am lucky enough to take the evolution system created by Mr. Howlett to the second level in the future and achieve a second mutation, I may be able to get rid of the restriction that only physical contact can affect the other party.

  “. After communicating with the parents of the child, it is enough to enter the academy normally. It is still the same rule, and the level of potential is not allowed.”

  James is not in a hurry to meet this little girl. What is more important than talent is temperament. The former can vaguely see how wide the "road" is from a certain angle, and the latter determines the distance that can be practiced under the feet.

  While Qin Gray was waiting outside the principal's room with some trepidation in her heart, there was a muffled sound suddenly beside her. She looked around, but saw nothing.


  Laura, who was holding Kurt's body and hanging from the ceiling, turned over and fell, and landed in front of Qin. Goosebumps immediately appeared on the little girl's body, and she almost couldn't restrain the surging power in her mind from time to time.

   "Hey, I heard you are very good?"

  Qin twisted the floral skirt hesitantly. Now she is only worried about whether the school will refuse to accept her. Since kindergarten, Qin has always been the teacher's most troublesome child.

   "What, what is powerful?"

She couldn't understand the meaning of this little girl with her cute ball head in question, looking up at the smooth ceiling, the little boy with blue skin and long tail was walking barefoot on it as if walking on the ground, without warning It turned into a cloud of blue smoke and dust, flashed to his side and sat down.

   "Excellent. You know how to fight! Have you ever fought?"

   Kurt was talking seriously on the side, and his little tail poked Qin's arm mischievously.

  Children always like weird things when socializing. Seeing the two of them tilting their heads and looking at themselves very seriously, Qin, who has never really fought with other children, faltered and lied.

   "I have fought! I, I have fought with boys in the third grade!"

  Little wolf girl looked suspiciously at Kurt, a third grader. Does that mean the third stage of killing technique! At this stage, you must be qualified to become a "Winter Wolf" fighter, and it's so scary at such a young age.

In the room, Emma was communicating with the Grey couple about Jean Grey's enrollment status. James pushed the door out, and saw his daughter patting the shoulder of the little girl in front of him. Hair as red as fire.

   "From today onwards, you are the enemy of my life, Laura Howlett!"

  (end of this chapter)